Go Behind the Scenes of Ezra Firestone's Top Ecom Mastermind

I just got off stage here at Blue RibbonMiami and it was a blast so I had thehonor to take the stage with mr. EzraFirestone and what we did was prettyunique it was unlike those presentationsthat I give we did a critique of Ezra'sad account for his ecommerce companyboom and what we did is we looked ateverything that they did in 2018 welooked at their click-through rate welooked at their frequency we looked attheir average CPA how much money theymade how much they spent we also rankedtheir ads by social proof and also bysuccess which ads sold the most productlast year and based off of all of thatdata we were able to craft a reallyexciting plan for 2019Ezra's goal is to double his ad spinnext year obviously he'll only do thatif he's breaking even so I'm reallyexcited for 2016 and I'm excited to seehow this ad plan plays out 2016 I'mlooking forward to seeing how this playsout in 2019 hey guys my name is PeterGoodwin I'm the owner of groove life andI've been a Blue Ribbon member for twoyears and we're here in Miami and I'mgiving a talk about how to build a brandin a commodity driven marketplace andwhat I mean by that is that Amazon iskind of commoditized everything that youlook see feel touch in the whole worldand how do you break through the clutterof connecting with a customer andactually making them a raving fan aftera customer purchases right it's easy toget the first sale it's hard to makethat customer into a fan one way to dothat is to really stand for somethingthat you believe in that might becontroversial and standing by that nomatter if they're mad or not searchwithin find something you believe instand on that and you will bring anaudience to you that I will never leaveyou and will buy everything that youproduce I'm John O'Connor we're here atthe blue ribbon Miami what I talkedabout here was looking at three to fiveskills to workgone over the next year to really helpyou grow and achieve the results thatyou want and one of the main ones wetalked about was dropping your Centerhaving a lower center of gravity as abusiness owner is probably one of themost foundational key pieces anddeveloping the ability to slow down toconnect to what's really happening andfrom that place connecting to thatcreative unconscious mind that placethat is really stable and rooted andwhere your certainty comes from I'mLaura Palladino I'm the social mediastrategist for boom bye Cindy Joseph andI talked all about what happened in 2018and what we're looking forward to in2019 and changing our social mediastrategy so we're going to be bringingin some influencers and we're going tobe adding more content to be able togive out to all of our subscribers youknow what you can take away and do foryour business in 2019 is really try totalk to your customers more right bringthem in on a conversation and nurturethat conversation in that relationship[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music]you[Music]
