Ecom and Beyond Live! Budgeting and Time Management!

it's show time good morning everyoneNate everyday I'm hustling and today wehave Anthony who's my friend I'm feelingthe greatest foots really bothered himso he is relaxing today well in the showso we need some prayers for Anthony toget betterhopefully ASAP so we can have hisbeautiful beautiful face on camera oneday soon can you do the that okay gooddo you do know one thing with so thefirst person we got today is StephenScroggins thanks for being there Stevewe have storage scavenger in the housegood morning Robin be good evening toyou because it's late at night overthere in Australia we have Alexis what'sgoing on said she just woke up she'sstill asleepI feel you there that way in the housewhat's up sand dollar good sleep thisWhistler in the house it's good on Macswamp picker what's up blood good to seehim in Cajun roots reseller what's upJohnnywe're on teeth pest good morning to youwhat's up Scott said good morning to allyen's which is a sign of affection whereI'm from right became vending andflipping what's up Matt Congrats againon your 500 subs buying space what is upglad to see you this morningEric Bischoff's what's going on my manyou killing the game glamazon Kelly deCarr my board what's up Kelly we sellinga dude what's up Jenny Jenna DC self isthe master of a license-plate landsharkpicker what's up Craig CraigJakub Michael what's up my man herebirds chirping my wife just got a textyeah my mother say it's cold outsidewhen Burke done Perley mewhat's up Lynn good to see you gladyou're with us filly picker what's up myman glad you're with us as well rightdream on good morning glad that you'rehere T's flips what's up Tracy OhBrittany brands good morning to youBurt here Brittany was on our workoutfor her second pass ever alive so thatwas awesome that was awesome part I wantto hang out with us I guess Jenny beatme out there so sorry we guys we had youguys up on the big screen yesterdaywhere do you hang out yeah thanks somuch for everyone being here today I'mtaking another day off today becausetaking a two-fer said I don't get introuble for taking another day and atPTO time so why not I just don't feelthat great like just work I didn't wantto be down I wanted to do some work andvigor going along with this topicbecause I'm gonna be home today you knowtime management and budgeting is one ofthe biggest things that us resellershave to deal with you know in ourbusiness because our budget or our timemanagement does not come together or isnot good enough for our business thenthat's our business come fall so Ifigured that you know since Anthony doesit full-time and I'm basically afull-time but part-time you knowtimewisewe can give our different perspectiveson some of this stuff and then we can gothrough the chat and see what you guyshave to add or maybe what you guys do alittle bit different but this issomething that's very interesting to meas well because you know I want to gofull-time you know as soon as possibleand it's something that I'm gonna haveto adjust with tremendously movingforward if when I do so it's gonna belike a total you know basically like agame changer for me so you know havingto sugar that out because I'm used tohaving just a few hours you know to dosome research send some stuff in or justpack and ship and do some listing so tohave 24 hours you know and sleepprobably five and work 19 or do dowhatever with the family as well youknow it's it's gonna be really reallydifferent for me moving forward wheneverI get that opportunity to do that so oneof the first hands yes sir I just wantto welcome a few more people in a littlewelcome Diane Matthews into the chatthanks for being with usShane M good morning my man and Pattyjump girl thanks so much for being hereas well appreciate all you guys beinghere todayyeah time management is always somethingthat is a constant struggle for me thebiggest part of it that I struggle withis balancing the YouTube versus the youknow actual money making part of itwhich is you know eBay Macari Amazonthat kind of stuffthe biggest hurdle I've had is trying tohave seven-day-a-week content whichsometimes it gets to be a bit of a grindand it takes away from things that couldbe doing this far as listing or sourcingor you know I mean like any of thosethings so that's been the biggestchallenge I've facedum I do try to work ahead on videosdoesn't work as well sometimes sometimesI can get about a week ahead sometimesI'm you know cry didn't even get youknow video out in a day especially withcomputer problems I've been facinglately so that's better that's been kindbut the biggest thing is being selfmotivator being able to constantly keepyourself motivated to get up and to dowork because when you're your own bossif you don't want to do anything youdon't have to do anything and that'sthat that's the biggest challenge so forme I find it's a lot easier for me tosit down and really get through what Ineed to get through if I you know forexample have some music playing or Imight have some Netflix go in or evenyou know watch some YouTube I'm one ofthose strange people that can actuallyget work done on the working hangout doso but then again I at times willneglect the chat which is good eitherbut those are all like little tips andtricks I use to try to make my day alittle bit more manageable because it'sdifficult for me to sit in a basementfor X amount time and not just feelmonotonous sitting there it was likecinderblock walls you know it just getslonely down there it's super boring downthere so if I have something to kind oftake my mind off of that I'm a lot moreproductive the other part of that ismaking sure I know whenever I have myspace a little tinier – it's a littleeasier for me rather than like beingdown there and chaos if I have my dayorganized from the beginning like sayI'm gonna do you know a tote of plush orsomething like that today then if I planto do that and I bang that out then Ifeel more accomplished and just likepulling from apile of just randomness because then Idon't really know where I'm going orwhat my goal is I always try to set agoal and beginning of the day as wellthat way I just you know I feel likeI've accomplished something because ifthat's one thing anybody with the deathpile knows is that it's never ending heywhat's up Tommy bargain effect yeah myI'm not able to put any weight on myfoot so I'm still laying in bed with myfoot elevated so that's why I'm not onscreen today see who else jumped in heregood Jody got kooky we a bluegrasspickergood morning Tommy took down Crocker'slockers I think it said that we missedthat came in just now Bo thank you forcoming in we appreciate you guys addingus to your to your your busy morningshopefully got a lot of packages goingout because just there was a no shipMonday which is very rare yep and thenthe other half of our topic meat wasbudgeting right yep and that's who sheis you can't make money if you can'tspend money in this business so you needto make sure you have the proper moneyset aside but then a lot of us dependingon what platforms were on we havemonthly fees coming out whether it's youknow the eBay payment whether it's youknow Amazon payment fee every price orthat payment if you need you know forexample a Z labels that's an extrapayment you know