Dan Kennedy on Essential Truths of Internet Marketing

hey welcome to the essential truths ofinternet marketing that never changesI'm Dave Dee from GK I see and here wehave Mr Dan Kennedy enthusiasticenthusiastic they are because you wereso nice to them before oh yeah beforethe camera rolled yeah Wowwell we have for our ever beenthusiastic if they're not verygood-looking so you got to kind of bringsomething you absolutely do well we havean incredible program planned for youtoday it's four hours of Dan teachingyou what he knows about real the realtruths about internet marketing so Danassumes the two through the tubes wellbecause the here's the truthalmost all the big name gurus that youknow if internet marketing go andconsult with Dan they pay him eighteenthousand eight hundred dollars a daythey hire them to do copy and all kindsof things so what we're going to betalking about here are things thatactually positively work and we'llcontinue working so we're not talkingabout things that are going to come andgo or the newest whiz-bang trick we'retalking about fundamental directresponse marketing principles that youcan use on the Internet so Dan thisfirst segment is called the foundationsof internet marketing and so I want tostart with this a lot of people thinkwhenever there's a new media that iscompletely different that everything'schanging that this is going to wipe outall the other media talked a little bitabout that well if you live long enoughyou will see that and you will hear thata number of times so as you say it isalways thought it is always believed soevery time something came along aboutthe only time it's ever been true Ithink is is the destruction of silentmovies replaced with sound that prettymuch actually happened although a coupleyears ago wasn't getting me one rightone of the Academy Award but um butother than that so everybody hasbelieved it as radio happened as talkradio happened as satellite radioeverybody has believed it about everymedia it's never really been true hardlyany media has actually perishedgenerally speaking theyhave gained reinforcement assistancefrom each other has has they have grownI think the big caution to watch out foris sort of the Wizards of the new mediain whose best interest it is to have youbelieve that there are new and prettymuch incomprehensible rules for the newmedia because otherwise they're not asnecessary as they would like to be andso from a foundational standpoint mediais a toolbox and it gives as we addmedia it gives us more tools but itdoesn't really change the successfulapplication of the tools and it'ssomewhat dangerous to buy into the ideathat it does I think some of the peoplethink that you may be anti internetwhich is completely false now there's adistinction between personal bias andpragmatism so from a personal standpointyeah I am anti Internet right if I andthere's sort of an increasing littleconsensus growing you know that it maynot have been the best thing to let outof the box from a societal standpointand now from a security standpointthere's an editorial in the New YorkTimes literally today as we are aredoing this by somebody who who is wellrespected and not viewed as a as an oldas a grumpy old man who is reallytalking about the security problems thatthis thing unleashes and I so I don'tcare for it personally and I don't useit personally and if I want somethingfrom Amazon that's what a post-it noteis for and in a fax machine yeah and afax machine but but that's personal youknow from a business standpoint againit's more tools in the toolbox so I haveno pragmatic objection to any of itand in our businesses as an author andfor clients make a great deal of use ofit and not grudgingly and in fact Iwould I would like some of what peoplebelieve to be true about it now to betrue so if we really could for exampleeliminate the expense of offlinemarketing and get the same results withonline only I'd be the first guy in thecheering sex section that doesn't happento be true but if it were true so now Ihave no application bias against it infact in fact like you said you we use itfirst of all in our own business you useit as an author you every every one ofyour clients I have won you it yourclient doesn't use it I have one clientwho does absolutely nothing okayonline but but only one everybody elseis you know somewhere between knee deepand shoulder deep in itmostly integrated right but but I have acouple clients who are heavily weightedsure to online sure and I think one ofthe best things I've heard you say oneof the greatest distinctions was thatyou don't know how to make the printingpress work either so talk a little bitabout tax I think a lot of people gethung up on yeah well we were so we wereat a seminar Joe Sugarman seminar forthose of you know Joe and this is someyears ago and Joe encountered aMicrosoft executive on his morning walkon the beach who he invited to come inand talk to us small group and smallgroup of