Big Payment Processors Don't Care About Ecom and Online Biz

it was a strikeout for strep gettingbanned and I even went some of myfriends and use some of my friendstripes and all everyone strapped keptbeing banned[Music][Applause]basically tell me where were you youknow what kind of situation were you ininitially before we started workingtogether yeah absolutelyso my name is pres McHugh I'm 18 andcurrently live in Las Vegas and before Ifound cause and electronic commerce Iprocessed a lot through stripe andPayPalthe first issue was PayPal whenever Iprocess 10 grand a little under threedays and they permanently blacklisted mefrom PayPal so I can never open a PayPalaccount again and the next was withstraight so with stripe you get a max ofabout four accounts being banned beforeyou get permanently been like to whereyour name and social security numbersband so the first account I processed alittle under 100k and they completelybammy and my money still being lockedand the second account I processed Ithink it was like 20k and it was astrike after strike getting banned and Ieven when some of my friends would usesome of my friends stripes and alleveryone's trapped kept being banned andI got introduced to cause and electroniccommerce so my first initialintroduction with the electroniccommerce was not great because I alloweda friend to use my electronic commerceaccount but luckily electronic commercebeing more of a concierge service theywere able to work with me and theyunderstood that that happened and we'reable to move past that and now I haveseveral open accounts with electroniccommerce and they all run smoothly verylow charge back percentage very securepayments next-day funding anything thatyou could want in a payment processorsand electronic commerce I think Iunderstand so with what happened if I'mcorrectas I understand it so no this other guyof the friend former friend or whateveror a person who portrayed himself as afriend you were trying to help them outand like you know some people would helpyou out with the stripe O'Connorwhatever and he basically took advantageof it right did some things that werejust way way way way above you know wayundergroundpast the board or whatever things thatjust weren't ethical from a paymentprocessing perspective and just anethical period to the point whereclients weren't happy with what theywere getting exactly and unfortunatelysince I guess your name was on thedotted lineyou were he'll sort of left holding thebag or you were responsible whereanother housing transactions okay andthen that's what kind of like made itnot so much of a good experience agocorrect right okay and I guess if theyhad have been let's say a stripe squarea PayPal or a bank and one of those kindof institutions it would have just beenshut down that's it yeah it would havebeen said that it would have been a muchworse experience okay and so he liketrying to converse in our back officeyou guys work together we worked it outand we're back you know we're backsmooth sailing again we back in goodstanding okay good because that's so Iguess the whole point is like it youknow something like that happens andthat's like the lifeblood of yourbusiness just like what can you do rightyou can't get you out of processingokay you can't merchant process anymoreokay so now that we have that fix haveyou been receiving like has there beenanything – I guess gonna help preventyou know issues I have you been gettingthat kind of assistance for maybe liketo do an account all right and say heywell you know do this to that or makesuggestions that I hope when you areyeah electronic commerce is superhelpful with that okay now are youhaving like any issues with getting incontact with you know say operations onthe right of risk huh private servicesas soon as you died pick up the phoneroom as long as it's in that hour thatthe the supports on there mmm-hmm alwayspicked up okay and I'm not coaching himto say this because this is a hundredpercent honest yeah this is just from myfrom my experiences and that wasn't evenfamiliar with all the differentincidents because I'm not necessarilyworking in operations on a day to daykind of the bigger picture likeoverseeing different things and seeinglike what's happening and being actuallytold what's happening so I'm notcoaching him but I'm super glad that itabsolutely worked out and this isprobably that this is our first daymeeting there's our first action meetingyeah so I had no freaking idea of allthe like the different particulars Iknow the person he's referring to andpick us up you know that's like Walmartjust being out of business or anybusiness like if you can't make moneyhow can you be in business exactly soyou know and you don't have there's notlike 18 years old to be doomed to 18right yeah did we do what you're doingthat's freaking awesome rightthat can really discourage a lot ofpeople though you can't like it getdiscouragedespecially 18 or 28 or 32 foot it woulddiscourage you if something like thathappens and you can't move forward itcould be super discouraging so for youman to be able to bounce back from thatand to handle it in a mature way I thinkthat's a plus as well hey I wouldn'thave been able to do that withoutelectronic commerce okay you guys aregonna help that outis it's a concierge based um and I wasable to talk with Darnell okay and kindof work out the situation after I senthim on the phone and care about whathappened Tokrahe was like yeah absolutely like we'renot opposed to doing business anymoreand we've been working out and now we'reback where it's so that's good manbecause um I know it so there's somesuper big companies out there and youcan't really get a hold of theunderwriter or the risk personaloperations or even if you do they don'tknow the difference between a DBA and alegal business name it's just like somuch like like basic something's commonsense you know you would think commonsense but obviously not and things aremaybe much more complicated but becauseof person like Darnell who totally islike a freaking guru on the operationside in particular he can you know thatpersonal relationship I think in myopinion that's where really serves usthink that helps remedy situations likethe limit reaching the outside becauseif you just relying on email or textlike you know you don't know the personyou knowpeople in the Philippines and yeahespecially these big big merchantprocessors a lot of them are outsourcingall of their work and you don't know whoyou're talking to right and do you thinksometimes maybe there's like acommunication barrier but they don'treally even understand what the businessreally does and it's kind of like lumpat all this econ but everything is thesame you think that happens a lot reallyokay it happens all the time okay so yesI'm glad man so that's what we that'swhat our focus is is to really have aconcierge cypress service just like yousaid where you know Darnell or somebodyelse in the back office and we chooseDarnell because he's just like sofreaking good at it man and I'm glad manI'm glad he's able to help you out wellwhere we can help and if you need helpmake sure you messages there will be alink somewhere in here maybe maybehearing I don't know once we edit it orwhatever we'll put it in there butthere'll be a way to give us to kind oftack this as well so Preston thanks alot man absolutely thank you gottaappreciate you man[Music]