if you're on been donow that's an extra payment as well ontop of it you know so you to really makesure the yearwell budgeted to make sure you know whenall of these payments are coming out tomake sure that you actually have moneyleft over to go and get new inventorybecause after a while you're left withstale inventory you know what I mean soyou need to make sure that you'reconstantly bringing in good stuff that'sgonna sell fast and so for decent moneysobudgeting this huge I'm not superorganized on that regard but I do alwaysmake sure that setting aside money forsourcing and leaving money for you knowany kind of auto-debit that comes out ofmy counter you know any type of overheadfees that I have associated with thebusiness now there's not a whole lot ofoverhead I mean I do have a few thingsset aside for Amazon that come outautomatically I have been due obviouslynow I have a stream yard which Iconsider a business expense do you haveyou know obviously my ebay fees areabout that's part of the largest fee inthe month but I try to make sure thatall that's like factored in and I neverhave less than what I need in there plusI always keep some extra just in theevent of you know a good deal comingalong or it's just so I can go out andthrift or dig through bends or you knowone short sell season comes I make sureI always have at least two or threehundred dollars to go out like on anygiven Saturday that's kind of like mygoal is to have at least that much on meso I can a source with yeah like withwhat time manager is part of the thingsthat I'm gonna be struggling the mostwith especially with its YouTube becauseI don't have the opportunity do it asmuch as other people maybe but likeyesterday for example I was on eitherlive or private's like all day and itwasn't designed it wasn't you know likea planning type thing like I'm justgonna hang out all day just kind ofhappen enjoy the the community andeveryone you know that that you knowsupports me I'd have no problem helpingout or or hopping in their lives andstuff like thatgo people message me yesterday so I didthat with Brandon Russo King I'm notwith him last night right before I gotto do some Amazon and and then we didour working hangout and then I watchedJenny's live and there's a there's justa action-packed day for me yesterday butI did get some stuff done I did didn'tget as much done as I wanted to buttoday will be a different day but if Iam live or whatever it won't be myworking hangout or wherever I might justjoin somebody else's this way I can getsome stuff done because I do want tostart pounding out some eBay listingsand bulking on my store because you knowI have these opportunities to do it nowsince I'm actually off you know todayI'm gonna take another day off so youknow I want to get more done than justfive or six listings and thus Amazonshipment loose call today so that'sawesome that that's gonna be hugebecause now that's gonna hit thewarehouse faster and it's gonna you knowbring me a return faster because a lotof stuff is you know I was sold out ofnow that should have had in sent out gotstill going out today I don't know if itwent out yesterday or not because I knowUSPS or UPS still picks up on holidayssometimes because they run differentlythen another you know the normal mailcarrier or whatever so so at least thatwill still go out today so that'sawesome but it's gonna be I was talkingwith Amber about this before with yeahmy wife bought this like if I'd gofull-time like how we would kind of haveto run things how oh you know how we beable to set up things so we still have aperson and still get work done where youknow my business is thriving and I'm notneglecting the business it would almostbe like for the most part like meputtinglike four or five hours maybe during theday and then still do like my late nightthing where I'm still you know up in themiddle of the night and looking up stuffand packing orders and things like thatso this way when the kids are sleepingyou know I'll be able to get a chunk ofstuff done and you know this way I havea lot more time to do things with themduring the day and you know and whenwhen they're not I'll be able to do somestuff as well so this way it's kind ofbalancednot only that like you know puttingcommon way for sourcing as well becausethat's the wolf fuels my businessspecially the Amazon side of thingsbeing able to run in and go do certainthings you know at the stores and stuffso those are the opportunities that Ifeel that I'm missing sometimes becauseI'm not able to go out and get thesethings all the time so I'm missing outon a lot of different things that Icould be doing so my research and begoing to the stores is going to have tobe something that's going to have to beon a daily it's like I'm just like aclock in the work I'm going to thesestores and go hunt down items and reallyset an X amount of time to scan until Iget to the point where I'm almost like Iam in a couple other stores where Icould kind of walk through and okay I'mgrabbing ten of these ten of these 20 ofthese five of these and I know they'regonna sell or they're you know all theother sellers are gone with them and Idon't have to worry about any of that soI'm able to kind of set my own price sothat's about that's about it for thetime management for me not for thebudgeting side I've always been likelike the top it has like the person thatbudges our family moneyfor the most part andlike what anthing said like resellingit's almost like you always have to havea a kitty fee or like like a set-asidebudget set aside for for opportunitiesthat you may just run into or you mightgo on Facebook and actually know you seelike this awesomeFunko a lot or you know whatever I'mjust making a couple of suggestions thatyou know people just want to dump orcollections or whatever those are thehuge opportunities that sometimes peoplemiss because they don't have the moneyto buy them or someone else buys itbecause you're like hey can you waittill Friday you know say if you'reworking like I am and gotta get the waitto get paid to have the money to go buythese things you know there'sopportunities we'll run right pasturebecause there's another person just it'sjust like us you know that has the moneyset aside that's doing a full-time andthey're they have the opportunity rightnext to them and they'll go grab it soyou know that's what that's a huge partof it budgeting wise I mean when youespecially you have to almost budgeteverything down to must-haves and thenkind of build up a little more as you gothat's how I'm gonna try and do thingsbecause the more you spend for a monththe more money you're gonna have to makeper month you know I mean so especiallyfirst starting out you know you used tomaking decent money or whatever butevery month changes you know some peopleare having an awesome January somepeople are having the worst January andyou have to be able to to ride throughthose roller coasters of the good andthe bad and part of that comes with youknow having some of that money set asideto balance out I can't things asked mefor the show with how close to articletime Isis man honestI just need the cash you know I meanlike I have some inventory built up youknow for eBay of course I would lovethat more but it's just mainly justhaving that that cash flow or that thatkitty