Best Items To Dropship On Amazon in 2020 – [HUGE PROFITS]

all right we are streaming how's itgoing everybody EECOM tom here what's upguysJason here with tom we haven't done alive in a while and we wanted to come onwe spent about four hours today tryingto set up our other studio and we justcould not get the audio to work so we'reback in my room and I promise it will beactually in the studio tomorrow or nexttime I mean so before we get startedinto talking about amazon amazon dropshipping this is just gonna be a liveabout pretty much anything so you knowwe wanted to say that we did launch ouramazon course on officially ten days agoright fifteen and if you guys areinterested in you don't want to investall the money right up front we didactually make it so it's not a freemini-course but you get access to thefirst ten videos inside of the coursefor one dollar and that's what a sevenday trialseven-day trial for one buck you can'tgo wrong with that it's a little tasterfor you guys just to you know see whatit's all about if you like it you cansign up for our full courses of couponssee kind of how the coaching goes howhow our style is if it fits with youguys and everything like that so if youguys have any questions right off thebat please just ask them like I saidwe've been focusing a lot on Amazon yourstores been growing a lot right yeah butmy eBay store as well I haven't beenlistening that much on eBay and it justhit one of them just hit fifty twothousand or fifty three thousand lastthirty days so that's climbing up andI'm really not doing much it is quarterfour though so you can't expect morethings to be selling no matter whatright off the bat so I mean have yoursales been going on yeah I mean it'sbeen steadily going up all fall and Ifeel like in January December Januarythat's really when you're gonna hit yourpeak sales and that's right where youwant to be going into the holiday seasonwe got Thanksgiving we got actually wegot October 31st Halloween's and then ohthen November first which is my birthdayand then and then we got Thanksgivingyou got New Year's we got Christmas wegot all the holidays coming in throughthe winter so sales are just gonna comepouring in flooding in and hopefully youguys are selling on Amazon and eBay aswell to capitalize on those sales and inthis episode also we were gonna do alittle show-and-tell I brought someitems actually from my backthere and I want to show you guys someniche products that I'm actually sellingon Amazon and eBay and show you somethings to kind of look out for and whatare some of the features that peoplecustomers tend to look for and what youcan do to kind of distinguish yourlistings from everybody else whenselling on Amazon or Ebay so yeah I meanfirst stop before we get into it who ishere right nowplease leave a comment where you're fromand where you are with your Amazon /eBay drop shipping career and we will getinto the some of the comments that wehave right now we got lazy Abraham whois on every single live I appreciate itthank you very much EUCOM tom cat in thehouse thank you very much for showing upagain man I hope you I I don't know ifyou bought the Amazon course but if so Ihope you enjoy it Jamison Griffith sayshey Tom how's the move I mean Jason'shere too he moved as wellI went pretty well I mean that was twomonths ago so it we've settled in butwe've kind of I travelled for the firsttwo weeks right after we got home thenJesus was gone going to Scotland sweethere next week and a half so that'sgonna be fun as well that'll be anothertwo weeks or a week and a half so let'sknow where you guys are from we know wehave a lot of international people letus know where you're at with your ownstores and we're gonna get right intothis sanga's I don't item I butcheredthat one I'm sorry from Brazil so yeahso I mean we're gonna talk about whatare some of the best items to dropshipon Amazon and one of the first things Ialways say or we teach throughout thecourse or anything that is on YouTubeanywhere that we teach especially evenwith eBay as well it's to just reallydifferentiate yourself from whateverybody else is doing and I feel likeno other people out there on YouTubereally talk about trying todifferentiate yourself everybody wantsto feed you the easy content becausethat's what a lot of people want but theAmazon onto eBay that's been dead for ayear so if you're still doing that justI mean that's your loss you're at a lossright now that's but it doesn't reallywork very well you could probably stilldo it with some manual software but it'snot worthwhile we've been teaching tomove on to other suppliers Walmart Imean we I don't use Walmart anymore wephased that out a while ago Home Depot Inever have any tears coming down harderon people using it seems that way asthat way we've had some people contactus and say that their accounts on eBayhave gotten flagged from dropsWalmart predominantly Walmart items andwhether or not it's true whether or notthere's more to the story I'm not reallysure I haven't been engaging and youknow Walmart to ebay arbitrage in quitea while so if you guys have seenanything like that or Home Depot or anyof the major retailers if your accountsare getting flagged from that let usknow but we have heard a little bit moreof that in the last couple of months I'dsay but it does seem also that I meanthere are a ton of people out there thatare doing it and it seems like somepeople are successful so I mean youcan't be 100% for certain but if theywere to crack down on another supplierat least eBay wise and Amazon it woulddefinitely be Walmart in my opinion yeahso throughout the whole Amazon course wedon't teach Walmart at all I do mentionit I do show you how to get tax thembecause I know people will do it and butbesides that I don't condone it so whatwhat are the types of items that we'vebeen selling a lot recently we we aren'treally in the same niche but kind of thekind of the same general idea and onething we actually both realized theother day on Amazon is that this is oneof the only categories out there thatisn't 15% fees we actually get only 12%fees in this category we don't even knowthat it was while we were making thecourse you found that out and that'sindustrial and scientific and on eBayIndustrial so they're basically the samething that's actually a pretty big dealif you think about 3% going down fromyou know getting final value fee orreferral fee of 15% on Amazon down to12%that's three percent difference andthat's gonna make a lot of difference ifyou're doing a lot of volume or ifyou're making a you know higher priceditems getting them to sell so you'regonna end up making a lot more money soI actually went through my profits sheetand it was literally the differencebetween thousands of dollars betweenthose three percent so if you do ahundred thousand a month and I mean notsaying that any of my accounts are doingthat a hundred thousand a month rightnow but you're gonna be that's threethousand dollars that you didn't evencalculate for so it's pretty wild and Imean as my newer as my Amazon accountstarts to grow again I did take a littlejust siesta on the account while we'remaking the course so I could then focuson the course and build it back up Ididn't want any I don't take any risks Idon't take any risk of the Amazonaccountwell I'm building it back up andeverything's you know it's going well myaverage marginright now is 28% I believe so that'sthat's pretty wild and we've we've doneabout 30,000 and sales this much in thething too about industrial andscientific on Amazon is not only do wehave less bees taken out from Amazon butit's also a very popular niche it's awell it's a category so there's a lot ofsub niches within it but we've seen alot of our items sell really well and alot there's a lot less competition thenyeah things like electronics and clotheshouse you know home and garden stufflike that and that's one of the thingsthat I've really enjoyed about sellingin this category is not only the lessfee but also the fact that I don't haveto deal with competing with everybody onthese items and that's really making itso that I can push up my price and getbigger margins too so one of the biggestthings that I personally realized aboutit was when I was doing this wasspecifically when I was doing eBay orAmazon onto eBay and there was just aton of you're just selling anythinganything under the Sun toys games anylike just household goods