ECOM Business Formula – Launch, Grow & Future-Proof Your Business!

you know what's up guys wanted to jumpon here and I wanted to talk a littlebit more about something that I'm reallyexcited about and that is something thatI call a combinationbusinesses ecommerce but also thingsthat we've learned over the past 10 to15 years and and really what I want todo here today is I want to walk youthrough what that formula looks like ifif you are just starting on Amazon rightnow you may be thinking that you'restarting an Amazon business I don'treally want to call our business or yourbusiness an Amazon business it's riskyand it's really just dependent on onechannel we don't want that so with econbusiness formula what I've done is Ireally reverse engineered what we'vedone in the past three years withe-commerce but then also stuff thatwe've done in the past whether it's justbrick and mortar but also digitalproducts and all of that stuff so what Iwanted to do is I'm actually trying outthis new platform here that will allowme to share my screen and I can actuallywalk you through some different somedifferent images of what this formulalooks like the flow of everything and Ithink it'll be helpful so you guys cando me a favor if you have any questionsduring this just go ahead and drop themin the comments and then this way here Ican answer them I can actually look hereon my little dashboard here so I'm notlooking straight at you it's just I'mlooking at the dashboard to see if youhave any questions so definitely dropthem in there and if you want moreinformation about econ business formulalet me see if this works now I actuallycan put up a little screen here yeahlook at thatit actually Scrolls across EECOMbusiness formula dot-com and actuallytoday at the time that I'm recordingthis we are opening this class to suitto some early bird on our waysome early bird people and there they'regaining access right now to thistraining which we spent a lot of time onbut what I want to do here today andthat does work so that's cool is let mego ahead and hide that I want to goahead and share my screen so let's goahead and see how this works and yeahthere it is it's on that side so let mejust go ahead and I can actually stay upon the screen it looks like which ispretty cool so yeah guys if you have anyquestions as I run through thisdefinitely definitely let me know I'llcome back and look at the commentseither now or laterbut go ahead and and just go ahead anddrop some questions or just let me knowyou know what do this for me put inputting them the comments and I canactually go back and even search by bythis whether it's a hashtag or whetherit's just a straight-up word just put inthere build a brand just build brand putthat in there in the comments and thisway here I'll be able to see that laterthis is what we call the master planthis is the econ business formula masterplan this is what I basically follow toa tee it's what I teach it's it's what Iwould do if I was starting a newbusiness from scratch and here's thecool thing is once you learn this stuffyou're you're literally just learningthe process and then you can plug thisinto any business now or in the futurewhich is really cool um but here is thebig thing okay you need to understandthat yes this is a plan this is ablueprint in a sense you need to takeone step at a time and keep thingssimple all right now our mission is tofind a market that's what we're doinghere okay operation find a market that'swhat we're doing that's buying productsand has potential to grow externalassets that drive traffic and revenueback to the business alright that's whatwe're trying to do and we're notfollowing the same formula that everyoneelse is using to sell products on Amazonok that's what we want to avoid we donot want to do that and the secret toall of this is focus there's so manythere's so many ways to go out there andand so called bill that a business orbuild a brand and the thing that I see alot of people getting confused on isthey're they're thinkingselves I'm building an Amazon businessthat's not what we're doing maybe youare you shouldn't be you should bebuilding a business so find a nichemarket and focus everything becomes somuch easier if we find a niche marketlike bass-fishing right that's a nichemarket now we can go a little bitfurther we can go into the kayak bassfishing market okay now you need to takethe time to do the the research and theprep work all rightyou've probably heard this before butbut your your results are really aboutwhat kind of prep work that you've doneright if you're building a house yougotta have a strong foundation or elsethe house is gonna crumble or you can'tput the upstairs up yet on if it's asecond-story house right so once you dothis everything else is kind of likefill in the blanks as you go throughthis process and this is going to alsoallow you to focus all your energy onthe market your assets to grow thebusiness and not about the next hotproduct all right so many people