Gabriel St-Germain Shopify Course Review eCom Blueprint | IN DEPTH REVIEW

this product that he he literally takesit properties made millions of dollarson and he shows you exactly how he foundit and also the exact ad templates appseven shows you the website all his adswhat's it what exactly he does which isamazing what is uh PS so today I'm doinga review on Gabriel st. Germain Shopifycourse now if you guys have never reallygotten into Shopify or if you just heardabout it and you want to get into it Ithink this is a very good course um justbecause it's not like a lot of otherones a lot of other courses they'll tellyou you know just step-by-step howexactly set up a Shopify store socialyou know step by step how to do this andthat however this one he's literallytaking his product he's taking you knowhis exact store that he's made millionsof dollars on and he's showing youexactly how he did it what exact storiesusing his exact ads the exact apps theexact same theme that he used in orderto generate all these sales and he justgives you a blueprint like it'sliterally the name EECOM blueprint likeit he's literally giving you a templatefor you guys to succeed and any thateven goes as far as the product researchas well and that's something that Ithink really differentiates his coursefrom a lot of other Shopify courses orgurus out there so one other thingthat's also also worth mentioning isthat once you get the course he givesyou access to a Facebook group so that'sspecifically for people that havepurchased it and honestly a Facebookgroup is very very informative likethere's a lot of people when they'reposting every day a lot of questions getanswered like if I become stuck onsomething in the course that I didn'treally understand like you can ask itand there's literally people in therethat will help you out even Gabriel likeyou even Gabriel will make posts maybeevery day or every other day who evenrespond to comments and other people'sposts like it's very very helpfulliterally every question I posted inthere I've gotten some type of responseand there's a lot of people in therethat aremaking a good amount of money andthey're willing to help other peoplelike us as wellso you guys should definitely keep thatin mind really if you're just you knowsomeone that's trying to get intoShopify you've heard about it you wantto get into it but you really haven'tpulled the trigger right yeah on buyinga course or just taking action andjumping into finding a product honestlythis course I think it's gonna help youout a lot it's not really for uhm it isfor beginners but at the same time itcan get a little bit advanced I highlyrecommend if you guys are completely newknow nothing about Shopify I go onYouTube figure out how to you knowcreate a store just get a generaloverview on how exactly this set up astore like all the basics so reallybasic easy stuff and then from there Ithink you guys should make a decision onwhether or not you should want to jumpinto this course because it can get alittle bit advanced this isn't like Isaid this is not like a step by step bystep thing when it comes to building astore that's why this is somethingthat's going to be much differentcompared to other courses it's ablueprint right so I'm gonna go aheadand enough talking about that let's justgo right into the course I'm gonna showyou guys exactly the type of things thathe's gonna be teaching you guys in ithonestly a lot of this stuff in here Ilearned a lot of stuff that I did notknow about Facebook Ads like mepersonally I used to do a lot ofFacebook Ads only used to do affiliatemarketing and some Amazon FBA but thisjust took it to a whole nother level wetold it tells you like the ins and outsand it gives you a really good templateto succeed with your Shopify product soof course introduction tells youeverything that just want to be coveredin the course you don't really need totalk about that mindset for it successdon't really need to talk about thathonestly if trying to get in Shopifywhat he's just trying to tell you in thecourse is that you can't expect toimmediately just see results just likethat you got it Shopify is a lot of itsjust testing testing testing you'refiguring out what's working and goingout what's not working so that's what hereally goes over here and then like theproductmoving the proven product selection immago ahead and click into this of courseI'm not gonna show you the exact contentbecause you know I don't want to get introuble for that but he's going to showyou these type of things like thecriteria for a winning product you knowbased off of figuring out you know howmany sales or if a product is actuallyselling you know trying to find thesewinter products on Facebook like itliterally he gives you he tells you theexact tools that you should use andrecommends you really good tools andapps that you can use for your store andI believe he gives you one for Facebookas well like for your feed and stuff isliterally there's always drop shippersthat are um that are selling yourproducts on there and advertising sothere's literally an app for that thatyou guys can't be using in order to findthese drop shipping ads and figure outwhat's going to be a good product thatlike that's a that's just scratching thesurface when it comes to doing