Best Digital Marketing Courses Online

I am John Crestani and I am a online
course junkie. And I've also mademillions of dollars on the Internet. And
in this video, I'm going to go over what thebest online marketing courses are that
are free, the cheaper options and thehigher-end options. And I'm going to show
you on my computer here where you canfind those courses so you can get to it,
start your internet business and becomea millionaire as well. Let's get it. Okay,
so the best online marketing courses. Idon't know if you've seen this in your
Facebook feed but there are everybodyselling a freaking online course.
Everybody wants you to pay tons of moneyand watch a long webinar. Read long sales
page. And they say they have the bestthing since sliced bread and they want
to sell marketing courses, right? Well,I've gone through hundreds of marketing
courses at this point. I actually youknow? I'm a big believer in education and
in going through trainings because Imyself didn't know anything about this
industry at one time. –Internet marketing.And they don't teach this in school as
the fact and the reality. So, in thisvideo, I'm going to kind of go over what my
criteria are for selecting marketingcourses that I go through. I'm constantly
going through marketing courses. And I'mgoing to give you options that are free,
that are cheap and what I believe arethe most effective options that you can
go for. So, first off, I want to start withmy criteria. Now, I have 3 criteria
for judging marketing courses. The firstone is cost. Can you afford it, okay? Is it
in your budget?Don't buy courses that are not in your
budget. The second is the teacher. Do youresonate with the teacher? Do they have
what you want, okay? If the teacherdoesn't have what you want, it's probably
not a good choice, okay? If your goal isto be driving a Bentley or a fancy car
and your instructor is driving a ToyotaCamry, that's probably
not a good sign. You probably want tofind a different teacher. And the third
thing is what are the reviews of thecourse that you're going over, okay? What
are people saying about it? What areother students saying about the training
course that you're looking to go through?If there aren't good reviews, then it's
probably not a good fit, okay? So, thoseare the three criteria I'm using to
judge what is going on this list. So,let's start off with free courses. So,
there's some really good free courseoptions here. Come over to here to my
computer. Now, the first training courseoption is free and it's from Google. It's
Google Academy for ads. If you want tolearn how to advertise on Google or
YouTube, Google has a free trainingcourse teaching you how to learn about
advertising on Google. Fast and easytraining from Google so you can get
really good information. You just click”Start now”. And they have everything that
you need. So I'm here in Google Academyfor ads. And I'm actually going to go to alt
topics right here. And I'm going to clickthis little button. And I'm going to search
all activities, okay? Topics, all activities.Now, underneath that link, it's kind of
hidden it. They don't make it very easyto find it which is surprising because
it's Google. But you see all thesedifferent certifications. They have
Google Ads display certification. Theyhave Google Ads fundamentals. They have
Google ads mobile certification, searchcertification. Let's check out the video
certification. And you can go throughthat. Let's click here. And you'll see
they have certification requirements,Google Ads fundamentals and Google Ads
videos. So, let's go through the videocourse. Okay, now here are all the topics. We have a lot of topics to learn thebasics of Google Ads. Choose where
customers see your ads. The value ofadvertising, launching your first video
campaign, make effective creative,understanding your audience, remarketing,
building a video campaign, etc. Avoidingairs. There's a lot of topics here. And
it's an 8-hour course. Very, very, verypowerful. I went through whatever free
material I could get when I got started.And if you're looking to become good
at advertising, there's no reason youshouldn't go through these courses if
you have the free time to do so. And youreally want to master the skill. Now,
there are more effective options andI'll explain why. So, the upside of this
is that it's free. In regards to mycriteria though, unfortunately the
criteria of the instructor, the teacher,does the teacher have what you want? And
the teacher in this case it's a Googleemployee, okay? So, if you want to be a
good employee, you know, working for an adagency or working for a tech company,
these are great courses to go through.But again, that's why they're free. You
know, it's an employee doing the course.Not necessarily somebody who has what I
would consider what I want to have. Butthe reviews are very good. So, the price
is great, the reviews are great. In mycase, I want to be a billionaire and that
people teaching this course are notnecessarily billionaires. So, just kind of
a side note on that. Now, the secondcourse I'm going to go over is actually
Facebook. Facebook has a free course.Let's check it out. So, if you google the
term Facebook Blueprint you'll see thatthey have their own free advertising
course on Facebook. Take learning intoyour own hands.
