Ecom Kingz – Product Research

coolall right guys so it looks like we arelive here and we're gonna wait till acouple more people pop in but all we'redoing today everyone is just showing youguys some product research right to showyou how quickly you can find a productyou know sometimes it takes longersometimes it's it's really quick rightbut the important thing is is that thework behind it is pretty simple so aslong as you know you come in with theidea of knowing you may be sitting downfor a couple hours you should be good aslong as you're willing to wait and theproducts are there the gold is there youjust got to dig for it so yeah kind ofbefore we can go into that undress canyou kind of tell them a little bit aboutyou know what product research is reallywhat is what is exactly that that we'redoing on on Amazon exactly yeah so wellfor this particular method what we'redoing is we're gonna go to a supplierright the place where we're actuallygonna source the item from yeah it'sactually fulfilled for these orders forthese customers that are buying theseproducts from Amazon and we're justgonna pretty much go through a bunch ofitems and see emit that exact same itemis on Amazon which for most of the timethey are well we want to actually looklike well look for is not just that theyactually have the product but that it'sactually profitable right that there's adifference in the prices enough so thatafter the Amazon fees after anypotential taxes that you may have to payyeah it still make a decent profit offan item so we're gonna yeah like Chriswas saying we're gonna show you guys thewhole process it is something that couldtake long it's the reality yes you'regonna see the entire so the way to workeveryone is you're gonna have a chatthere and it's gonna kind of be like anopen discourse so we're gonna go throughsome of the products we're gonna gothrough it I'm gonna answer somequestions as I see in the chat feel freeto ask anything amazon drop shippingrelated I'll do my best to make surethat I can answer that for you I'm justis gonna go through some products butjust go ahead and everybody just let usknow where you're tuning in from so wecan kind of just get an idea of whereeverybody is that's how many people dowe have that's yeah I can't see anythingthat you say okay so we have that openwe're goodin Texas San Antonio okay coolSan Antonio that's the only time I'vebeen there is when I'm with my brotherbro we went our cross-country wait wouldyou say looking for daddy probablygiving out up price whoever finds himDavid Gonzales is looking for daddyPablo giving a prize to whoever findshim all right well Pablo's right thereyeah yeah Detroit Canada Orlando Floridathat's my hometown Exodus Las VegasCosta Mesa damn people from all overplace there's people from everywherehere in New York and other Canada coolawesome guys all right cool so the chatis gonna be open for everybody feel freeto throw the questions in there I'mgonna go ahead and answer some of thequestions but let's go into productresearch man so what we're gonna do isis on us we'll just show you one of themethods that we found that works whenyou're looking for products yeah so likeI said guys be patient it's gonna be anopen discord so I'm gonna be goingthrough some topics he's gonna beshowing you some stuff we mayinterchange dialogue back and forth solet's go ahead and have at it man how dowe how do we find some of these productsfirst yeah so we're gonna show you guysjust um a really really simple method tobe honest this doesn't take a lot of youknow mix strategy and a really very verystraightforward it's just like we weresaying it's just you kind of just haveto put into working and you know you'llbe you'll start finding items so well wefirst want to do is um we're gonnapretty much search our random item andwhat I got want you guys to do is tokind of like just write in the chat likesome random items that we can find justto see them yeah somebody gives a randomitem and this call will be like 45minutes to an hourguys it's it's this is not a class it'snot a course all rightso whatever value that you can get fromthis and and start it and make 500 bucksin a month cool you know hopefully thathopefully that's what you're able to getOhio is it watches Bryan watches thereare not an item that we really want tosell for the most part we try to stayaway from like any type of like jewelryor anything that has sizes because onething is um even though returns arecommon you don't really want to have tolike you know be selling something likesomething that like people can'tactually try on until they get itbecause most of the time that'show it is you know sizes run differentand stuff like that on watches it couldbe a liability to yes you big okay so wehave a bunch of stuff you got your yourgiving somebody an easier reason toreturn the item yeah it's just someextra work G not just for you so clothesanything like that where you sell it andsomeone's gonna be oh this this didn'tfit me right so now that you got a dealwith thatokay so cool let's pick an item here letme see um we have lawn mower sofablankets all these are good which one doyou think we should do do the uh somethe dog bed yeah we could do the dog bedall right so how many of you guys arecurrently drop shipping on Amazon orEbay in hereyeah all of those things that you guysare writing like for the most partthey're fine I mean a soap I don't thinkthat's something I would uh you knowI've told a packet of soap before yeah Iguess you can yeah there's nothing wrongwith it just say we could make moneytonight for tonight weekly tournaments Idon't know if look how legit legitimacyof that one is but yeah if you use thestrategies you can you can I mean youjust have to like you know probably thatpossible okay so let's go ahead and justshow them that process man let's see ifwe can use these dog beds and findsomething out of hereyeah so let's do a couple of examplesreally quick basically what we want todo is um obviously we find an item wealready put dog bed and all of theseitems are gonna show up right and atthis point you can really filter this ifyou want to I don't really oh I don'treally do it but you can if you want tosometimes if you're looking for aspecific price a lot of times um youhave to like watch your capital right soif you're you don't really have a wholelot of capital maybe you don't want tobe sourcing like $500 items from the goso we might as well just put a let mehere just tonight I kind of like avoidall these super expensive items eventhough I don't think dog beds get thatexpensive you probably don't want to domore than like ones in there yeah sowhat we'll do everybody is what was away for us to go through like the basicstrategy method first that wayandris can go ahead and search forwhatever product is gonna find and thenI can go through the questions it's likea regular disk okay perfect yeah andwe'll just go and talk at the same timeokay so all you really want to do is I'mjust really gonna open up a bunch ofthese right just have a whole bunch ofdifferent tabs open it doesn't reallyhave to be an order I kind of just pickand choose like just random ones I don'treally like to pick ones where it haslike different variations just becausethe the search process gets a little bitmore complicated so just for to make iteasier I'm gonna pick the ones that onlyhave one so we're just opening differenttabs right now so we don't have to clickon one item and yeah open up a page amillion times exactly it's just somekind of like knock them out all at thesame time so I think at this point wehave enough to just kind of like showyou guys the example so all we reallywant to do is just like we told you guysfrom the beginning we want to see ifthis item is on Amazon so what we liketo do is um I want to get the title hereright I'm gonna copy it and then I'mgonna right-click it and then search iton googleand then obviously you know there'sgonna come out you have to look forAmazon right so I see up there's alreadyone here on Amazon we're gonna see ifit's the actual item so let me see is itthis is not the same