Best Free WordPress WooCommerce Themes 2018 – eCommerce

hello friends I'm nya shake and in this video we'll see thebest free WooCommerce themes availablein the market basically a WooCommercetheme is a theme using which you cancreate an e-commerce website inWordPress and we have created a verybeautiful and awesome list of 7 freebooooo commerce themes that you can getand these are the best themes which wehave selected all the themes are verylightweight which means they will notincrease your page load in fact theywill increase your page speed and thatdirectly will affect the SEO ok thething which you know gives you rankingin Google and different search enginesalso all the themes have a very gooddesign so they are all good-lookingthemes no none of them are boring and soon also this video is totally differentlike you might have seen some video likethis I don't know but basically whatother people do they will just list somethemes and they will tell you godownload those themes but what I'll dois I have created a demo website I'lljust install one by one all the themesand I'll show you why you should selectthat theme what are the features thatyou get obviously that will be verybrief we cannot get into seven differentthemes in one single video that would beno that would take a long a very longtime so what I'll do I'll selects I haveselected seven themes as installed oneby one and I'll show you what effectsthat team make to your website so if youguys enjoy my videos if you guys likethe content of the video then make sureyou subscribe to my channel also yourthumbs up to this video and if you guysalso have some theme which is not listedin the list which I'm going to show younow and you guys will like this themeand you think that that theme is goodthen you can put the name of the thingtheme in the video description below sothat you know other guys and otherpeople can benefit from there so withoutany further ado let's get started sothis is the demo website which I havecreated as you can see this is how yourwebsite will look when you first installWordPress now this is the dashboard thefirst thing which you'll which we aregoing to see is shopISIL so what do you have to do you haveto how our appearances and click onthemes now if you you have to click onthis button which says add new you'llget many different themes over here nowthe one which we need is shop ISIL sotype in shop ISIL over here in thissearch bar this is the theme which we'llbe needing I have already downloaded thetheme I have to activate this theme soif you have not downloaded you'll see adownload button over there and when youclick on that download button then afterthat you will see an activate buttonjust like this so click on click on thatactivate buttonokay guys so this theme is activated nowlet's refresh the page our home page andlet's see what happens what are thechanges that have taken placeokay so it is loading okay guys so asyou can see the theme or the website hastotally changed the reason I have keptthis theme or the shop ISIL theme on thetop list is because you know you get avery pre-made homepage layout you knowyou don't have to create a home pagelayout you have a very beautiful andelegant home page as you can see overhere at the top we have a very beautifulsection there is a background imagewhich is full width we have a titlesubtitle a call to action button afterthat we have three different images andthese are basically categories forexample you can put in shoes or yoursunglasses bags in different categoriesthen after that we have latest productswhich would show something like thisalso when I hover this you can see avery beautiful design okay when I holdthis you get this Add to Cart button nowafter that we have another section whichis exclusive product so basically what Iam trying to say is that you get a verybeautiful home page layout you don'thave to create a home page from scratchokaynow let's see different customizationhow you can is it easy to change thethings over here which you see on thehome page let's see that so to do so youhave to click on this customize buttonover here at the top okay so this is ourcustomizer now here you'll see this homepage homepage section over the frontpage section or your click on that nowyou have different sections so your thefirst section is the big title sectionwhen you click on this you will see thisimage so from here you can change theimage you can change the title subtitlethe call to action button and the linkto which this button redirects forexample let me show you suppose I wantto change the title at present it saysshop ISIL I want to put in my name andnow your Sheikh so as you can see thechanges are taking place and the titlehas changed so it is really easy to dothese changes now suppose if you want tochange this image or if you if you wantto change the link to which this imageredirects we can allso do so this is the banner section whenyou click on this you have threedifferent sections so you can when youclick on this add new banner you havethis image over here you can uploadanother image you can give a button linkto this image okay and similarly we havedifferent sections and we have all thesesettings over here so the customizationis also very good and very easy nowlet's see how our shop page looks likeso we have this shop over here let'sclick on shopokay so again this is looking reallyamazing beautiful shop page we have thissection at the top a beautiful image andthe title and after that we have ourimages and again the same animation nowlet's click on one of the product andsee how a single page looks like singleproduct page looks like so this is oursingle product page when we hover thisimage we can see it automatically zoomsin which is really good feature we havea very clean design as you can see ohhere you have different tabs you maylike section related product section sothis is basically a very very good themeI would recommend you my firstrecommendation is this theme this is theshop ISIL theme this is free as I saidas I showed you over you we downloadedthis theme for free so this was ourfirst theme now let's jump on to anothertheme so the next thing which we aregoing to install or