and a lot ofpeople think that because Amazon madepeople think this that returns are freeeverything's just fine to just returnget rid of didn't like it please give meanother one broken just they just wanteverything for free they think shippingis free magically free and like nothingcosts anything on the internet andthere's always returns and eBay isactually penalizing returns they've beendoing so for a year that if you get toomany returns in a specific category thenyour fees go up 5% now so I wanted tominimize returns and sure you can sellthings that aren't breakable and sellthings like that but some of thesecategories are just highly prone toreturns no matter what and nobody I'verealized in the business and industrialniche is going to return an item becausethey didn't they didn't mean to buy itthey accidentally bought it you don'taccidentally buy a cotton candy machineyou don't accidentally buy things likecleaning chemicals yeah you don'taccidentally buy things like that youyou purposely go out there and you buythe item because you need it theirbusiness it's primarily their businessisn't on Amazon one of the things that'spretty cool is you can actually see whensomebody's a business customer this is alittle tagit's a different color you can see it onthe order level and I see almost 30%that are actual business customersmoreover there's other people on Amazonthat are buying for their businesses fortheir companies they're the purchasingmanager and usually you can tell ifthey're a purchasing manager because itwill have you know in the address it'llsay ste which is Suite number or it'llsay something along the lines ofattention attn and then it'll beattention to the logistics managerwhoever is receiving the products in thewarehouse and I see over 40% of mycustomers are actual businesses andthese are people that are buying theproducts and they need the products andthey're not gonna deal with refunds theyneed the products right then and therethey have the money there's no issuesit's not like you know I don't want tosay this but it's true it's not likeyour typical you know your mom buyingsomething every single size of a t-shirtshe's drinking wine on a Friday nightand buys out everything on Amazon andthen returns it all the next day rightso that's that's another really part ofa lot of people buying every single orlike three different sizes of somethingfinding the one that fits perfectly andthen sending it back it kind of makessense the same thing too but as a selleron the other side of that it just it's apain to deal with yeah so what were thecomments do you wanna startI was gonna say what'd she get into showand tell but before we do get in theshow and tell we had 62 people watchingright now if you could please just smashthe like button give us a thumbs uplet's get this out to everybody that'swhat that's selling Walmart on to eBaystill and get them to you know thinkoutside of the box there's a lot ofsuppliers out there you can find yourown Jason doesn't even use suppliersthat really integrate with SKU grid oranything like that he likes to just goout on his own rope journeys I like tokeep the things that are mainly on skewgrid and web scraper app mainly sothat's that's pretty much what got itspros and cons guys but the point is isthat they if you take the path that'sless traveled there's a lot bettermargins there's a lot less competitionand overall it's just gonna be a bettercustomer experience and everything'sgonna work out a lot more smooth we'vebeen on the other side of it where we'redoing hundreds of orders a day amazon toebay we've moved past that and thingshonestly as a drop shipper life is a lotbetter to do it this way in my opinionwe also color on the screen whowe have a lot of Sun coming in there wehave a ton of comments so we're gonnastart answering some of your commentsand we'll catch up and then we'll dosome show-and-tellok ok line to the questions that we gotso just a lazy Abram says less than fivepoint two for one dollar I don't evenknow what less than five point two isbut I'm guessing the answer's no becauseI'm sure it's something important I'mnot I'm not sure whether I spent toomuch time in stock or Sonia Toby says hifrom Jacksonville Florida how's it goingdown there well Jamison Griffis is areyou running a special on your VA coursenot really we don't run a special armycourse all right answer these questionsI got you lighting Tom's gonna change upthe lighting for you guys because I lookpurple with my shirts blue Jeff Radfordsays I've been doing well on eBay but Iwant to move to Amazon isn't it againsttheir terms of what are what are thechances I get banned Tom I'm gonna letyou answer that question I get thisquestion every day so in the terms itdoes say if you just look it up I meanyou can just easily google it yourselfbut it does say that you can't be dropshipping items that have the supplierslogo on it a an invoice from thesupplier inside stuff like that so weget asked this question all the timefirst off if you're using some of thesuppliers that we talked about or wesuggest like the business and industrialtype niche a lot of them aren't gonnahave that and a lot of them don't putthe invoice in there won't have abranded box all that stuff but if you dodecide to go with the Walmart andeverything like that route you're justgonna have to have good customer servicevery rarely do people know what the hellis happening and eventually when you dohave like the one in 500 or one in 1,000people that are gonna go out there andyou know complain about it if you havegood customer service if you just offerthem you know the difference offer themmore than the difference is so refinedwhat just offer them more than thedifference they're gonna be happy thatthey got it for cheaper than you knowthey would have on at Walmart eventhough they never even knew it was atWalmart until you sent it to them mostof the time the situation could beactually mitigated through messages okayso one of the things when this doeshappen on a rare occasion like Tom saidit's usually one in 1,000 an easy way toget around this is to tell a customerthat you use smart logistics ormulti-channel fulfillment so that's ifyour customer on eBaygets an Amazon you know an Amazon Primelogo or Walmart box you just say hey Iactually leverage Amazon's fulfillmentcenters to send out my packages now thatcan be done on multiple levels with manyfulfillment centers across differentsuppliers so I just say multi-channele-commerce and the customer usually hasno idea what that means and they stopasking questions honestly it worksreally well I've also said that I haveit I had it in an inventory but I ranout due to like a miscalculation yeahand in order to not cancel your orderthan just you know I sent it fromWalmart and the last thing I want to sayabout that too is I actually have one ofmy best suppliers and they actually dobrand their boxes with their own tapeand put their own invoice in there withtheir name their company name so it'snot blind drop shipping but you know itdoesn't really affect anything nobodyreally asks it's very very very rarelyasked if ever you know I barely everasked have that question asked to me theonly issue I've ever seen was it that ifyou leave the customers phone number onthe order and it's freight delivery andthey call you up and they go oh I haveyour order or your delivery fromwhatever website but that's why I put mynumber on the order you call me and thenI tell them not to say it when they callthe customer yeahbut um so we're right here so for IDhustlers from Seattle Washington not totoo far away kind of far away thoughand Jeff Radford says love your stuff bythe way Tom thank you very much bettingit's or helped you out yeah we hope thathelped you catonian do I don't I don'tget that comment so we're gonna move onthe next one Jamison Griffith have youseen the new spot and paste update forauto – yes I actually did click on itthe video that Paul did today oryesterday and it's not just for audioAuto – yes I actually did test that thatthe new update the other like probably amonth ago it's pretty cool it's calledspot and center and basically it's itconnects with SKU grid it connects witheverything does your cashback and stuffit's really it's really interesting Ihaven't implemented it 100% yet it'sjust another thing on the back burner Igot so many things going on and but it'sdefinitely very interesting and I didlike I