item a lot of timesit won't always be completely accuratejust because since we're copying thetitle it's on sometimes it could be likevery generic and like you know cozycolored dog and cap abetik it can belike it give me in a lot of differentbeds they could have like the same titleso for this one since I didn't reallyfind it immediately the other thing Ican do is I can kind of go to the I youknow the actual picture right click itand then search Google for image and alot of times I can you know maybe it'llshow up this timelet me see you I don't really seeanything on Amazon if it takes too longalready it's like it's not even worth itI'm just gonna watch them a coupleseconds on each and each item to see ifyou can find it yeah it's just you don'twant to spend too much time at the endof the day so I'm just gonna move on tothe next one I'm gonna copy this you'rejust searching on Google and seeing ifyou're finding that item to see if it'sselling on Amazon currently yeah okay sothis is honestly this is a very hardcategory I'm already noticing let me sayyeah this is I don't like this one Imean I don't really like doingvariations just for this reason justbecause you might search for it and itjust might not end up being the sameitem same color let me see let me see ifI open some of these you see this islike not even the same item is it Idon't think that might be the same is itit's the same one it's just a differentcolor it's got the tag on there yeah youhave to just pay attention to thesesmall details guys because you don'twant to be picking an item that you'regonna end up listing and it's not whatyou're saying it is yeah you end upshipping a different item out to yourcustomer than what they actually boughtyou're gonna have a lot of issues onAmazon yeah and I already kind ofnoticed like this is gonna be a veryhard item just because are very hardyeah I think dog beds aren't very easybecause yeah that's a good point man soI think that a lot of people like theyget stuck in the beginning like okay sowhat item do I search how do I look forthe first thing yeah so the importantthing realizes we're not necessarilylooking you may end up finding an itemthat takes you to another item that endsup beingactually so yeah right so you may havejust have a proclivity for items thatyou see them and you randomly type themin because you think they're easy tothink of yeah rightbut sometimes it's hard to actually findan item in that category that's for saleso and you're gonna get a lot of theseyou're gonna get a lot of them wherethey're going to you're gonna search foran item and it's gonna pop up and you'renot gonna get any results for it andthen later on when you search again likethe next day for product research you'regonna see well screw this item I alreadytried looking for this for an hour otherday and so you kind of end up puttingthese items on you're like do not evencare yeah to look for a list yeah so andand you're gonna build that list on yourownguys as you start searching for productsyou're gonna see well I never findaugments so I'm not gonna waste my timeeven trying to search for that productyou know you're just gonna come througha lot of things you're just gonna learnit as you go through say okay well yeahI'm not gonna bother wasting my time onthis right so that's kind of what'shappening with this item here so like wesaid before everybody don't spend toomuch time on it it's literally you'rejust going through the tabs so thatyou're not clicking on each pageindividually and right now like let's goahead and change categories just we arejust because this this is just not it'snot very accurate and it's just I feellike it's a lot of hard work just toactually find the item it's usually alot simpler even if like the itemsaren't even problem you usually just seethem immediately so right here I alreadynoticed that I'm not gonna continuewasting my time we're gonna go ahead andjust pick something elselet me see from like what you guys havesaid earlier quick if I could just getsomething around arbic you barbecue yeahlike like a like a grill okay you gotlike a grill so you can just go girlyeah we got jump already I'm here what'sup bro I just sped crazy yeah I'm eatingare you guys doing we're just going toget on everyone welcome to our firstecon Kings live Amazon whatever you wantto call it it's something I've beenwanting to start for every minute andthese guys are my two right-hand coacheschris is a seven-figure seller on dressI don't know if he's broken it yeah butit's getting close and yeah so let's dosome product research let's see I wantto show you guys how simple it is theyprobably already broken this down but Iwant to show you guys how simple this isbecause it's not like crazy science youknow it's very veryand you guys see how simple it is mightget a little mad that you're not alreadydoing it so I'll let them take it overbut thanks guysyeah for sure man yeah like you he wassaying everybody a lot of this stuffisn't really good you look at it andit's like it seems so hard just becauseyou don't know how to do it but rightthe other business models you have toworry about ads you got to worry aboutwho your audience is if you're payingfor traffic or all that nonsense and soit's just really difficult for abeginner to get involved with that Iknow one of the barriers that's one ofthe barriers that stop me from doinganything like Shopify when I firststarted out because I was such a hugeprocess yeah you don't want to get mixedup with a lot of other things and thenyou just waste money in the processthat's like this is like this isbasically you buy low and sell high likethe say my idea except you're not evenbuying until someone's already boughtfrom you at a higher price is this thesame item can you help me figure it outokay yeah soandris not an item here it's $97 andit's the backyard master girl okay sowhat I usually do here guys is I'll lookand see if Oh like the actual item if Ican find something that's in in herethat matches so expert grill I look atwe go go up it says XG 19 let's see ifwe can find out on Amazon so yeahusually just copy this and I'll justsearch for it here so command or controlf as on whatever computer you have soI'm not finding that in here but thatdoesn't mean that it's not the item Imean at that part that that listing thatspecific thing is not on here so this isa 30,000 BTU it's a gas grill with someside shelves heavy-duty for pecan I'mgonna see if I can find a lot of thisstuff here it looks like the same it's a30 it is a 30 thousand BTUs at theshelves is it a three burner that'llusually help us figure that out okaythat's that's four burner I spelled thatwrong okay so you're gonna have to looksometimes you may have to do a littlebit of hunting sometimes okay so that'sa lot of these extra ones I don't see itand uh3-burner ok so right down here guys itsays it's a three burner grill 30,000BTU 10,000 BTU stainless steel burnersto specialized ok let's look at some ofthe stuff down here 40 pounds or so I'mjust what I'm doing now everybody is I'mjust seeing if I can connect enough dotsbefore I'm comfortable deciding whetherthis is the item that is actually I meanmost the time it's it's a lot easierthan this because they'll actually havelike the actual item number or somethinglike very very easy back to where bothboth sources will actually have it sofor this awkward just once main guysliterally so look at this we have thispicture here it's the same damn pictureit's a real it yeah okay look at thisthing it's the same one here it's gotliterally one two two four at the fourchickens on there I'm pretty confidentthat this is the item yeah yeah so I'mnot really gonna we're not gonna go intolike competition right now yeah we justwant to show you guys like how easy itis like we just started right now and wealready found something with a prettybig margin I mean this one is 193 Idon't Walmart's 97 this is 97 bucksright now and it's selling on Amplatzlet me see how some of it this is okaysome other dude he's selling it for 100and what 93 that's why it's a pretty bigmargin for that item and the BSR Ichecked