eCom Product Research | How to Sell Products Online eCommerce Dropshipping AliExpress(case study)

What is up ninjas! We are going to go
over today exactly how to find theAbsolute best products to sell on
Shopify we are going to look at a numberOf very cool methods to find the Shopify
stores that are currently selling theBest how to see exactly which of their
products are selling the most units andThen how to kind of emulate you know the
people who are already successful inBuilding your own Shopify Empire so
let's get right into itIf you guys do like this video make sure
that you do press the subscribe buttonAnd click the notification bells so that
you know every single time that IRelease a brand new video teaching you
how to be financially free forever soLet's kick it off the first way that I
like to do it is by actually using aWebsite called my IP OMS what this does
is since all Shopify users and ShopifySellers actually have to register with
Shopify on Shopify main IP address weCan actually run a query and see which
Shopify websites using my IP MS areActually getting the most traffic so if
you actually do go into Shopify someHelp you can see that Shopify is IP
address is twenty three to twenty sevenThirty eight thirty two so if we take
this IP address and we plug it into myIP dot M s we can see that the IP owner
it actually belongs to Shopify right andThen something that's pretty cool that
we can actually do here is we can seeother sites on this IP address right and
so when we look at this now all of asudden we can rank by world site
popularity ranking right and this isusing alexa which is kind of the
database for internet websites you knowbased on traffic based on things like
that now all of a sudden we can see aton of Shopify websites based on their
popularity and this gives us a couple ofcool insights right not only can we see
these websites right but we can alsocolor pop calm we can see these websites
we can see what they're selling butanother cool thing that we can see is
all the littletips and tricks and plugins and just
kind of buyer psychology aspects thatthey use to get people to purchase right
so five dollars off your first order itlet's be friends enter your email right
this collects email addresses for a verycheap cost only five dollars off of an
actual order and once you do create acustomer you know as any business owner
knows creating a customer is much harderthan getting an additional sale from an
existing customer so they're collectingemail addresses for email marketing down
the line with downstream income andthey're also you know giving them that
$5 coupon to make them make the purchasetoday so we can implement this onto our
own website we can also see freedomestic shipping over 30 free global
shipping over fifty right these areimportant things that this website
obviously has tested and proven areimportant to buyers right last call
extended twenty percent off while youstill can
giving people discount codes you knowthis carousel type effect for their
products right so all of these things wecan see are you know obviously working
if you guys this is one of the mosthighly trafficked Shopify sites on the
internet right buy two get one free sothat is a cool way that I like to do it
and you guys can take a look at all ofthese different things right fashion
Nova Jeffrey cosmetics movement watchesright a lot of us have probably seen
movements ads on Facebook they'reobviously very successful there and so
we can take a look at all of these kindof note you know which plugins they're
using which type of kind of salestactics they're using and then implement
them on our own sites and another coolthing that we can do is actually use
what Shopify is kind of organizationalstructure of their domains to trick
these websites into actually showing uswhat their best selling units are so how
we do that is and we use this littleextension this URL extension right
because Shopify organizes products intocollections right and then they all
organize it if you sort by best sellingright and I will include a cheat sheet
with all of this different informationright the direct link to how you see you
know my IP you can see the direct linkto see you know the most popular Shopify
sites I'll give you the direct link onthe cheat sheet if you do want to get
the cheat sheet of this best selling URLso you can just copy and paste it onto
any Shopify website right and if they dohave
like super customized structure and thensometimes it won't work but most of the
time it will right so we can tell herethat their best selling unit is this
saucy pressed powder shadow paletteright pressure powder super shock shadow
ultra metallic lip so this is a greatway to kind of look at a specific niche
right whether you like makeup or fishingor you know outdoorsmen ship or
basketball or whatever it is it doesn'tmatter right they're usually or almost
always will be at least some Shopifywebsites in that specific niche we can
find those websites based on the tacticsthat I'm going to teach you whether
you're using my IP I'll teach you a fewother ways to find websites popular
Shopify websites for any specific nicheand then you can use this best selling
URL extension right directly into theURL to see what sells the best and then
you can kind of add your own littletwist and create a Shopify store where
you know that there is existing demandso let's take a look at one more on kind
of this main list just to kind of hammera few things home and you know just
seeing somebody do product research forShopify you know that has a little bit
more experience sometimes can be reallyhelpful so we're gonna look at fashion
Nova comand another thing to note guys sometimes
you know if they do have a custom URLschema and this collections URL does not
work right sometimes you can just typein collections slash best
– sellers and if they do have a customscheme this is normally what it is so
it's you can always kind of find theirbest sellers 99% of the time this will
work right you just copy and paste thisdirectly after there you're directly
after their domain name and it will workbut sometimes if they have you know a
