Best ecommerce business to start in 2019 as a Beginner

AllrightWhat's going on guyswelcome to the video and welcome to the channelI'm super excited to be herethis is my first YouTube video ever so I really
hope you guys like it!anyway my name is Jesus gomez im recording
this out of my basement here in Montreal CanadaI am an Amazon FBA sellerand I've been literally thinking about doing
YouTube for almost a year nowbut anyway now that you're here and I suppose
that because you landed in my first videoeveryou're interested about e-commerce and Amazon
FBA and this whole money online revolutionthat's out there rightanyway so let me tell you a little bit about
my journey so I started selling on Amazonlast year on April 2018I launched my first product first of all I
flirted with the idea of starting an onlinebusiness for almost like 6 months took courses
I was flirting about itand finally I got my mind together I got my
act together and I took action and I wentand launched a product right so this was an
April 2018And yeah back then everybody was saying that
it was too late it was saturated this andthat but so yeah you know I took action I
launched my product and it was a completedisaster to be honest complete dissasterbut I keep going right I kept going I launched
a second product in the middle of the summerI tweaked my strategies here and there I continued
to learn andYeah, the results were better the results
were improved but I wasn't you know I wasseeing all these massive streams of success
all over the internet people doing money , peoplechanging their lives ; so I said to myself,
there's got to be a way to actually do thisrightI Started Thinking outside the box and for
my third product I went a totally differentway of launching and brand building an Amazon
products so I started using social media evenbefore the product was live before the listing
was livet I started creating a buzz I startedbuilding a brand I started an instagram pageI started communicating with people communicating
with potential customers asking for theiropinions asking for their needs
That information allowed me to offer somethingcool something unique that it was going to
be a problem solver for them right ; So thatwas exactly what I didSo I launched this third product on October
and I sold out before the month's end ; andI've been selling out ever since , currently
right now I am sold out with that productlineSo in December 2018 I hit $15,000 per month
March and in January it went down to 10K amonth that I've been consistently making these
numbers over the past few months rightso if you're wondering or if you're thinking
about whether it's too late 2019 to startor is it too crowded or is it too saturated
or you don't have the timelisten guys I don't consider myself an expert
I don't consider myself a guru I am an averageguy , an average person , I have a nine-to-five
job I have a daughter I have family I havebills to pay you know , No fancy Lamborghini
for me no walking aroundI really you know need to get stuff done so
if I can do it, I'm pretty sure that you cando it as well
so it is possible to juggle and side hustlethis business and scale it to a point where
is sustainableEven with your normal lifeI get asked that question a lot , people come
to me and ask me How do you do it if , Withyour job and this and that ,Guys you want to do it you can do it and you
really want to stick with it you can definitelydo it as well
It's all about time management organisingand getting your priorities straight but yes
you can do itI'm doing it and I I started last year so
it's definitely not late for you you can totallydo it
so my plan for this channel apart of providingvalue for you guys and sharing my Amazon FBA
Journey now that I've been involved with thiseCommerce world I really want to explore and
diversify other streams of incomeso I am going to start affiliate marketing
and I'm going to start on some social mediamarketing which for me was the game changer
for my Amazon business rightbecause that leverage that I gave my product
with social media was like non precedentialfor me in terms of success for a product
so I believe that right now 2019 there's somany tools and that you're so many strategies
out there that you can use to leverage yourbusiness is that that is where the difference
between people who fail and the people whosucceed in this in this business right so
you can expect for me in on this channel tonsof value in terms of experience in terms of
case studiesI want to tell you guys with me in terms of
my journey what am I doing what am I up toand what works and what doesn't write and
of course I will be sharing a lot of informationabout Amazon FBA all right so
if you like the video so far if you find anythingthat I'm saying that make sense to you or
resonates to you please subscribe it wouldn'thurt to subscribe you know one subscriber
to subscriber that's fine I just want to knowthat my content is just getting out there
and reaching that one person that I can helpso as of now are you link my Instagram somewhere
here if guys if you have any questions ifyou have any comment if you want to know anything
just hit me up andI'll be more than happy to answer any questions
about e-commerce for side hustling or motivationor whatever is
guys I am telling you the opportunity is massiveI've reached a point in my Amazon business
where I am totally convinced that I can scalethat so that I can leave my daytime job at
some point as I said if I can do it you cando it the only differenceNot the difference the only thing you need
to do is take actionIf you have a laptop if you have a smartphone
if you have an internet connection you canstart doing Amazon FBA right now and there's
different streams about amazon businessI will be talking about it on my next video
ill be breaking down to the Amazon FBA businessmodel and some other business models that
are out there with Amazon and what are thecurrent opportunities no BS you know
No sugar-coating I want to bring you the factsand what's working and what's work for me
and I want to know where are you in your amazonjourney
are you selling? are you not selling? areyou planning to ? You know leave a comment
let's connect !!And Ill see you guys in the next video !! hope
you liked it