just sitting there being able tohave money for opportunity opportunitiesbuys or you know wholesale I'm reallystarting to push also because I want tohave we're gonna have that trying tohelp me push me to full-time becausethen that's additional you know X amountof money that I'll have coming in everymonth that even if it cover some of theexpenses like the Bri prices or whateverit's not huge money it's still cash flowcoming in it's still good help me withmy matrixes with Amazon if it's eBaystuff it would help me with my myfeedback and things of that nature tomake me look like a more reputableseller which I don't know that reallyhas a huge difference for for eBay butI'm sure with some people that they'llsee somebody with say 200 feedback andthen they'll see some movie with tenthousand ago one about ten thousand guyseven if it's a dollar more maybe somepeople do that so you know a lot of thisis and this is different for everybodyyou know because like I am such a largefamily with three kids and the wife ofthe dog you know and in the bills that Ihave like you know just the regularbills that I have and other thing I haveis a car payment right now which I'mpretty lucky about you know everyone'ssituation gonna be different you know ifyou're a single single person or maybejust have this and if it's another orwife or husband you know that that wouldbe a lot easier for someone like that togo to full-time versus someone likemyself with three kids or Tommy to pointout you know he has a couple kids andstuff like that so you know kids areexpensive they want toys and just likemy son son to go for a birthday partyyou know for for my his birthday and mybirthday so you know stuff like that youhave toyes don't be prepared for to take careof them that's that's one thing thatwill never you never change with me I'llalways make sure my kids have what theyneed but it's just always having thatbudget having that that cash flow to dosome things that that make to make thisopportunity buys or like Anthony wassaying like with the garage sales likeRaj tells us you might not need as muchlike but maybe a couple hundred bucks aweek so as long as you're getting thatback and put him back in inventoryyou're not able to cycle that cash flowreally good and build it up so Ericdon't say that man she was she was shewas hinting and bothering me all nightlast night especially when I wentupstairs to finish my Amazon stuff aboutI have another kids home full timethat's for sure but I mean that's that'smy views on it but everyone's gonna bedifferent now they how they do the timemanagement the budgeting becauseeveryone's businesses are owned whiteyou know way different no one's gonnahave the same thing it just mainly thekind of same concepts you know youshould try to adopt that's basicallythe magista for the most part for sureand the other thing too is if you'restruggling with your budget don't letthat get you down because there's plentyof ways to raise that budget whensomething's not working there's alwaysother things you can do you know I'veheard it said many times the definitionof insanity is doing the same thing overand over again and expecting a differentresultburn so sometimes you have to shakethings up with your business you knowsometimes you need to promote listingsometimes you need to run salessometimes you need to cross post I meanone thing that's been very successfulfor me lately is just using ven due tocrossbows to Macari Poshmark granted myquash marks not really on and poppin butmom McLaurys been you know doing reallywell for me as of late sosometimes you need to change things upyou know sometimes you might want toconsider our secondary platformespecially if a Bay's been slow yeahlike you know everyone wants to grow anddo better and for the most part oneprobably does some people would like howthey are right now and just want to keepstatus quo and keep stock come on anywayin their in their bank accounts andthere's nothing wrong with that eitherfor the most part I would say everyoneprobably wants to grow up get bigger andthat more income you know be moreprofitable so you know to do that youhave to add things to what you're doingand sometimes it's like ethics it'sgetting out of that comfort zone I meanI like for example like if I was doingmore eBay you know I would want to makesure that when I go into that thriftstore I basically know pretty mucheverything I can about clothing that'sgonna be 90 percent of the inventorythat they probably having that playsthat and the glassware in a class whereI've been I do when I'm talking aboutwith that but clothing I mean thewomen's clothing or so manyopportunities I'm probably missingbecause I don't know anything one'sclothing you know I mean so I do prettywell with like the men's side I stick tolike the most popular brands I kind ofstay in my lane and then you know I goafter some of the hard goods on thecollectibles and things like that so I'mable to kind of really be picky on theeBay side but that's all because Amazonis doing as good as is for me and I andI choose to go for that model where I'mputting more money in I'm getting afaster return because that stuff isturning multiple times of moms versusyou know maybe having it sit for threefour five or six months or whatever soyeah you definitely got a definite shakethings up definitely wanna you know getoff your comfort zone but do it as acalculated risk and I'd do it you knowwhere you're putting all your all youryou know your opportunity money or youryou know your side money out like likeyou're betting on a on a wheel black orred andand put all your chips in the center inTallinn ready coming next you know youblock hits and then you're totally youknow penniless or whatever your money isbasically gone you don't want to do thatyou want to do some just kind of likesome test buys or some are just you knowtake take a small amount of money andjust try it out and if it doesn't workout then you know hey like I tried methis is not working you have to getthrough something elseI see BK bending and flipping this assetbut if I do anything sporting does I'dbe a little bit it's something Iprobably want to do more like I seenCincinnati picker in law do you reallydo it like the like the gloves and thebats and stuff like an I grabbed acouple I haven't really told anyone Iguess I'm starting to move yeah like Ibought some the I bought a bunch ofthose cleats that um you know that wereon so it Ross they were a real cheat andthere's absolutely move number toothyeah yeah I'm not too worried about itlike a thug like a lot of like I saidlike a lot of stuff that I buy for eBayI'm able to have that mindset of this isa long-term investment yeah I mean likeI would love worth to sell right awaybut you know I'm okay with it sittingfor a little bit it's almost like like aCD for me or something or you know orsome type of investment were it pays outwithin a six-month period like that's mykind of my thought process with some ofthe stuff I put on eBay not because Ithink eBay store or apply or anythingjust because I'm able to think like thatbecause of my Amazon's my quick flipcash flow which that helps fun more thanmy eBay inventory but also it funds myAmazon with the profits it turns out toso you know it's once for me once I gotAmazon really rock and rolling my cashflow