Dear Everyone Who Has Failed at Internet Marketing

listen we watch the same YouTubechannels we listen to the same podcastseveryone wants to show off their bigfancy mansion or their fast expensivecars they want you to believe thatsuccess is going to come to you itdoesn't work that way if you wantsuccess you have to go after it so nowlet me walk you through four steps tobreak free from this cycle of Lies thatyou've been fed and to take control ofyour career your income and your lifenow this first one this is somethingwe've seen a lot of times you spend alot of time searching but you don'tstick around long enough to actuallymake something happen and the reasonthat you do this it isn't because you'relazy it's because they told you it wasgoing to be easy and you made themistake of believing them the danger inthat is when success doesn't come easyas you expect it should you give upbecause you think you've failed youhaven't failed you just haven't put inenough time enough effort yet toactually find success honestly I'malmost certain I would be in that exactsame boat if I hadn't seen the possibleoutcome and if I hadn't seen what ittakes to get there frankly Jim got luckyon his first site he found some littlesuccesses early on before he even knewwhat he was doing but because he foundthat success and knew what was possiblehe stuck with it and he put in the yearsof hard work and because of that I knewfor myself that it could be done and nowJim and I build site after successfulsite because we know what it takes toget to success if you're doing internetmarketing the way we do it here's whatit actually takes you're gonna need tospend about an hour a day for a coupleof months writing about 30 blog poststhose blog posts need to be good reallyhelpful content if you do it right theway we're teaching you can win theGoogle rankings and you'll get trafficorganically from Googlebecause of your hard work and I'll tellyou the traffic you can get from just 30good blog posts is enough to startearning a paycheck and to build yourconfidence as to what is possible andhow successful you can actually be atthis the second lies that they told youthat this would come quickly they toldyou you could get organic Google trafficin just four weeks so what happens aftereight weeks and you haven't actuallyearned any money yet you give up youthink you failed that's just not truethe most secure successes are the onesthat take the longest because they'rethe successes that most people aren'twilling to wait for if you care the mostif you can be the most patient you canhave the success that is secure thatlasts for months and years to come youcan have traffic that will last for waylonger than you ever expected becauseyou took the time to write good contentand didn't try to shortcut the processthe third and potentially most dangerouslie is they tell you that you can builda successful business by cheating yourcustomer now they don't blatantly tellyou thisthey don't blatantly tell you most ofthese lies but they do tell you this letme share a quote from one of our project24 members who sent this to us just theother day here's what he said I havebeen an SEO consultant for six years andused to be a web designer so a lot ofthis is second nature to me and I can dothings quick but the difference is withmy projects in the past I focused on lowvalue content and massive backlinksthat's now flipped on its head with thenew learning from Jim and Ricky and I'mactually enjoying it way more than theways in which I used to work between2013 and 2017 this is a student who'dbeen doing things has been working as anSEO consultant has been doing things theway that most people tell you to do themforget about the content it doesn'tmatter how bad it is as long as you canbuild enough links you'll rank on Googlewe tell you the exact opposite focus onhelping your readersit doesn't matter if you can get aranking real quick you won't getsignificant Google traffic to yourwebsite for a sustained period of timeif you don't take the time to help yourcustomer you will win Google traffic andyou will be rewarded because you startedby thinking about your customer firstand less about yourself over time youget the traffic over time you get themonetization you will be rewarded forthis substantially but first you have tocreate value for a customerdon't cheat the people who are earningyou money by giving them garbage sohere's the tip instead of spending timetrying to build links how about youspend a little bit of extra timeresearching a good article making anoverly helpful post for your readersmake a resource that just blows them outof the water which do you think yourcustomers will value most you canextract value in any businessif first you can create value and linkbuilding just doesn't create value whatdoes is creating good content the lastlie is the lie you tell yourself somedayI'm going to do this if that's thebiggest lie of all if you're not willingto do it today chances are you're notgoing to be willing to do it tomorrow oreven a year from now and so that's it Iwant you to start now and I don't meanfiguratively I mean literally right nowthere's nothing more important that youcould do for your career for your lifethen to get after it to go for yourgoals to make things happenbreak out of the cycle of lies and letme help you do that and I'm going tohelp you do that seriously and literallyokay right now I want you to go and buya plane ticket to Boise Idaho Jim and Ihave cleared our schedules for FridayOctober 12th and on that day all daywe are going to help you with yourwebsite will run a conference room andwhoever shows up will work with us allday long it doesn't matter if it's ahundred people 500 people or one personwe are doing this whoever shows up getsto work with us we will work with youside by side on starting your websitefrom scratch if you don't know where tostartyou don't have the motivation to beginjust come we will help you now if youregister for this eventwe're gonna plan on you being here sodon't register until you got your travelarrangements worked out we will holdthis event even if only one person comesand if you do and you're that one personthen Jim and I are yours for the day wewill help you with your website andhere's the beautiful thing about it wedon't even want your money we're noteven gonna charge you for this eventit's not a $500 conference it'scompletely free actually you know whatnow we got to get something from youalright here's the dealbring us a t-shirt a t-shirt fromwherever you're from from your hometownyour home state your home countrywherever you're coming from bring at-shirt Jim's a size large I'm a sizeextra-large bring one for each of uswill wear them in future YouTube videosyou bring a shirt you get in the doorthat is the only cost now I'm sorry tothose of you who obviously are not goingto be able to make it to this event inOctober a lot of you are from othercountries and that's just not enoughtime and even for those who live locallysometimes you just can't get off workyou can't convince your family to letyou go I get that I get all those thingsso if you can't come don't let that bethe thing that stops you don't letanything be the thing that stops youbreak out of this cycle of Lies and getafter it make something happen foryourself don't believe it when they sayit's easy don't believe it when they sayit's fast and don't believe yourselfwhen you tell yourself oh I'll do itlaterstart now go to income school calm /nuyou can see our free tutorial on how tostart your website and get the initialtips on how to make it happenthen just go write 30 good blog postsget yourself up one hour earlier everyday for two months and you'll be doneyou'll have done enough to be able tostart earning a paycheck and then bepatient with yourself now the questionis do you have the courage to getstarted today to make this happen foryourself if you do go to income schoolcalm slash courage to register for ourfree event in Boise again just show upbring a t-shirt and you're in you canwork with us for a whole day and by theend of that day you will have asignificant head start on your website