Find a selection of E-learning coursesabout Facebook marketing organized by
category or role. And you would justclick start courses right here. And now,
we're brought to a lot of training righthere. As you see, there's tons of training
videos. You know, add policies for contentand creative and targeting. Promote your
business from your Facebook page. Youhave ad auction and delivery
overview. Creating Facebook Ads. Editingor managing Facebook Ads. Reach and
frequency buying on Facebook. I don'teven know a lot of this stuff, okay?
There's a lot of material on Facebookads. I only do a select few things
because there's so much stuff to learnabout all of these different platforms
and software's and AD tools. I don't evenknow anything. And this is my business,
right? But the fact of the matter is whenyou're running a business, you don't need
to know everything but when you're juststarting out and you have more time than
money, using their time to learn how touse
a very strong powerful tool likeFacebook Ads is very helpful. So, here's a
good section within Facebook Ads coursewhich is increase online sales. Look, book
more business with travel ads. Closingthe deal with conversions. Enhance your
direct response campaigns. How to driveactions online. Also this, turn shoppers
into buyers with dynamic ads. There's alot of effective training available for
free from Facebook and Google. Now,outside of Facebook and Google, you can
also find more free courses. And I'mgoing to show you EDX in just a second
here. is a free mastercompilation of courses from mainly Ivy
League Universities and top tier UnitedStates universities talking about
digital marketing. If you're looking forlike traditional kind of like top tier
US schooling, you can actually get all ofthe classes that you'd want in college
for free on EDX. Now, you spell that, it'sjust EDX right here. You see that. And you
can get anything you wantreally for free from this site. So, let's
zoom in and look at this. You're gettingWharton. I think it's the best business
school in the world. You can actually geta course on the fundamentals of digital
marketing and social media for free. Fromthe best business school in the world.
You're getting it for free. Their classright here. Now, we also have marketing
analytics course. So, let's click on thiscourse. Now as you see, this is self-paced.
So self-paced means you can take thiscourse whenever you want. And the only
time you have to pay money is if youactually want a certificate saying that
you went through the course from Whartonitself. From the University of
Pennsylvania. So, I'm just going to clickenroll now. And I would have to enter in
some of my personal information. And Iwould get access to the course
immediately. So, there's actually moreplaces you can get free marketing
courses. And let me show you on mycomputer exactly how you defined these.
So, the key word you would actually wantto search is free marketing MOOC, okay?
MOOC stands for Massive Online Opensource Courses. And a colleges have
startedoffering their classes for free just as
a way to provide free education and kindof further the goals of the universe. So,
what we want to go to is right here,learn marketing, free online courses. Okay?
And we can go here. And what we see isthat there's a lot of different courses
here. We see marketing in a digital worldfrom the University of Illinois
Urbana, Champaign. We see introduction tomarketing from the Wharton School of
Business. Perhaps the best businessschool. I think it's the top Business
School in the world right now. We havedigital analytics for marketing
professionals from University ofIllinois. Copenhagen school. Computer
neuroscience and neuro-marketing thatsounds kind of gnarly. Digital branding
and engagement. So, you have search engineoptimization from the University of
california-davis.You have an absolute plethora of free
online courses available to you if youwant to learn online marketing. Its
outstanding. The amount of informationthat's available to you right now is
unbelievable. There's so much informationat your fingertips. If you have time, you
can learn anything you want simply bygoing through the resources that are on
the Internet. Now, the next category ofcourse I'm going to go over is ones that
are relatively cheap. So, these arecourses that are not by professors or
not by corporate employees. These arecourses that are done by actual people
that may be having some level ofexperience in their field. Not to say
anything against professors or employees.But that option is Udemy. So udemy is a
online course site and almost all oftheir courses are available for about 10
to 20 bucks. And let's check that outright now.