problems have kind of went awayfrom those work and that's all becauseI've gotten to kind of like a certaincertain level I guess where I make anexcellent profit you know so it's ableto to kind of keep me afloat indifferent ways and then with my my mybanker like with my personal incomecoming in you know I'm able to add in alittle bit of money every repay to kindof give me a little extra boost here andthere to get bigger because I'mbasically going all-in every two weeksbecause I get paid every two weeks fromwork and I get paid every two weeks withAmazon though I have a run down so Ihave like $10 my count by the time I getpaid again so so when Thursday comesaround I could pay my bank count beyondlow but it'll get back up real quickbecause I guess both of those they drivedown same time I was just gonna ask youthat did they both come in the sameWaker do they go every you know ones oneweek and the other the next week it'sthere were there were a little a littlemore separated but because my businessor my my because of my work gettingbought out we had to go to their kind oftheir pay schedule which we were thereweek ahead so it used to be I used toget paid on a Sunday with Amazon andthen I get paid again on Wednesday orThursday that falling week and then bythat time I'm already like I'm only liketen days away from getting paid againbut I'll I got you know a couple grandslapped into the account where I'm ableto pay some bills and source and notreally have to worry about too much soit's not too bad because there's alittle bit of a stagger but now it's Iget paid on Thursday which it's just asI get paid so in two days and then I getpaid on Sunday so it's a lot closer it'sgoing to be a little bit it's a littlebit different than it was before Iactually liked it better before becauseit was a little little more spread outbut now it's not we're all lucky likeCraig and get paidwhenever he wants because he is likeautomatic that deposit whatever yeahmust be nicelater Kaiser overthrew their things butyou know yeah man appreciate you hangingout I wanted to say hi to a few morepeople to jumped in I know Jordan myflippant life is here thanks for joiningus Jordan I don't know if we said hi toTripler but I want to see how do you aswell so troubling this some one moreperson jump in I'm trying to rememberwho it was now hoodie bro yep you Codybro and blue rhino liquidations what'sup Freddieanybody else I'd missed feel free to tagme and yell at me yeah you say a littlewrong I'll know have you seen themeither yeah I think we said two in themorning but are in the beginning butwe'll say to you againgood morning yeah like agarics and likebudget to be Debbie Frieda that's theway I'm trying to get I want to get mycar paid off but I need a SUV not onlyfor the kids and the family but for mybusiness too so I have a feelingbasically as soon as I get that car paidoff which is gonna be soon I'm gonnahave another payment coming out withhaving that probably because I'm there'sno way I'm gonna be okay unless I boughtsomething used where it was like youknow hi miles which I hate doing that beonly way I could pay cash for somethingand I have a payment anymore but I mightdo that to be honest I might be betteroff doing that because I gave such badluck with musicalsI bought a 2007 Cherokee Jeep GrandCherokee and all had like 80,000 mileslike oh I got it was like 40 and I don'tknow I'm sorry 60 I think I had it Idrove 20,000 miles and trained blue init so the when I took it to thedealership they said they've never seena tranny blowing a train a deep look atthat a thousand miles soI must be must been the beard orsomething that brings us out here and ifI need felt issuing from my wife wantsanother adverse or yeah for sureFreddie I'm not under the weather butI'm not able to me weight on my footbecause gouts gotten worse for mewalking on it really picker says I usedto get paid once a month of my full-timejob I hated I had a job like that onceor we got paid every month I don'tunderstand why any company would want topay anybody within that that is so hardto budget you know I understand like youget a nice paycheck at the shore whenyou do be paid but man you know you canhave some things come out right away andthe next you know you're like down tothe nitty-gritty just food money and youknow whatever else so it's really hardto budget we used to do that too becauseI had a job where I got paid monthly sowe would take my paycheck and we woulduse that to pay off most of the billsand then we DS Ashley's paychecks tokind of just like live off of this Scottsays with the low interest rates on newcars it's one of the only divots thatare worth it with my credit and mycredits not good from for me being anupgrade when I was younger and previousrelationship a person running up mycredit while I was locked up my creditis just horrible horrible I've gottenwhat it is like secured credit cardswhere I put a deposit down that I'mbeing able to use and pay off everymonth and kind of building my credit youknow I do have the business you know itwas set up and everything saw but theystill taking the credit for my creditalong with it so I don't know that'sreally gonna help me as much withgetting the vehicle but it's worth ashot I mean if I can get a low interestrate on you be a quad getting snappedfor a fact that you know I'm the personwho had Justin stay 1 I'm able to takecare of it like it's needed so I don'thave any long-term issues orproblems right away with it because nomatter what you buy you're gonna havesome issues with itcars aren't made to the last you know amillion miles or anything anymore butI'm I might go the user I'll maybesomething that's not terribly terriblyran down like with miles but uh yeahsomething I can maybe pay three or fourgrand and just buy outright and not havethe payment yeah hey what's up VictoriaI was notification treating you she mustcame off the boat yep she was part of Ihad Wi-Fi again yeah what's up Dana Danacame on for a quick second she Emperorcame on but we got the here Dana's voiceoh that was cool I'm glad to see somedifferent people come and hang out withus whenever we didn't work in hangoutsand stuff it's for a reason I do justbecause up I want everyone to come comeon that we have in our chats and there'sreally you get to know them because youknow we're robbed we are gonna have ourmeetup here shortly and you know be niceto see faces before we have it so whenwe be me we hey I know who you are tellthem maybe walking right past because Idon't know you are you have to want todo a alive and like if we remember wedon't know whose face it is they have towalk up on us it's good cool on the NewYork yeah but she said it was very niceand yes mister Wi-Fi I bet I don't knowhow how you I don't know how I could wewent on a trip for seven days not a dayany type of internet or whatever becauseI would still want to check eBay andAmazon and that stuff to see how it'sgoing in case there's any thing you knowissues or whatever that take care of butbut also like you know YouTube becauseI'm always you know want to see how he'sdoing make sure everything's okay withhim and other people like Jenny and allmy other friends that I check out onreally dailybasis yeah but I can't and it have to itwould have to have to have to be SUV Igotta I can get a