Ecommerce SEO – Get Traffic to Your Online Store [Top 4 Factors]

in this video I'm going to show you howto get more traffic to your e-commercesite specifically you're going to seethe four most influential rankingfactors that go into ranking your onlinestore to the top of Google these are thesame ranking factors that one of mystudents recently used to dramaticallyincrease his ecommerce sites organictraffici'm brian dean the founder of backlinkothe place where marketers turn forhigher rankings and more traffic and ifyou want to learn how to quickly getmore traffic and customers to yourecommerce site make sure to watch therest of this video a student of minedarren de Matos recently decided tolaunch his first e-commerce site decamping and survival gear store top-specus calm like many e-commerceentrepreneurs darren was a new player ina super competitive industry most peoplein his position would just create abunch of product pages and hope for thebestplease get traffic please get trafficplease get traffic but Darren knew thatecommerce SEO would make or break hissite success so we focused on the fourrocky factors that I'm about to show youand organic traffic to his mostimportant product in category pagesincreased across the board sometimes asmuch as two hundred and fifty ninepercent now they've seen how well thesefour ranking factors work it's time forme to show you exactly what they are andhow you can take advantage of them okaylet's kick things off with e-commerceSEO ranking factor number one domainAuthority here's the deal it's no secretthat the quantity and quality of thebacklinks pointing to your siteis Google's top or a key factor and yesthis also applies to e-commerce websitesthe question is how can you get someoneto link to your site if it's made up ofa hundred percent product in categorypages the short answer you can't thefact is people want to link to sitesthat have valuable content without thatyou're going to have a hell of a timebuilding whitehat backlinks that's thebad newsthe good news is that even ecommercesites can publish awesome content whenyou do you'll build up your site'soverall domain Authority which will helpyour product in category pages rankingGoogle in fact ecommerce Giants likeAmazonvery rarely have links pointing directlyto their product pages instead they rankbased on their site wide link Authorityfor example when Darrin first launchedtop-spec us he created a high valueroundup post called pistol shooting tipsfrom 20 sharpshooters and because thispost attracted quality backlinks itincreased his site's domain Authoritywhich boosted the rankings of one of hisimportant category pages heavy-duty bagsby 259 percent the bottom line usecontent marketing to increase youre-commerce sites overall domainAuthority that boost in domain Authoritywill increase the rankings of yourproduct and category pages next up wehave a ranking factor that's superimportant product page optimization ifyou're like most ecommerce site owners agood chunk of your search engine trafficgoes to your product pages but moreimportantly a hundred percent of yourconversions come from your product pagesin other words the more traffic you getto your product pages the more moneyyou'll make the question is how do youoptimize your product pages for SEO it'ssimple use this four step action planfirst add modifiers to your product pagetitle tags now you obviously want to useyour target keyword in your title tagbut don't stop there adding what I callmodifiers to your title tag can help yourank for dozens of long tail searchesfor example let's say the target keywordfor your product page is noisecancelling headphones instead of makingyour title tag simply noise cancelingheadphones at headphones or us com you'dadd a word or two that people are likelyto use when searching for that keywordhere are some common terms that peopleuse when searching for products inGoogle so your title tag could besomething like this the words best andcheap our title tag modifiers and theseterms will help you naturally show upfor long tail searches that containthose words next you want to add magnetwords to your title I see very fewpeople optimizing their title tags forclick-through rate and it's a hugemistakeafter all Google has stated that theyuse CTR in their algorithm and even ifthey didn't use CTR it still makes senseto optimize your title tagwith CTR in mine why because higher CTRmeans more clicks which means moretraffic which means more salesfortunately you can easily boost yourCTR by adding these magnet words to yourproduct and category page title tagshere's an example of these magnet wordsin action now it's time for on-page tipnumber three which is to include atleast a thousand words of content onyour most important product pagesindustry studies have found that longercontent tends to rank better in googleand yes these findings also apply toecommerce sites the fact is this googlewants to understand what your page isall about and when you provide lots ofcontent to Google you help them do justthat plus when you publish on contentyour customers can help understand whatthey're about to buy so it can increaseconversions – now you're probably notgoing to have time to write a thousandwords of content for every product pageon your site that said I highlyrecommend writing long productdescriptions for your 10 most importantproduct pages for example this Amazonproduct page for a kitchen art mixerboasts 2109 words now it's time for ourlast product page optimization tip whichis to include your target keyword threeto five times let me be clear herethis has nothing to do with keyworddensity or keyword stuffing it's simplymaking sure your keyword appears on yourpage so Google understands what yourpage is all about for example if yourtarget keyword was six quart crock potyou'd want to make sure you have thatexact phrase in your product descriptionat least three times now it's time for athird ranking factor which is yourwebsite architecture site architectureor how the pages on your site areorganized and arranged is an importantSEO consideration for any site but it'stwice as important for e-commercewebsites that's because your averageecommerce site has a lot more pages thanyour average blog or local pizza shopwebsite with that many pages it'scritical that your site architecturemakes it easy for users and searchengines to find the most important pageson your sitethe secret following the golden rule ofe-commerce site architecture keep everypagethree or fewer clicks from your homepagefor example take a look at this sitesarchitecture what's wrong with thispicture the site architecture is way toodeepmost ecommerce sites tend to get themost links and therefore authority totheir homepage and when you have a deepsite architecture that authority isdiluted by the time it reaches yourproduct in category pages in thisexample it takes six clicks to reach thefirst product page so what's thesolutionmake sure your products are no more thanthree clicks from your homepage Petsmartsets up their site with this rule inmind for example let's say that you wantto get a new dog food bowl for fluffyyou'd head to the site's homepage andclick the dog link then click bowls andfeeders and you'd have a list ofproducts in that subcategory just likethat you found what you want and Googlecan easily find and index all the petsmarts product pages now it's time forour last google ecommerce ranking factorURL length i recently teamed up with abunch of SEO software companies toconduct the largest search engineranking factor study ever in total weanalyzed a million google search resultsso what are we fine we discovered thatshort urls tend to rank better than longurls for example let's say that youre-commerce site sells organic bird foodall things being equal URL number onewould rank better than URL number twoone word of warning you don'tnecessarily want to go back and changeyour long URLs to shorter ones that cancause serious SEO issues instead set upyour URL structure so all of your newproducts and category pages have shortURLs did you learn something cool fromtoday's video if so make sure tosubscribe to my youtube channel rightnow just click on the big ol subscribebutton right here also if you wantexclusive SEO techniques that I onlyshare with email subscribers head overto beckylyn cocom and sign up for thenewsletter it's free now I want to turnit over to you which of the techniquesfrom this video are you going to usefirst are you going to start to build upyour domain Authority or maybe you wantto start using shorter URLs let me knowby leaving a comment below right now thestage is yours sir I'm having lastvideo– syndromeno not Nellie meant as a bug on thescreen if you want to learn blah blahblah blah kind of thing next you it'shard to fake it
