BEST eCommerce Products To Sell On Shopify In 2019 | SAMIR CHIBANE

all right whats good everyone Samia Bainfounder of the e-comm incubator welcomeon over to another training right hereanother tutorial I am still here inBoston but as a matter of fact I justbought my ticket back to Los Angeles onSaturday and luckily enough I neverreally fully unpacked when I got backfrom Algeria so therefore I'm prettymuch ready to go all right now what Iwill say is that if you are in LA youwant a mastermind you want to link upmaybe grab a cup of coffee let me knowokay let me know in the comments shootme DM on Instagram and maybe I'm notguaranteeing anything but maybe ifeverything works out if the stars alignwe can make it happen alright secondthing I want to let you know is that ifyou've probably looked behind me thereis a flap on the side of that AC rightthere because funny enough I wassleeping the other day and it got supersuper high woke up like all sweatingfroze and I had to go get an AC okaythere's no central cooling in this houseI had to go all the way to the basementgrab an AC okay there's about threedifferent ones and the one that I choseokay since I was about half asleep Igrabbed the one without the other flapokay I don't know where it went I don'tknow what happened to it so I have touse a piece of cardboard to make surethat mosquitoes don't get it okay sureyou guys know how ruthless how vicioussome of these mosquitoes can really getduring the summer timenow let's get into it okay what are wehere for today we are here to learnabout the best e-commerce products tosell in 2019 I'm going to show you thetools the resources that I use theprocess the mindset that I have goinginto my product research where I advisemy team to go into it when they're doingour product research and also show yousome examples ok so make sure you stayall the way tuned if not I don't reallyknow what to tell you if you have theattention span of a goldfish I can'thelp you ok but what I will say is thatmy actual is just dive into ok what Iwill say is that the products that youchoose alright the products that youchoose to promote to sell through yourecommerce store is only one piece of thepuzzle ok in the last video or two Icovered the e-commerce ecosystem okayand as you can see it's made of of acouple different pieces okay that thatpuzzle okay is made up of a coupledifferent pieces alright just like anypuzzle right and so the first one beingstore design and positioning rightgeneral store niche store one productstore branded store dropshipping storethat's something you got to figure outdepending on where you're out in yourjourney okay the second part isobviously the product and the productoffering okay which is probably one ofmy favorite parts is taking a productcrafting a great offer around it willactually touch on that here in a secondbut right crafting that offer todifferentiate yourself from all theother people that are probably sellingthe same product as you are last but notleast okay marketing for customeracquisition creating the Facebook adsYouTube ads Google display ads whateverit is that you choose to go with butjust keep down on my Akkad's a productthat you choose okay your success ine-commerce is not exclusively dependentupon your product it is just one pieceof that puzzle okay this is just a sidenote just in case you're comingto this training like oh my god I'mgonna learn the number with the bestproducts and I'm gonna crush it fromhere on out okay that's most likely notit you need to learn the other pieces ofthe puzzle and get other things in lineto be able to you know have a welloperating a well-oiled machine all rightnow if you want to learn more aboute-commerce in general especially ifyou're just starting off I highlyrecommend you check out the e commincubator mastermind okay every singleweek we go live do more trainings likethis except in an open manner right it'slive you get to ask all the questions Iget to answer and other people get toanswer them we have a telegram groupchat with over five hundred and thirtymembers okay all like-minded individualsand it's amazing to have a communitylike that especially if you're just canstart right as a matter of fact I havemy Plata o Plomo t-shirt on okay this isa t-shirt that I got from clickfunnelsprobably see it okay so two comma Club Xmastermind that my business partner andI enrolled in last year when we went tothe funnel hacking live event in Orlandowe got pitched we bought okay it'seighteen hundred dollars a month I thinkit totaled out to like something liketwenty one thousand and twenty twothousand dollars last year that weinvested in only one program okay nowthe e-comm incubator mastermind is noteven a fraction of that cost okay it'sprobably like a couple cups of coffeeall right go check it out highlyrecommend it and yeah all rightthat's my plug right there I probably doa couple more throughout this video herenow the one thing I will say is