direct-response small group ofhello response heavy hitters right andso sitting next to me was a guy at thetime who was probably probably sell himwith his entire client base selling moregoods on QVC than anybody else on homeshopping and so we come back from abreak in the Microsoft guy has paperedall four walls of the room with diagramswhich you know is not a good sign and heproceeds now to describe how the tubesworkand after about 15 minutes the QVC guystands up and says Kennedy doesn't knowhow a lumber mill works either the guydidn't even like get it but the pointwas I'm mailing paper and ink and Idon't know how we get to paper and inkhe's selling 100 million dollars worthof stuff on TV and he has no idea howthe signal gets from here to Martha'shome you know nor do we care right Imean so there's there's the technicalwhich generally speaking marketingpeople always have somebody else do thetechnical you don't go run the printingpress right you don't you don't youdon't make the signal move there'speople sitting over there who know howto do that neither you or I could go dothat I don't think you could go do it sowhy would we need to know this right Imean so I got the part that makes youthe money that's exactly not the partthat Mitch makes makes you the money solet's talk a little bit about by the wayyou can even get in your wayokay so the people who come to this fromthe tech side and are and think becausethey understand the tech that they aresmarter than those of us who don'tunderstand the tech you know run therisk of being monkeys with typetypewriters trying to do a novel rightyeah got it let's talk about nodisrespect to you monkeys over therewith the typewriter you know you're justendearing yourself to everyone youhaven't insulted the viewing audience of5,000 people yeah we'll get therethat'll get we'll get there so that'sfour days young so one of the key thingsthat is having a good online marketingis having a good direct response websitewhat are some of the key elements thatyou need in a good direct responsewebsite and are there different types ofwebsites for different businesses yeahand I'm kind of going to run throughthat right when I get over there butyeah absolutely there are first of allthere are reasons to have non non directresponse sites and there are legitimatereasons to have them as long as youdon't expect them to create responsebecause that's not what they're forrightbut yeah there's all sorts of differentsites and and when you get into directresponsesytze has in any other media again whereyou're going to put the word directresponse in front of it it dictates thatit function in a way that creates directresponse so that's really the biggestfact is if the site is engineered in anyway that interferes with distracts fromthe derails the completion of an act ofresponse then it's not a true directresponse site and and a lot of peoplewill we'll turn that over to people whoare again not direct response people andwill sort of bow to what they now adviseright because they're confused by the bythe knowledge ecology and they believebecause it's a different media thatdifferent rules apply and again this isa new you know I mean the Yellow Pagesfor years tried to convince everybodythat different rules applied to a YellowPages ad then to an ad say in anewspaper or magazine and they tried todo that mostly so that the Yellow Pagesad would not be held has ruthlesslyaccountable for responses so you knowJohn puts a newspaper ad in on Tuesdayhe expects results on Wednesday so theYellow Pages folks really didn't wantthat sort of day-to-day expectation youknow and so people like me literallypioneered direct response Yellow Pagesads that were held to the standard andpurpose of does this drive directresponse does this element drive directresponse if it doesn't why give up anyreal estate to it and the other dangerwith websites is the idea that there'sunlimited a real estate so if we buy ifwe're paying for a full-page ad in amagazine a we have limited amount ofspace and we've written a check for itin every word matters every word mattersevery square inch matters and graduateand people sort of understand that wherethey're not directly writing a check forit and there's an unlimitedMount of it which is basically a websiteright people get kind of sloppy aboutconsidering every square inch every wordevery page every function is this movingus to direct response or isn't it movingus to direct response you talk aboutthat a lot with email too which is partof internet marketing obviously we'reyou know kind of we have to send out asales letter we've got to pay for thatletter to go out we've got to focus inon every little detail when somebody'swriting a check for 2,000 or 20,000 or$200,000 depending upon their businessfor stamps let alone the printing andyou know all of that they tend to beless casual about it then when they canslap it together push a button and outit goes right the hidden costs of