go outthere they're like hey I want to go outthere and find the product that'sselling you know 100 units per day andthat's great and all but guess whateveryone else is doing the same exactthing so that's mistake number one youdo not want to do that want to take thetime do the research and the prep workand then once you figure that out anddial that in everything becomes so mucheasier all right think about the bigpicture and commit to the businessall right so many people are off heredoing this thing and off you're doingthat thing and oh there's an easier wayover here or oh there's crypto-currencyover here and there's Bitcoin andthere's all right there's all this stuffyou need to understand figure out thebig picture get a plan and commit to thebusiness now again I'm showing you whatwe're teaching and kind of what wefollow in econ business formula andagain this would probably be you know bea time to to somewhat plug that ifyou're interested in learning more youcan head over to and then I'll just putthat up right here again econ businessformula dot-com and you'll get all thedetails there and actually I might leavethat up there just for a minute sothat's what we're doing here right we'rethinking about the big picture andcommitting to the process all rightwe're not building an Amazon businessokay we are building an e-commercebusiness if someoneup to you on the street since hey whatdo you do for a living you're not goingto say hopefully you're not going to sayI'm an Amazon business you might say Isell products on Amazon but you're notan Amazon business right you're buildingan e-commerce business okay that'sdifferent okay because we're doing morethan just selling products on Amazonhere is the basic concept all rightniche market traffic plus attentionproduct sales ad revenue affiliatecommissions like that's the basiccontent concept at the highest levelthat I can give you is if once weestablish the niche market we can thenget traffic and attention we can thenpush that to products and those productscan be Amazon products you know orproducts that we sell on Amazon on thatchannel could be Etsy could be eBay itcould be you know it could be your ownShopify store it could be any of thatstuff but then we also have ad revenuenow because if we're doing this properlyand I'm going to show you in a minutehere of a blueprint in a sense thatshows you all of their four pieces thatwe're building and this is what we buildthrough this process in Econ businessformulaall right so product sales ad revenueand then affiliate commissions we canget from that as wellso there's different ways that we canmonetize the traffic that we start tobuild over time all right now the masterplan is this okay one niche marketresearch okay plus growth validationprocess it's important that yes you picka niche market but we got to see thegrowth or the potential and growth byvalidating it through a process andthere's a whole process in doing thatnumber two product discovery choosingthree to five products and the reasonwhy we want three to five products isbecause it's so much easier to sell thatsame person another product that'srelated to the first purchase you don'twant to have to go out there and justfind new customers new customers newcustomers you know it's better to go outthere and find one customer or even evenput an ad in front of someone that isinterested in buy one product but thenyou can also maybe upsell a second thirdfourth and fifth product down the lineor maybe even in two months from now allright and then number three is proud ofcreation and sourcing like that's whenthat comes in we don't do that first wedo that in the third part and then forproduct launch and asset building thisis where we are going to be really doingthe pre-launch so we can do a successfullaunchokay and we're gonna start building outthese assets that's gonna help launchingso much easier alright and then five ismarket attention and and really themarket attention could be going outthere and building a list it could begoing out there in connecting withinfluencers it could be out there evenon Amazon mastering pay-per-click allright that's getting attention that'sgetting attention in your market on abuying platform which is Amazon moretraffic and then six is growthstrategies and that's more traffic morerevenue diversification and all of thatstuff that's the business model in ahole okay and that's what you reallyneed to think about so here's phase onethis is using a sixty to a 90 dayprocess we established the market we dowe take the time to figure that out themarket and really the sub market thatwe're going intowe've got fishing we've got bass fishingor we got fishing we've got fly-fishingokay and then when we can talk all aboutthis at another time but then we can dowe can do multiple you know multiple subniches in the main niche so we havefishing and we have bass fishingfly-fishing deep-sea fishing ice fishingall that stuff goes in there alright sothat's phase number one and guys if