did like the idea and the premiseof it we can just click the one item orclick the link in a bay and it'll takeyou right to the item it doesn't have tobe on auto – yes let's do a little pollright now how many of you guys are stillusing or how many of you guys are usingAuto DS how many of you guys are usingskew grid just go ahead and typeI kind of want to gauge because it seemslike those two are the most fiercerivals as far as repricing a moment yeahweb seller guru just came out withsomething they said website and usedthem in like two years honestly I forgethow they even use their software yeah soum gene that was Jameson's questionsohcahtoa yeah just says that she juststarted on drops me on ebay so let usknow if you any questions about thatOliver bromby says hi how do you getsales on a brand new account on Amazonwhen you don't have the buy box in Xerofeeding and I want to get the buy boxyeah I was in that situation July Istart a new Amazon account and everybodykind of blows this thing on a proportionthat I have a YouTube video then I justI'm gonna come out with on it put thatout even see that uploaded but one ofthe things that I saw is that everybodyhas this misconception that if you havea brand new account you can't get thebuy box that is not true you should getthis professional sellers account youneed that 39.99 people don't know thatyou can't get the buy box if you havejust a regular Amazon seller account youneed to pay the $40 to actually beeligible to get the buy box that and youcan so inside of the course when I wasmaking the course I learned things aboutthe buy box that I didn't know because Ialready had the professional selleraccount I already had a lot of thesethings that I just did right off the batand I didn't realize we're actually likea necessity so you need that you canactually even go into your items andcheck to see if you're even eligible youalso need to be within 5% of the personin the buy box so 5% on price but it'smainly plus it's usually the lowest butit's not always you may be within 5% ofthem if not then you won't be on it alsoif you're listing on listings at Amazonor on get a consider your chance againin the buy box out the window and ifthere's Prime on it you're probably notgonna get the buy box if you undercut bylike over Tony yeah 27% yeah I don'teven bother trying to compete withpeople that prime because Amazon's gonnapush them way higher and get give themthe buy box most of the time unless youpush your price way way way down and Idon't want to do that I'd much ratherjust you know get myself in a positionwhere I have a good chance to get thebuy box as ayou know merchant fulfilled so whatthere is some apps out there where youcan see if the items go in and out ofPrime a lot if they do go in and out ofprime opportunity then I do considergoing on those listings just becausethere's that you know you don't neverknow when something's gonna pop out andthen your office and making 30 percentprofit on this itemso Winston Elmarie the third says fromOhio as a grand new to drop shippinghow's it going Winston check out ourFacebook group we have a free Facebookgroup called drop shipping Universityand Tom's obviously Tom's channel we geta lot of free content out there so ifyou're just getting starteddefinitely look into that he calmedTomcat says don't forget to like andsmash the buttons smash the subscribebutton also hit that Bell notificationTom hit the bell notification is theonly way you'll get notified loves thatone it's good it's like 20% or 25% ofthose subscribers have hit that Bellnotification that's a good goodpercentage so Scott R says are you moreprofitable on eBay or Amazon definitelyAmazon's on Amazon once you get it goingis going to be amazing but what if youdon't know what you're doing then it'sdefinitely not the place to startbecause the fact that they eat they cancome down on you so hard they can banyou within like three days of havingyour account open if you do somethingincorrectly like so we literally had astudent the other day that just listedtwo items on the list that's he's notsupposed to list items from and then thehe now has to you know try to get hisaccount back so you don't want thatstuff to be happening to you do want tobe paying attention to everything butjust drop shipping on ebay is going toprepare you for that more than anythingelse out there so Jeff Radford says heyI've been doing well on eBay is this thesame question yeah so yeah same questiontwice we answer your question Javiersaid some one of us sounds like anotherperson I scroll if he's talking about methis is not the first time somebody saidthat I sound like the guy from dude yousound like bunt I don't know who thatwho is bunt all right I need to know whothat is because the last guys that saidthat I sound like a character from theshow power I looked it up and I actuallylistened to a clip on YouTube and Isounded nothing like it so we're gonnalook this up afterwards so make sure youtell us what bunt is from or if that's amovie er I think funny personthe e-commerce industry actually hemight be another drop shipper orsomething I don't know I don't payattention he's Noble DeWitt Marzettesays to Tom how do you get started withthe legal side of drop shipping andshould I get yeah and number if I'mseventeen almost turning agents you needto be 18 to get one I think you have tobe these are all things that like I Idon't know the complete when I wasseventeen I was not drop shippingI didn't even I've never heard of it atthat point yeah I I think you need to be18 again EIN number I mean honestly ifyou're not doing a lot of volume oranything you can definitely get awaywithout having an LLC but it doesn'treally matter that much I mean how farout are you from your 18th birthday he'salmost turning 18 so he's right thereyes ask your mom and dad if they can getyou an EIN number for your birthdaybirthday my mom got me a new license formy birthdayreally that's my license so a meetmalach says it would be very appreciatedif you could take the time and explainto me how to calculate the total profitfor example if I sell an item on eBayand buy it for $20 on Home Depot how canI calculate the profit so do you want tobring up a calculator I mean not reallybecause we don't have anything set up todo anything behind this honestly you'regonna get hit with twelve around twelvepoint something percent fees twelvepoint zero five you can say thirteen tomake it easier if you don't have an eBayaccount but really if you set up yoursoftware most repricing softwares haveit where you setup yourself to have aprofit margin you want to know if you'rein the United States you want to knowyour fees what your fees are then youall you have to do is add them into youractual repricing software but if youwant to back calculate you can takewhatever number you want to sell it atmultiply it by point eight eight andthat's gonna take out 12% fees that'sbasically what you want you can multiplyit by 0.87 the world's your oysterbut then after that you just subtractwhat you would pay for it if that's asuitable profit for you then that's asuitable problem for you I could breakdown some algebra but I don't think thisis the time in the place to be doing soand I could give you an a hell of anexcel sheet but that's awesome he's justsaying you know 12% is the standardprofit I'm sorry the standard fee feethat you're gonna pay okay but if youinvertthat you multiply it by 0.88 and that'sgonna give you the rough you know it'sgonna give you a rough floor estimate ofwhat your threshold is for yourdesirable profit okayRodrigo wants everything over here thisman wants us to not only say whatindustry we're selling in the businesssector but also the suppliers to lookfor well I think you can find them on agrid so he said what supplier should Ilook for when looking for the industrialcategory by the way love your courselooking to get into getting a virtualassistant well inside the course we dohave some but also there are a lot onGranger I'm not going to say justpertinent course material on the YouTubelive at the moment but you could messageus after it's posted in the Facebookgroup Jeff we're gonna move on to JeffRadford this is the third question hiTom I use asked the same question threetimes is the third question you keepconfusing me on this all rightChirac churu churu is that how you spellpronounced I want I am a brand I ambrand new to eBay and just tried to