allthat are that you are using up customerand audience interest and so you knowwrite a check for that but if you doenough bad sloppy hasty unthoughtfulcommunication gradually people stoppaying attention to you at alland that's very very expensive so you'renot writing a check for it but whatyou're saying is it is coming out ofyour pocket it's coming out of yourpocket yeah it's coming you will all ofItaly have to write a check becauseyou'll be digging yourself out of a holeyou suddenly fight find yourself eeehand then even more insidious or the guysthat say oh okay I heard that Dan say Igot to go offline so I'm going to do itbut then use those same sloppy tacticsthat they're using online to put it inthen they say well it doesn't work wellbecause you know the number probably thenumber one cause of failure andmarketing is under estimating thedifficulty is Rask rightand unfortunately online encourages thatunderestimation more than offline butthe people who have survived as onlinemarketers only and actually have beenone step away from spamwhich by the way so I just quoted it I'mnot gonna remember it exactly but Ithink it's 134 billion emails and 86billion of them are spam so if yousubtract that and then you take out thepersonal stuff me emailing you a jokeand you take all that out and you takeout the porn industrythere's like 12 commercial emails leftat the bottom of that pop but yeah theguys that have been living on it's freeso let's send a lot of it and let's notworry about tiny response percentage ordiminishing response percentage and areaction to the diminishing responsepercentages let's send more rightexactly let's send more and let's sendmore and let's send more and you sawcycle of one a day to two a day to threea day to five a day all that doesbecause it is still fundamentally theequivalent of a phone call or a knock onthe door right and so if you come aroundthe neighborhood and knock on the doorswants and that doesn't get you theresults you want and you try knocking onevery door five times a day that willstill not get you the read it willultimately get you banned from theneighborhood but that's exactly whathappens great fantastic so you talked alittle bit about websites you're gonnago show some shar you ready to talkabout saman show something fantastic allright do it all right let's hear it forDan Kennedynow while we're waiting for Dan to getset up and get ready here we do have avery special offer for you if you wouldlike the DVDs and the CDs of today'svideo training absolutely unedited uncutso because there's gonna be so muchgreat information during this four hourperiod you're gonna have the opportunityto get it in addition to that as part ofthis package you're going to get amanual of today's training now this isnot just a transcription this is reallyit's edited it's enhanced making it veryvery easy for you to use in addition tothat Dan's going to be showing you someexamples we have so many examples toshow you that quite frankly we can't fitthem all in we would be here for threedays so there's a hundred plus pages ofexamples that are do not make it intothis training you're going to get thatas well on top of that there's a bonuswe have our head copywriter right nowtaking live notes during this trainingyou're going to get a copy of his notesand which are really really goodprobably with some of his insights aswell there's also a number of differentbonuses that you're going again and youcan see all of those right online nowreally important we've got a specialbonus for you just for people who investin this package today and that bonus isa teleseminar that Darcy Juarez andmyself we're going to be doing a followup advanced to tell us some what I willbe doing live Q&A as well also you'regoing to get access to the replay linksof this starting at 3:00 p.m. tomorrowby the way there is no rebroadcast sothat's the only way to get this is toinvest in this package all right and sonow let's move over so take action andget it immediately let's move over toDan Kennedy by the way you'd be here forthree days I would never say thatregardless of how many examples youwanted to show so so what we were doneon is the website is essentially yourplace online and so that might be yourstore that might be your seminar thatmight be your catalog but it's reallyyour place online and there are criticaldecisions to make about what you do withthat place or places which is reallywhat in this segment we'll talk about sowebsite design is a situational issuethere is no onepill for this there is no one right wayanymore than there is with any othermedia so if we had the same conversationabout what's the best brochure what'sthe best sales letter form format what'swhat's the best speech form format theanswer would be it depends and so thereare different types of sites fordifferent purposes there's the issue ofonline and offline integration sometimesthere are controls forced upon youdepending on what you are