yourproduct research but you get the ideaso he goes into deep detail for thatlike this is literally the blueprint fordoing the product selection for thespecific product that he uses and whatwhat I'm trying to say is like thisproduct that he he literally takes theproduct that he's made millions ofdollars on and he shows you exactly howhe found it and also the exact adtemplates apps even shows you thewebsite all his ads what's it whatexactly he does which is amazing soproduct validation method I mean I don'treally need to talk about this that muchI'm showing you guys the overview butyou know I talked about that productvalidation checklist she just gives youeverything that you need to go overbefore you make your final decisionwhether or not you want to start jumpingonto a product and selling it so yeahand then let's go on to the next moduleso run one product store creation so alot of gurus out there they'll say ohI'll make a general store make a oneproduct storehonestly like personally what works forme is trading a general store it's gonnasave you guys money and time but if youguys want to go all out and try andfocus on one productI think that that's a really good ideabecause you can focus your entire brandaround one product and that's going toincrease you know your trustreally just branding overall for yourfor your for your niche in your store soI feel like that's something that canreally skyrocket your success if youfocus on one product and so trying tofocus on different products at the sametime but yeah it goes in the brandidentity development you know creatingyour own you know your Instagram accountyou know getting likes on your Facebookpage like he literally tells you in thecourse how you how you guys can startgetting how you can start getting likefollowers and likes and stuff like thatof course not all of its going to beorganic of course you might have to payfor stuff here and there but it's justall about trying to launch the productyou know so simple backends a storedesign walkthrough like he'll tell youexactly what themes to use like how howto set up the store in a way that's notyou know spammy and he's just giving youa template exactly he's showing youexactly the store that he used the exacttemplates use exact apps etc like I saidso average order value optimizationfirst ad creation like I know a lot ofyou guys if you're trying to get inShopify you probably have a lot ofquestions about how do I create a videoad or how do I you know make it pop orhow do I make it to where peopleactually want to click on it and go toyour website it will tell you all ofthat like he literally shows you thevideo ads that he uses and you canliterally take that template that heuses and implement it into your store orinto your ads for your specific productwhich is absolutely amazing so and thenmarketing strategy strategy planning andthen list of one product stores forinspiration like he literally gives youa list of these stores that you canreplicate like that's what I did for myproduct I literally took in a store thatwas a one product store and I replicatedit and I'm getting much better resultsand I did from trying to use a differenttheme or try to use a different templatefor my store so you guys didfully and keep that in mind so let's goon to the next moduleso the influencer ads Academy that's aanother good one because if you guys didnot know influencer ads are very veryprofitable um now of course you can'tjust go out there and think okay I'mjust going to take my head or my videoand just give it to some influence ornot automatically get a whole bunch ofsales now of course there's a wholebunch of stuff that goes into that aswell like but in the course he's gonnatell you like types of influencers brandprofiles set up like each size you wantto give you a specifically can use inorder to start up your brand on when itcomes to followers and likes and stuffhe's going to tell you exactly what typeof influence to look like for yourspecific niche and he even gives you afull list of influencers that he exactlyused for his product and some of theinfluences on there um of course you'reprobably wondering oh well um how am Ionly use the influencers that it givesme when my product doesn't match thatniche your product doesn't have to matcha specific Instagram niches page likethere's meme pages there's viral videoad Instagram pages and he goes into verydeep detail with that and he's tellingyou you know how to make exactly how tomake these viral ads or hot like how tomake it pop how to make it look good andlike I said you use elicit shows you thelist of pages and he Chucky bases tellsyou what to look for like exactly whatto look for and what he was looking forspecifically for his product that madehim a ton of money so alright so let'sgo on to the next module which is theFacebook Ads blueprint now Facebook Adsis probably one of the most importantthings that you guys can do for Shopifybecause I mean what probably 90 to 95percent of people are making their moneysolely just using Facebook Ads alone inmy honest opinion and that's just methat's just been the trend right I'mpretty sure there's people out therethat use only Instagram ads or maybeonly use Google for the website but heliterally in the course he'll show youexactly um like