huge store and they do have a little bitmore customization this is how you do it
so let's take a look this is their bestsellers here what I like to look for I'm
gonna show you another little trick kindof to see a little bit more information
as far as social shares right you wantto see a lot of people talking about
whatever you are going to go intoselling so let's look for you know
something that's a little bit moreunique these are all kind of okay so
this is pretty unique I've never seenthis before so a latex dress right so
another website that I like to use iscalled buzzsumo this basically analyzes
content you know how it's performing asfar as like key influencers you know
Facebook shares Pinterest and thingslike that so if we type in latex
Dress here into buzzsumo it will show usright so here we go so ten point three
Facebook ten point three thousandFacebook engagements 304 Twitter shares
Pinterest right total shares tenthousand and six so yeah so it looks
like kendall Jenner wears a skin-tightLake touch dress and thigh-highs
for a dominatrix Halloween costume rightso these are all kind of things that you
can take a look at right so this is inthe past year we can let's look at the
past month and see if there's anythingrecent right so almost a thousand
Facebook engagement sorry Oh winteranother celebrity Nicki Minaj right so
this does look like something that mightbe interesting it does look like people
are still talking about it right maybeit's a little bit more seasonal related
to Halloween for costumes like that butyou know that it that pretty much works
for any topic right if you're looking ata fishing Shopify niche right you can
look for any unique products that yousee type in those main keywords right it
could be bodysuit it could be you knowsomething a little bit more unique it's
harder with fashion sometimes but Iwanted to show you kind of in the most
difficult manner just because you knowthese methods will work for much easier
things but fashion kind of is thehardest since you know it's kind of
overcome by celebrities and things likethat
but if you wanted to put type inbodysuit let's see what we'd get upalright so 38,000 shares right cyclist
knocking off 0.3 seconds with a bodysuit sharing a thong and a potty suit at
71 years old right so it's good to knowthat people are talking about the
product that you could potentially beselling right and so with a website that
is second on the popularity list inShopify you pretty much have a very good
idea that there's a ton of trafficcoming here and let's go over exactly
how we are going to figure out how muchtraffic and where it's coming from for
any Shopify website or for any websitein general for that matter so this is
called similar web com it's free to signup right and so this is just a free
account that I'm using it gives you alot of data about any particular website
right so global rank 4,000 that of allwebsites country at
right so incredible incredible traffichere 11 almost 12 million monthly
visitors so you can be very comfortablethat they've done a you know extensive
testing for the types of plugins thatthey're using you know how they're
getting people to buy free two-dayshipping is obviously important to
people free UK and UK shipping 75 and uptoo fast international shipping only $10
free for over 150 right so incentivizingpeople to purchase a little bit more and
we can tell a lot more information andother than just monthly visitors right
so we we can see that the unique monthlyvisitors are only 3 million which means
that they have a ton of people comingback over and over again right ten pages
is the average right we can see wherepeople are coming from which is
important because if you do have aShopify website it's very important to
learn about you know how to get peopleto come to your site normally that's
through Facebook normally you knowyou're building an audience with
Facebook groups or a page you'rebuilding interests like you know on a
youtube channel talking about yourproducts you know for your specific
niche and you're running paid adsnormally through Facebook and Google
Adsense and things like that right soyou can knowing which country people are
coming from excuse me is very importantbecause then you can narrow down you
know your target audience by geographiclocation so we can see you know how
people are actually coming to thewebsite people are being referred by
these specific websites we can see youknow how much is organic versus paid
which is obviously incredible here wecan see social traffic is coming from
YouTube and Facebook mainly like we justmentioned right but they're also getting
some traffic from Pinterest Instagramand a little bit from Twitter and other
places as well so we see that their toppublishers actually are Yahoo over
Facebook which is you know interestingand we can see that they're running ads
through a credo Yahoo Outbrain rightsome of the less famous ad publishers
right Facebook and Google obviouslybeing the most famous we can see you
know outgoing links and all types ofinformation right we can see website
audience traffic sources trafficdestinations website content competitors
right all these different things and themore information that you have about a
competitor if you are thinking aboutcoming into this niche the better it is
right because knowledge is power andthat is why we're going through
this and if you guys do need help withFacebook advertising definitely make
sure you check out my video on Facebookads we talked about you know very
practical pragmatic tips and tricks allof these different websites usually
they're free right we don't do anyhigh-level BS type stuff obviously we're
showing you you know down and dirty intothe gritty you know trenches of actually
finding the best Shopify products andsimilarly with my facebook video we
talked about exactly how to make veryprofitable Facebook ads right and so the
next thing that we are going to talkabout is intelligence right so
intelligence is a very cool website andthis is the only tip that we are showing
you guys that actually is this doescharge but if you are very serious about
your Shopify website right I know a lotof people including myself who are