trying to dowith the site and what environment thatyou are in so we'll go through some ofthe types of the purposes some of themI'll just skim through quickly some ofthem we'll spend some time on the firstthree we'll just mention very quicklyone there is a place for a non directresponse site where we're not trying tomove anybody to any action we're noteven trying to do any capture we arejust dispensing information these areoften customer service sites rather thanthey are marketing sites so it's theafter you've bought this stuff at IKEAand you are now at home and you have 12screws and one shelf left over there's aplace to go to see the video of what itis you're trying to build a lot ofutilitarian purposes news releasesinformation to to media and so forthsometimes you have sites that have tomeet requirements Google's for examplebut these are the ones that really getinteresting because they're where we canmake things happen so lead generationsites that lead into a sales processthey're soft captura leads there's hardcaptura leadsthere's forced capture of leads there'scapture of leads plus gettinginformation there's making a direct saleand there's a direct sale with a salespresentation that's where we're going tospend our time before we get therethough let me quickly take you throughsome of the dangers when you havewebsites built and online marketingbuilt so one is the tech crowd and weDave and I just talked a little bitabout that we don't let mechanicsactually design the carwe don't let bricklayers actually do thearchitect texture and so we we don't letgraphic artists control the copy and sowe don't let the mechanics actuallycontrol what it is that we do on the webthere's a lot of hazards with that ifthey have a box full of gadgets theyfeel compelled to use all the gadgetsevery single time we don't necessarilywant them to use all the gadgets there'sthe art crowd which anytime you turngraphic designers loose on directresponse media without adult supervisionyou are asking for trouble often uglybeats pretty function beatsaward-winning graphics and so we have tobe very careful about turning them loosehere just as we would be very carefulabout turning them loose anywhere elsethere's the culture crowd which makesthe argument that there's a culture tothis place on the internet that we darenot violate if we have a exit pop-up weoffend people if we have forced capturewe offend people this same argumentagain has been made about every mediaevery place every marketing environmentit's made about trade shows so you can'tsell at trade shows it's a waste of timeyou should just hand out brochures andso there's a culture argument made aboutthis media that you have to learn toviolate and ignore if you are going todo direct response there's the issue ofcontrol the let the traffic control theprocess crowd let the customer meanderabout as they wish we will talkextensively about solid walls singlepath narrow road to what it is that wewant them to do there's the new metricscrowd which is hey we can't apply moneymath to this media this has new metricsand so we have to think in terms ofvisitors and likes and friends and youknow the best answer to that I've heardis is from the CEO of j.crewwho said if you to his own team if youwould like to talk about new metricsthat's fineas long as it's okay if on your paycheckI pay you in new metrics if however youwant to be paid in dollars then we haveto hold all this media accountable fordollars so what do you want on yourcheck on Fridaythere's the concealed costs to beconcerned with we just talked about oneof them Dave and I we're we're notwriting a check for these thingsnecessarily certainly not for themrunning on a continuous basis but thereare other costs involved so let's talkabout soft capture our fourth item soone type of a site soft cancer is whereeverything is optional we are lettingthem have access we are letting them getstuff we are letting them go behind adoor and see things without stoppingthem at the door and checking theirpapers so we are making everythingoptional a hard capture is where all theoptions are replaced with demands inorder to get through this door uf youmust give us certain things or docertain things in order to get throughthe next door you must do certain thingsor give us certain things you see doublesqueeze page used in this environment alot where email is collected first thatgets them through door number one andallows them to do certain things butthen they run up against door number twoat which point they have to give hardand full contact information to getthrough that door there may even now bea third door where they have to fill outa survey fill out a questionnaire giveus additional information aboutthemselves or their businesses in orderto get through that door those are hardcapture sites then you have on the wayoutthose who have not done you have theColumbo which actually came all the wayback from Ellery Queen but is the oh bythe