it earlier we can you go backlet's go back it's crazy if you actuallyfound this be faster than yeah okaywhere's the B oh that's right there it's360 mm that's dude that's so good yeahyou profit that you're yeah and for youguys the BS r we won't go too much intoit but basically on amazon has their wayof ranking items based on how much theysell right so the number one right heresays number three hundred and sixty twothousand and patio lawn and garden it'sjust a number one item right downprobably sells like 100 maybe thousandstimes a day it's the best item in thecategory right so you guys might bethinking of like 360 – that sounds likea 360 thousand sounds like a big numberbut in reality it's something that stillsells a lot yeah right so so this isthree hundred eighty two thousand andeighty plus thousand okay so normally wetypically advise right around the threeich mark yeah but all that really doesis just just how often the item sellsyeah that's really all that matters butso all we did is we compared a couplethings to see that we match the item andthis is important here guys one of thoseimportant things probably I just realizethis what dude think about like peoplesearch these items and I'm like a bot ifyou have software using a software thatgoes through this sometimes like a lotof them won't even pick up the fact thatthis is the same item like we had tocheck it ourselves because there wassome things in there that weren'timmediately apparent yeah to see if thiswas the item but so we took that extratwo three minutes and found out that itwas actually the item yeah right so thisis what we said earlier guys if you'rewilling to put that extra time as extrafour five six minutes into a listing youcouldn't walk out with dude this lookslike it's a sixty fifty dollar margin orsomething like that at least so yeah solet's let's go into a man huh and if younotice we just started right now and wealready found an item but we do want tobe kind of transparent with you guysit's not always like that right like thekind of the processing oh yes the firstcategory went through oh yeah we went toa category video we didn't have any lookdog that dog Bethea and it wasn't let mesee who said barbecue I don't know ifyou man barbecue sauce man or if youactually met a barbecue grill but yeahwe just we just got greatwe just we assumed that you met a girlso that's so okay so this item it'sfound on Walmart it's at this pricethere's three left that doesn't reallymatter too much because Walmart willusually always update their stock anywayso this doesn't look like it's beingsold by any weird third parties I wouldjust make sure it's all right it's so byWalmart more and even they're like ourprice like way fair or hey needlebecause they're trusted yeah anyways soalright sorry man I interrupted you butno it's fine I just want him to you knowkind of show them that it was that easywe already found it um I kind of want togo through a couple of these just to seeif we get lucky just so you guys can seethe pros right one and we'll keep thatone there and yeah yeah back andcalculate like new profit and stuff tosee definitely so let's go on to thenext one um for this one we're justgonna do the same thing right by the wayeverybody don't be that guy who goes andtakes that I know yeah and list it I betyou don't do it every single classhappens yeah so every time we've doneone of these even in our classes wherethere's only like 20 30 people there nomatter how many times we tell everybodydon't copy the sample item everyone doesso you're wasting your time because Igetby tomorrow however many there arelisted there's gonna be like double ortriple and just not gonna have anopportunity so don't waste your timeyeah don't be that person and anotherthing is the reason they're talking somuch about saying like you know justcheck what the third party is it'sbecause they're not subject to the samereturn and exchange all that usesWalmart so Walmart has really easy touse return policies but a third partyseller on there they may say they don'thonor those same return policies that'swhy it's really important that you ifyou are gonna use a third party that youfind out what their return policies areso that you don't think you can returnit you really can't exactly cuz normalnormally Walmart they give you likethree months so like they won't for liketheir parties others yeah it's andthat's the reason scream in my ear andyou're good the other reason Nickmentioned that as welleverybody is Walmart is yeah it's a verylarge supplier and they're one of themost reputable reputable ones that weknow of so that's why we opened it withthat but there are other ones that youcan use oh definitely yeah and one otherthing I'm if you guys notice there's aum extension here it's called Amazonassistant what it's supposed to do isthat it's just was supposed to show youdirectly if there's the items on Amazonso for this one it shows it it doesn'tshow from most of them for whateverreason I'll Walmart it doesn't reallylike function as property but we used towork better yeah that's an extra pieceof tool guys if you get it's a GoogleChrome extension yes reason you guys canget it if you want to save some time itjust helps economy not like listings atonceexactly it's man this is manual rightnow yeah cuz that's simplest way what dowe tell everybody in our if you startusing software right off the bat withouthaving any knowledge of how to do thingsnormally and manually like this whathappens is if that software goes out ofcommission if there's an update onwhatever supplier using your you'reconnecting it with now you're leftdefenseless not knowing how to make yourown money because you were dependent ona software that's starting out rightsoftware just supposed to be used as anextension of your knowledge on how torun the business and if you can't run itnaturally then you're not gonna have asuccessful long term business in thisbusiness model rightso hundra's I totally agree with Chrisand we've always been a firm believerthis even back like when when we werereally teaching about eBay and all ofthat it's because they exactly like Isaid if you don't understand thefoundation you don't really trulyunderstand how the software works so ifthe software has a bug it goes down whathappens and if you don't know how to fixthat and let's just say there's a 12hour period where the software isn'tthere well if you're already in thepoint where you're doing like a 20,000third 20,000 a month gross business youhave enough sales customer serviceemails inventory prices and out ofstocks changing that if you don'trealize that that's down and fix ityou're gonna have enough complaints inthat 10 12 hour period the your accountsgonna get shut down because of negativemetrics really really important tounderstand how stuff worksso if does happen you can fix ityeah Nichkhun long yeah but think aboutlike you had when you start to get to apoint where you hire the ACE and you hadto build a team if you only like teachthem I gotta use softwares and they'rerunning your entire store and they don'tknow how to you know they don't knowwhat to do is something happens you'regonna be you have to like know thebusiness like you have to know what todo to be able to say okay they're gonnago oh the button doesn't work yes Igotta be put in and now you can't putthem in sorry so guys before we go anyfarther I'm gonna have in the chat ofthis YouTube our econ kings discord nowI built that we built that three weeksago four weeks ago and this live is kindof the launch of that I was gonna domore of a heads up so everyone could behere there's about a thousand membersalready so if you're in herethe link was just posted you guys canjoin that all the people that you guysare running from in here along with morecoaches along with more experiencedpeople are all in that chat and it'scompletely free so you guys might aswell be in it so yeah and then thatwon't be able to notify you every timewe go live if you're not gonna be youknow on Instagram the second I posted orwhatever you guys will get anotification every time we're live sojoin the