youguys are just cut you know tuning in orif you're skipping through the video ifyou're watching this on a replay here'swhat I want you to do drop in thecomments if you're if you're thinking toyourself yes I got to do this thingdifferently I can't just go out thereand find a product at selling on Amazonand just sell it because you know ifyou're doing that again it's it's a badidea just because you're gonna have 20other people that are gonna do the sameexact thing so you're competing againstthem with the same stuff that you haveaccess to that they have to and it's ifyou do this work I'm telling you itbecomes easier alright so do me a favorput brand building just put brandbuilding in the comments if you're ifyou're thumb if you're giving me athumbs up if you're saying Scott thismakes sense this is something that I canwrap my head around this is somethingthat I would want to put the time andenergy in and again we can have shortwins we can have long term wins and I'llshow you that here in a minute so phase1 is really like a short-term win rightit's never been easier to figure outwhat products a market is buying andthen selling those products immediatelyon Amazonand really doing it in a way that we canalso build assets through that processall right so market products Amazonchannel launch sales that's phase oneokay but before we do that we have tofigure out the market in the sub marketsand what three to five products we willpotentially sell okay I get again guysI'm sorry to be looking off I'm justtrying to see if if there's any commentsor any yeah okay I see some some buildbrand brand building cool build brandbrand building any one of thosecombinations works all right cool solet's move on so again really reallyclear picture here now this is phase twonow this might make you go oh my goshgot there's a whole bunch of stuff thereis but it doesn't have to happen all atoncebut once we do this okay in if you lookin the center there it says home-basedwebsite slash blog that is where we aregoing to create our own our own piece ofproperty okay it doesn't reside onAmazon it doesn't reside on eBay itdoesn't reside on any channel it's ourhome base and everything will go to thateverything will come from that it's away it's our hub in a sense okay so wehave external channels and that's thetraffic okay let me just tell yousomething if you work on getting trafficover the next 12 to 18 months which wetalked about in Econ business formula wewalk through that entire process if youif you spend the time to do that overtime it's going to build on itself it'sgoing to build on itself and that assetbecomes even more powerful and then weget to take all that traffic and driveit to our Amazon listing if we want toif you want to have a crazy launch or wecan drive it to our Shopify store or wecan just drive traffic there through ouremail list and then we can you knowmonetize our blog with ads and you knowmake an extra couple thousand dollarsper month which by the way that's whatwe're doing right now on one of thebrands that I'm working with I'mpartnered with and you know we'regetting over a hundred thousand uniquevisitors every single month and we'returning that into between two and threethousand dollars in extra revenue okaycrazyno products being sold just ad revenueand commissions so it's crazyso anyway I'm gonna kind of fly throughthis a little bit cuz we don't have totoo much time here but we have the homebaseyou know this here is the main hub andthen off of that we have sales channelsright we have Shopify eBay Amazon ininternational Etsy right to name a fewand then we have additional revenuestreams which which would be paid adsAdsense media vine ad thrive any ofthose then we have Amazon affiliatesales then we have digital products ifyou've never thought about addingdigital products and they don't have tobe yours by the wayyou can find digital products possiblyin your niche that you can become anaffiliate for and make anywhere between30 and 50 percent commission on that ifit's $100 product you make 50 bucks butyou got to build up the attention yougot to build up the traffic and thathappens in phase 2 here all right andthen these external channels of trafficwe have Pinterest Instagram Facebookpages and groups YouTube email listsinfluencers and collaborations all ofthat stuffthis right here is the main blueprintand there's probably even deeper divesthat I could go into each one of thesebut this is the overall phase 2 allright and this is where it gets excitingall right and this doesn't have to bedone overnight right it's going to taketime but I'm telling you if you put thetime and energy in launching productsyou know increasing your revenue isgoing to be so much easier here's thepower of assets you own ok you guys cantell – I love these boxes and colors itjust allows me to visualize it bettermyself so your audience is attentionthat is your traffic right we have blogwebsite traffic we have YouTube channelwe have social media we have email listall