postmy first item and they say your requestcouldn't be processed because of atechnical issue please try again youneed to connect your PayPal account toit it's probably not isn't connectedthat happens all the time if you don'tconnect it properly you need to scrolldown to the first listing that you haveand it'll say paypal email then you needto put in the proper paypal emailaddress I don't know why they do it itmakes no sense or just call eBay andthey can probably figure it out for youit looks like we got a lot of duplicatesbecause we already did a meet and mightbe a mess there could be a YouTube messup on this live chat but if you guys arejust sending the same questions over wewill get to them so yeah don't hold yourhorses all right it's show-and-tell timenow Jason all rightwe got almost 80 people on right nowthank you guys all for showing up giveJason a thumbs up for a Show and Tellthis is just like elementary school I'mpulling them off the table here guys allright okay so we're talking aboutbusiness and industrial earlier and herewe go this is a this is a piece theseare parts okay this is a piece it'sbasically a clamp it's a special type ofclamp that goes on to extracting a quizat work well you be going oh my god soyou put this on around I don't want togive the product away okay I don't wantto give this is a piece that goes aroundand you tighten it on itsvery specific type of piece it's high304 stainless steel okay this issomething that you'd use in a chemicallaboratory or a home laboratory Iprobably shouldn't say that but somepeople use these in labs and it's one ofthese products that you have to have fora specific type of operation that you'regonna be running in those labs so I'vehad all types of labs reach out to meask if I can you know give them a quotefor ten pieces 15 units 20 units andthat is the type of that is the type oftransaction that will end up increasingyour margins because if I can send youknow ten of these to a customer or ifthey are repeat customer I can end upmaking some incredible was that onecustomer that bought that huge orderoffer you that one time that was a labup it was an environmental science lab Idon't give too much away higher numberswere in Oregon and they they kept comingback they came back four times and keptspending over $1,000 one of their orderswas 5700 so $5,700 I made over $1,000profit on that one sale or that yeah sothey bought multiple units I made over$1000 on that one sale so that's thepower of selling to other businessesespecially because they need thesethings for specific types of tasks thatthey're trying to do in the lab okaythis is another piece I call them partstheir parts they all have specificnumbers stamped on them and I want togive that away this is they call this ashowerhead and it's another specificpart that would go along with the wholeextracting equipment that I was tellingyou about earlier it's pretty heavy it'slike probably two pounds great materialgreat that's like this one because mysupplier actually sends it via USPS so Ionly spend a couple dollars for shippingand I make insane margins I make over40% profit margin on that one item andthen this is the last piece that I'mgonna show you guys I'm gonna blow I gotsome brand names on this piece so I'mgonna block it and this is you have agauge on the front and you have anothervery specific part that comes down hereand this is also part of that wholeentire unit and I sell theseindividually and I sell them in bundlesand these things sell like hot cakes hotcans literally hosts people you knowunless you are somebody who's inthe field or the industry you might notyou know you probably won't know whatthese things are so this is where ithelps to kind of do your research learnmore about these niches and then you cankind of figure out what's gonna sellwell what would make sense to sell onAmazon because I have to sit through alot of products that really wouldn'tmake sense to sell on Amazon in thesesmall pieces and replacement parts sellreally well both on Amazon and eBay sooh god those are just three parts if youguys know those parts let you know I'lldo a little guess game with you guys Idon't sell any parts are petslet me know in the comments and I'lltell you if you're right or wrong youdon't have to sell just parts like thatthat's I mean that's one thing I want tolet you guys know you don't have to sellstrictly metal stainless steel partslike Jason is it's just a whole entirebusiness and those are just three thingsthat I had it at my house at myapartment right now I saw a lot ofchemicals as well you just have to dealwith some hazmat restrictions I have topay a little bit more for a hazmat feeand there's other things like signatureconfirmation where you know my buyer hasto sign off on it but the chemicals sellreally well doing very very well withchemicals in big vat so like you know55-gallon drums but you gotta sell itFreight I'm also doing well with onegallon in one quart but one quart arethere five gallons one quart all thesedifferent you know measurements and Ican bundle them I can pair them up withother types of chemicals that might gowell with the project that a customer isusing so if you guys kind of do theresearch on the niche you can figurethese things out and add value make newlist things and figure out what peopleactually need for these types of thingsthat they're doing if their workplace orat their home in their garage and theirlittle makeshift laboratories whateverand that's kind of why I figured out andsat in it so motive hits that we're donewith Show and Tell I guessJason I only brought three pieces todaymight have more maybe next time we'llbring more motive hit says automotivebeauty tools are the best and tools arethe best I have a cell 2019 not bad Idon't get on gated in automotive now Ihaven't Lee I amI mean it's just it's there's so much onmy plate it's just not there he's gottoo much on my plate automotive I haveherds pretty good actuallyI'll look into that so Javier says howdo you optimize your title listings onAmazon honestly I personally I don'tthink we should get too much into thisbecause we have a bajillion questions Ijust realized I don't even make listingson Amazon I just hop on other listingson Amazon so I I find ones that Ialready made and that is hop I show howto do that in the corn and Jason teacheshow to actually make a listing inside ofthe cars so does manual dropshippinghelps yes yes on ebay you need to bedoing at least nine api-related dropshipping and you won't you won't get youknow caught so flagged throttledwhatever you want to call it Javier saysfor Amazon for Amazon that was aboutmaking listings I use both this is whenyou asked about SKU Grenada DSO damnwe're far away I use both SKU grid soitems don't work on oddity somebody'snot working are – yes okayI mean Auto TS only has like six or likefive maybe only for us related suppliersthat's the biggest issue about it mightbe easier to set up which is not a goodthing in my opinion if if it's too easyto set up everybody's gonna be doing itso SKU grid is definitely a littlechallenging to set up I try to do mybest inside of the course to set it allup and for you guys and I'm gonna beredoing it as I've become more and moreof a skew grid expert over over time soalways making updates – there's alwayschanges there's always new things youlearn they can do a bajillion thingsthey'll do whatever you want it to aslong as you are good enough at math andyou know can are okay with failingtrying to set it up like five six seventimes so motive hits is that we're atsays if you have no experience justsnipe other sellers titles yeah yeahthat's that's a pretty decent rule ofthumb sports guru says DS is lit okayyeah David Cho says purely manual nicenow this is when we were asking if it'smanual yeah yeah so um we have em justthe letter M says when buying productson Walmart and selling on Amazon in whatsituation do you need tax exemption andin what situation do you not need italways want it because if you're buyingitems on Walmart and you're paying taxyou're losing money yeah if you'repaying tax while purchasing any of youritems you're not doing it properly Ibefore I get started with any supplierout there nowadays I make sure to gettax exempt with them beforehand and thenI go ahead well I make sure that I canfind items first then I make sure I canget tax exempt and then I start listingtheir items I fully get tax exempt