Ecommerce Mobile App List — Top 4 Mobile Apps For Drop Shipping Businesses | #127

today's question comes from Nikko andhe's asking once you have your lifepretty much hacked what are some goodmobile apps to monitor your sales yourstats and your Facebook Ads welcome tothe tale guadalestwhere I show you how to create thefreedom and lifestyle you truly desiretune in every day and get real-lifestrategies to grow your own businesshack your life and get more done in lesstime subscribe to the show and add tilbadello on snapchat so Nikko what Ipersonally use is the Facebookadvertising manager I think it's calledthe Facebook adverts manager orsomething like thatyou can find it in the App Store atleast for iOS that exists and basicallyit's a simple app that allows you tomonitor your Facebook ads so it's notthat advanced you don't have all themetrics and all the custom columns thatyou have on your desktop Facebookdashboard right in the app manager butit's pretty cool to just get an idea forhow well your ads are performing on thefly right when you're on the road oroutside the house and you want toquickly check how well your ads aredoing you can just grab your phone andquickly see what's your cost per clickhow well are your ads performing andstuff like that so that's a practicaltool that I use then I also use theShopify mobile app and that's one of myfavorite apps of all times so basicallyonce you sign up for Shopify you can goto the App Store and you can downloadtheir mobile app and the cool thingabout the Shopify app is you can seeyour traffic every day you can see yoursales every day and you can see also thesales stats for the last 30 days wellfor the last seven days 30 days and 90days so that's really cool to monitorhow well your store is performing youcan see the daily sales total you cansee the daily traffic you can see whereyour traffic is coming from you can seeif it's coming from mobile if it'scoming from desktop if it's coming fromFacebook or search engines or some otherwebsite um and you can see how manysales are you making compared to thewebsite traffic you're getting and it'sa really cool tool also because it givesyou a little notification for every salethat comes in so every time I get a saleI get a little you know cachingnotification and it's the best sound inthe world like you know these appdevelopers know what they're doingbecause literally I'm addicted to thatsound like I'm just waiting all the timefor the next caching to come in from myShopify mobile app and it's really coolbecause every time a sale comes in youget notified you can then fulfill theorder or at least you can feel greatabout yourself and your store so that'sthe second app I would recommenddefinitely download the Shopify mobileapp super cool app makes your life sofun and so simple the third app Irecommend is the upwork mobile app sowhen you're running a dropshipping storeit's very likely that you're going tohire a virtual assistant sometime in thefuture or maybe you have one right nowand I would recommend finding virtualassistants on up workit's basically a job market place whereyou can find freelancers virtualassistants and so forth and their mobileapp basically allows you to message backand forth with them and see your openjob postings and stuff like thatdirectly from your mobile phone so itallows you to quickly communicate withyour virtual assistants and post jobsand stuff like that if you need helpwith anythingthe final app I recommend is theAliexpress mobile app so Aliexpress hasits own mobile app that you can downloadfor free and anything that happens onAliexpress you will get a notificationfor that on your mobile phone so forexample if the purchase protection runsout or if your item is being shipped bythe supplier you will get a notificationand it's just a cool appright if you want to research new itemsif you want to do some market researchon the fly you can just open the app anddo that there you can log into yourprofile you can see all the open ordersyou can quickly do customer support fromyour mobile phone if you have to do thatand you get notifications for any majorthings that happen on Aliexpress sothat's the four apps I would installFacebook adverts manager the Shopifymobile app the upwork mobile app and theAliexpress app and that will give you alot of mobile flexibility for whenyou're on the road you want to checkyour stats you want to see how wellyou're doing you want to talk to yourfreelancer your virtual assistant or youwant to just do research on Aliexpressor see your recent orders and getnotifications that's pretty much all youneed that's all I have and I wouldrecommend these apps to anyoneespecially when you're running a drugshipping businessOh
