
Posted by Kate Scott

You know that episode of the Simpsons where Homer has the time toaster and manages to alter reality in the present… Things look ALMOST normal, but just not quite right…. that’s how my life feels right now. I have a mac which which has no hash sign on the keyboard…my fingers automatically go to where the @ sign should be and i get ” instead… I seem to have suffered every technical hitch known to man… incompatability issues trying to connect pc and mac to my wireless router, software which refuses to load on either platform….sigh…. I honestly don’t think I’d be surprised if a fly landed on my nose and quick as a flash I whipped out a lizard tongue…

I know change is good but it’s so disconcerting. I like change which is done a little at a time where I can dip my toe in first and suss out if I want to paddle for a bit or wade right in…no such luxury for me right now…

Anyway, today was a little bit of breathing space…the calm before yet another storm begins, so I did what I always do in such situations, bought myself some flowers to soothe my soul 🙂 Tomorrow a load of books arrive from Amazon and my work begins in ernest…. after failing miserably to salvage my ecommerce business from the remains of my dead pc I now have to begin again, from scratch. I need to build not 1 but 2 new websites and have the whole thing fully functioning as soon as possible, using 3 pieces of new software I have no clue how to use (hence the books from Amazon).

Besides my businesses I also have another full time job so I’m not sure if I’ll have time to post anything for a wee while… unless it’s me trying to strangle myself with my usb cable or lob the pc out the top floor window…

Just wish I had more time for pics as I really miss being creative 🙁 Hopefully I can sort things soon and get back to having some fun!