thatwhen it comes to winning ecommerceproducts they have literally nothing todo with you okay and everything to dowith the market demand okay so take outtake yourself out of this picture as amatter of fact the reason why a lot ofpeople love ecommerce me being one ofthem is because it has nothing to dowith youyour gender your height your color yourskin tone how muchmoney you make or don't make it haseverything to do with what the market isdemanding what the trends are in themarket and you pretty much just supplythat demand really what I like to say isdon't rely on your own opinion andemotions okay unfortunately we live in anarcissistic world when somebody'sthinking about business to star or aproduct to sell they often just lookwithin themselves all right takeyourself out of that pictureall right just look into the marketingthe tools and the the research toolsthat I'm going to show you here aregonna make that very very easy for youand also a side another side know theproducts that you're probably gonna selland make the profits that you're lookingto make in e-commerce probably gonna besome products that you've never seenbefore products that you would never buyand products that you probably never useeither alright and I'll give you aperfect example one of the best productsthat we've actually sold was these magicsticky bras okay they're like this likethis bra without it's just with a stringin the front kind of look we'redemonstrating this on video but you knowgirls would stick it onto their breastsand then they'd pull the stringstogether and then it would createcleavage boosting their confidence andessentially just making them feel goodabout themselves and look at all rightand so that was a probably that I'll beI would obviously never buy never useand I never thought I really evenexisted but it was a huge trend when wewere first game started back in 2017 sotherefore we sold it and we soldthousands of units all right and so andthat's just an example all right nowlet's keep going on here after a whileokay after we had failed with so manyproducts and succeeded with a handfulthat made all the failures very veryvery tolerable and much more okay Iguess what I'm trying to say is that oneproduct will make up for a bunch offailed product tests but after a whileJuan and I sat down my business partnerand I sat downliving down in Irvine which is rightbefore we move to LA and we just saidhey like what are the best products okaywhat characteristics do they have versusthe ones that we fail okay what do thetop 20% share versus the 80 percent Ijust completely failed and brought us noresults and essentially we realized thatthey fall in either one two or all threeof these categories the first one beingproblem solving the second one beingpassion based products and third onebeing perishable products okay when Ishare this diagram here with a lot ofpeople it just helps them make a lot ofsense out of their product research andwhat to look for essentially you wantproducts that are solving the problemsthat people lose sleep over okay thesecond one passion products being youknow as humans right we connect withothers through our passions and so welike to express those passions so thatway we can potentially attract othersthat share similar interests or passionof ours right so if I'm wearing a shirtthat says this one says blot the elPlomo but if I'm wearing a shirt thatsays Bulldog fanatic right like or aBulldog owner right like I own a bulldoghorrible example but if I'm wearing thatI'm walking down the street and somebodyelse also has a bulldog they'll be likewow that person you know I can relate tothem there they have a bulldog I have abulldog and so imagine if two people arewearing Bulldog t-shirts then obviouslythey're gonna be able to connect rightaway again not the best example but ashumans we love to express our passionsthat's that last but not leastperishable products okay like toiletpaperyou know shaving creams razor bladesright that you used to shave obviouslywhen those things expire when youconsume them you have to buy more okayand so you can be that new source thatthey replenish their perishable productswith okay so these are the threecategories that you want to focus on andalso just as a side noteif a product falls in two or all threeof these categories you probably have ahuge winner on your hands now my mustuse product research tools just a fewdifferent research tools that we use tofind hot and trending products the firstone okay the first one being our ownthat we personally develop a guide andliterally code it okay I'm not a coderbut hired a team of developer softwaredevelopers to help us create a productresearch tool that really justeliminates all the guesswork out offinding hot and trending products andessentially just aggregates and alldifferent kinds of data points fromFacebook Aliexpress Amazon Alibaba eBayto just be able to generate and list outthe best trending products okay