way one more thing and mostly inthis world that's theexit pop-up this is a gold member of ourdo you remember who this is Craig Iforget Freddie thank you Greg press Tand so this is an example of you'retrying to leave and up it comes and sayswait a minute are you sure you want toleave and we want some information so wecan at least send you X Y Z rightso that's a hard capture this is to giveyou a brick-and-mortar example so thisis my gardeners mattress friends this istheir little opt-in page which is drivento of all things by a billboard in theoutfield wall of their minor leaguebaseball team and it drives them to thisto enter a contest to win a freemattress so here's the results 34 homegames this season average attendance of4,000 at a game which by the way I thinkthey're beating the Cleveland Indians soif I'm not mistakenaverage attendance of 4,000 they havebuilt a list of 3,500 people opting inso pretty much they got everybody that'sgoing to the Amesthey've directly sold 27,000 dollarsworth of stuff which is the meaningfulnumber here is we actually sold 27,000dollars worth of stuff they also gotSerta to pay for the 16,000 dollars itcost for the billboard because they candemonstrate that they have a realprocess to convert leads so this is apure simple registration site the ThankYou page is a pure simple thank you forentering and then the game begins withthe thank you email which goes to anoffer an information offer which nowconverts people who just entered thecontest to actual leads versus peoplewho just entered the contest which thenB gets different follow-up for each oneone size fits all site probably theworst thing you can do right andeverybody likes to do it because it'ssimple is everybody likes do one siteand then wedge everything into that sitewith a bunch of select buttonsthat just allow people to get confusedand wander around and meander andthere's no solid walls there's no narrowpaths the best direct-response approachis almost always multiple landing pagesand sites tied to different leadgeneration ads and purposesso there's which I just showed you thatthe only traffic driven to that isdriven to it from that one billboard inthe baseball park that's it and it's anarrow track it's a single track thenthey have a different landing page andwebsite for their Yellow Pages ad thatdrives to it and they have a differentone and a different one and a differentone and a different one so lazinessabout this is costly these are doctorBurleson's and so here's a bywedding-day smile.com which again is ahard capture because you can't getthrough door number one without at leastgiving an email and behind that there'llbe a hard capture of contact here's howmuch do braces cost find out instantlyfor free here's does your child reallyneed braces here's when should kids getbraces and who said braces are pain nowthe enormous temptation would be onesite with a bunch of buttons and mostweb designers would do one site with abunch of buttons and feed all theirtraffic into that one site but whenpeople are drawn to a door by a certainmessage when they enter the door theyshould see consistency and congruencewith the message that drew them to thedoor and the more matched everything isall the way through the better you willdo so the six type is forced so theminute they land on the landing pagenothing is possible without thecompliance that is required andsometimes that can be full contactinformation the seventh type of site asI said perhaps in stages not onlyrequires contact information from thembut it asks them qualifying questions itmakes them selfs all to select it putsthem through a survey etc the reason forthat is to get to multiple lists insteadof a single list so that we can thenfollow up which we'll talk about lateras the day drags on but so that we couldfollow up two separate lists separatelyso in the case of gardeners again theyimmediately separate based on people whojust entered the contest and people whoentered the contest and now requested abook about how to get a good night'ssleep they will follow up on lists bevery differently then they will followup on list a in fact the follow up onlist a will be all about getting them tostill come back and request that bookbecause if they're not going to regardsthe book about how to get a betternight's sleepodds are we're not going to be able tosell them a mattress now once they'verequested the book what can we get themto do that makes them even betterprospect so we can split them out againand continue to spend more and more timeenergy and money on the highestqualified prospects let me show you asite with a dramatic change in it sothis is a registration site for peopleto participate in coaching calls this isfrom a titanium member of mineAdams Hudson so here's the old site andI have marked actually what you will seedisappear on the new site so the oldsite here's the registration for thecoaching here's a bunch of other stuffyou can click on and go