discord like I said dude we'renot upselling you guys on anythingtonight we're not doing anything this isjust gonna be our weekly live productresearch thing you know it's just thebasics and showing you guys how to makean extra fifty to a hundred bucks youknow we add a depending on how mucheffort you put into this now there isthere comes on sir there's beenthere's better techniques than this I'mnot better but faster but this is thebest and the easiest for the averageperson so you guys anything elseanything we just showed you guys all youneeded yeah this is literally like lateranother like I want everyone when theyhave a chance when they ask for the nextproduct everyone just type the mostobscenelike the craziest stuff so you guys knowwe can't no that's all we askthem we talk to just pick a randompeople so that's easy let's say like youguys pick something build about it don'tdo that don't do that one though itdidn't end well you don't wanna do thoseyeah definitely I would recommend youguys do something unique so they canshow you the real process I guess theyfound a profitable item instantly yeahbecause Jeff look at this oneninety-seven on Walmart 193 yeah that'sa massive market that proper yeah umyeah and then you'll find items guysthat make you $7 more and you'll finditems that make you a $2 margin and theyall add up to make you your storesmargin exactly you're not gonna look fora certain profit margin on every item orwhatever you're just gonna take what youcan get yeah and really quick well Mattyou're asking I'll do you guys usespecific website for product researchsuch as jungle scone I think junglescout is more of like an FBA type of umso that's where you break down thisprocess so essentially what they'redoing guys is they're going on Amazonwith the random item that you guyspicked right and what they're doing isthey're doing their backtracking to findthe supplier of that item so have thisclear like it's a few step process theyfind an item on Amazon that's that theythink is profitable they go backtrackand they find the supplier or whatevermethod they use to find the supplier youguys will learn that here and then whatthey do is show you guys what that itemssourced that and what website it is andthen you guys can literally list it nowplease don't list these items becauselike I guaranteed this grill I'll havelike ten selling oh yeah where there was250 people on here yeah well don't bescumbags and that's what it is but thereason I say that is because if there'sten sellers overnight you guys probablywon't be the one to sell itso take the things you guys learnedtoday and find your own items with thissame process and when we do ask foritems be unique and watch them like youactually do the product research becauseit's interesting you know it's notalways quick so I'll let me get back toit yeah if someone's asking Mike'sasking are you fulfilling ordersmanually on each sale it depends likeyou mentioned something about FByour FDA got here you don't droptripping experience so it really comesdown to whether you have an employeethat's gonna do it for you or you wantto do it yourself I recommend manuallydoing it yourself because then when youdo hire somebody you can tell them howto do it for you you have to learn thebusiness yeah for you yeah in thebeginning you're gonna have when yourstore starts kicking off you're probablyhaving obscene amount of orders once thefourth quarter starts kicking in sothink about you know possibly lookinginto hire somebody right away when youstart getting to that point all right sohave a video and play something at leastto help you don't want to get caughtcompletely off-guard with that yeah Jackand no we don't use Aliexpress becauseon Amazon people want their itemsquickly right nobody wants to wait likethree weeks maybe a month for theiritems so it's just not smart to useoverseas suppliers yeah yeah so there'sno classes in the books right now guysall we're doing is just focused on justshowing people some free value here andgiving some dropshipping advicequestions open discord so as soon as wedo have that guys I know that Jeff willbe on top of that lender but you knowwhen we want to launch those but for nowthere's there's no classes on them yeahthat all this stuff guys are ecommerceAmazon related it's accessible toeverybody you just got to find the timeto really invest in it or invest yourtime into it so alright so next eBaydropshipping eBay we don't teach at allanymore so this is Amazon specific ifyou really are curious on eBay you guysare actually on my youtube watching thisthere's like some old videos on here youcan go watch those can you do thiswithout credit absolutely you can dowithout credit the thing is is thatyou're cycling money right so you'regoing to Walmart com purchasing weatherdebit or credit card doesn't cost youany difference they don't charge you anextra fee so you're going over and thenshipping it to your customer on Amazonso there's no reason not to use a creditcard if you can use one because you getpoints for our points cashback whateverbut you could do this with a debit cardif for some reason your credit is so badyou can't even get approved for theshittiest secured credit card somehowthen yes you can do this with a debitcard but there's really no reason notyeah that's the point of the credit yeahso you can go ahead and continue man I'mgonna answers yeah just keep askingquestions I'm just going just so youguys know I'm probably not gonna bespeaking that much but I'm just gonna goover the same process just going throughsome of these items see we got luckyagain and we find something so thereyou're you're shipping from Walmart Iassume there won't be windows shippingyeah there's gonna be items that haveone day shipping there's gonna be itemsthat have two day shipping mm-hmm somewe'll have standard shipping it justdepends on what item it is that Amazonits sellinglet's see can you give listing examplesfor the way you dropship so Marcus I'mnot sure we mean by listing examples wejust showed an example if you didn't geton the live a little earlier basicallywe went on to a supplier and searched onthat supplier to see if we could findthe item on Amazon to see if it wasselling and if it was selling profitablyand if it's gonna gonna be an itemthat's worth listing based off of theranking which we talked to everybodyabout what the BSR is we don't know whatthat is you can google it real quick orjust know that it's a best sellerranking and what it entails is how oftenan item is selling it's through Kcapital enough dude that's good man it'sgonna be enough to get you to where it'sall depends on your items if you startlisting expensive items then wheneveryou have to make those orders you'regonna run out of capital pretty quicklyif you're selling you know $800 grillsso if you only have three K capital thenyou just have to manage your yourfinances a little better to make surethat you're not overextending yourselfthis isn't the same item let's see okayI know it's a different color room lookit's black – oh it's how far it's blackyeah I would've been a good item do youlist the items on Amazon and then withsomeone buys it you go to one more bikeyes so that's exactly what the wholeprocess is and not just with dropshipping on amazon exclusively it's thesame for eBay or other platforms thatuse out there you are listing an itemthat you know is on a reputable sourceand you're selling it before you'veactually purchased it okay that's whatthat whole process is so yes that's whatyou would be doing so come-ons asking Iknow with Shopify drop shipping there isthere could be a delay or receivingmoney is it yes so good question guys ifyou sell on Amazon you have to be awarethat Amazon holds your money for twoweeks plus for like incidentals liketurns 8 as he claims problems withcustomers things like that they want tomake sure that they can prove thatyou're a legitimate selling you're notgoing to sell a bunch of products andthen leave the country and stealeverybody's money so Amazon's gonna payyou out every two weeks in the beginningthey're gonna hold extra amount of