eCom Product Buddy: How To Add Products To Shopify Store

I welcome back everyone to the secondtutorial so in this video I'm gonna beshowing you how to add products from thecomparative body to your Shopify storeif you are using or gently drop shippingalright so this is the manual wait untilwe launch our app later this Augustuntil indeedso this method because last for a fewmonths but however since well people whoare using urgently so this will justgive you a guide how to add productsfrom the computed body to your storemanually or for this time until the appis launched alright so once your adminlike I am in your shop if I add me youhave to go to your gym the trophy fee ohgee I'm sorryhe completed body website as you can seeyou so you need to be a pro user to beable to see all the further detailshowever there is still free accountsthat you can use alright so once youclick on the product list yeah you'll betaken to the Edit list where newproducts are added every day or everyweek as you find them so we have ourcertain list of products up to 63 pagescurrently 503 products for dropshippingare here and we'll continue to add moreas we go on so now we're gonna addproducts from our Shopify store to sorryfrom a competent body to your Shopifystore the manual way as I said for nowuntil the predators launched alright sohow to do that let's say we want to addthis product so click on view productand then you'll be able to see furtherdetails and everything on thedescription that you want to use andincluding the videos and Facebook adstaggered in here logically use for yourads you know we have settingtargeting ideas for you that you can usealright so you can also see re bubblingyou're gonna see anotheror selling this item that is if you wantto see what that story was selling thesehigh name how did I did on your store aswell you can also see Facebook ad ofother stores selling this item as wellalright so this candy company gives youeverything you wantand this but the product cost City Metromainland shipping and approval shippingnow you see our suggested selling pricethis ending price has at least fivehundred pesos or so hundred paces mockup for you for your profit afterreductions so it is advice that we sellwithin this range at least or maybe lesshundred business as it might bealright so to add this products to ourstoreyou have two options you can just copyeverything here or you can easily clickon the sources in this item howeverlet's just go to our Shopify storealright so click on add products andthen was the name of the product we havethe higher cooling Hut copy this then wecan paste the title here ourdescriptions you can easily copy thedescription that we have you physicallyand then you can just paste it in yourstore to make it more more legit or youcan move this and then type something Iand then paste here now we're gonna addtwo lines here and you don't know whatto do being about the completed body andthen you just go to start selling thisitem and then this tussling this item isgonna take you to another stop sellingis right there maybe international orlocal but you should be able to see whatthey did so you can just copy it stopsyou know maybe this line here and thenlike this copy and then paste in yourstore so that will be your first twolines basically have a nice descriptionof product type in just call it hot andof course vendor depends on your storeso whatever your store is you can justcall it anythingall right so tags depend on you I don'tknow what you use anythat collection so hot whatever youusing put it there now the price now wecan just okay let's do something likeone to fifty spine suing in the cell ison to the right so compare at price youcan put it at midnightmaybe plus higher price so one sevennine nine I guess so and then cost peritem basically you see that here the itcopy that and then paste it here soeverything stays that inventory s keyyou depending on your store if yourstore name is Wow store so while storewow that's a dandy all right so you canjust do that both places and set thequantity two hundred no matter theproducts fine alright so for humansavage this important parts this iswhere you don't make mistake so she madeservice make sure that you selectShopify all right I'm sorrymake sure that you select Odeon thisdrop shipping so you must select odiumyou drop shipping in order to be able tosee us we decide them now if the itemhas variance you can add it size colorwhatever it is so once you're done youcan save this for the meantime so nowyou need to add pictures now to save adistress you don't need to downloadpictures here and there you can easilycopy picture it so you go to OD MDright click and then copy image link inFirefox is called image location ingoggle chrom is called image ad vituryou are whatever then come to yourShopify store you see something like addimage from URL write that part click onit and then paste the link that youcopied from become body thematically theproduct is going to be imported or thepicture will be downloaded for you byShopify to your store right do does asmany pictures as you want just click onit and then you in is the copy the linkall right copy image locationthen do it again as many as you want sothis is every time you don't need todownload these pictures we also go tothose stores selling those items exampleyou want to copy this images in yourdescription easily copy this just scrollon it and then copy the image as wellcontrol C and then go to your store onceyou've pasted it on your store if I willbring the images for you as well as youcan see it's there so basically you savethis now you get a list for images foryour store so get image number threethen paste here alright in the lastimage from that store againall right so copy image location youhave four all right so you've copied andyou've added four image least yourproduct and once you can preview thisyou can actually see the product in yourstore I'm sorry I need to unlock thisstore so we can see the I'm going toremove the password I guess Hey soscopes the preferences and then we'regonna disable the password and then yougo back to products and then open itagain and now you can view it to seewhat it looks like I mean if it's tookeen eyes in your sight so we have fourpictures here so you've added an imageor product from a comfortable bodyalright so this is like I said just atemporary method as soon as the the appis launched you'll be able to importyour store directly alright you can sendthis product in your profile to skip itthere for service now you have videosfor your arts which is from YouTube youcan actually just download this and useit so if you play the video it's a nicevideoyou can eat it and eat that of courseyou have stops here interest that youcan use so that is how you can addproducts from from the commodity websiteyou have any questions simply text orcall this number and income body andeasily contact us alright so once youadd a product you can add as many as youwant and of course we're adding newproducts every day so this is the manualway to advertise from you from incomebuddy to your website so once theapplication launches we're gonna let youguys know and you don't really need touse this method anymore so thank you forwatching and happy dropshipping