making you know six figures monthlyshelling selling on Shopify from their
computers anywhere in the world right soit is a very very viable way to replace
your income right to quit that nine tofive corporate slavery and to move into
the digital Nomad lifestyle if that iswhat you're after right and so
intelligence is an investment inyourself it is a very cool piece of
software that we are going to go overthat shows you the exact websites that
are performing the best on Shopify inany niche and it gives you a ton of data
and it does all of this for only ahundred and ninety seven dollars which
is a very very good deal right becauseobviously if you are going to invest in
building a Shopify Empire a hundred andninety seven dollars in the scheme of
things is nothing right and they dooffer a 30-day money-back guarantee so
if you guys are interested I do have thelink for intelligence in the description
so give it a give it a try rightthirty days money-back guarantee you
know if you have to do and you're notand you're not feeling it after 29 days
you can get your money back right sothere's absolutely no risk link in the
description check it out we are gonna goover exactly how to do it right now
alright guys so let's jump intointelligence this is a very very
interesting piece of software that isvery unique actually in the Shopify
space nothing else really out there doeswhat this does which is why it's
actually worth the $197 I'm not a hugefan of paid software on
less you know it's very unique and doesobviously pay for itself and provide a
huge amount of value so how we use thiswebsite is let's say that we're
interested in a cat niche for exampleright so we're in the Shopify product
search category right now so we wouldactually type in cat for a product
search and it would give us a bunch ofinteresting data here right so it
defaults to show you the average dailyvisitors by Store and then it – and then
it shows you exactly which products areactually most are the bestsellers on
this tour so this specific product lookslike it is the bestseller related to
cats so it's a ridiculous kind oflooking you know ski mask in the form of
a cat's head at which people obviouslylike you know I'm not sure why somebody
would buy that personally but it doesn'tmatter what I think it matters what the
data says so we also can see you knowpaws and years cat ring all right so
this is a cute little ring you could getfor you know your boyfriend or
girlfriend or anybody who loves animalsor cats or anything right so it has a
lot of Appeal very cheap this looks likea product that would be very easy to
drop ship and we are going to talk aboutexactly what drop shipping means and
kind of the two main ways that peopleuse Shopify to create an online business
right the first way is creating anactual store itself populating that
store you know with different productsand then you can use either you know
self fulfillment or you can use afulfillment service like Amazon FBA to
actually through Amazon FBA amulti-channel fulfillment settings have
Amazon fulfill your orders when peoplebuy your products right the second
method is using what's called dropshipping which basically means a
manufacturer in China or wherever it iswould actually make this product but
they wouldn't actually make and ship ituntil you got an order so this meant
these are the two methods right thefirst is a bit more capital-intensive
but normally the shipping is much muchfaster because you're shipping it out
actually from the USA drop shippingtends to be a little bit longer on the
shipping scenario more like you know oneto two weeks
shipping bayi packet versus Amazon whichis usually you know two to four days
right but the cool thing about dropshipping is you don't actually have to
endbest any money up front and you don't
have to you know buy any inventoryupfront which means you have no capital
intensive risk on to the front sidebecause you're only actually you know
shipping and on order when you get asale so we're gonna talk about both
methods a little bit later on but let'sjump back into intelligence so this is
the product search method right so itcan it works for anything right you
could do phishing and an important partabout Shopify guys just as a side note
is you want to build something thatyou're passionate about right you don't
you know there's a there's a balance youwant to do your due diligence make sure
that what you are passionate about youknow other people are passionate about
people are spending money on right youcan use what we talked about before
buzzsumo you can use you know similarweb you can look at you know the type of
social media presence if there's popularInstagram accounts related to what
you're passionate about right if there'spopular YouTube presence and those are
really good factors and good just youknow kind of things that you want to
look for when you are going to jump intoa Shopify niche to make sure that the
interest is there right so if we'redoing fishing right again we can see
Penn shaped pocket fishing rod right soclick and shop obviously a shop of our
store it looks like this is you knowsome type of novelty item it's not
working right nowbut we can see that there's you know
some fishing shorts solar power portablefishing light yeah so here we go so a
pocket pen shaped pocket fishing rod soI don't know if this is just like a
complete novelty item or if peopleactually use these tiny little things
but it looks like they actually do so Imean you know it's a hilarious little
product and I never in a million yearswould have found this specific Shopify
store or this product unless I have beenusing intelligence in this specific
scenario right so it is a powerfulsoftware I know it is paid I normally
try to like hunt down every singlemethod right using my IP and all those
little tricks using shop Shopify is IPaddress to show you guys you know the
popularity of websites for free but inthis one case I do actually think it's
worth it and with the 30-day trial rightand there's not a ton of risk so the
other cool way that I like to usethis specific store is by you this
specific product is using the Shopifystore Search tab right and so in the