moneyfrom you to make sure that you ship yourwhere your items out and they'redelivered on time to your customer andthere's no issues so be aware thatthere's a two-week period and that'sreally the whole reason why Nick wastalking about the credit and and thingslike that because you need to be able tobuy these items upfront you're not gonnabuy the item two weeks later when youget paper might from Amazon because yourbuyers gonna be pissed at youJermaine Amazon keeps delaying myapplication they can you just got to bea reliable it relentlessly them justcall them every day send them emailsevery single day that's the only wayyou're gonna get through them thinkabout how big Amazon is they'reliterally a billion dollar company andso one email you need to be sendingmultiple emails okay I already found oneI'm trying to see if this actually makesmoney so this red grill so it's $71.99and I found it for nine about $95 I'msaying okay the same one yeah where'smini-14 no no it's something I'm tryingto do we don't have the littlecalculator ears we have so just kind oflike roughly let me see let me see if Ican I can find it and then you put it inthere yeah this is it is a properBrenham because with a 22 percent marginthat I took him okay it's about 74 andthen it's somebody to here right so itso it's that this isn't so okay guys sowe just found like an item on this isn'ta huge margin um this is about likemaybe a couple of dollars but still thisis one of those items that you just youput on your store right like we won'tget too into it but you know you kind oflike one out like a lot of volume yeahso you have both sales yes the line ismaking you a large profit some itemswill make you like Jeff was sayingearlier five bucksfour bucks right but you not understandhow that compounding effect works soyeah you yeah exactly you said item itmakes you seven bucks you sell 10 timesat $70 no five times a week you knowthat's yeah you guys have to rememberit's not like we're holding these itemsin a warehouse or something like wedon't have to like you know there's noliability it's not like we're buying awhole bunch of these and I'm just likerisking all this moneyjust to kind of like you know store themand then just maybe make a dollar toattack these items like we're only gonnabuy them if they actually sell so justlike kind of like listing an item likethis it was just even if you can make acouple dollars like oh yes the may ormay not sell right but let's actuallycheck the BSR I didn't let me say thisis something that that sells often letme see this one it does not have a BSR Idon't see like it hasn't reviews so forthis item what likely happens that thisis like a very very new listing so Imean there's probably not enough likesales history for them to like countmuch it actually sells so this is itthat's like it's like an item that youcould list but it you might someone costyou anything exactly the siz like you'regoing through the rent you're goingthrough the listings you're goingthrough the process you come across thisitem you see that it's profitable it'sfirmer legit supplier and you're gonnadecide whether you want to list it ornot based on the DSR exactly so I wouldlist it only because I'm right there Ialready found it I know there's a marginand if it doesn't sell I'm not losingmoney it's not like eBay where theywould charge you or you're pretty muchlike their listing or per fee you don'thave a thought it's unlimitedyeah so really I would list aside him Iwould put it up Oh sells right and thennow I'm the one that's profiting from itexactly yeah so we already found liketwo good items one really big margin andone not so big I would list both themlike I said so so so far if you know ifwe were just I was just at home likedoing this absolute you're good theyalready keep tabs of the ones we keptand at the end we'll just calculate howmuch profit you could have made off ofjust sitting if you were actually doingthis yeah it's a little bit differentit's not exactly how we did it on eBayjust because eBay use the wholedifferent ranking system they use youknow Cassini and other things like thatso yeah different that char grill okaythat one I mean see 467 and it's not thesame one no no you see and I see youguys I just kinda like want to do thisas quickly as possible they not spendway too much time remember at the end ofthe day even if you could save like 20seconds per item that you're trying tolook for it's like 20 times however manyitems you go through in a day ends upbeing a lot of time right so let me seeis this one the same item 700so 100 FB palate grill sonar square inchoh I mean either way it doesn't looklike there might be a profit 335 andthis was like every 90 now that's no noshe just open 30 tabs and go throughthem yeah so if you can save if you cansave like five seconds on each tab doingthat hundreds of times you're gonnastart cutting hours off your workloadjust by doing that one thing rightthat's just one competitive advantage sothe more you do that just the morestacked your ability is gonna go throughyeah of just going through items rightthis is literally the hardest part so alot of you guys are on the fact that thecustomers about to receive an item froma different company that is a verycommon question it's like the number-onecop I've been teaching drop shipping anddoing drop shipping for like five yearsnow and it's probably the number onequestion that's around and I thinkeveryone in this room is I asked me thatquestion before they took a class ofeveryone you guys are learning fromactually Chris was one of my first 50students Andres was probably one of myfirst like 300 students I was awesomewith the same with Chris did nothing forlike a year and then basically killed itso um that's kind of rasa's is likepeople think oh my students they kill itand then they do am I like kind ofsmaller circle and they don't teach butit's funny because a lot of guys arecaught up on this thing but there's noreason to be because probably out of thethe sales in this room you know Pablodid even 75,000 this month in sales andI'm talking like $30.00 items and he'smaybe had zero complaints about packingI think it was more of a complaint backin the eBay days oh yeah um but it seemsit was my customers didn't give ayou know tell me other item it justhappens it does happen like I probablyhad out of thousands of orders but Ihappen to me like you are gonna get thatyeah so itaren't happy with packing hey dude youwant to reap you wonder you want toreturn okay I want to return it dude youliterally go on the other you go on thesupplier website let's really are youget a free label you send it to thecustomer he sends it back no I'm not onanything that is that are the worst casescenario that ever happen I neveryeah I mean think about how many like ifyou were to buy an item and as long asyou get it in the mail it's the sameitem you bought so you guys can seethere's a lot of people in this chatthat are saying you know they do dropshipping and it's never been a problemfor them so you guys it's a thing thatpeople get caught up on and then they doit and they realize nobody complainedand the worst part is that kind of likeyou sometimes I'm sorry yeah they'rethough they think I what something likethat there's gonna be something huge andit's just it's not real it's you knowthat's gonna be the thing I wasn't mostyou guys back in life is findingsomething some reason you guys can't dothis whether it's oh I only have youknow 700 bucks instead of the twothousand dollars they recommend I'm notgonna start for ten more months you guysprobably won't ever save up that twothousand dollars that's how humans areright they make that excuse and thenthey hold on to it so if you thinkpeople are gonna give you negativefeedback for something that every personthat says they're not you're not gonnaget it every person has experiencesthat's not gonna happen to you it's justrare mmm and it still holds you backthen it's just a personal fault youcan't help everyone that's the truthguys Ron here you guys are obviouslyinterested in learning more don't letsomething stupid like that