oralmost fully at every single supplierbefore I even startso that and that's the way that youshould be doing it I mean if you don'thave all the paperwork that I have thatI've had to curate over the last likelike 14 months it does take time it doeschange a lot but you can get started onit today and at least get the big stateslike California and Florida out of theway there's literally ioad Californiafor sales tax the other day $1500 thatin that was in one quarter I did like itwas like it was some unreal amount ofsales yeah to California where likethey're clearly the largest state outthere when you're gonna be selling themost items and if you're not tax exemptthere and then Florida there's abajillion people in Florida this is abig one to guys remember we're resellersas drop shippers we're resellers weshould not be paying for sales and usetax on any of these items because we'renot the end consumers we're reselling itto the end consumer okay so alwaysremember that some people kind of getconfused or they get nervous we're notevading taxes we're doing it properlyand we should not be getting chargedsales tax and use tax from our suppliersbecause again we're reselling it justlike a church or a B Corp can get do anyother suppliers you're gonna be doingwith Amazon Walmart Home Depot if you goout and not all of them are good let'sbe honest here but there's there's anendless amount of options and if youguys are inside of the course and youtell me and message me hey let's getlet's get this supplier up there thenit's gonna you know I'm gonna get thatsupplier up there for you guys do thestream die no no let us know if you guyscould still see us he's kind of died outfor a second here okay the best SKUgreen testing on it yes give it hell myaccount was stuck on 5k a month and Ibrought up twookay within a month that's awesomeXavier and I believe he said he wasinside of the course so that's evenbetteryo greetings from Mexico Jose Garcia mansports guru 11k on that on what profitwho's that 11 K I think that you thoughtXavier some of that yeah yeah the chorusis badass I just got it thank you verymuch Jose I appreciate the kind words wejust keep freezing on our screen but I'mnot sure if we're actually like going ornot I'm just gonna keep reading itthanks for getting tagged we're gonnamove down screen throws now it's back noit is I guess oh this is our internetsucking we should wire ourselves nexttime alright let's just keep readingbecause we seem to be back now thecourse is bad I just got it how do youguys deal with slow shipping fromobscure suppliers like some from Chinadon't sell from China how would youanswer that question I I wouldn't do allthe Express or DHgate or any of thoseit's just your customers are gonnathey're they're used to getting productsfast I mean Amazon is the gold standardfor getting products to people fast withtheir prime you know there's no reasonfor somebody to have to wait three weeksfour weeks to get their product I knowthey say that we can get it quicker toyou on all the Express or whatever Iwouldn't even bother dealing with itthey also have very very cheap productsso like very shoddy products very poorlymade products so you know you're gonnahave high rates of returns high rates ofcomplaints and you know if you'reselling on eBay you're gonna end uphaving in your account and you know it'snot worth dealing with those potentialrisks just to sell cheap products yeahmy two cents I've never done it I haveimported before but I've never done thedrop shipping method or the jaw dropshipping model from China to the US Idon't think it's a good idea you canstill see us let let us know alrightlet's answer another question what wereyou talking aboutyou I was talking about Aliexpress andDHgatebag we got 82 people watching right nowall righttechnical difficulties that did youanswer which one did you answer how doyou okay so I just started drop shippingon ebay instead of Amazon and I have afew listings my main goal is to get myfirst sale what is the absolute best tipfor that first sale just start listingmore lower your price a bit except alittle bit lower of a profit marginwhile you're first starting you'll getyour first sale and then get your secondsale hopefully right after thatso I'm where else are we this get aquestion that you can go off on atangent on while I try to do technicalsupport here how long have you been dropshipping what's a good number that Ishould be posting dated without anassistant you should answer that onewhat's the it's a good number of itemsto be posting about this assistant Imean I I really like to automateprocesses and virtual assistants areperfect for that so there's so manytasks when running and eBay dropshippingour amazon drop shipping or Shopify dropshipping store for that matter whereyou're going to have these processesthat come in every single day whetherit's customer service whether it'srepricing or keeping an eye out forrepricing listing items there's so manyfrom top to bottom that you guys aregonna have to deal with and if you wantto remove yourself and focus on thethings that are most important with yourbusiness which is scaling and growingyour business or spending time doingthings that you actually enjoy you haveto remove yourself from that aspect ofthe business and virtual assistants arekind of the only way that you're gonnabe able to fully do thatI know Tom's kind of got his storesautomated from head to toe I'm a littlebit more involved in my stores at themoment there are certain times in placeswhere it makes sense for you to beinvolved and when you're first startingout I think that it's a good idea foryou to learn the necessary thingsnecessary strategies the techniquesbecause it makes it easier to teachsomebody else and once you become youknow proficient with these techniquesand strategies you can then go and teachsomebody else what they need to dobecause just you know going out andhiring a virtual assistant on onlinejobs that pH your up work you don'tnecessarily know everybody's got aresume that looks impressive they'vesaid that they're proficient with allthese different software you knowrepricing software's they're proficientwith all these different things inreality they're just making their resumeseem like it's better than it is inreality you're gonna have to learn thethings that you want to teach them firstand then once you understand thosethings fully then you can transfer thatover I like to do it through zoom Icaught my screen with zoom and then Isend them video files which are trainingfiles and then they learn how what myrationale what my thought processand how to actually go about executingthese tasks that I give them so I wouldsay generally in the beginning you'regonna want to keep it you know keep itin-house figure out everything yourselfand then transition to moving it anddelegating it to somebody else and youknow eventually you can have a wholeteam virtual assistants and it's gonnabe one of those things that's gonna helpyou grow your business over time andreally help you you know and some peoplelike to take the time out and go dothings like travel and be with theirfamily ride four-wheelers on a Wednesdayhave fun yeah we were just actually atthis place called moon rocks it's likethe desert out here and we're ridingaround a four-wheeler is a good time butnormally you can't do that on acorporate job right a nine-to-five jobhow are you gonna be able to get out ofyour job on a Wednesday afternoon goride a full wheel or go spend time withyour family you can't do that so youknow having virtual assistants andsystems and processes in place to enableyou to do those things is where you wantto eventually get and you know it was ahard struggle to get to this point butthat's what your ultimate goal is or atleast that's what our ultimate goal wasall right you went are we still havingif we haven't had a difficulty that wasmy long that was my long tangents arejeez all right ah Javier says do youhave an amazon drop shipping course yeswe did announce at the beginning of thisalive that in the description we do havethe link to the course and the link tothe course to get the first ten videosfor a dollar as a sort of seven-daytrial I almost always say free trial butit's one dollar trial so the the linkwill go to the same landing page you caneither buy the course there or you cansign up for the trial first and test itout so we do have one launch ten daysagoagain