how to launch yourproduct like itinitially when I was trying to jump intoShopify and I did not have this course Idid not know how to approach it likehe'll he'll tell you exactly how youneed to launch it and how you can reallyjump into it without spending a wholebunch of money so you can get a wholebunch of data for your Facebook Ads andreally try to you know retarget getlookalike audiences all that stuff sohe'll tell you like all the like I'mgiving I'm saying all these terms sothey look like audiences and for whetherit's for your video views or you know Ihad the carts all that stuff but youguys do not have to worry about allthese technical terms in the coursehe'll describe most of them but you knowif if there's something that he saidthat you don't really understand and ofcourse you can look it up on youtube oron Google it's very easy and simple tounderstand but it gives you exactlylaunch strategy that he used for hisproduct and that's something that youguys really should use so he also tellsyou all the different scaling methodslike oh let's say you set up an ad andit starts doing well like and a lot ofpeople the last okay what do i do fromhere he tells you how to scale I don'tmake more money from that verticalscaling methods you know targetingsetting up retargeting phone talkedabout that creating winning video adsscaling to broad audiences you know justtrying to create or trying to target youknow we're just regular interests onFacebook as opposed to just doing simplylook like audiences alone it tells youit creates you know super look-alikes orjust a whole bunch of data that you guysprobably didn't really know about ifyou're if you're just trying to get intothis or you just have a very basicFacebook ad experience so you knowfighting consistencies he tells you likelet's say you get up there start and geta whole bunch of money and then your adsstart dying he tells you how to copewith those and I think that's somethingthat a lot of other courses probably donot do is telling you how they wouldstay consistent with their ads taking anadvantage of Facebook algorithm and thenhe also goes into Google Ads as well solet's go aheadand go back here we're gonna go back tothe modules but yeah this is this a lotof this stuff is something that I don'tthink you see in other courses becausehe's literally giving a template andshowing you every single part of hissuccess basically for you know the storethe ads influencers he used that you canuse video template said you can useexact apps that you can use for yourvideos to make them look I'm very catchyand very uh attention-grabbing so goingon to the next thing store automationand operations for this onelet me see structuring oh yeah he tellsyou I remember he tells you like how toset up your store when it comes toautomating like if you start doing bignumbers and stuff he tells you where togo to really outsource your store forcustomer service how to automate it withlike email sequences and all that stuffit shows you exactly what he did for hisspecific brand and product that that uhhe did well on so you know automatingorder fulfillment sourcing he tells youlike once if you guys started scalingstart making a lot of money he tells youexactly how to go about it how to youknow increase shipping times how to workwith you know suppliers and stuff to doto really create a quality product andstuff like especially when you startselling a whole bunch and you want tostart branding your product he reallybreaks that all down for you so going onto the next thing so the last one is theconclusion I haven't really gotten tothat part um it summation is mainly justthe informational bits I have covered sofar in this course but for the most partyes this course is very very in-depthand sometime you're gonna have tore-watch it probably multiple times notthe whole thing but like specific partsto really understand it because like Isaid if you're just trying to jump intothis if you've never done Shopify beforeyou're gonna have a lot of questionsthat's why I said go on YouTube figureout how to set up a store all the basicstuff for Shopify and for dropshippingin general but yeah you guys shoulddefinitely check this course out there'sa lot of information in here and it goesa very very in-depth and this is atemplate it's literally a blueprint onhow you guys can succeed with FacebookAds with Instagram influencers oncesetting up your Shopify store because Iknow like a lot there's a lot ofdifferent strategies out there whetherit's on YouTube or maybe in differentcourses and stuff but this one reallydials it down on a specific step-by-stepstrategy that he used a proven strategylike you literally like this productthat he made millions of dollars on whenhe breaks that down very very well inthis course and it's something that uh Ithink a lot of different gurus out theredo not do so I definitely got a lot outof this course I got you you like if youdon't Facebook ad before you really geta new angle about thinking on how toapproach things so I think you guys tocheck it out if you guys have any otherquestions you can ask me down in thecomments below but if you want to getthis course I'll have it linked in thedescription but yeah hopefully you guysenjoyed this video and I will see you inthe next one peace