same sense instead of finding popularproducts specifically we can actually
find stores Shopify stores that are themost popular based on daily visitors for
any specific niche so we can see hereUniversal mania is seems to be the most
popular Shopify site right we also havehot gear performance fishing apparel
right and so we can take a look here sothis looks to be kind of like the
outdoor scene so you know they do havefishing but they also feature hunting
you know extreme sports type stuff so ifwe wanted to find one that was very
specific to fishing all right beforeperformance fishing right in the header
right so this this is definitely forserious fishermen so you know and this
gives you such a powerful tool in – youknow niche specific product research
because like we can tell from the othersites that we looked at right it seems
like free shipping on orders over $50 isa vital must-have you can see kind of
their you know social media presence seewhat type of things that they're sharing
right 300 thousand likes that'sincredible obviously you know I would
expect that they're sharing rightlifestyle kind of videos related to
fishing you know showing a kid and hisdad kind of exciting emotion how you
know advertising should do a face only amother can love right so kind of like a
funny thing forty two likes one share sonot a ton but you know they're obviously
they're obviously very cognizant of theneed for social media engagement as
every e-commerce company needs to beright so those are the main two ways
that I like to use intelligence it's anincredibly powerful tool you can you
know use filters if they have a Facebookpixel these websites right whether or
not they're doing Facebook ad researchyou can you know do whether or not they
have a Facebook page how many likes theyhave Twitter profile Instagram right all
of these different types of tools and soanother way that I like to kind of
take a look at what is selling is byusing a well a little website that most
of us probably know called Amazon rightso Amazon is a cool you know a cool
resource even for Shopify because Amazonis incredibly efficient at selling
products right and so you can be quitesure that any product that is
organically listed on Amazon's firstpage related to a keyword as you know
high-volume as phishing is damn surethat it is selling a ton of Units right
so this is a best seller tag right Iignored these first two because these
are sponsored results these are notactually organic results so somebody is
actually paying for PPC clicks relatedto the word phishing to get these to
show and so the first one that does nothave that sponsored is the first organic
search result which means to me thatthis backlit LCD display electronic
balance digital phishing postal hanginghook is selling an absolutely crazy
amount of units and again this is rightso this is a live demonstration of what
the power of Amazon is showing us rightmini portable pocket aluminum fishing
rod pen so what we just saw on thatwebsite that we found through
intelligence of you know the miniportable pocket aluminum-alloy fishing
rod we also see on Amazon and we do seethat they have three out of five stars
which means that you know people are notvery happy with the specific product so
what we can do here is we can hop intothe reviews on Amazon you know we can
filter by one star and we can just takea look right missing an I just thought
it looks looks good but made cheapwasn't able to fish with it worst piece
of garbage ever it broke in threeseconds right so people are obviously
not very happy with the overall qualityright not meant for a big fish this is
not a flush of functional fishing combodon't waste your money unless you're
looking for decoration so obviously ifyou are going to launch a Shopify store
you know in or sava five product in thisspecific category you would want to make
sure that your manufacturer or yourdistributor or wherever you're actually
going to be getting these products isvery conscious of quality right they're
only charging you know what was itthey're only charging five dollars and
38 cents and free shippingso maybe maybe instead of charging only
five dollars and 38 cents we're charging20 but you know we're making sure that
it isn't as you know poor quality asthis specific product seems to be so
Amazon is very good at organizing youknow what is selling because every time
of unit cells Amazon makes money soAmazon obviously is incentivized to show
you the products on page one that aremost likely to sell related to your
query so it's a great way to kind of seewhat type of products are more likely or
quite likely to sell on Shopify allright let's take a closer look now at a
few other different social mediawebsites and product databases to make
absolutely sure that whatever productniche that you do want to enter with
Shopifyor drop shipping you're going to be
absolutely sure that these products aregoing to sell and so the first thing
that I like to do let's take our catexample right because this is a perfect
little item for dropshipping or foradding to you know your Shopify website
in the form of a product because it'ssmall obviously it's incredibly cheap to
make very cheap to sell right you wantto be in kind of that impulse buy range
if products are more than you know fiftydollars sometimes people are less likely
to kind of buy them on a whim but ifthey are kind of in that five to $20 $25
sweet spot it's much easier to kind ofget that sale especially if you do have
a minimum cart value to get to that freeshipping right so the first thing that I
like to do is check out Pinterest rightso if we search cat jewelry on Pinterest
we can see again that Pinterest wants toshow you the most likely product that
you are going to purchase right and sothey're gonna organize this by
popularity so if we look at these is abeautiful little ring right of these
cute little cats again a cat ring a catearring thing you know cat earrings
again a little diamond with the cat earsand the whiskers right and so you can
get a very quick idea of you know thesebeautiful little items that are
available on Pinterest I didn't seethese on Amazon right I didn't see any