it's a pretty good feedback aboutit so I can't wait to start seeing a lotof students successes start rolling outso we can show you guys one dollarexactly we have to lose one buck andthat gives you a taster of like over anhour of content you get to listen to metalk you get to listen to Tom Tom sultryvoice and we had 82 people on and I onlyhave 60 because of our neighbor yeahrogue neighbor so David Cho says do youguys use Home Depot no where you hitwith the new policy change of each itemitem having to be $45 each honestly thatpolicy change had to have been likeeight months agoit was not new I don't believe I've eachitem having to be $45 each if you'resending to multiple addresses no I don'tthink that that's a new policy changebut no we don't drop ship from HomeDepot and we highly suggest trying to goout and finding more obscure suppliersbecause it's a very common saturatedsupplier that everybody's using nowadaysyeah we're gonna go rapid-fire throughsome of these common Tom's like buntGeoff bunt okay Geoff bun yeah I'veheard his name on Instagram I'll lookhim upwe'll look him up after you need morebas to work on your Amazon stores versuseBay honestly I have less people on myAmazon store because it's just so easyto find items and make money you don'tneed let you have way less items andeverything's just doing a lot better andyou don't have to consistently list onAmazon and you don't need to create thelistings if you're just hopping on thelistings so it's just really justfinding items to hop on having all thespreadsheets set up properly and thenjust just uploading them it's ray makingconsistent sales on Amazon is not goingto be a problem we get this question allthe time on Facebook people say you knoweBay's really hard to sell on I'mconstantly listing new productsconstantly differentiating myself andthat's true but on Amazon if you getthat buy box on a popular product you'regonna be selling the hell out of it andthat's one of those things that onAmazon is a huge advantage okay so don'tworry about making sales on Amazonhonestly it could be more of a danger ofmaking too many sales and not knowingwhat you're doing on Amazon then it isnot getting enough sales it's never beena problem getting enough sales on emyeah it's not that's if you feel thatthey will comment it's true so beWhitmer says this tax jar calculate allthe taxes on the legal side no it onlydoes sales tax for you that I know of itmight have more extensions or programsor something but I believe it's onlyjust sales tax that it does and prettymuch it's just it's just gonna tell youwhat you need to pay each state I usedit the other day hopefully I canoutsource this to somebody because Ihate doing it yeah and then secondly Isaid if you get a 1099 incorrectly paytaxes can you get arrested I mean Ithat's like a worst-case Ontario okaylike I don't think they're gonna justcome straight to your door and put youin cuffs you should there might be a fewwarning signs firstokay so Shabazz says please tell me howto start my first day and first listingwe can get get me alright profit yeahit's like on the video is coming out onMonday I just literally made that staytuned for that Dennis says if you aren'taren't you afraid your Astellas accountwill gets tell the council getdiscovered Jason I don't know whatyou're doing and I mean I'm not an ITprofessional but I did my illegitimateand I read a book that's written bysomebody who actually knows what thehell they're talking about called Amazonghost and I made sure that it allchecked out and made sense and I lookedinto this so know I've been going strongfor a couple months since July so that'swhat four months no issues and no I'mnot worried I can wake up in the morningand hope that it's not gonna it's notgonna get suspended so yeah I'm notreally worried about it nope so JasperPham says how do you guys find productsto list sniping spidering through brandsor using applications like web scraperapp kind of all the above I don't reallyuse any like just the Webster a trap hasV low crawler I don't really use that Ikind of just find the suppliers that Ilike find their brands and then have myVA just go through and like pillagesomebody's story and then I just likeovertake at other peoples stores reallyI feel like I'm probably pissed peopleoff but I don't undercut so that thatsaves me so Jasper also said I recentlystarted dropping on Amazon it have beenTRO had trouble finding items to listand I I wouldn't say that's one of thethings that we've seen I mean you justneed to find the right supplier we have15 suppliers inside of the course it'sit's just all about finding the rightsupplier where you know their privatelabel brands you can easily spiderthrough people's stores and just prettymuch just wreck them I mean if you Idon't know if you're a course member Idon't think you are if you have anyquestions about the course let us knowbecause all of that stuff will beillustrated for you demonstrating foryou inside of toms computer he goes overit so thoroughly and teaches you exactlythose steps you know just being on aliveright here and saying how to do it isnot the same as actuallyseeing in person and figuring thesethings out I'm a very visual learninglearner so those things that's kind ofhow I learn is by seeing somebody elsedo and I think if you have any questionsabout it just let us know we'll try tohelp you out so la la boy 3 2 1 that's agood user name says hi Tom I'm abeginner who started at the beginning ofthis Motta's nobody ever say hi Jason Idon't know nobodyI received a ban restricting me fromselling on eBay after making my firstlistings without any sales can I justmake call them this happens all the timeI don't I how long ago did this happenI called them right away it's happenedto me once on one account if you justcall them and say they're literally justtrying to verify that you are who youare that's it so as long as you don'tlie about who you are as long as you'reallowed to sell you should be fine allyou need to just call them are you guysdoing bookkeeping yourselves anysoftware or suggestions Jason's reallybig on his QuickBooks I'm really big onletting my CPA deal with it all at theend of the yearChris books is awesome what I dodefinitely have QuickBooks I justdefinitely don't utilize it the justgives her so many transactions to goover it's way less this year it's I meanlast year was just a while where are weyou got banned for just yeah about myprofit calculate okay you said 13% oneBay but what about Amazon Home Depot orWalmart fees what what are you talkingthe item I mean yes if you have tax andyou're gonna have to just you know toadd in tax but you can't really figurethat outit's more of an average I'd say add anextra 7% average for the tax and I guessthat would be a break-even of 20 is thatwhat you have here can you explain a bitmore about this I mean if you're not taxexempt then you're gonna be paying taxat whatever your supplier is so thenyou're gonna have to add that into yourcalculation to overcome that but taxesvariable from state to state so it wasseven seven and a half eight percentthat should cover you we got thequestion of what are our best suppliersand websites to get good stuff from I'mnot obviously I'm not gonna answer thatwe talked about this earlier you'relooking for some supplier scooter it hasa massive list of suppliers and that'sgonna be your best betgo do some research and go from there sowe can already answer this questionshould I let shy just shy look to justget a team of virtual assistants to runeverything while beginning my store Iwork a lot so no I mean you should learneverything yourself but as long as youknow what is going on you can teach itproperly then you're good you're good tojust pass it off to a VA I got ya I gotV A's before I even started but I reallyhad no clue what I was doing so I'd atleast suggest you you know what you'redoing so somebody said hombre that's agood that's a good clothes I actually dohave a supplier for home brew if youguys are interested let me know I'llactually give them away live because Idon't use them as much anymore so ifyou're if you're actually interested inthe home brew niche let me know and I'lldrop it live so what's the fastest wayto get tax exempt in every statefill out the multi jurisdiction form andthen just start plugging away atindividual states it's no it's not fastand it's not fun yeah any discount onthe course message us I