Digital Marketing Trends for 2019 Online Domination

what digital marketing trends will helpyour business grow most in 2019 I've gotthe list and we're starting right now ifyou want to transform your website intoa customer or lead generation machineI'll show you all my best tips tacticsand secrets to get there fastlet's dive in hey there I'm WestMcDowell web strategist for the deep endand if you're not subscribed to thechannel yet you're not gonna want tomiss out so click on the subscribebutton and the little bell icon next toit so you never miss another video youneed to succeed online we do two a weekhere and you're gonna want to see all ofthemhow will digital marketing help yourbusiness grow in 2019 I want to tell youall about what's working for businesseslike yours right now and how to get morecustomers so you can build the businessyou want so first up I'm gonna startwith something very controversial andthat is the decline of facebook ads andthe rise of YouTube ads now am I sayingthat Facebook ads are going away anytimesoon absolutely not what I'm saying isthey're getting more and more expensiveand it's getting harder for smallerbusinesses to compete so a lot of thesesmall businesses are going towardYouTube which is a great opportunitybecause it actually gives you a betterchance of your ad being both seen andheard because most Facebook ads startwith the sound turned off and mostpeople never turn that sound on andwithin YouTube if you can get people topay attention within that first fiveseconds where they can't skip they'remuch more likely to watch much more ofyour ad than they would on Facebookbecause think about it people are onYouTube to watch videos and people areon Facebook more to just kind ofmindlessly scroll past their feeds I'vegotten people to watch a four minutevideo for about two cents of view andthe cool thing about how YouTube chargesfor your ads is if they watch anythingless than 30 seconds you're not chargedat all on Facebook however you're likelyto pay much more their ads are just moreexpensive and the way they count of viewis if they watch it for three secondsand not only that but thanks that wholeCambridge analytic Emes that happenedearlier this year they've taken away alot of the more powerful targetingoptions that we used to be able to useto get in front of our clients butYouTube ads actually come with onereally cool targeting feature you knowGoogle owns YouTube so you can actuallytarget people who have been activelyresearching things related to what youoffer and for anyone out there whothinks that sounds creepy in any way Ijust want to make it clear that in thecase of Facebook or YouTube they're notactually giving you the information ofthese people that are doing thesesearches all they're doing is puttingyour ad in front of people who they knowfit that criteria and with YouTube adsyou can still target things like agegender geography you know State Cityeven zip codes and if you want to knowmore about how much you can expect topay for YouTube advertising and all thecool targeting options you have I did avideo about this and you can get thatright up here alright next up we havecontent clusters so if you want yourwebsite to do better in Google searchesin 2019 this is a trend you'lldefinitely want to start exploring soGoogle's been moving further and furthertoward rewarding sites that they thinkcover a particular topic the best socreate a cluster of pages that talkabout different specific areas aroundyour niche and link them all to eachother I'll explain that so what is theoverall topic your brand is all aboutconstruction Italian food now imagineyou have a really strong pillar piece ofcontent all about that topic it could beyour home page if it's really in-depthor it could be a really comprehensivearticle about your overall topic that'syour pillar content now imagine you havemultiple cluster pages that go intospecific details on different aspectssurrounding that topic if you're aconstruction company maybe you have oneabout bathroom remodels maybe you haveone about kitchen remodels you'd get asmany of those cluster pages as possibleand they would all link back to yourpillar page and your pillar page wouldlink back out to the clusters this waywhen one page performs well the entirecluster system gets a boost as welltopic clusters basically signal toGoogle that you're a true expert in yourtopic and you're much more likely to geta top spot because of italright next we have messagesimplification so I want you to thinkabout your website and any marketingefforts you you're currently doing arethese three things immediately clearwhen people see it what you offer how ithelps your customers and what they haveto do to take the next step forwardhaving a simple message has alwaysworked best but it's becoming a muchmore emerging trend because businessesare becoming much more savvy to thatfact and small businesses are finallyfinding all that information onlineexactly how to distill all thatinformation down to the most importantparts so if your website is a confusingwarehouse of information or it goes intoall these details about how you foundedyour company in 1850 you're definitelygonna need to refocus that messagingdown on to exactly what matters and onlywhat your customers need to know inorder to make a decision and take thatnext step once they start hearing orreading any kind of information thatdoesn't help them with the problemthey're experiencing right now and howyou can help them you've already lostthem and I've actually made a videoabout easy website copy tweaks you canmake to really connect with yourcustomers and you can get that right uphere okay our next trend is live chatand chat BOTS so this has been on therise for the past few years but it's onthis list because most small businessesare just now starting to take advantageof this trend thanks to so many free andaffordable plans available online nowthese bots can do anything ranging fromanswering fa Q's to schedulingappointments to making recommendationsbut for most small businesses out therethe best use of a chat bot is thissimply use the chat bot to greetvisitors and ask them how you can helpyou can either build in pre-programmedresponses to those frequently askedquestions or you can direct people todifferent areas of the site based onwhat they ask or what I would recommendis having a real human member of yourteam take over the conversation sobasically you're using automation to getthat ball rolling but then you're givingthe human touch to anyone who actuallyasks a questionappreciate the authenticity and they'remuch more likely to engage with you andyour business using a chat feature thanany other method especially in thoseearly research stages for a really easytutorial on how to get one of you set upon your website for free go ahead andclick this video right up here alrightmoving right along our next trend isvoice search so I don't know if you knowthis but 20% of all mobile searches aredone using people's voices and with moreand more people getting used to thattechnology and especially with all thosenew smart speakers we have like Alexa orGoogle home that number is only risingevery year but I bet your competition isnot taking advantage of this yet so Ireally think 2019 is your year to get infront of the ball and really dominate inthose voice searches this can be forpeople who are actively ready to buyseries show dentists near me or for amore content-based question that you canuse to get more customers for instanceif you're a plumber Alexa how do I fix aleaky faucet then it shows them a videoof you showing them how to fix it and alot of them will probably just say youknow screw it this guy looks like heknows what he's doing I'm just gonnahire him so how do you optimize yoursite for voice search anyway you knowthere's a lot of things you can do youcan actually work things out askquestions that people might ask maybe inan FAQ section for instance and thenthoroughly answer it or probably thebest thing to do if you want to show upin those near me searches is really justmake sure your Google my businessprofile is filled out as completely andcorrectly as possible that way Googleknows exactly where you are and then ifanyone is near you searching you'regonna be the one that shows up for themand if you want to know how to fill thatout properly the right way the firsttime I've got a video on that just clickright up here to access that so you canget going pretty quickly all right butnow I want to hear from you and I wantto know which of these trends do you seeas your biggest opportunity for digitalmarketing in 2019 I want to know allabout itso just go ahead and leave that or anyquestions you have in the comments belowI will read through everything and I'llanswer any questions I possibly can andif you're not subscribed to channel yetyou're not gonna want to miss out we dotwo videos a weekjust click the circle icon right downhere and if you haven't accessed my freemini-course yet how to guarantee websiteROI you're not gonna want to miss thatyou can get that by clicking this boxright over hereall right I'm West McDowell for the deepend and I'll see you in our next video