which we are goingto use is Thai so again we have to clickon add new theme I have downloaded allthe themes but I am still showing youhow you can do so now here just type intouch and you have this theme oh yeahas I said you I have downloaded so I amNOT getting the download button but I'llhave to activate this so I'll click onactivateokay so this theme is activated nowlet's refresh the page in fact let's goto the home page and see how the homepage looks like okay so this is alsolooking very beautiful the color designand the home page header is lookingawesome let me zoom out a bit so thatyou can see more properly okay so thisis how your page would look like in factI have created a two and a half hourlong lecture or a long tutorial Johanhow to create an e-commerce websiteusing this free theme if you go to mychannel it's slash nearShaikh and when you see here you'll seethis is the one you know I have uploadedthis one month ago it has got more than10,000 views and this is a verybeautiful video it is around 2 hours 12minutes long so if you want to learn indeep how to use this free theme andcreate a very beautiful design you canyou know watch that video that will helpyou but here let's see how this thinglooks like so this is our home page youdon't get a premade home layout overhere but you know you and you get somany widgets using which you can youknow create very beautiful design I'llshow you in a moment what you can createwith this theme but let's see differentpages now what I'll do is I'll open thiswebsite in a new incognito windowbecause what happens is when I try touse many different themes again andagain there is something called cachegoing on on Google Chrome so you knowthe theme changes but the design doesn'tchange so just don't worry about thatlet me show you how the shocked pagelooks like so let's go so this is howyour shop page will look like this isreally beautiful design again you knowyou have you know this images over herethe Cart button is very beautiful okayso this is your shop page now let's seea single product let's click on any oneof this product ok so this is how itlooks like again a very clean and nicebeautiful website now let me show youwhat you can create with this theme okayso this is the website you see as youcan see over here you can create thisbeautiful theme this video thisbeautiful website using this free themein fact in that video which I wastalking about you have shown how tocreate this this complete website usingthat free theme so you guys should checkout that video if you want to createsomething like this oh yes so this wasour second theme the tides theme and nowlet's move forward to a third theme andthat is the Easter theme so again goback to your dashboard click on add newand in this search bar type in East orand here it is the name of the themehere is East also you have to downloadthis one when we type in is East orthere are many themes that are comingbut I don't recommend those themes theone which I am saying is this one whichsays East also download this one andclick on activate now again let's go tothat incognito window let's go to ourhomepage and see what are the changesthat have taken place now here when itcomes to design this is the best FREEtheme which I think the design is reallyreally beautiful againI'll show you what in a moment what youcan create with this theme but this isthe basic structure this is how yourwebsite will look like you see your cardpage is or your card I can show you andit is also looking very good now let'ssee the shop page let's click on thisshop this is our shop page and when wehover this you can see we get twodifferent options one is the zoom imageoption and the other is the Add to Cartoption so this is also very cool designthe customization is really useful andvery simple we can add to cut any ofthis product and let's see how a singleproduct looks like okay so as I said youearlier the design is really amazingwhen you hover this image it gets zoomedin automatically the the fonts which areused are very simple the button isreally elegant and good-looking again anice tabs and all these things okay andthe organizer said you the customizationis very simple now let me show you whatyou can create with this theme so if yousee over here this is how you can thisis the website that you can create withthat theme you have the add wishlist oryour Cart button the homepage is likethis these are all different widgets youknow you can use these widgets to createand design your homepage obviously Icannot show you that in this video thisis we are just because here we are justlisting the best themes we are notgetting into how you can create thiswebsite like this but this is what youcan createyou have different widgets let me showyou when you hover this appearances youhave these widgets when you click onthat visits you see this thing oh youokay so we have some really good widgetsfor example the one which starts with TGyou know we have featured posthorizontal promo see these are thedifferent widgets which are used tocreate this website okay so you can usethese different widgets and create thisbeautiful website just like this okayusing a free theme which is amazing sothis was our third theme now let's goahead and see our fourth theme so let'sclick on themes againand again let's click on add newand this time you have to search forstorefront okay so this is the one thefirst one which say storefront click onactivate now the great thing about thistheme is that it is made by WooCommerceit is made by the same company that hasbuilt WordPress that has built commerceplug-in so this is a very very goodtheme and the best best theme which Iliked about this theme is that it isvery very light you know it will makeyour website very faster as compared toother themes okay so let's see how yourwebsite would look after installing thistheme okay so this is how it would lookand again another amazing thing herealso you get a pre-made home layout soyou don't have to create anything youjust have to edit it customize it justlike I said shown you in the first themeyou can just use the same thing and youcan create this thing you don't have tocreate the home page that is alreadydone