meander aroundin and go do and here's a bunch of otherstuff you can click on and meanderaround and go do so it wasn't enough tohave one place that you could be enteroff this web designer managed to maketwo places that you could be under oftenokay so here's the site 29 percentincrease in registrations now first ofall you will notice it's visually betterand has more sales copy about theexperience that you are going to have onthe call however the most significantthing about it is all the other placesare gone this is here's what we want youto do here's the place to do itthat's it dedicated for this purpose allthe traffic driven to it29 percent boost in resultsviii kind of site I'm just going tomention very quickly but it is one thata lot of marketers ignore is a catalogsite now you still have to makedecisions about how you let them enterand what you make them do before theycan enter but almost every business hasan opportunity at some point to presentwhat they do cafeteriarather than bundled or rather thansingle path usually to unconverted leadsand to regular customers and the mostimportant thing to know about what youcan do with an online catalog that youcannot do with an offline catalog isright here the online catalog allows usto expand its pages has people expressinterest so every product every page canbe a portal to more information and afull-blown a sales presentation behinditpeople can select ok I read twoparagraphs about this product I'm reallyinterested in seeing a 30 minute videoabout this product I'm really interestedreading a full-blown sales letter aboutthis product I'm interested in seeing apowerpoints presentation about thisproduct so our online catalogs becomeendlessly expandable and really becomeads that lead to full salespresentations retail site physicallocation sites these are a brick youhave a brick and mortar store of somekind you have a car dealership you haveany place people would walk in and buyfrom a restaurant those types ofbusinesses you are going to have a sitefor them the smart marketers still makethis about selling by appointment notselling by wander and they still playthe lead generation game so this is arework very recent of gardeners basicretail site for a mattress storeit looks pretty different if you go tomost mattress storesites because they are going to be aboutthe store the mattresses the price sortof a newspaper ad turned into a websitea Yellow Pages ad turned into a webwebsite this is all about getting a leadgetting somebody to opt-in to request abook a video comes on in plays and soforth the site then leads to you beingable to get so the first version offeredyou a digital version email only thisthen now tells you why you want ahardcopyand goes for full contact informationwhich by the way has given us two listsimmediately because the person willingto give us the hard contact informationand request the hard book is a betterprospect than the person who would onlygive us email and only let us give us adigital so this version of their retailsite is only two weeks old and it hasbooked five appointments so far theysold all of them and a total amount insales of $48,000 now if they did a herewe are come on in whenever you feel likeitthey might might get more people comingin whenever they feel like it but theywould not be prepared to buy a fourthousand six thousand eight thousanddollar mattress particularly when theaverage price of a mattress in Americais eight hundred so by doing whatthey're doing and it just so that youknow this is just the follow-up I'm notgoing to talk you through it it'll be inyour manual by the way they said wecould share it so this is theirInfusionsoft follow-up system just forpeople who visit that site it's fairlysophisticated it's fairly complicatedit's a lot of steps the last type ofsite is the one many of us are familiarwith from the kind of business of Gigi Isee is in which is the direct sale via apresentation at a site so there's asales letter there's an audio assistedsales letter there's a video assistedsales letter there's pure video there'sthe infomercial on demandthere's the webinar on demand there'slaunches all of these types of formatswhere you are getting a completesales presentation online a lot ofpeople have drifted away from the puresales letter it is still working this isRyan dices are we are you going to putthe whole letter in the manual yeah ofdices okay so this is I don't how manypages but it's thick it looks like abouta 16 to 18 pager to me in print done asa sales letter online of a client who'susing a 48-page sales letter onlinetraffic is driven to it there's no audiosisters no video cyst there's no nothingthere's a sales letter literally stuckup on a website with duct tape and thumpthump acts and it's converting just fineso we'll talk about the reasons forconversion in in the fourth time blockthat we have together because mostpeople don't understand what reallycauses conversion and what doesn'tyou