cheap car for thousandbucks or something like that but it mostdefinitely have to be a SUV because itwho needs something for the people totake the kids out and do stuff withbecause my car is just it's gonna it'sgonna die I run that thing so hard yesso what kind of strategies do you guyshave as far as budgeting and stuff likethat I'd be real interested to hear youknow from every spectrum whether you'repart-time or full-time you know cuzthere's there's always a better way todo things and my way is not always theright wayand it's definitely not always the bestway so um I'd be real curious to hearwhat a lot of you guys that have beenreselling much longer I have to say ormaybe you're newer and you've just kindof adopted someone else's way of doingit I'd be curious to hear morning baddogshe's the creator of damn innate so Iguess jenny was but she made the shemade those she made the logo yeah baddog what's upI don't Britney she's asking do you havea whiteboard or a planner she said she'sa visual visual person sometimes seeingyour day planned out or the progressyou've made throughout the day can helpyeah I typically don't have a whiteboardor a planner but I do normally preferget out of my bed in the morning I havelike a plan of what I'm gonna do in thatday and typically I'll go and attackthat plan andnormally makes me feel pretty goodwhenever I take care of it what's upwhat's up what's up brotheryeah who's the Victorian no I'm not sickI'm just laying down right now it mightbe why I sound this way I have gout inmy foot I'm not able to put any weighton it so I wasn't able to walk downstairs to get the computer looks thosequestions she said started listing onVindi yesterday I'm a Karla's thingsaren't sitting up in the app should Icall them is your Macari connected tothe vendor because I know that was anissue for a lot of people if that's thecase you just need to log into Macari ona separate tab and then go back andrefresh your been due and connect ityeah like I think that's the problem Iwas having it was good me in here but Ididn't have a tab open with my car somaybe that was uh was the problemyeah except right so somebody every songactually I used the heck out of awhiteboard I need to get back to that ohthat's how I'd like to set up if I gofull times it's a really map it outbecause it'd be easier on my wife bebetter for my kids it'd be better for mebecause I definitely don't wanna if Igive full time I don't want them to everfeel like I'm hiding down here all dayI'm not don't care about them or youknow misspent as much time as I can withthem but also being able to do mybusiness justice by getting enough stuffdone as well so if I'd like set a dateplan up like yeah my kids like to sleepin so you know do the morning show packmy stuff and then from that point ontill like sayfour o'clock or five o'clock you know Ikind of leave as for family time or hometime and then after that four five onwould be like my like work time beginfor sure so I'm like I love you somehowI would set it up picks up taking ruralLarry Lafferty what's going on gaspswhat's up Larry what's up girl I seenyou guys prejudge come in Victoria's akais Veronica because of me yeah see she'sreally in the mood you just call herVeronica foreverVictoria I know yeah I'm confused nowwhat's up Greg no money gee thanks forbeing here man sup Greg Tabitha I'mexcited to to start to do some differentthings in my business and it's gonnatake a lot of budgeting to reallystretch it and really do everything thatI want to do a lot of it's like thewhole cell I want to try and get someproducts to rock from the company aswell that me and assays looked at acouple also counts and some of theprices there's some savings but it's nota lot and it doesn't leave a lot of roomfor uh you know for air or whatever likefor for shipping and everything likethat's in an Amazon or whatever – Iwanted to be where I'm able to to buy abunch of stuff and just like today andmake 20-25 percent like I would betotally fine with those type of returnon investments but so far on that so I'mhaving to do it a different way[Music]I'm gonna try and go talk to thecompanies if possible and be able to youknow get them on board or get on boardwith them so this way I'm I mean I guessmaybe even some exclusives or possiblybring them a little different marketthat maybe they don't even have for sureI think the morning Zanna first thanksfor joining us what's up Jenna praiseTommy says I would love to see you gofull-time and do what you enjoy doingjust be aware it's not all rainbowssometimes you get unicorn poop Iunderstand I understand that yeah anyanything that you do it's never going tobe all rainbows unless you know like ifyou're some type of millionaire and yougot millions just to throw it at thewall and it doesn't come back oh wellyou know that's basically the only wayspeople can can think that or whateverit's it's all about doing things youknow in the calculated manner and mywife of all people she's been supersupportive of me through this wholereselling thing she she basically Deanasays like you know I trust what you'rewhat you're doing just do it just makesure that you know the kids got theirstuff but they need that's all I ask andthey have not been without that so shortthough what did you think when you firststarted bringing a bunch of crap home toresell well I was home you know home andnot you know working at the time and Iwas watching vaping shit like videos andstuff because I'm selling big productslike a little bit at the time to likelocally and stuff and somehow I stumbledupon that that stores Lockard thing andthen souls went to a thrift store Clubealludu and you know I showed her I'mlike like hey check us out and she'slikehe got what for that and I'm like yeahyou got like $20 for the dollar polo andthen like I showed him some other stuffand I'm shown in numbers and uh yeahlike I'm not I like to try and show herthe research that I see like when I'mlooking at certain things this way she Ibet I feel like she has to worry butyeah just so she knows what I'm doingsorta yeah Luke because he like forexample she helps me back like my Amazonshipments and stuff sometimes well nowall time actually and that's been a hugehelp because it's so much you know prepinvolves so it helps me out a lotbecause it cuts down on my stuff so Iwant her to be involved a little bit tobe able to be supportive and help me andI like that I want her to see that youknow when I'm buying some of the stuffor I'm doing these things you know it'susually a pretty calculated purchase ora wreath or good reason or whatever thecase is so and I want her also to learntoo because sometimes shoke ball andshe'll find certain things and then youknow I really excel cheb like see toldyou told youso it's almost like that competitivenessthat we have between each other a littlebit but that's awesome to havecompetitors between each other when wewere working for the same team so lookslike Alexis just got a brand newnickname from Jenny she's now Angussorry had no it will be your wife killsthe game though when it comes toreselling man like I've been outsourcingwith you guys and I do see that she's ayou know definitely getting better andbetter as a picker and she's uh she'sreally good with helping you with AmazonI've noticed yeah she should