of these specific models on you know anyof the Shopify sites that we saw with
the highest daily visitors right soPinterest is a great one whether it's
fishing whether it's you know fishingproducts it doesn't matter what it is
right I'm just using these examples toshow you guys kind of what how I can
figure out you knowwhat is most popular as far as social
media shares what's most popular as faras actual Shopify stores itself based on
daily visitors and things like that soPinterest is a great way the next way
that I like to do it is with GoogleImages and Google shopping so again
Google is probably the most successfulcompany in the world at organizing data
in a way that the end user us right isgoing to be most happy with the content
that we see based on our search resultright so when we search cat jewelry it's
not at all random the order that Googleis showing us these products it is
incredibly you know it is incrediblycomplicated how Google's algorithm sorts
these products you know based onpopularity based on you know trending
shares and social proof and all of thesedifferent factors right that Google is
kind of calculating behind the scenewith their incredibly complex search
algorithms but it's showing us theseproducts in an order that we can be damn
sure all rightthat these products are going to be
popular and that other people areclicking these sharing these liking
these and purchasing these right soagain we can kind of look for
similarities between this and Pinterestwhatever catches our specific I write
what you know and whatever we canactually find from a manufacturing
perspective to be able to actuallycreate these right because that you're
not gonna be able to find every singleone of these products on all the Express
or Alibaba right to find a manufacturerto make them for pennies on the dollar
and then sell them once you get theminto the USA market or you know if
you're advertising them on your Shopifysite for you know 10 20 30 dollars and
you know obviously your profit is thedifference between what you buy it for
and what you sell it for so again you'relooking for similarities between here
and Pinterest and you can use Googleshopping as well to see for yourself
right what products are actually sellingkay Jewelers Etsy right just a very
simple cat ring for $15 I can't imaginethat it has cost more than five cents to
make and it's incredibly lightincredibly durable very difficult very
cheap to ship right so it's a it's abeautiful it's a beautiful little
product again these cat necklaces we sawa couple different versions of this we
can see that there's you know sterlingsilver gold different versions a cute
little you know fat cat with a heart andso you can kind of start to Colette
these right make a little folder withall of your different favorite items
that you find right collect picturescollect you know different titles of
whatever the product you maybe thisstrikes your fancy and you also proven
is you know going to be a top seller byfinding it with intelligence by finding
it with Pinterest by kind ofcross-referencing all of these different
resources to see what is actuallyselling so the next one that I like to
look at is Etsy so if we look at catjewelry again we're starting to notice a
theme here it seems like rings andnecklaces are kind of the most popular
items related to cat jewelry we do see abracelet here again you can see social
proof this might be for Mom you know cuza lot of mothers are you know whatever
love cats and from sons and daughtersespecially seasonality for these types
of products right for Mother's Day forChristmas the demand for these products
is absolutely going to explode rightand so even if you're only selling a few
a day during the year all of a suddenduring Mother's Day and you know coming
up to Mother's Day and during q4 andduring Christmas and during these
different holidays these numbers aregoing to you know multiply by tenfold so
we see cute little cat necklaces againhere's that exact ring in the form of a
necklace which is another cool idea andthese are at sea right so these are
handmade but you can you know I've had avery large amount of success automating
you know these designs and things that Ido see other places whether it's Google
Images or Etsy automating it andcreating you know a very viable drop
shipping business with uber low which wewill talk about how to you know very
easily import items from all the Expressinto your Shopify store and have it all
handled behind the scenes for you rightwhen a customer orders from your Shopify
site your manufacturer in China shipsthat item directly to the address that
the customer inputs into your Shopifywebsite and it's all happening behind
the scenes you don't have to touch orfulfill or create any of this yourself
which obviously you do have to do withEtsy so the last one that I like to look
at or excuse me the second to last one Ilike to look at is wish calm calm it's a
little bit less popular of a website butit definitely is up and coming they're
very popular on social mediathis is in Colombian didn't there are
Colombian currency because I was just inColombia but these are you know
obviously quite cheapthis these are beautiful items in my
opinion right the silver and gold moonset that you can get yes for an
anniversary present for your parents oryou know some type of anniversary
present for your girlfriend or boyfrienda lot of different stuff here so again
we're not gonna look through all of thisbut I'm just trying to give you all of
these different resources for whateverproduct needs you that you are
interested in it does not have to be catjoy does not have to be fishing those
are just the first kind of few that cameto my head and we can look here again on
eBay we do see that eBay sometimes willdropship right so you can actually buy
this from China 60 cents for this rightand you could create you could create a
Shopify website put it on there for 1497buy it from eBay for 60 cents and
obviously that you know the profit andthe automation becomes very very
enticing quite quickly right and solet's take a look at one other thing so
I like to use a website called adespresso when I am creating my Facebook