hold you backfrom you guys start your own Amazonbusiness tonight you guys can go onAmazon get approved as a seller andstart um the reason I'm sharing thisinformation and like I said that we havebetter techniques in this and I'm notgoing to show you guys them for freeyou guys actually can't even pay forthem right now but what I will say isyou don't need better techniques thanthis this is actually the cornerstoneand I guarantee you know the most of thepeople that are killing on Amazon rightnow including on dress still do thismethod to this day because software canonly help you so much software can onlyfind profit margins so much becausebillion up under started found anotheritem but all I want to say guys is thisbusiness is like one of the fewbusinesses in the entire world right nowthat you don't need anything to startbesides an access to the Internet and acredit card like and maybe an 18 yearold ID all right that's it so whatstarted 16 without your parentssomething but I will say you guys do notneed like every other business that'sever been started in this world you guysdo not need to have a storefront youguys do not need to order inventory youguys do not need to have employees whenyou guys get your first employee that'snot a virtual assistant you guys everopen a retail storefront you guys willsoon realize employees are veryexpensive to have employees you have topay into their social security you haveto plan – you have to have insurance onyour employees there's a lot of thingsthat go into it this business you neednothing so if you guys are in asituation we only have 500 1000 bucks1500 bucks you guys can start flippingthat money with this process with just afew hours a night so don't don't looktoo far into this don't ask yourself toomany questions that'll stop you becauseI can't tell you how many people thatI've have seen my profile in the lastsix years and chose not to do this exactprocess and therefore like I've donequestion 15 people that builtseven-figure business in the last fewyears but there's been thousands for thetraining because for hundreds and that'sbecause they let stupid like thateffective so you guys got a guy's gottaZone in on what actually works andlisten to what these guys are sayingthey know they're doing yeah that'sreally important just everything he'ssaying is just you always have to beresourceful I mean if you kind of go gothrough like a bump in the road is justthat's understand there's always asolution to it right that's right that'sso true because a lot of people they'llthey'll say well if you think that yourquestion that you have nobody's askedthe same thing then you're probablydelusional because but think about ayear so many people are doing this thatthe odds that nobody has asked yourquestion on Google is ridiculousNick Fitz when he was a coach of DSM awhile back he would be googlingquestions from students because theydidn't want to Google the answerthemselves and almost like 90% of theanswers were on Google because thesearch it's like it's like people I havelike VIP group chats from my old studentsome people are asking that you couldGoogle right yeah and it's not that wedon't want to answer for you guys it'sjust so but it's like why do youdisrespect my time so much to ask methat figure to Google something for youright but it's not even that it's likefor example you might ask it in thegroup chat and it's like somebody by thetime they get back to it it could belike 5-10 minutesthey could've Google they spent sevenseconds typing whatever question itwasn't old everyone that's ever learnedfor me it's gonna be resourcefulnessthat pays out at the end of the day youcan't bet if you don't know how to dosomething or you a question aboutsomething I can almost promise you thatsomeone else in the world has had thatquestion first and it's on the Internetguys are one of the few generations thathave access to the Internetso your parents didn't have it yourparents parents definitely didn't haveit you know I'm saying like you guyshave access to almost every questionever answer so use it take advantage ofit good making a built a business andurban as Ezio's just twenty years agonobody clean ice it's all our onlinemagnets you gonna make five or tenthousand dollars from this it'spractically stupidest I swear togod this is like the business I've donesince I was like 13 14 years old butit's stupid that you anyone can go ontonight and make five fifty to a hundredbucks that's stupid to mewhat the thing is is what separates thisfrom getting oversaturated is the factthat most of you guys out here won't doit I think that's what separates peoplelike these guys and people making moneyfrom you know the fact that this couldget oversaturated if everyone I've evershowed this business model to decided tobe an ace like a full-time drop shippersee the saturation might increase of itit's never the case so it's always yeaha lot of these platforms are pretty goodwith kicking out the people who aren'tgood sellers because it's self cleaningbusiness if you start slacking on yourcustomer service and how you're dealingwith your business the platform's gonnakick you off Amazon is the largestonline company in the world if you thinkthat you're going to go on to theirplatform and try to sell as a privilegeon their on their on their home turfthey're just gonna remove you that youare literally a drop a peon in thebucket like you're just nothing to themso it you have to understand that youhave the ability and the resources toactually make money online for freealmost so just treat that with a bit ofrespect know that as long as you play bythe rules and the rules are gonna changesometimes but you have to understandthat if you're able to stick to therules and stay on the platform and styleyou can easily run a profita clear picture we're gonna do 20 moreminutes and I'm taking these coaches offso um essentially I have anotherquestion that I need to paint a clearpicture for you guys but it doesn't seemlike you guys are some of you guys areunderstanding essentially what we do onAmazon is we don't do the same strategyas Shopify dropshippers okay what we dois is I'll give you guys a statistic letme just paint a picture for you52% of all online sales in 2018 was doneon Amazon the United States so everydollar that was spent online on acomputer on a phone whatever 52 of itwas spent on Amazonso we don't do what Shopify does whereyou guys have to find your own productand then market it run ads run you knowwhatever ads to try to find youraudience Amazon already has 52% of theUnited States audience and a lot of theglobal audience so if you guys are onhere what we're doing is we're showingyou guys products that are alreadyselling they're just selling for morethan other websites and so you just takeadvantage of the fact that Amazon has acustomer base that trusts Amazon morethan any other supplier so if you lookat you know for Walmart like that Iwould never shop on Walmart I'd alwaysbuy everything on Amazon that's who I amsome people only shop on Walmart 52% ofthe United States agrees that they'repretty loyal to Amazon because Amazonusually has the cheapest price thefastest shipping the best customerservice on any retailer online so whenyou have loyal loyal loyal loyalcustomers like that you're just gonnatrust that that $192 grill that they sawon Amazon is how much that girl costthey're not gonna go research that Grillmodel and try to find other things andtry to get price checker most peopledon't do that online many people want toclick and donemaybe that but they trust the platformthey know something goes wrong they'regonna get a return they're gonna gettheir money backloyal is what people buy Apple for 20years even though it may not do thesaint-like any better things in theirlast month you know people just trust itthey just trust it so it comes down toyou guys this year there's no adsthere's nothing once you guys find thisproduct that's already selling and youguys throwit's probably bound to eventually sellum and that's if you do the researchthat it's actually selling if you find aproduct that has a 1 million