be scan soshe'll go and scan like when we go talkto target for example she's new she'lltake one of the kids with her or to thekids with her I'll take one of the kidswith me the kids with me depend on whattype of buggies we have or whatever andwe'll split up and we'll hit differentdirections and and being able to just dothat is amazing because it saves me somuch time now the stuff that you mightforget or might not see that things goodyeah but for the most part she doesreally good and I sometimes things thatI miss because I'm not I'm not yeah andshe'll catch so it's just an extra setof eyes it's a different perspectiveit's a you know a man and then a woman'sperspective one reselling one what'svaluable and just basic knowledge ofthings that she uses are I use or whatshe sees online or whatever the case maybe so you know it's pretty awesome tohave that I mean you see her at the bendlike she's she's gripping stuff up andjust tossing the buggyshe'll bring it over me and you know iseverything gonna be Hummer now or goodno but yeah she she wants to make surethat Abe we have an opportunity to youknow have the first dibs on it if she isright plus she loves like you know doingthe bullion me basically so she knowsit's for sure but I mean I like duringthat because it's like you know it'slike good she she's learning she'sgetting better in this yeah I mean likecuz yeah you're better than one you knowI mean like and it's finishing resellinghand in this perspective because theremight be days that I don't feel goodyeah my body I'm sure isn't gonna holdthe forever and I mean just like how Iactually problems and stuffyou know I mean like with me working ina warehouse and running around me beinga bigger guy I'm sure you know my kneemy back isn't gonna hold it foreverbecause I have her need this my backsince I was 20 and I haven't never gothim operate on or anything like that soI'm you know like I'm sure eventuallythat the health issues are gonna justcome slam and put me to a slamming holdso if her is that you know a situationwhere I'm full-time and you know I needher to go and source even if it's justAmazon you know that's fine that'sthat's that's a big piece of it notickets though then we're able to keepdoing business as usual in that's nowshe'll have beam engineers you knowmoving forward we have a she does thatfor me every once in want to like shehad some time between a split shift theother day and she went and picked me upsome Amazon inventory at between that'sone thing I miss like whenever we firststarted our channel she was throughoutthe first part of last year she hadthree surgeries so she was off work alot yeah man let that bother everywhereand she'd be quick to sniff off theclearance deals everywhere she's supergood with our a she knows how to calmeverybody getting her trained on Amazonnever sure like just just having thatthat's a cry because like I said likefirst things that I'm I'll look at andI'll just see it as another pair withmachines or you know some type of makeupor whatever and she'll be she'll be arock like do you see this this is fiveten dollars I'm like like I have no ideawhat that is Janet I mean like I mightrecognize the the brand maybe justbecause I've heard her talk about it orwhatever cuz she likes she likes to -she likes to make up stuff she'll followand everything like that but you know Ihave no idea about any of that goodnight Robin flavor up make sleep thanksfor hanging outpretty odd you coming in I know it'slate your way so good night oh Iwouldn't mind trying once I can actuallyput some weak-backed on my footI've heard good things I know Tommy'srocking this hip hop abs right nowTroy's old it was gonna be all shreddedhe's about to be the six-pack effecthe's a he's come into the the resellermade up with them Tyrese ABSyep so I take him to like every buffetin the city he leaves flabby again Ilook like a poor Biaggi yep well I meanlike I love Riesling man like it's greatI love the community you guys areawesome I appreciate everybody that youknow comes in hangs with us andeverything and you know it's it's agreat again they said before earlierlike when you're down in the basementlike I'm in there down you know I'm downhere by myself down there with like sothe laptop my phone some interaction orsome just some some you know justhearing some talk of reselling orwhatever is so nice because it's such alonely occupation you know and it's yeswalking through your buyer sellersthere's some people that have employeesor whatever that are having biggerbusinesses but for most part we're alljust by ourselves but now we're notbecause of YouTube so I think that'spretty awesomeyeah for sure hey Tommy congratulationshe lost three pounds last week hip hopabs are working man we told me 1.7 yeahToucheI can't believe your your your footbeing that bad man like yeah died onwhen I'm I said Jim I shouldn't Ishouldn't have been walking on itthat's the issue push myself all weekendand like even yesterday like it wasimpossible to even like walk to thebathroom right yeah that's that's toughground probably bet you I have to uhtake a trip they are some day that'swhat I actually was saying she thinks Imight need some penny and I biotic orsomething something because uh you knowif you're taking that their medicationI'm supposed to help or whatever andyou're not eating all the stuff at thatgot you that then something yeahsomething's wrongyeah that's the is she did just Ifinally go on a diet and I start likeeating like right and then I get gouttwice in a week yeah that's that's toughI've never had that thing going over theother as you down like I don't handsomethat's definitely painful yeah I did itsucksas I said Jennifer you better go to theER or something so made me come in yourhouse and pick you up on top my back inthe car you from house all my orders ifyou want yeah I was like that's like theone non-negotiable thing that needs donetodayAshley offered to take them to the postoffice for me but there's no way in hellshe's gonna be able to locate them downthere and or attack them yeah they needto impact yeah thanks Jenny appreciateitso I get to the basement though it'sgonna be interestingit's a teleport down or something wouldthat be nice but good looks not evenjust getting down there it's like onceI'm down there I'm gonna have to likewalk all the way around the basement topull the items that sold I have like 16or 17 items that need to go out todaysheesh yep if my son didn't have schoolday I'll probably what came down and howwould you do that yeah I appreciate itcuz if I didn't have to pick him up fromthe bus or whatever you know I mean thatI could whatever a big deal I'm not I'mnot sure yet Jenny Ashley told me ascoot on my butt so we'll see here thatunless crawl down her I'm sure thatwon't ya because you wanna be on yourfeet yeah I mean you'd have to pick thisbasically going he's a crawl down stairsyeah oh man they made me feel horriblemaybe definitely does a boot help yesand now there's I mean it hurtsregardless even if I'm just laying herewe have one of those beds that are likemechanical so like right now I've had myleg up this entire time it's probablynot the reason my voice sounds weirdbecause it's like distorting my body alittle bit but where's it or is yourpink like at is it your whole foot or isit