Blue Ribbon Mastermind 2018: Top Ecom Advice from Purple Mattress & More

Bob's your uncle Roberts your mother'sbrotherhey as we're here behind the scenes atthe blue-ribbon mastermind I don'talways say it like that but this time Ithought I would come with a little powerit's a group of 7 and 8-figure ecommercebusiness owners half a more Amazonbusiness owners have them aretraditional like e-commerce Shopifyretailers and we get together and weshare what's working in our businesses Italk about marketing and what I'm doingand what I'm up to and how I'mdeveloping products that are sort ofgood for the world and profitable youknow businesses that have a missionattached to them and some of the stuffthat we focus on like direct responseand Facebook Ads video and we hear frommembers about like what they're doinghow they're winning on Amazon howthey're winning in e-commerce howthey're going to retail how they'reusing television as a means ofvisibility for their products and so Ithought it'd be fun to sit some of themdown and ask them like hey what are youguys doing in 2018 what are you lookingforward to what do you have yourattention on so this will just be someinterviews some of my members help youenjoy itBrian Garvin I'm the director of YouTubesearch and display advertising at purpleI also run a consulting and trainingbusiness called stacked ads 2018 lookscrazy we have actually invented anacronym called BSCit stands for bat crazy like people arelike hey er you got an aggressive nowe're going BSC and that's really purplelike as an example right how quick getsgrown from zero to where it's at todaythe same thing with everything else I'mworking on is just crazy growthstretching the limits of what we can doone of the most important pieces thateverybody misses especially when talkingabout YouTube advertising is everybodytries to put it into the adwords squarepeg or the facebook square peg and it'sreally around and it just doesn't fitright because people that are going toyoutube are completely different thanthe people that are going to Facebookthey're there to do one thing watchvideo and you're interrupting thatexperience so the likelihood thatthey're going to click on your ad and goto your site like they made with aFacebook ad or a Google Display Networkat or even the search ad right is veryslim but what does happen is it buildsawareness for your brandfounders in this space a lot of timescome up with an idea and that theydevelop in their kitchen or their garageand the thing with a product basedbusiness is you can get goingquite quickly which leads a lot ofopportunity but it also leads to a lotof challenges they'll pivot too much orthey'll try too many different tacticsat too many times or not do it for longenoughdeveloping the mindset of how do youassess something in your business tokeep that focus and knowing when youshould pivot when you should persevereor is this something you actually needto stop and you need to pause to moveforward and these businesses becausethey are predominantly online founderscan work in a silo and so really getputting yourself out there to askquestions and really develop a networkand get the help that you need issomething that I see a lot of founderstruggling with as well my name isMichael lahat I'm a serial entrepreneurwe have a EECOM business we run it on aShopify store yes selling selling youknow I mean the stuff it takes to sellor market it has been the same thingscavemen we're taken or whatever you knowme I mean and for thousands of yearspeople have been persuading each otherwhen I want someone I learn something mystudy everything yeah I've just dive offI'm like a bulldog with a dirty sock Iwon't let go it's all figured out and soI start studying I got new AdrianMorrison was doing e-comm and then asroads you know big Big Daddy and he comeand a lot of other guys so I'm just sortof following everybody because I knew Ineeded to learn how they were doing Iknew how to sail and had a market Ididn't know how to do it with thephysical product online efficientlyeffective correctly and all that andonce I fit all those pieces togetherit's all I needed you know you can't bea one-man show for long because I likeour company I took it to 1.5 million amonth and did everything on the digitalside alone so but by that point you'relike an octopus on roller skate youcan't continue that you've got a higherteam you got to find your weaknesseshire and replace better talent and ourgoal this year is actually 250 milliontotal I don't know if we'll hit itthat's like I was saying in theretrying you know but I've never for surewill probably do a hundred milliononline I think people are looking for aneasy button there is no easy but you getrun over looking for an easy button myname is will Mitchell I run startup roseand simply organic Beauty 2018 for us isan exposure year we have a message thatwe know resonates with people and Ithink when you have a message that youknow is resonating is making an impactin the people's lives that you're tryingto affect the game becomes scale thegame becomes getting that message out toas many people as you can a business isjust a way for me to communicate amessage to someone if that message thatI'm communicating is not having animpact on that person if they're theircore identity is not resonating withwhat I'm saying no amount of marketingis gonna fix that[Music]my name is Jonathan bulk and I have ane-commerce business an automotiveecommerce business in terms of SEO a lotof business owners are really sleepingon it they're focusing mostly on paidtraffic I feel like and SEO is one ofthose legs in a stool that's gonna helpincrease your valuation and also just beanother platform for you to grow onexplosive growth has come from SEOstrategies that we've implemented butit's really it's um it's a layer youreally gotta layer things upon eachother and there's no one particularstrategy that's gonna build you intothis like overnight success it's along-term play I think we're all tryingto build long-term income we're not justtrying to make cash and clicking get outbuild quality products and so if that'sthat's what you're trying to do SEOmakes a lot of sense[Music]call it Saran cuz it's a rapkind of always wanted to say that onvideo that means that it's over or tothe end of the video I hope you'veenjoyed this if you're interested inBlue Ribbon mastermind you have to be ayou know $50,000 or or over a monthretailer check it outyou know forward slashmastermind it's a really amazing groupthis is not meant to be like a pitchvideo for blue room mastermind but whilewe're talking about it I thought hey whynot tell you about it so we are the onlygroup of 80 plus 7 and 8-figuretraditional e-commerce retailers andwe're great we're open we share with oneanother we help each other I believethere are power in groupsI believe that community is where it'sat in life and that you want to gettogether with folks who are like-mindedwho are you know gonna support you onyour journey so if you're not at thatlevel and you're just interested in youknow more free courses and content abouthow to grow your business please staytuned to the smart marketer blog ifyou're not watching this on the blog andif you are interested check outsmartmicro com forward slash mastermindmy name is Ezra Firestone thank you somuch for watching[Music]you