for you okay now let's see a singleproduct let's click on this now as youcan see the page speed is really good itis loading very fast which is amazing sothis is your single product this is howit would look like the design is veryvery simple and I really like thatbecause ecommerce websites have to besimple you have different tabs over hereyou know related products and so on nowlet's see the shop page so this is theshop page a very good thing the best asI said you earlier the best thing thatit is made by the company which has madeWordPress which has made GU commerce soobviously you can also go with thistheme very light very amazing theme nowlet's move forward and let's see what isthe next theme which we have to installso click on add new obviously you don'thave to click on add new again and againI am doing this I'm installing differentdifferent themes just to show you guyshow this theme would look like okay nowthis time we have to type in sophisticlight ok you can see all these names inthe video description below this is theone sophistic like youcan click on activate let's refresh andsee what are the changes that have takenplace ok so this is how your websitewould look like after you install thattheme ok this is the home page okay thisis your cart let's see the shop page okthis is how you okay let me zoom out ofit ok ok so this is how your home pagewould read this is the shop page youhave this sidebar over here you haveyour no products over here and you knowwhen you hover this you get a differentimage and ok so this is also very goodand many however this you get thisoption to add to cut the design is verypremium you can even you how are thisyou instead of that simple Add to Cartbutton you are getting this beautiful Ican you menu click on that icon thisproduct will be added to cart so this isalso very cool now let's open thisproduct and see how it looks like sothis is the single page again a verybeautiful thing when you hover any ofthis image the image changesautomatically you don't have to click onthat it changes automatically you'realso very simple and very good-lookingwebsite very good-looking theme adifferent theme different kind of themebasically even these kind of designs areavailable only in premium themes butthis is a very very good theme thatyou're getting for free ok so we havecompleted five different themes nowthere are two more themes which I wantto cover all these five themes which wehave seen till now were you knowecommerce themes beer specifically madefor WooCommerce and e-commerce websitebut the next two themes which I'm goingto talk about is you know notspecifically made for gue commerce butyou know if they are made for generalpurpose and when you create ane-commerce website with that that alsolooks very good so let's click on addnew again now this time you have tosearch for Astra a STR a a very famousand very much downloaded theme okay sothis is the one click on activate okayso this is how the homepage looklike but your this is not the importantthing the main important thing is thiswhen you go to WP astra comm you willhave many different demos ready to useyou know you can use this demos you canyou don't have to create the home pageor so you can just install or downloadany one of this import them and youdon't have to create it everything willbe done automatically the one which sayspremium are not available for that youwill have to purchase the Astra Pro butthere are many free designs and layoutsas well and I forgot to mention a veryimportant thing that you know whatevertheme I am showing you try to use itwith Elementorwhich is a page builder free pagebuilder that would be really helpfulokay that will really help you you knowimprove the design of your website solet's see the shop page for Astra themethis is how your shop page would looklike this in terms of design I not Idon't really like this theme I mean ascompared to other themes which we haveseen but you know there are very manydifferent themes that your things thatyou're getting with this like I said youthese free demos and so on so now thatcan be helpful but this is also a goodtheme in terms of on a commerce websitenot the best one but a nice decent themeokayso this is how your single page lookslike now let's see the last theme let'sclick on add newand let's search for ocean WP again as Isaid you this is also not specificallymade for you know ecommerce or vucommerce but this also you know you knowyou can create nice website niceecommerce website with this theme aswell so let's see first let's see thehome page so this is the home page verysimple let's see the shop page okay soshop page is really looking cool thedesign of this one is very awesome yousee when you hover this the designchanges or the images changes we havethe Add to Cart button you know thedesign is nice okay so this design isnice very good this is the shop page wehave this site borrow your you have moreoption like this if you want to viewthis like this you can also view it ifyou wanna be like gridview and listviewyou know so this is the list view let'ssee a single product let's click on anyone of themokay so this is how a single productlooks like and again you can no controlmany things for example if you don'twant this sidebar you can do so you knowyou can see the documentation that willhelp you it is very easy if you don'twant the sidebar when it comes to singlepage single product you can do thateasily and with this theme also you getmany things for free if you go to oceanWP com I think that it is taught allocean WP dot all you will see many freelayouts which you can import and use itok so guys this was these seven themeswhich I really liked it and I think thisis the best according to me this is thebest free more commerce themes availablein the market I hope you guys like thisvideo if you guys like this video makesure to subscribe to my channel alsogive a thumbs up to this video if youhave some other theme if which is notlisted in the list which I just showedyou and if you think that theme isreally good make sure to give that nameof that theme in the very descriptionbelow so that other can benefit fromthat thanks a lot for watching guys seeyou soon