dollarmargin but it will never sell becausenobody's looking for it it's the exactsame scenario just never sell so nowyou're looking at things that alreadysell looks like you very found that aproduct Marie I'm almost not there wasgonna good margin on that so you guys tosee this process as I've been talkingand as I've been blabbering I'm juststill been doing product research islooking at lawn mowers someone didsomeone suggest lawn mower know somebodyhad put it earlier no more I kind ofjust chance to show you guys well no Iwas gonna address something that thisking snow mentioned so he says thismethod of selling on Amazon is notallowed and you'll be banned eventuallyso let me just touch on what that meansguys if you look up what drop shippingis almost on every online platformthey're gonna tell you that it's notsomething that they support right butwhat you are kind of failing tounderstand here is that Amazon makes 15%of every single sale that you make as athird party seller right because of thatas long as you're taking care of yourcustomers and you're doing things theright way they're making money off ofyou and they make millions of dollars ina day there is a disclaimer to kick youoff whenever you for selling crackexactly that's the reality so like ifyou have terrible shipping times becauseyou drop shipping they're gonna sayyou're drop shipping is against ourrules but if your shipping times orwithin their metrics and everything isgood they will not pick you upso kings know you're number one wrongwe're also right so it is against theirtheir Terms of Service or whatever doesit mean it's against the law it doesn'tmean they're gonna sue you it doesn'tmean anything Bad's gonna happen as longas you stay within their metrics and youdon't get in troubleum before shipping times poor customerservice or anythingevery any plan point is gonna kick youeven without that rule they're justgonna say that you're not a good sellerbut there's always someone that saysthat to me yeah we talked about amazondrop shipping it's just another reasonfor someone not to start sure oh soagain dude it's like you're just you'repretty much just telling people thatthey shouldn't start this businessbecause of the technicality and thattechnicality is there for Amazon'sprotection and not to just dis barpeople so at the end of the day theylike you shouldn't sound too confidentsomething you know nothing about it'sthe realityand usually people that say that or talk are the ones that up theirstore by having a poor metrics yeah waitand then they say hey dude it wasagainst Amazon service service that'swhy I got shut down it's like naughtyjust suck dude that's it youjust sucked at doing thisbusiness model and you weren't on top ofit you have learned y'all miss it'sweird that we have hundreds and hundredsof stores and students and clients thatdo fine with this this model and theydon't get shut down you would think ifit was against their Terms of Servicesomeone doing two hundred thousand amonth would get shut down you know likethat's that's thousands of orders amonth yeah that's a lot of money Amazonthrough holes it up under the radar yeahnow that's it's it's the fact thatpeople just don't know how to run thebusiness so something happens and thenthey just blame the entire systeminstead of learning from the bettermentor or a better teacher or findingsomething better to learn theinformation for me you can go on Googleand look like this model is Trent youcould literally go to Google and look upthis model right now and it would pop upright so you can verify it it's not likewe're giving you any smoke and mirrorsthat literally this model is on Googlebut most people aren't gonna take thetime to go Google something for an hourand learn how to do it yeah so if youguys notice I did end up changing thecategory I'm well rather the item I justkinda wanted to change it up we werehaving some good luck doing the thegrills yeah that was really good wefound a couple of good items I think wefound like four or five I didn't get thechance to talk to you guys about thisone that I found this one was prettygood I don't know how much money goesinto that did I get rich dropshippingdepends on your definition of rich Imade about sixty thousand a month atthirteen dropshipping neo points sothat's your definition of rich I sureit's sergeantit's definitely started my journeythat's the truth Oh224 yeah they might have same item 21 isit 140 see see and it's let's check thedescription see 132 CC's huh so it's notbut see if you can find usually if yousee theno that's not what if you see like ifyou go to Walmart mm-hmm see if the withthe 40 is like up in the suggested itemsfeel like it maybe like close by likethis around here131 60 CCS there maybe a 140 here nowsometimes it won't pop up yeah but ifyou sometimes they look like if you appshould happen let me let me see if I cansomething ridiculous bro like it's it'sI was looking at it yesterday it'ssomething massive like even last monthit was crazy things no why don't yousell wholesale on Amazon when themargins are better and you're not gonnaget suspended at all number one youcan't get suspended for a wholesalebecause you're wholesaling inventory youare not an authorized distributor of theinventory actually the exact same thingthat you're doing with drop shipping andnot an authorized distributor of theinventory which means you can getsuspended for the exact same thingexcept you're probably just using fakeinvoices or somethingnumber one the margins are not betterbecause you cannot control your flow ofinventory so if you have you're doingwholesale FBA you can never control howmuch image inventory your suppliers aregiving you or not giving you I thinkit's a great business modelI don't think one's better than theother and I think you're a piece ofthough for doing this on the live so Iwill roast you I don't mind and there'sno way you make more doing wholesalethan probably any of these guys doingdrop shipping so you're just beingannoying and I will be and the wholeidea it is it's just super not everybodycan get into looser not everybody canget into wholesale and everybody hasthousands dollars to Starbucks differentis just some wholesaling is also you'reinvesting in probably know I'm inventorybefore I'm not saying it's it's a badbusiness more like Jeff was saying butit's also like this you don't reallypurchase products until yeah literally Ihave a whole division next doorthat does wholesale with Kenzo so if youdon't buy from authorized distributorsif you have good margins on wholesalenumber one so they're lying to youthat's what wholesale is what was thepresident 117yeah 146 ban yeah it isyeah no noses so oh here look I click onthis here Oh so waistline right uh let'suh what's up right here put price inthere tell us how does all time I neverget mad as we always all gonna finishcopying just as copied and open up thenew uh I think yeah copy and then uh nono just that yeah yeah yeahhow do we keep all these items track soyou're not amazing clients Josh youshould have access to your sheep bro heyBilly yeah oh oh yeah you know yeah itthe way they know the way you do it manis there's a lot of ways to do it youcan do it manually you just keep it in aspreadsheet that's really all it is itjust comes down to how well you canorganize it so if you have a spreadsheetthe tracks where you're getting Adamfrom he's asking where we we keep trackof margins and updated prices and stuffoh that's not that's not that's that'son the sheet okay yeah so but what'sthat price and who's competing with itum let me see things open right nowdon't annoy me not this one okay soother suppliers you recommend that I'mgonna jump off here you go make dinnerso a couple suppliers we recommendthere's I'll top my head and we can doWalmart a needle overstock weight yourair bag let's have some beyond beyondthere's tons of them Zorro's good HomeDepot so there's a lot of differentoptions you can use that as you start tosell more from them or buy more fromthem you're gonna know which ones areeasier to deal this though that you likeor you prefer good Kevin