Ads this is a very good way to kind ofget some you know encouragement and
insight into what other people are doingright because it's very difficult to
write an ad completely from scratch butif you do have something to look at you
know if things that have worked in thepast
right 60% off free shipping in allcapitals right there using emojis so it
just makes it much easier for you knowyou to write your ads which you are
going to need to do if you are going toget into the drop shipping or Shopify
business right and if you do want somemore in-depth kind of videos on Facebook
advertising definitely make sure tocheck out our Facebook advertising video
on the YouTube channel I promise you youare going to like it so that's just kind
of a quick little aside add espressocomm slash Academy slash as examples and
you can do this kind of for anythingright fishing right do you love fly
fishing is flat fishing what yourmarriage is missing right all of these
different ads and you can kind of tweakthem and make them your own but you can
see what other people are doing freeshipping on orders of 75 plus with this
coupon code right reel in a freewhatever
it's just it makes it a lot easier totrust me I've written thousands and
thousands of ads and kind of sitting atyour computer and typing it from scratch
is much harder than having an example tolook at and so what audience insights is
is a service offered for free fromFacebook on kind of for their
advertising accounts that shows you youknow what people are interested in on
Facebook related to specific topics andso this is very important because when
you are creating Facebook ads which hasalways been my biggest kind of source of
paid traffic to my Shopify websites andonce you kind of create a customer it's
much easier to retain that customer thanit is to you know get that first
customer in the door and to make theirfirst purchase so a lot of the organic
sales come from email marketing rightyou're building an email list once you
drive that paid traffic but it's veryimportant to be able to figure out what
people are interested in related to yourproducts on Facebook you can you know
better target those users on Facebookwhen you are creating Facebook ads
bringing people to your Shopify store soif we type in cats here right so what
we're looking at currently just forthose of you who don't know this is all
of Facebook right 54% of Facebook iswomen 46% are men right the lion's share
of people are between 25 and 44 yearsold you can see right it's about 40% 44
43 percent of people right and so if wetype in cats will see that these charts
start to change right so 72 percent allof a sudden of Facebook users really who
are interested in cats are women rightwhich is incredibly important right when
you're creating ad campaigns you want tobe as specific as possible so that
you're not paying for ad clicks or youknow serving your ad in front of people
who are not as interested as interestedin your product as you can possibly
assume that they are right and so whatwe can see here is that you know 15
percent of people who are women onFacebook are 18 to 24 but again 25 to 34
and 35 to 44 are the sweet spots so whenwe are creating our ads bringing people
into our Shopify store right with catjewelry or fishing products or whatever
it is we want to make sure that we'retargeting that demographic and again
mostly focusing on women in thisspecific case as
2% of Facebook users who are interestedin cats happen to be women right but the
most important part of audience insightsis page likes so page likes is basically
showing you what people are alsointerested in from a page perspective
from a Facebook page perspective relatedto cats so what we can do here is we can
look at all of these different Facebookpages right and then when we are
creating Facebook ads we can say heyFacebook only show my ad for this
amazing piece of cat jewelry to peoplewho like these specific pages and it's
incredibly incredibly important it'ssuch a huge factor right two million
people like this Facebook page calledand my cat and so I I've never heard of
this personally I'm not the biggest guyin the world right I you know I like a
big fluffy cuddly cat like the nextperson but it's not my thing as much as
some of the people right but obviously aton of people like this 20 plus cats
that look like other things withobviously a click bait if Adolf Hitler
and this cat that kind of looks likeAdolf Hitler all right but it's super
important because you can you know youcan say okay Facebook only show my ad to
women who are between 25 and 34 yearsold who have also liked the Facebook
pages and my cat heartwarming animalrescue home all cute all the time right
Pet Smart all the different things rightand when you're starting to narrow an
audience smaller and smaller and moretargeted more targeted more targeted
then every person you show that ad tofrom a very targeted perspective is
incredibly more likely to actually clickthrough to your website and then again
click through and make a purchase allright so the last method that we are
going to take a look at today is how wecan find successful sellers based on
people leaving reviews on paid apps andI know that sounds a little bit
counterintuitive but hear me outso if somebody is going to pay you know
10 20 30 50 or even more than 50 dollarsa month for an app for a Shopify app you
can make a very you know educatedassumption that they are making money
with their Shopify store and this is acool way to find you know new potential
niches because people who do reviewthese apps have to do so with their
Shopify accounts so if we come intoShopify apps buy sorted by popular at
which again will be included in thecheat sheet that I do have in the
description if you guys are interestedin it do go ahead and download it so
we're gonna look here for some thatactually cost money some some amount of
money per month so nine dollars a monthis not a huge amount right so we're
looking for some that might cost alittle bit more so as we scroll through
these we do see up to thirty ninedollars a month here which is not bad
alright nine to fifty dollars a monththere and we do see all right so let's