guess we can seewhat what type of discount you'relooking for it's not gonna be a largeone please tell me how to start my firstday first so we answered that what'syour profit margins on 5 to 10k permonth what what Oh in sales you talkingabout gross if I like making that yeahit depends on what if it's eBay I meaneBay is like 10% but Amazon is like 28almost 30% so it really depends on whatthe platform is yeah Walter White homelab tell me how we start that we'veliterally seen the same condom homelaboratory by Rosenberg Wow no no it wasnot by heinz isaac heisenberg isliterally the character of Breaking BadJason Heisenberg is the character inbreak yeah very culture what do you guysuse skew grid for exactly skew gridtracks your items whatever platform Iused to grid on Amazon and on eBaytracks your items lets you know ifthey're in and out of stock or let'sthus whatever platform you're selling onknow if they're in and out of stock andalso we'll do any repricing or pricingchanges and that's pretty much it PhilipSmith was asking me if I had some typeof operation like a mine yeahyou know I don't I don't cook up Mattwhat is the info for the refund policyof the course I'm about where now I'mnot gonna if you're trying to ask therefund policy before you start thecourse then I don't we don't really wantyes you're probably not gonna bededicating it's just not it's notworthwhile honestly cut your losses Wowwhat is the way for you guys to go aboutokay John or do CEO John as a governmentdo you need some kids we have ethernetcables we forgot so yeah it's it's wedidn't set it up because we weresupposed to be in the other room andthen that didn't work how long does ittake to get tax sent from Home Depot ifyou have everything I the video insideof the eBay course I made was eightminutes long so it's probably liketwenty minutes because I paused a lotand filled out stuff I'd say twentyminutes you know what you're doing andif you have somebody to to kind of teachyou all right you guys stuck in yourways they were nuts oh we got all rightso we're catching up from like 15minutes ago Mayer whisk on use cost wayfor Amazon I've looked into it I don'tuse them I have never done drop shippingcan I start with Amazon and it's sure Idon't know what that question reallymeans can you start on Amazon can youstart using Amazon as a supplier you'regonna have to elaborate a bit more onthat we started being the month I havereceived AB and we answered this one Iunderstand you just hop on where's thathop on listings but do you ever createokay answer that one cuz we're I'mgetting blind over here again Tom'sgetting blinded by the lightyeah so tom was saying earlier that thepart in the course is actually in likethe second unit of the course he talksall about hopping on listings that'skind of what he specializes and that'shis strategy I go more in advanced unitsI talk about actually creating your ownunique native listing on Amazon andcreating bundled listings some peoplecall bundle pairing and I also talkedabout making child variants on Amazonand those are brand new listings and Igo over that in depth that's somethingthat I have a lot more experience on soI talk about that in depth in the courseokay so are do you dropship from aunt onAmazon from EtsyI don't know you I did look into itsomebody asked that on a different liveyou can use Etsy as a supplier from SKUgrid I've never done it I don't I don'treally think it's a great idea but it'skind of come up a couple yeah it's gonnabe done like I mean people probablythink about it as like those are kind ofindividual niche suppliers I thinkthey're usually like one person or avery very small team of people and ifyou start hitting some serious valium onAmazon you have to think down the linecan that person keep up with supply andif your supply chain is just one personin their garage making you know makingsome item whenever they feel like itthat's not really a great supplier touse I like to have consistency with mysuppliers and also know that if I scalethey can scale with me and offer mebetter rates and actually keep up withdemand so I would steer away from Etsypersonally I do dropship on Etsy on theplatform on the marketplace and that'sfor a different time in a place but yeahI wouldn't use them as a supplydifferent video um blood and thundersays oh it's you that undercut me yeahkind of no I mean I I actually I matchedthe person at the bottom I'm not anunder cutter I just like to match thelowest price that's it it's a verycommon practice and that's what I dowhen it comes to taxes how do you goabout getting them done you need a CPA Iwouldn't go out and start plugging andchugging your numbers on your own it'sjust it's a lot and you just got to hiresomebody for that seems like a newbie QAI mean there is it's a frequent questionand answer so whoever wants to askquestions can ask questions yeah I meanwe don't we're probably gonna do somemore specifically for our coursestudents and make them a little bit moreadvanced but you know we haven't done aYouTube live in a bit so we want to justengage everybody and you know that thisis an opportunity for people who mightnot have the means to join our courseask questions about drop shipping andthat's what we're here for so this isLala boy it was the one that got bansand I called them right away I receiveda ban a few days prior for verificationso I mean you literally got banned andthen you called but you got bannedbefore that then you got banned againand then it was taken away after Iverified I mean there mustbeen some issue with the verificationthere I don't know if you've ever beenbanned in the past have you ever hadaccounts in the past and you never paidyour bills yeah that's one thing I'veseen people kind of forget that theyjust didn't do back in the back in theday not saying you did there's a wholehost of different things that it'spretty hard to diagnose without knowingevery day you should probably call themup and see what's going on again yeah Imean good city no I mean again ask himwhat's going on yeah the Home Depotpolicy changes months ago but that wasfor two addresses so you can combine twoIIIi don't know anything about HomeDepot honestly III dropship three ordersfrom them once they pissed me off ittook a month to get the items I waspissed and I never used them again so Ihaven't heard much about Lowe's in awhile now whatever happened last yearand everybody stopped talking aboutLowe's I don't know what happenedseems like it's uh it's not the popularchoice anymore yeah I don't understandit um Mike D says do I get a free coursejust for you man you're the only one toask yeah okaycan you get around Amazon account bandsby registering a new company every timethe initial account gets banned just tryto not get banned best bet is to try notget banned the ice in that you read thestealth book and you know there's moreyou need to personally verify you whichis kind of an issue I mean you can juststeal someone's identity I just beatsomeone up steal their ID or somethinglike Black Widow on the dark web but Imean I would just try to not get bannedI would say that's the best option butyou know you use a loved one a lovedone's information if they don't mindit's it still gets I mean it's alwayshairy if you if you're not using yourown information Scott R says how do Iget taxes them to California I thinkCalifornia's Department of Revenue Ithink we should stop the protectsexemption stuff last live was like allabout stealth Acastus everybody loves ithow do you handle item not receiveclaims with Amazon even if the trackingnumber shows deliveredhonestly I don't get very many of thosenow that we've started selling in a moreI'd say business oriented niche which isanother benefit of selling in thebusiness and industrial you're notgetting these I mean I'd sayless than just ideal situations we'refrom people that probably are trying toscheme you or going out there schemathese are businesses mainly buying itemsfrom us so that's one thing I don't getvery many of them I have gotten a-to-zclaims items not received back in theday when I was doing a lot of Walmartonto Amazon but I I won a couple of themthat said that the item wasn't that wasdelivered they said it was and I won oneor two of them despite putting in anappeal I lost one and then I told thesupplier which wasn't Walmart that thatthey never got it but even though theydefinitely clearly did and then theyrefunded me so it