that'sawesomewhat is it just so you already found agood product just not the infos oh nicesee it's that easy you guys tell me whatyour margin was browhen use eBay as a supplier or as I sayyeah yeah yeah you're just you gotta yougotta be weird becauseit's your if you do that you have tomake sure the only time I ever woulddropship something on eBay if it's anactual store if it's like Target likeTarget has a store on eBay or like heyneedles that aren't reflecting on theirlivesyeah so you can get you can get a reallygood deal on those and oh you don't paytax a lot of the time on there either sothat helps but if it's like a thirdparty seller unless they have like50,000 reviews or something like thatand I know I'm gonna get the product I'mnot gonna try it because it could beanother drop shipper so now I'm passingthe buck along to somebody else for meto depend on getting the item I justwant to do that yeah and just that'swhat it is eBay is pretty much like itlet's go ahead and so let's look at thefirst and do we sell the first item upyeah okay so so let's look at that firstone and let's calculate what the profitwas because we have the sheet now andthen we can add up jamón how many wefound in like that 30 minute period okayum just to show like what was actuallypossible like doing everythingorganically no software and I feel likeI found more what I can that's alrightgoes about here click okay yeah this isthe first one okay so the first one yesso go to the first one yeah it's thisone okay so it was 97 bucks on Walmartjudge I'm actually target works and justtwo they're just more strict so you justgot to be Oh targets good supplier guysdon't be careful you just gotta becareful with them some people they likesome people they just can't orders forso selling on Amazon for 400 right now50 bucks that's a pretty ridiculousmarginjust make sure bro when you see thatlike if something that looks too good tobe true just make sure you verifybecause you don't want to be sending anexpensive item that's wrong to acustomer because if you send a bottle ofListerine to something it's two dollarsand somebody complains Amazon's probablynot gonna be as strict but if you send a$500 item that's when you pay for itwrong then they're gonna be callingevery day and you want extra you don'twant those extra eyes on your accountthat a sixty dollar profit yeah okaythat's massive guys so alright so that's60 bucks on that just on that one itemhey so what we're gonna do also is didyou guys make this calculator I didn'tget so what you guys should do is filemake a copy and we'll put this in thediscord as a file for free that they candownload yeah it's all the link we justgot to give him the original like I saidguys we now have Steven marketit's you guys throw the link back in thechat for the disk or if you guys wantthis calculatorit'll also probably put some basicsheets in there eventually of like howto manage your orders yeah like reallybut yeah super basic stuff that you guysjust resources and essentially you guyscan just download or access these sheetsand make a copy on your own it'll be inthe discourse of guys just join that andI'll have one of the guys post that uptonight Patrick is that one of the og ohyeah man yeah ok so that's that one sothat's 60 minute buddy bucks all rightnow let's go to the next one that wehave that we found $49.99 fifty fiftyand somebody wants me one a chance tomake sure that that item okay so Kevinthis is a big tip Chad just gave youmake sure that item on Amazon doesn'thave multiple qualities quantitiescompared the one that you guys found ontarget so targets with one item and inthe in on Amazon it's a it's a fourquantity or something you still makemoney yeah I think and yeah this otheritem was seven bucks we just found guysuh song ten percent margin on this itemlike I said I don't you know so that'salready sixty dollars that's sevendollars that's like sixty seven bucksand then was there another one I thinkthis one oh this is the one we weren'tsure alright oh yeah it was a dollar oneright – I know I know cuz I think Ibelieve that one and $71.99 that's noyes 300 almost three bucksokay so literally guys so if you tookall these if you had one 45-minutesession of product research and you weredoing this and you found these threeproducts literally seventy dollars isright there at like at your fingertipsthey sell one time that's if they sellone time so I'm gonna I'm gonna end thisat this we've been on we've been livefor exactly now right yeah okay so lookso so if these items also one time likeChris said it's 70 bucks the thing aboutbuilding an online e-commerce store onAmazon or Ebay or any of these platformsis the work you did in the past will payyou for the future so you guys foundthese three items in one hour with usnow let's say you find your own items inthe next hour and you list those itemstonight and they sell this week can youmake seventy bucksthe next week they sell again you've nowmade 140 dollars from the one hour ofproduct research but let's say they sell10 more times next month now you've made700 + 140 from that one hour of work doyou guys see how this compound so it'snot like you guys are gonna build aseven six-figure business overnight butthe hours you put in in this businessmodel hey you over time so when you guysgo work a job and you guys get paid $16for that hour that hour never pays youagain ecommerce the second you get goodat putting time and effort into that onehour and you get skillful at thisbusiness model that hour can pay youdividends for the next few years I'm notgonna say that you know the products yousearch for today are gonna pay you fiveyears from now because it takes upkeepit takes things but it'll definitelycompound and help you guys out so if youguys have any final questions put it inso what y'all have to say aboutinventory changes Chris we're speakingof that and stop yeah so when it comesdown to is just either you're gonnatrack the inventory yourself or you'regoing to use a software to do it for youor you're gonna have an employee do itfor you so whatever organizationalmethod works yeah yeah it's whateverorganizational method you feelcomfortable with as long as yourbookkeeping is solid you know whatsomething costs what you're paying forit and any fees associated someone elsejust edit this is so easy justfound an ideal product for quarterquarter for $15 profit 415 KB azar ohthat's great literally it's just so easylike you guys saw this you know we guyspick products that you guys chose yeahyes we literally went off the list andwe opened up our first product lee has24% taxes I have to sell items for goldto sell in the United States dudeyeah did their I mean honestly there wasenough info in there for somebody tousually make 500 bucks I want to showthem one thing real quick so what you'regonna do an LLC work if you're just thewrong information they're gonna beconsuming right now worry about findingthe items before you are worried aboutspending a thousand bucks to open an LLCbut right here what's gonna happen iswhen I share this link with you guyslater in the discord group it's notgonna allow you to edit this actualsheet for this calculator you're goingto hit file and then you're just gonnaclick make a copy right here or justmake a copy that's all you're gonna doyou can call it whatever you want hit OKand now this is a copy you can edit nowonce again it says just adjust theyellow cell so only adjust these andeverything else get calculated for youso if you don't do that then then youknow you'll screw it up so just so youguys know you want to adjust the tax youcan but just set it to what you want itto be yeah we have something that's kindof like the national average it could belike anywhere from six to nine dependingon the state but seven is kind of youknow like the sweet spot we like to doyeah it's it's just standard basicallyagain it's your calculator it's yourbusiness it's your your numbers if youwant to adjust it how you want you havethe option to do that just does thateveryone thanks for joining all rightyou guys see you guys next time see younext timeyou