of this stuff doesn't have to happenat once it happens over time then yourproducts on Amazon can get all thatjuice from that traffic ok we can sendit there and then we're gonna send it toan optimized listing we're gonna getsales and once we get sales that's howwe rank and then once we rank Amazontakes over and starts sending us theirown traffic to our listings and thenwe've started something there we've kindof created a flywheel effect in a senseok this is the power of assets that youown this is what we want to be strivingfor this is what we want to be buildingover time ok one asset at a time ok andthere's ways also you can take one assetand you can start to leverage otherassets that you own to really get thoseother ones moving even quicker emaillist being one of themwhich is pretty cool so again everythingI just covered there the master plan isthat right there and I'm not going to gothrough all of these again it's reallystarting with figuring out the market ifyou're already in a market right nowfigure out okay if that market will lenditself to you being able to do some ofthis external traffic getting or maybeyou have to pivot a little bit in yourbusiness right now or maybe you'refeeling you're at a ceiling in thatbusiness and you're like how do I youmight need to pivot a little bit and gointo a sub niche inside of your mainmarket becomes so much easier guys thinkabout this if you're if you're law ifyou've launched a product I've had thishappen people that are in my innercircle right now I've got one guyactually in the way that he the way thathe described it was kind of like you'reyou're you're launching a product and bythe time you get that product up andrunning and it's doing really well andyou run out of inventory or you have toget your next inventory batch in you'vegot ten other people over there thathave already come in because they seenthat that product or your listing isdoing well so it's almost like we wantto fly under the radar number one numbertwo we want to build assets and stuffthat we can control the traffic to thatand it's an asset that they don't haveand they won't know what hit themso we don't have to worry about that allright so again it's just reallyimportant that we that we do that allrightstick to the plan all right stick to theplan it's so important that we do thatand we don't just you know shiny objectsyndrome right like that's the big thingso let me just go back here real quickthis is a big visual guys understandright here if you have this if youcontrol this traffic that is attentionthat is that's currency okay that ismoney in your pocket your business willgrow if you ever want to exit your brandthese will be assets that will get youmore of an ROI on your exit okay I knowthat for a factall right so again phase two this is themain main blueprint but really phase oneis the simple blueprint but it all doesstill come down to figuring out themarket okay and the sub market thatyou're gonna drive into and you're gonnadive into and then from there three tofive products you don't have to launchthose products right away but I I wouldyou to have three to five productsselected at least in the bucket so thisway here you know that you can sell morethan one product to that to thatcustomer and the other cool thing is isonce you start having these products andyou do launch money Amazon you're gonnaget the you know the frequently boughttogether or people who bought this alsobought this which is pretty cool as wellalright so definitely definitely checkout econ business formula if you'reinterested in going through this processit's a six module training and actuallyas of today we are opening to an earlybird list if you guys go there now youwill you'll get you'll get the access oryou'll be able to see access to what'swhat's inside if you're watching thislater you can go there and get all thedetails on how you can become part ofecon business formula and that trainingit's a self-paced training it's anin-depth training it's the it's thebiggest training that I've ever createdbut I've also broken it down so this wayhere it's so easy to follow along to beable to go through because I know howhard it is to uh look at that bigpicture and you're like man if you couldjust have these these steps broken downin these in these small bite-size piecesand that's why I really really wanted todo that here and I think we've done itso definitely check out EECOM and if you have anyquestions drop them in the comments Iwould love to answer them I could doanother video in the future possiblyaddressing any questions that you mighthave even just about this processdefinitely check it out let me know ifyou have any questions whether you youknow go through our training or not Iwant you to understand this is a processand you have to plan and you have tostick to the plan and focus alrightdon't get distracted with those shinyobjects alright guys that's it that'sgonna wrap it up as always take care andtake action and I'll see you soon bye