Archer it's kind of like right belowmy ankle and wrapping the whole wayaroundmmm yeah Jenny all right my he might bedownstairs and he's stuck down until youfeel betterwell the good news is if I can getdownstairs I have a pair of crutchesthat she's just kind of stacked againstthe wall so I can kind of use thosewhat have you had your Hadassah grabthose crutches for you yeah any way shecan yeah thank you to the steps and thenyou can Jenna I once a hop but you cankind of use one crutch all the way downso you know I'm one you know your footreally touching yeah sure yeah exactlyJohn Jones oh that's a he said so onething I hate about being a womenabrasion and all stops my problems it'sexactly why like I try to have my wifeyou know you know in on a lot of theoperational things or whatever so likefor example someone's to the point whereI can just print on my labels fur andjust have her just go at it for the mostpart now I'll go pair and like sure likeprep all my stuff and then I'll just putin the box because she doesn't shedoesn't not a ship correctly it shouldwas first up in a box it won't be thesameyeah for sure changes the last ones atthe Arizona gurney waiting for healthkatha hard cap on my phone trying tofigure out vacation mode yeah and that'stough manyep that's the tough part about thisbusiness is there's always stuff youneed to do even that's you know you'reunable because you got too many items inour to like even if you had Ashley likeyou direct air worse than the stuff isit's when we hard for you to yeah orbring all this up like that would be achore in itself still yeah I also saythat's one oh then I'd say maybe do islike get on it get on like FaceTime withher and just have kind of point or adirectional need to come up and then youkind of pack upstairswell that's the other thing I have allmy shipping supplies downstairs too soit's kind of has to be done down thereI'll just have to man up and do it youknow is what it is no socks on yeahdefinitely does but I'll get through itI've had this before so kind of used toit it's actually a good idea uh JohnJames does I think we should all have asheet of paper handy that walks lovedones through release shutting down thestore temporarily yeah it's not a badideaScott says someone needs a to changeyour smoke detector battery I heard achirp I think that's on your in therehasn't it it's it's probably Ashley'sphone that's what are the technics oundslike really yeah she's over here crashedout she worked overnight Eric doesn'ttheir basement next house can't imagineworking in a basement all day actuallynot that bad like was bliss with minelike because it's so big like I've8-foot ceilings down here so it otherthan like the walls and the floors beingyou know cement and Burke or whateverthey have a little window over thereit's really not that bad down here it'snot my eye because it's like a biggerand doesn't have that like damp than theunits that normal basements do I do havethe Kate on Master Splinter right nowbut I see I'm human all day yesterdaythat's just one of my the are I peed onhimselfyou guys should have seen eight we ran aprivate hangout yesterday and he waswalking around with his little pistollooking for him we must eat some of thatmuch food never put on call the RadekI guess he might eat some I guess babyanyway it wasn't a lot missing I likethe thing she left out but as soon as weput it out like that thing was all overtoday that much yeah for sure and thenafter that we heard or seen him sincethough maybe uh maybe he go on oh yeahJohn said that uh he wishes he had abasement again would save him 315 amonth in storage absolutely that's thebest part about having a basement myeyes is being able to have a place toset up operations like I don't even havemuch eBay stuff like probably have moreabout the same eBay's I have Amazon mostof my Amazon just either holding forprices to come and go back up a littlebit or I bought a bunch of it because Ihave an opportunity to I'd send some inas like a just like as a test to see ifit's really all gonna move becausesometimes you get some data it's alittle skewed off because it's rightafter Christmas so I'm like well justelope and we'll see what it goes so I'mgonna have it much and man out imaginethe size of a unit I would need just tokind of you know have a space to have adesk and and all the clothing codes andall the box material and with troublefor loosing warehouse last January howBIG's your warehouse Tripler that'sawesome man so Dan says hey how do youfeel about creating a new listing onAmazon one item your scan isn't foundsometimes when I scan an item and it'snot found I take a picture of it andthen it willpop-up sometimes people put in the wrongUPC's on purpose I almost feel likebecause they don't want people otherpeople to find the item they're lookingfor so take a picture of it see if itpops it up or you can even do a manualsearch by just putting in the title ofwhat the item you're looking for and alot of times you know you might have tosearch through a little bit of stuff tofind it but you usually find it prettypretty easy afterwards but I've nevermade a new listing my phone either wayI've never made one from scratch yet notsaying that I wouldn't or would I've goteyes never I don't unless it's somethingthat I already had like say I'm offeringit like eBay that I had new tags me tagsand receipts for that would be like thatbuy something that wasn't on already onAmazon not because it's not going to begood it's just I don't have any salesdata to go off of it that it's sold oranything me unless it's something it'slike brand brand-new like say it's likeI keep using Funko's as a example butyeah say like a new Funko comes outhorse Funko's are gonna sell because ifyou trawling its new or whatever so Imean you make one for that and you'd begood just make sure you put all thecrack Creek data that they asked forlike title descriptions the picture hasto be on a white background all thattype of stuff yeah I've never made myown listing on Amazon yet either Triplersaid that he has a video on his channelshowing off the space he has in hiswarehouse 1712 feet dude we don't mindif you plug your channel you can feelfree to do that kind of stuff here wedon't mind Dave Trevor no problem alsoman if you're not a member of ourFacebook group go join their and you candrop when you do new videos that waypeople don't support you or drop a link[Music]my mate and Eric said he was working onbuying a 60 by 90 not sure what all usewhat he'll use it for yougotcha is that we go we're on space ashed like what 60 by 90 you looking tobuyer so may just drop the link to ourFacebook group make sure you guys don'tjoin that also if you're interested inbeing a part of our Meetupdon't be there as well everyone who isdefinitely going that like to help uskind of plant things or you know ifyou're gonna be there for multiple dayswe love your input on what you guyswould like to do and and let you knowthat you know you're coming toeverything so what wait Kelly what momsay my mother died from my ps2 gameadderall and I came to the bathroom Ithought you turn on the faucet thoughtyou said you couldn't like go to meet upI'm like what carrying the house samething exit still building all concretefloors that's one thing about a buildingor structure and you can