Day in the life of an internet marketer | Venice Beach

what's up guys John Kristina here I'mactually gonna show you a day in my lifeDayna life of an internet marketer sowe're actually in my office now if youguys see over there what I call myisolation chamber behind me that's whenI just need to stand up grind out somestuff usually I'm the first one in theoffice I come in a little early get somework done generally speaking when Istart my day I like to warm up with somebox and this is my VR setup this is kindof how I get warmed up in the morning Iused to run I don't know it took toomuch time out of my day and kind of likegive me a slow start VR is pretty coolfor those of you don't know VR you cando anything you can you can see on thescreen so what I'm doing and I'm justgonna do basically I do a quick set andwhat's cool is the music goes to thebeat so it's awesome and this is blog[Music]you know so uh basically the few thingson my list for today generally what I dowhen I come into work each morning is Icheck my stats I check my ad campaignsand I make sure everything's running myclick the rates are consistent myconversion rates are consistent andbasically the money's coming in mybusiness I don't know how many peopledon't know but my business is uh it'swhat's called affiliate marketing so I'ma middleman I put up ads for companiesthat want to sell their products I putup I advertise their products I make acommission when these products are soldso my goal is basically I try to spendyou know let's say ten dollars onadvertising and make $20 worth ofcommissions I've gotten interested indoing some YouTube stuff so I'm tryingto build this channel trying to create acommunity here I'm meeting up withsomebody who can help me get higher inthe rankings Lee in my situation I havemore money than time some of you mayhave more time than money so you youknow definitely learn how to do theYouTube stuff but for me it's abouthiring the right people to just executethe jobs for me because I try at thispoint not to do everything myselfotherwise it causes my life you know Idon't know stress and work so I'mmeeting up with somebody interviewingthem just I don't call it interview Icall it like just a meeting you knowbecause I'm not hiring them as anemployee per se it's more of acontractor role one of the things thatconstantly do in my business is I'mtrying to get kind of new ideas freshtalent etc this guy look he even lookedsmart look even look smart he's gotglasses on I'm gonna be actually talkingto Daniel hopefully I'm not making youfeel weird but we have any on camera butwe're gonna be talking she's a YouTubeoptimizer so there's two sides of doinga successfulchannel for me some people do it allthemselves for me this is my mainbusiness so I'm working with otherpeople to do it but basically it's thevideo it's the creative stuff and thenthere's the data stuff so right-brainleft-brain goal we had a productivemeeting I actually actually have to getout now but Daniel thank you so much forcoming by look forward to seeing yourfollow up yeah we'll go we'll go fromthere all right dude great stuffhave a good one thank you yeah and thenthe second thing is I've a friend ofmine who has he was like 800,000subscribers on his YouTube channel or amillion subscribers on his YouTubechannel he really likes what I'm doingin advertising he wants me to teach alittle bit on his course his name'sBrendan Meyers yo what's up guys we areat my boys plays we're gonna be filmingsome stuff here he's starting a wholething called the creative FitnessAcademy people become fitness gurus andsell you know products or physical ordigital or whatever so we're gonna meethim inside and yeah I think he's on acall but this videographer should becoming down and letting us in we'regonna get set up in the studiowhat's up what's going on good to seeyou good to see so let's go in yeah youget to get punched in the faceno yeah yeah you have to get punched inthe face you metallic you made a badgetting punch to the base if I don'tstop smoking before my birthday it youknow what you can you can fly mesomewhere instead you're gonna talkabout that what you're gonna be teachingthe chorus one when you first startedwork were you like financially like Iwas in college and welcome to youryoutube ads module portion about thecritic mist Academy and today we haveJohn Frascati here yeah a beautifulbeard is the big brain upstairs I'vebeen making a lot of money with YouTubeads for a couple of years nowI had one good ad went out to 55 millionpeople last year[Music][Music][Music][Music]so so we are what are we doing we'reheaded out from Graff margaritamargarita bite to eatso I'm starving let's do this[Music][Music]hey guys awesome stuff on making it tothe end of the video now I just want toleave you with a question if you had amillion dollars what sort of car wouldyou buy now answer in the comments belowand hit that subscribe button then hitthe bell to be notified of future videosof mine as well as I do I do frequentlive streams and giveaways so you'll benotified of all of those as well now Iwant to leave you with something on apersonal note now being an entrepreneurand getting to this place in life whereI can just do what I want everyday andlittle like freedom hasn't been an easyhasn't been an easy journey by any meansbut what I decided way back when wasthat you know I looked at my life Ilooked at where I was going and Ithought to myself I would rather takecrazy small percent chance at making itas an entrepreneur living a life offreedom completely on my own termsrather than work my entire life in anine-to-five job and feel like atmy life that I missed living the life Iwanted now I encourage you to too andit's possible I just want to let youknow it's possible for everyone to dothis we are in the most amazing time andplace in all of history the advent ofthings such as the internet and socialmedia and every virtual reality which iscoming up you know not gonna go intothat but these are massive things thatare happening in today's society andevery one of us can take advantage ofthem and just that small percent chanceto live a life of freedom I decided itwas worth it it's up to you to decide isworth it for you so hopefully you guyslike this make sure once again subscribenotification valve and leave a commentlove to hear what you guys are thinkingand I'll see you guys in the next video[Music][Music]