just go ahead and do this nine to fortynine dollars a month right so it's
guaranteed to be some amount of paidwhich usually will kind of weed out the
people who are just getting started anddon't have a ton of experience so and
then what we can do is we can just clickdirectly on these people's names and it
opens up their Shopify accounts which isamazing because you can get so many you
know so much insight into what peopleare selling you know and you can take a
look at all of these different types ofstores that you've never really
otherwise would have been able to findjust by looking at you know these people
Shopify stores so those first two arenot great examples but I'm doing this
live for you guys you can actually seeit right so down the rabbit hole
so it's bottle of wine so it looks likeyou can actually this is an Australian
website but you can actually buy youknow wine products which I probably
would not have thought of let's see whatsome of these other ones are homes puns
and hands son so this looks like kind oflike a crafty website which is kind of
cool we can take a look at some of thestuff that they're selling and again we
could use the best-seller extension thatI will have in the cheat sheet to see
what their best selling items are rightso hands-on wearables kind of to give
like the child feel things like thatright ten percent off this one doesn't
look like it's actually built out lookslike a t-shirt oneall right so this is pretty cool so they
have land silks Cotton's alright this isa pretty well made design but yeah so I
mean it's just a cool little way thatyou can kind of take a look at a bunch
of different websites on fire websitesthat you otherwise wouldn't really be
able to find and you can make theassumption that they are you know at
least moderately successful if they aregoing to pay you know ten to fifty
dollars a month for this specificproduct and so the last thing that I
want to look at right now is a web appcalled uber low
so what overload is is a very cool appthat allows you to import products from
Aliexpress which we will talk about inone second directly into your Shopify
store and it makes it so incredibly easybasically to you know import a product
from Aliexpress that costs $1 onto yourShopify store that you are selling that
exact same product for $15 and it doesall of the behind-the-scenes work for
you where it actually automaticallyfulfills that order for you you buy it
for one dollar and then you sell it forfifteen and pocket the difference so
it's an incredibly powerful app andlet's talk about how we actually use it
on all Express so to go with our youknow main example we've been talking
about kind of for most of the video catjewelry so if we head over to all the
Express and for those of you who don'tknow all Express is basically a
wholesale website where you can buy youknow individual products from
manufacturers in China and have themdropship it which means when you get an
order from someone here in America orwherever they are in the world you
actually ship it directly from China toyour end customer and then pocket the
difference right this is a 2.52 centsper unit you're probably gonna sell it
on your Shopify site for you know 1995and so it starts to add up very quick
when you are making sixteen seventeendollars profit per unit right and so how
I like to use Aliexpress is a few waysright so you can actually do best match
and it'll show you kind of what'strending and things like that you know
what people bought in certain priceranges whether it's 70 cents to a dollar
37 it looks like most users are spendingbetween 71 cents and three dollars and
one cent per unit buying from Aliexpressbut a cool way that I like to use it is
actually sorting by orders so capjewelry
is our keyword at six thousand fourhundred and nineteen results and we can
see here that the actual most orderedunit right so people are obviously
having success drop shipping theseparticular items is the necklace tassel
cat dog paw print women right and sothis looks like you know some type of
like Lord of the Rings s type stuffanother little cat necklace and these
are two dollars and fifty two cents perunit when we normally would see you know
these exact same type prices forsignificantly more expensive on people's
Shopify websites and so sorting byorders you can see a lot of information
about you know what's selling what otherpeople are buying from a drop shipping
perspective to kind of even furthercollect data which is so important to
launching a successful business and soif you guys can see here the over lo
Chrome extension which we did add thisis what's going to enable us to
automatically import products from allthe express directly onto our Shopify
website you'll see here that when youhover over any product you'll see the
overload tag here and all you have to dois sign into your overload account you
know via your Shopify site and thenliterally all you do is one click for
your product and then it imports thisproduct directly onto your Shopify
website you can drive paid trafficorganic traffic from Facebook groups or
you know YouTube videos reviewing thesetype of things or you know any type of
paid traffic from Google or you know ifyou're making Pinterest posts or you
have Instagram accounts directly to yourShopify product page where you're gonna
put this exact same product for 14.95right for 1997 whatever it is over lo
will do all of them you know hard workautomatic automatic Lee for you you'll
pop you'll buy this product for a dollarand thirteen cents per unit and you will
sell it on your Shopify website for14.95 1997 you know twenty four ninety
five whatever it is right because whenyou have seasonality you know for
Mother's Day or things like that you cancharge even higher prices which means
your profit margin margin is even biggerright and the beautiful part about drop
shipping guys is there's absolutely norisk upfront because you only actually
have to buy it when you already havegone a sale
right so the last two things I want totalk about are the ollie price assistant
product price tracker so what thisspecific Chrome extension does is it
allows you to kind of see you knowhistorical pricing on all the Express
