Ecom 2019 | Unleash your ecommerce empire

wait a minute is this thing even on ohcool okay hey guys this is Seth can eatand I have something for you unleashyour e-commerce empire and just one dimeto come 2019 in beautiful Los AngelesMarch 8 to 10 you're going to get insaneworld-class ecommerce training you willlearn how massive brands who startedwith a single sale built theire-commerce empire crush it on Amazonwith Amazon's exclusive qa4 brandregistry okay one more time for thepeople in the back Amazon is going to bethere this is the event look I know whatit feels like to be stuck in thatnine-to-five death by paycheck slavery Iwas there I started with just one dimein debt stressed in my marriage but Ichose to take that step this is theevent to start it all that's a con 20nights to take a tiny dream and let itgrow into something huge