So, we have a ton of courses on subjectssuch as design, development, business, IT,
software, personal development andmarketing. So, let's check out marketing
courses right here. So, we'll see we haveof the complete online marketing course.
12 courses-in-1. Over 46,000 people havereviewed this course as 4 or 5 stars. So
that's pretty good. The reviews arepretty solid on this. And let's check
this course out. This looks like it's abest-seller. And it's only $12 or $13. So right here,one thing we'll note about udemy that's
kind of not true is they say, one dayleft at this price at $12.99. This is
kind of false. Sort of true. They're going tochange the price but they only keep the
price to $11, so it'll be $10 or it'll be$9. They don't change the price up much.
They only change the price up by a buckor 2. But almost all of their courses
are always about 10 bucks, 20 bucks.Something in that range. So, if the
courses aren't discounted, checking inthe next day and they'll probably be
discounted. But what we'll see here is wehave great reviews. And we have a lot of
subject matter. Let's see the coursesthey're covering. So we see right here it
covers 37 hours of video that you canwatch for this course. So, you get a lot
of material. You'll see how to build amailing list. How to write copy that
sells. How to build a WordPress website.How to perform market research. How to
define your audience. How to increaseyour Twitter followers. So, there's a lot
of different individual courses in herethat will teach you different aspects of
marketing. Now, let's look into theteachers to see who they are. So, we could
click on the teacher's names. So, here arethe teachers for these courses. We see
Rob Percival, web developer and teacher.So, he's a web developer and he teaches
on udemy. We also have Daragh Walsh here.He looks like he's an entrepreneur. He
got started on selling products onFiverr and he is also an instructor on
udemy. So, it looks like he runs his ownlittle business there. Selling products
on Fiverr. And he's worked as a marketerwith some top brands such as Amazon
hurts and Callaway golf. So, that's prettyinteresting. He's got some like industry
knowledge, he's got some experience inthe field and that's pretty cool. It
looks like udemy is also important tohim. Now, my thoughts on udemy are
slightly mixed. A lot of the courses arekind of not very engaging, they're
typically just slideshow presentations.And oftentimes, I find that the teachers
aren't necessarily the most successfulpeople in the world. I haven't found
udemy courses where I've learned a wholelot. Especially in the marketing field.
Most marketers are able to moreget their own brand effectively and
somehow get out to people other thanjust relying on you Demi's platforms. So,
I personally haven't really gotten a lotof info from udemy courses but that
being said, I'm a pretty advancedmarketer at this point. So, that's not to
say udemy is a great option for youto check out. Given that their courses
are very cheap and you might learn somethings. So that brings us to the third
category of courses is what I calleffective courses. And when I'm looking
to learn a new skill, I'm looking for ateacher that is where I want to be, okay?
I want to make that very clear. I amlooking to learn knowledge from people
who are where I want to be. And I'm nottalking secondhand knowledge. I don't
want to learn from somebody who learnedfrom Elon Musk. I don't want to read Elon
Musk's biography that was written bysomebody else. What I'm interested is
hearing the information straight fromElon Musk himself. What is Elon saying.
Because it's like a game of telephone. Ifyou are getting secondhand knowledge
about becoming successful which is mypersonal goal, then you're not really
getting the knowledge you need to becomesuccessful. Does that make sense? Now, if
you're looking to become a teacher onudemy or if you are looking to become a
employee for a corporate marketingcompany, then learning from those other
sources that I mentioned —On Google, onFacebook on EDX or udemy, those are great
options. But if you're looking to becomea self-made entrepreneur like I am or
like I want it to be and now I am. Youwant to learn knowledge from people who
are where you want to be. I want to makethat very clear. Now, the most effective
course options if you are looking towork for yourself and be an entrepreneur
who is self-employed is finding othersuccessful entrepreneurs who are
self-employed. Now, I'm not going to gocrazy on you. Obviously, I have my own
training course. I have a 6-weektraining course on affiliate marketing.
