Certified Internet Marketing Practitioner (CIMP)

internet marketing jobs have beengrowing rapidly and this is becauseinternet marketing is still much morecost efficient than other mediums ofmarketing such as print and televisionpeople with strong internet marketingknow-how are moving into highlylucrative and rewarding management levelcareers because they know how to managethe performance of revenue and growtheir company with scale in anintelligent manner which can then betracked back to their efforts there is awide variety of strategies in internetmarketing and this class will teach youhow to decide which strategies to employestablished goals create objectivesimplement the tactics and techniques andthen continually optimize thosetechniques and track everything alongthe way so that you can take credit forthe strong growth that you will beresponsible for in your organizationgain clarity on what moves to make andthen learn the steps that it takes toestablish a competitive advantage overyour competition in this class we willcover topics such as strategicpositioning lead generation customeracquisition marketing automation bigdata for marketers ecommerce b2b onlinemarketing b2c online marketing webanalytics search engine optimizationsocial media marketing onlineadvertising email marketing mobilemarketing affiliate marketing videomarketing blogging and podcasting alsowe will take a close look at businessesthat have put into place winninginternet marketing strategies and howthey compare to direct competitors thathave not and are just spinning theirwheels this class is designed for anyonewho has contact with web marketing webdesigners developers business ownersmarketing team members and anyone whowants the power to advance a businessthe right way this class will help youto distinguish yourself among your peersimagine the power that you will gain andtherefore the advantage you will haveover your peers when you have theknowledge to sustainably acquire newcustomers convince more people to buymanage return on investment and beatyour competitors because you have theknow-how to build a winning internetmarketing strategy from the ground upand on top of all that you can achievethe certification to back up your skillset so get started on your certifiedinternet marketing practitioner classtoday