always fill itup just make sure you get a big enoughespecially the other make sure when youget to steal it's Pittsburgh steel rightI don't get how that cheap china steelyeah because I'm sure you know you buystuff that's clearance down you hold itas well so if I had the right of mymoney in cash and just phased that wouldbe the thing I would do is like I wasstaying around Christmas time waitingfor all that decorations to go withinValentine's Daynew year and all that type of stuff moretoday I'd buy up all their clearancemerchandise and just cycle it every yearyeahalmost almost that you got first worldproblems Scott I'm not I'm not sure I'mI'm I'm almost positive somebody's goingto do one probably today or tomorrow orwhatever I would if I was able to getaround better with my foot but yeah I'mprobably not going to be able to todaybut at the very least I'll probably doone this week at some point so if youwant to get linked in with that man justhit that Bell notification on my channelthat way it'll tell you in a very goodlive or go into our Facebook groupbecause whenever I am sending it up I'llpost a link there that way you can comein I don't know if I'm gonna do one dayor not I might be like oh uh I'll worktoday I don't know see if I do want itmight be me like joining some buddies orsomething yeah sometimes that's easieras far as not having to be as focused onthe chat but it's your channel you kindof need to be a little bit more focusedon the people that are popping in we gotthe cherry picker Monicaso she said she's been in the meetingall day more don't shade that yeah Itold my boss I ain't coming everybodysaid screw that I ain't doing it[Music]so my god my cat is laying on top of mydog or a blanket it's crazy what's upAlexhe said everyday I'm hustling we're allare oh I love his background and he hadfor us is a setupoh shut it was showing some cat dog ohthat's like buried tongue electricserious right small he reconsiders I'mjust sleeping on Bobhe says he was humping right now looknice oh no this is a mighty to do buddyAlex come to the meetup in April oh ohyeah Anthony Brandon said that he's like99 98 95 to 99 percent or he's comingyeah I know he told me that alreadyMaggie doodle what's up road warriorreseller what's going on man what's yourfirst name dude I go get a note yourname isVeronica says she took the leap onlinefor two half days for now for mentalhealth and working on my TB that'sawesome I wish I had that option that Ican kind of dial back my work myfull-time job and just go kind of halfin half a little more perks like abalance type thingyeah that would be awesome I'm sure myjob will appreciate me more especiallymy boss after me missing the last twodays because yesterday there was nobodyon the shift to cover because of the guywho I work with was off so they wouldhave to finagle to get someone to covermy shift yesterday and today there'salways one guy there so he says he'salex is going to do a dude I'm gonna doeverything in my power to hitch aall-expense-paid free trip with somebodyyeah I think I think Lisa ciose thesails got you covered bro I think thetriple says all right planes taking offappreciate the hangout conversation getbetter Pittsburgh thanks man appreciateitokay so where's Lori resellers name isJason awesome I'm gonna try to rememberthat Jason I don't know why I was tryingI had that in my mind but I didn'tremember I don't know if he told me atold us that before or not but what'sthat his name was Jason I don't know ifI remember hearing that before her justa random thought but his name was JasonI don't knowI'm the Rain Man I guess that's whatSteven called me yesterday I think itwas Kiki they caught me the Rainman yeahsays he says you can't breathe themstill workhe'll home screw work we don't worktoday I'm off work Gary I have gout myfoot I'm not able to put any weight onitI have way too much weight so sucksAlex in in donations to help the familyget to the Meetup / just just kidding mydad died when he first started hisbusiness he ran into our house and theyonly charged him for each pallet thatwas on the floor and the thing wasreally funny about that was thewarehouse he had a tracking in it rightso when at the last day of the monththey would charge him for every palletthat was on the floor so what he woulddo is put every palette up in theracking and he would have really cheaprent because he would only pay like 150bucks a month for like what was it itwas like ten thousand square foot andthe funniest part was the guy that wasthat was in charge of the building andtold him did that yeah we had someHyatts and in Pittsburgh he said he cancome stay for free Anthony he has gottenhis foot and he's just a lot of paincan't put any pressure and weight on itso he's that's why he's like some kindof way sound this morning yeah wellthere Alex it easier since you got thefuture got the 399 hotel right that'swhat's up dude you must have like apoint court or something get hotel roomsfor free like ahere you come to the meetup be cool tohave you okayis going Lisa guys I love you guysTucker's SEP feel better Anthonyappreciate that dudeoh we're gonna start winding it down alittle bit here since I want I wantAnthony to get some respite feel betterso what kind of chart I don't park cutoff in a few minutes here any lastminute questions anybody have that wecan answer I think Larry sits when thebody's going to do I work a hangoutright after this so stay tuned for Larryif you're if you're not blue I'll makeyou blue real quick put your link in thein the chat so people can come comesyour work a hangout a mighty to don'tsare playing soundall right Larry you're blue now so youcan throw your link in the chat this waypeople come hang out with you also Dfoot particles as a live show at 12o'clock Eastern anyone to go hang outthen see her and last but not least Tauctions for you is a great way toauction off merchandise and to buyauction lots of England wants to checkout her she does nightly auctionsbasically every day her and Donna asecond I meant to put in description butI had some issues this morning I didn'tget to do my description the tags allthat fun someone you always get back andedited after the factyeah you definitely check out Tia guysshe is a really good channel and you canfind some really cool auction blocksthere it can also like I said you evenif you have some stuff that you wantauction or if you want to set up oneshe'll set up a an auction day with youguysyep and you know she has a nice nicegroup of people that tear apart orwhatever including myself so if you havesome stuff that I like and I can makecouple dollars on but you do like what'shave a lot people do it's almost likeevery seller blocks or whateversometimes they'll get something reallylike high-end collection bowls and stuffto you so but they'll do one offs withso make sure to check out T Larry and Dyep sure you let them know that you comebeyond sent you right we are the bestestbecause you guys are our two bestest andwe appreciate everyone you know for hangout with us we're gonna cut it off hereI'm sure we'll see you guys later I'llbe lurking around the youtubes todayworking with some people problemssure so I'll see everyone tomorrow andAnthony's channel hopefully he is betterand we're able to see his beautiful faceuntil then see you