for any type of item right you cananalyze seller ratings and check the
seller you know check the seller out youcan track historical prices of any ollie
Express products which is great becauseyou know you don't want to be overpaying
for any particular item on Aliexpressand let's say that they were charging 30
cents yesterday now all of a suddenthey're charging $3 a unit and you never
would have known unless you use theollie price assistant tracker so over lo
Ollie price assistant price tracker andthe last one that is absolutely vital is
the Aliexpress seller check so what thisdoes is it shows you you know all types
of feedback into sellers you can viewdetailed ratings of the seller
themselves and you can see you know ifthey've been on all the expressed for a
year ninety seven percent of clients arehappy right you can see all different
types of data to make sure that you'renot going to be shipping you know crap
products here and customers which isnever good right or you can make sure
that you know people are actually thismanufacturer is actually going to ship
these products rather than you know lieand be fraudulent and not shift these
things out which is obviously a headachefor you to have to deal with as a drop
shipper so these are the most threethese are the most important three types
of Chrome extensions that you'reabsolutely vital for Shopify right for
drop shipping and then the final thingthat I wanted to talk about is kind of
how to use click funnels to set up afully automated funnel for you to
actually you know build these dropshipping businesses if you didn't want
to use Shopify right so the two mostviable methods for drop shipping and for
creating Shopify businesses obviously isShopify right you can create a Shopify
business fulfill orders through Amazonfulfill orders yourself or you know you
can create a Shopify drop shippingbusiness where like we talked about you
find products on Aliexpress use overload to import those products directly
onto your Shopify store and then whensomebody buys it from you for 15 you buy
it off all the Express for one andpocket the difference right and so the
last viable what method that I like totalk about is using click funnels and so
clickfunnels is a really cool way tosell you know any tiny number of
different products whether it's adigital product whether it's a you know
stroller hook and so I'm going toactually give away this funnel that I've
made a ton of money with to everyonewatching the video if you guys are
interested it will be on the cheat sheetpage you're gonna be able to download
the cheat sheet on Shopify that givesyou all of the URLs and everything that
you need to kind of see what bestsellers are to use all the different
hacks right and it's gonna lay it outfor you in a very methodical order
that's gonna make it a lot easier foryou guys to find you know home run
products and so I'm also gonna give youthis free funnel but you can download
yourself right click files is anincredibly powerful software and so it
makes it super easy right the – to orderform where people can put their name
address and then immediately put intheir billing info makes it incredibly
easy to sell right Amazon best-sellingover twelve hundred ninety three hooks
sold kind of using some of thosepsychological tactics to make it seem
you know scarce and want people topurchase quickly right so give them
multiple ways to sell and if you guysare interested I would be willing to
make um a tutorial up exactly how I madea funnel for dropshipping that made me
over 100 thousand dollars profit and Iwill show you guys exactly how to set up
everything right how to handle the orderdetails how to automate fulfillment
right how to set up a free plus shippinga right because those are incredibly
successful ways to kind of get people inthe door because as you know if you do
have any type of e-commerce experiencethe most difficult part of creating a
business on the internet is to kind ofget people's initial interest right so a
free plus shipping model is incrediblyuseful right because how that works is
you give away the product right you giveaway the product for free and all they
have to pay is shipping and handlingright and so you're actually you so
you're charging $7.99 for shipping andhandling you're buying the product off
Aliexpress for one dollar you pay onedollar shipping to all it Express they
they pay eight dollars for shipping andhandling and then you pocket the
difference between you know the cost onAliexpress for a dollar shipping on all
expressed for a dollar and then you'recharging eight dollars just for shipping
and handlinggetting that six dollar difference right
so free plus shipping I'll show you guysexactly how I used click funnels and
drop shipping to make over $100,000profit if you guys are interested in
that definitely make sure to leave me acomment below I'm not gonna make it
unless I get you know a bunch of peoplewho are interested in it because
obviously it takes me a ton of time tocreate these videos for you guys so I
hope you guys enjoyed that that isexactly how to find home run products on
Shopify removing all of the guessworkright creating a Shopify business
creating a dropshipping Shopify businessor using click funnels to create a fully
sustainable ecommerce business allwithin a week guys so that is every
single piece of information all of themethods I like to use all of the
software all of the tricks right all ofthe Chrome extensions so if you guys did
like it please make sure you dosubscribe I'm making these videos all
for you guys absolutely for free so ifit does help you click the subscribe
button make sure you press thenotification bells so that you will be
notified every time I release a brandnew video with a ton of ninja tactics so
if you guys enjoyed it I hope you didand we will definitely see you next time
if you do want to check out that clickbundles funnel how I made $100,000
profit with one funnel drop shippingmake sure to leave a comment below and
if I get enough comments guys I'll makethat for you absolutely again for free
like always so leave that nine-to-fivebehind and we will see you next time