thatalso fall under the profitable productindex put a description to it below butas you can see right on here as soon asyou log in to econ profits buying toolwhich by the way you could check out byclicking the link below you can getaccess to it if you'd like personallyeverybody that has gotten the e-commprofits by toolunderstands why it's so valuable and whyit took us so long and so much money tobe able to create something like thisbecause it literally just eliminates theguesswork okay so the first thing youcan see is for zel apps roller obviouslyfor people who are passionate aboutworking out then you got bit help okaymosquito bit reliever what did I sayright I probably need one of thosebecause there's still some mosquitoesgetting and right through there alrightand so obviously this would be a hugehelp and let's just check this one outfor example so what econ profits buyingtool can do for you is literally justgive you a perfect product descriptionso you know all the benefits of this andthe perfect pictures for you to use okayso I guess you just press it on amosquito bite and sucks out the venomokay if that's what mosquitos puttingunder your skin I also gives you theprofit margin andyou know analysis like how much you cansell it for how much it costs and notonly that but also gives you the ordersright over the past 30 days the reviewsand also the Aliexpress links to it okayto the direct supplier eliminates theguesswork on that finds you reliablesuppliers okay like this one right here98.3%positive feedback okay so you can sidedrop shipping right from here and alsogives you a product or facebook adtargeting suggestions okay for examplepeople are going camping okay in thisage group a teen is 65 obviously cantarget all genders because mosquitoesare not sexist so they're targeting bothmale and women and then you got a videookay which is probably my favoritefeature that we were able to create okaya video that you can use to stoppromoting this product with all rightright away you can literally take thisvideo edit it up a little bit maybe addyour logo on there and just startrunning ads with it on Facebook onYouTube wherever you'd like okay againif you need help with that just checkout the econ incubator mastermind wherewe do live trainings on how to runFacebook ads as a matter of fact thisFriday I'm gonna be going over a July4th marketing campaign that generatedinsane returns for one of the brandsthat we manage so check it out you canonly get access to that training ifyou're inside the economy computermastermind it's not something that I golive with on YouTube or anything likethat on Instagram it's exclusive to ourecon incubator mastermind so rightthat's about my second or third plugthere for the mastermind really reallywant to get it packed up with someawesome inspiring motivated individualsbut yet we can actually keep going hereso you know that obviously solves a hugeproblem right the bite reliever theforbes ab roller you got the hip trendOh fight phone holder okaythere we go this looks like anotheranother great product to test out forpeople who are passionate about ridingtheir bikes you got adjustable airconditioner deflector okayknee joint support pads okay definitelyfor people who write this solves a hugeproblem a lot of people have kneeproblems so this could definitely be ahuge help so let's check this one outand and the best part about econ profitspy tool is it actually shows you thestore that's selling this item as wellso you can literally go in there and youcan start doing some digging on theproducts that they sell and as you cansee this store right here this is myother tool that I recommend that I use alot intelligence again I'll just put alink to it below you could probably geta discount since we're good buds withthe guys over at intelligence and itjust helps me see you know what's therebest sellers at the moment and also howmuch traffic they're generating okay soit looks like the best sellers tools forcar kick dent lifter so you can get tonsof ideas just kind of scrolling aroundecon profits by once you land on a storeand you can check out their best sellersand keep going about it that way anotherreally good tool that I like to use is aspy which is all about just finding youthe best ads oh look a great night forthen nice leaf right for people who haveknee problems so you could find theirads on at spy comm okay if you type infor example knee up here on add Tex thenit will go ahead and load up all the adson Facebook with the word knee in themokay so you can see a lot of good ideasfor knee padssuppression cat so there you go this isthis is really the the idea behind youknow product research is all aboutfinding a product doing some digging onand seeing if it's still in demand andthen cross-referencing it between acouple different tools okay again my thefirst one that we start off withobviously because we developed this sowe use it more than any other tool isour EECOM