worked out so ifwhatever your supplier is I'd contactyour supplier be like hey never got theitem and to see what your supplier saysabout it so it's the the real thing isis that they're just gonna take it andpass it off on to either the shippingcompany or some sort of insurancerecuperation company and then you knowit just it's kind of everybody's happyin a situation so guys you know we gotthrough the technical difficulties ifyou're still watching if you stuckthrough all the technical difficulty andsorry people watching go ahead and hitthat like button we really appreciateyou thank you guys and we're gonna tryto finish up here in the next tenminutes or so I know we got delayed orwhatever so we're gonna get through itJhansi our Ducey says i bulk dropped allmy promoted listings from 4 percent to 1percent my sales skyrocketed the nextday editing seems to cause sales evenwhen it doesn't make sense so it's aninteresting you know it's an interestingtheory or an interesting observation Iwould like to know what was your samplesize right who's your sample set howmany listings did you do that forbecause that's actually really importantand the other thing is you know you knowwhat 4 percent to 1 percent integer inits skyrocketed the next day whathappened after that what were thesubsequent days like though those arereally important you know points of datathat that you know tell a story and Idon't know I can't really extrapolateanything from that so yeah I meanthere's so many different things andtheories on eBay that I've kind of juststopped attempting to figure out whatworks and what doesn't work I just tryto run little experiments on more actualyou know where you can take like thelast video I did where I took items offthat an already that hadn't soldbefore and some of them sold againthat's real tangible data you can getwhere if you just start changingsettings and stuff it's kind of just Idon't I don't know it's it's it's it'seBay I don't know what to tell you it'syeah so one question here was Latrell ETravis McKay says is there a better waythan pay ability I don't use pay me Inever have to use I just get an AmericanExpress card that if you can there'scharge cards they're called ones calledthe plum card that's what I use and theythey grow with you they don't care howmuch you're selling as long as you'redoing well so keep on keeping on andit's not a credit card it's they call ita charge card has a semi No Limit Idon't know but it's it's a lot betterbased on your like balance right in someway shape or you can pay it off dailyit's kaliya credit card yes it's wayhigher limits I started off at like50,000 or more for businesses enterprisebusiness stuff like that it's not foryour everyday average Joe just has acouple hundred dollars in grocery billsit's really for businesses you gotupgraded right so the platinum cards I'ma baller nowI can go to Centurion lounges in theairport and sit there and eat free foodand take jealous cuz I was at DenverInternational the other day and theyactually built one of those Centurionlounges and I had to just walk by it cuzI didn't have one starting with Amazonversus eBay which to start with firsteBay eBay is a lot easier less peoplegetting banned right off the start orit's just easier to get set up and it'snot as strict which tools do you use foramazon drop shipping i have a wholevideo on that we're trying to go throughthese questions really quickly justcheck my amazon drop shipping playliston youtube so i need to help i need helpto start my amazon seller account I'mdoing drop shipping I'm doing dropchains so he's an ebay drive sure Ihaven't to transition I have an Amazonseller account video I made a week and ahalf ago check that out it's on YouTubewhat do you think is the best solutionif Amazon asks for invoices we're gonnawanna have some sort of supplier thatsells items like what you're sellingthat could be a wholesale relatedsupplier and I I mean I got asked for aninvoice once and I literallywent to Walmart bought the item becauseit was a Walmart item and then I sent ina receipt of the Walmart item and thatworked which was also explained on aYouTube video so that's that other thanthat just try to find something thatknows exactly what they're doing like Ihaven't gotten banned from anything likethis before so I wouldn't say thateverything that I know about it is thebest but we are getting contacts withpeople that are helping out that canhelp out in situations like this yeah soI'm late to this is there going to be areplay oh yes so check out this videoafter we finish we're gonna be done herein a couple minutes so go ahead andcheck it out we actually had some reallygood questions at the beginning andwe're just trying to finish up here wehave Dennis who asks have you ever triedbanggood I've never I think they'resimilar to Aliexpress right with thewhole Chinese stuff yeah I've never donethat we were thinking about it at onepoint but I think we've definitivelymoved past that so Eddy has got a lot ofquestion marks in his question retaileroption is against amazon's policy yeswould you risk your account just dropshipping anyway using lowe's for exampleor go down the route of finding adistributor amazon FBA 30% profitquestion mark question mark questionmark I'm using a I guess what would beconsidered retail distributor and I'mmaking almost 30% profit so yes I do dothatI guess I risk my account so they lookat how many people are selling Lowe'salthough they did just cobalt startedcracking down on Amazon which is one ofthose main brands so I probably wouldn'ttry Lowe's it seems like Lowe's has beenfor lack there better words of shitshowin the last two months so I'm not sureanything about Lowe's at the currentmomentwhat's going on with SKU lately my SKUGoods working I'm not sure and all rightwe got the last two I got banned fromPayPal what do I dohow'd you get banned from PayPal I'm notsure start using eBay manage paymentsthere's going to be transitioning thisvery soon and you know what do you haveto I'm actually gonna be doing thatthat's on my bucket list for the end of2019 here is transition over to eBaymanagemints which means that you know we'regetting paypal out of the picture sincethey're splitting off and PayPal isdoing some things they're prettyannoying like you know they're not gonnarefund the two photos that I alreadystarted it started I checked it didn'tdig it but what the ref on the phonetold me that it started on the 15th Idon't think it's actually started butyou know some people inside of thecourse did say that 0.9% 30 centtransaction fee they're saying thatthey're not gonna refund it I have a lotof products that sell for over $100sometimes over $500 that's gonna add upand it's really annoying so you're gonnatransition over to eBay manage paymentseventually anyway so do now rather thanlater you know you don't need PayPalwe've moved past that yeah we don't needit we don't need you anymore PayPal wegot a Canadian being a Canadian dropship around Amazon do you guys have anyadvice get just get an American CINnumber and then an LLC and you'll belike an American it'll be greatso Adrienne what was the reason forpaypal banning you you guys tried thelast question from Dennis have you guystried any Amazon international siteslike Amazon UK no I haven't you can makeenough money on Amazon u.s. and it'sjust it's so much stuff to learn inother countries rules I feel that Idon't see myself running into it you'rejumping into it anytime soon so if youguys stuck it out till the end weappreciate it I know there are someissues during this live but you knowagain thank you so much for staying allthe way to the end again I'm gonna askyou for one last time like that hitthumbs up and subscribe don't forget tosubscribe because we hit over 10,000 andnow the only logical thing to do is hita hundred thousand soon like immediatelyso we need your help thank you guys verymuch please subscribe hit the bellnotification you have any otherquestions leave them in the commentsbelow they will be answered and if youare interested in checking out theamazon course that we did drop ten daysago we will see the first ten videos inthe course for one dollar for seven daysso it's one dollar trial it's definitelyworthwhileI'm sure you'll learn something yeahit's you'll get this it's one McDonald'shamburgerworth of information but it's better sothank you guys very much and we will seeyou in the next live take care