If you want more information on that, youcan find that out in the description. But
I'm going to go over a few otherinstructors that I have a great deal of
respect forand I've learned things from. So, the
first such entrepreneur is AnthonyMorrison. This is a very successful
self-made marketer. He's from Mississippi,he's from like podunk like middle of
nowhere Mississippi. He lives in a swamp.But he's created for himself a massive
business working completely on his own.He came from nothing. You know, his family
was totally broke and he was able to getto the point where him and his brother
now have a 50 acre property that they'returning into a 25,000
square-foot family compound. They'recalling M-land. It's actually really
crazy. They showed me the blueprints andeverything. He owns like a dozen
different like vacation real estate,investment properties. This guy is a
super successful cat. I've learned a lotfrom him. He specifically teaches about
email marketing. And he is a master at it.I don't know anybody better at email
marketing than Anthony Morrison. So, ifthat's something you're looking to go
into or looking to become. –Self-employedentrepreneur, he's a great person to
learn from. The next person I want tointroduce you to who's very successful
and also a YouTuber like me and alsosomebody I count as a personal
acquaintance. His name is Stefan JamesPylarinos. I can't pronounce his
last name. So, Stefan site is calledProject Life Mastery. Because he
dedicated himself after going to TonyRobbins events. Similar to my story. He
dedicated himself to making him the bestversion of him that he could possibly be.
Mastering all areas of his life. Fromfitness to finances to relationships. And
if you check him out, he has a greatYouTube channel. Highly suggest. You
subscribe to. He shares a lot of freeinformation on there. You can just
subscribe his channel. But in particular,he also is a very successful affiliate
marketer. He makes a lot of money withaffiliate marketing. He does affiliate
marketing on his course. AffiliateMarketing Mastery. And then, also he has
this course which is called onlinebusiness mastery accelerator. Which is
very powerful if you're looking to go inand start creating your own online
business. He's a very successful person,his approach to life his mindset, his
mentality is bar none like the greatest.Very successful multi-millionaire, young
30's dude. Has a beautiful relationshipand a very inspiring person to learn
from. One other person of note that I'mgoing to expose you to is a man by the
name of Tim Burd. He doesn't do onlineclasses. He actually holds in-person
training on Facebook advertising. And hegoes over some very advanced Facebook
advertising tactics. He's amulti-millionaire, affiliate marketer as
well. And even though his courses aren'tnecessarily online, I figured I'd expose
you to him because the training he goesover is very powerful. I've learned a lot
personally from him. And it would beinsincere of me to not let you know this
as well.Now, Tim Burd's website here. He's known as
The Godfather Of Facebook Ads. He runsthe Facebook ad buyers group. Tim Burd
has been featured all over the media. Hedoes mastermind sessions around the
world teaching advanced Facebook adstrategies to advanced marketers
typically. And it's very good environment.Not many people do in-person training
anymore. Tim Burd does. And I think theseare very powerful. So, that's something to
check out. Now, let me know what was themost interesting thing you learned from
this video in the comments below.Let me know if one of the free courses
was the most helpful, udemy.Learning how. I'm not a big fan of udemy.
Or the effective teachers.Anthony, Tim, myself, Stefan were the most
helpful. Let me know in the comments whatyou found the most useful. Also liked
this video if you learned something. Ifyou want to get a free course on
affiliate marketing, you subscribe to mychannel. It'll appear on the home page.
And I also have a couple other free minicourses from some marketers that are
very successful that I respect. You canfind on my channel homepage. Great seeing
you. And looking forward to seeing you inthe next video.