profit spy to which i highlyrecommend you check out a spy as wellfor finding the ads for the specificproducts that our econ profit spy toolpulls up and then intelligence to justinspect the stores that we land on andsee what else they got going on whatelse they're selling what else they'retrying to promote what else are theygetting some traction with alrighthonestly I don't really like toovercomplicate product research becauseat the end of the day it all comes downto actually testing the product soeverything come look all gravy and andamazing and all the green lights can bethere but at the end of the day untilyou actually take that product or thatad or that product offerI shouldn't say or until you take theproduct the product offer and the adsand target the specific market thatyou're trying to go after then you'llnever really know how well that productcan do so until you actually test theproduct you're not really you know gonnabe able to see any results so myrecommendation is just don'tovercomplicate product research justfind some good tools that you can relyon that you can trust to provide youwith the right data to be able to testthat problem okay cuz that's a whole lotbetter than emotions and looking inlooking within yourself to find somegood products or I are asking yourfriends or your family that have nothingto do with your e-commerce businessabout what you should be selling allright now here is some bonus tips aswell so first let's just find some newvariations of the hot product thatsolves the same problem okay so forexamplethe what was it the nice oppression wellis it called the knee pad their the kneejoint reliever knee joint support padsokay once you find these right heremaybe you find some other ones that looksimilar to them but yet still solve thesame problem and then you can go aheadand and try to sell those another tipwould be find new best sellers fromstores that crushed it with anotherproduct okay so for a store crush itwith another product then you go on thatstore and you find that they have a newbest seller then you could probably testthat out because there's obviously areason why they shifted from the oldbest seller to focusing on the new oneokay last but not least create anymiserable offers around that trendingproduct to restore the target marketsinterests okay because here's whathappens obviously if you're sellingsomething from Aliexpress it's possiblyit's it's most likely available onAmazon as well okay and the thing thatreally frustrates me with a lot ofe-commerce entrepreneurs and what I tryto really teach a lot of othere-commerce entrepreneurs inside areEECOM make you bitter mastermind is thefact that consumers are not stupid okayso they're gonna hit ctrl T right toopen up a new tab on their browserthey're gonna type the name of thatproduct and try to find a better priceespecially if you're not providing themvalue in any other way so we get aroundthat by creating inimitable offers okayand offer that they can't find anywhereelse you can easily do that by eitherattaching you know a free physicalproduct and extra servers like 24/7customer support or a money-backguarantee or a digital product like ane-book or something like that andthere's all different kinds of ways thatyou can create an offer to reallyseparate yourself from the competitionso you're not having to compete on pricealone but you can actually dominate withvalue because if you've ever watched anygood infomercials obviously you know allthey do on they're just craft greatoffers right they're not just sellingyou on one item for a specific pricethey're giving you a bundleif you order now you get free shippingand if you order right now call us upright now you'll get a whole nother setfor absolutely free so you guys get mypoint just try to create in a minutewill offers again we go over that insideour econ incubator mastermind where weteach people how to create offers andit's just kind of fun so we do it allthe time anyway but that that's thatreally okay the last core that I want toleave you by is don't rely on your ownopinion and emotions instead find datathat backs up your research and givesyou conference to test the productbecause that's ultimately what it comesdown to okay there's so many productsavailable right there's millions ofproducts that you can literally millionsof products that you can sell but whathappens when there's so many optionswell we get overwhelmed we get anxiouswe get almost scared to even get into itbecause we're just you know we're allover the place and so once you startusing tools like econ profits buyer tolike a spider intelligence you're ableto find data to see what's actuallytrending what's in demand so you canjust come in and supply that demand aseasily as possiblealright so thank you so much forwatching if you got value make sure youleave a thumbs up leave a comment belowand subscribe to the channel cuz why notright peace out see you guys in the nexttutorial
