Houston Internet Marketing Agency – TopSpot Internet Marketing

[Music]the most important group of people thatyou should pay attention tounfortunately are the ones you neverhear from is it because of your onlinepresence how do you really know if yourwebsite is working for you is yourcurrent digital team prioritizing theright strategies to grow your businesswhen searching online for your productsand services do you show up does yourcompetition[Music]we started top spot with the idea thatpretty simple just helping a company geton Google was how it started that wasthe question was asked is how do we geton Google and we quickly figured outthat a lot of companies didn't haveanybody who was helping with theirdigital marketing customer service issuper important to us the top spotbecause that's the heart of our businessis to come alongside your organizationand to figure out what is it that makesyour organization run and how can we bea seamless part of that where we addvalue and make you successful in thatlong haul we would not be who we aretoday unless we are amazing at customerservice making sure they trust usthey're educated they understand what weare doing for them and how we're helpingtheir business we're learning at everyopportunity whether it's a success or achallenge we're always looking back andreflecting and saying what can we dobetter and how can we build on thesuccess or do something a little bitdifferently when it comes to challengesand keep growing things for our clientswe pride ourselves on being able to lookat and analyze a program and reallyunderstand what the clients goals arebusiness is the ultimate sporting arenaand it takes a great team to becompetitive and to differentiateyourself in a crowded marketplacethere's a lot of companies you can builda website for someone and there's a lotof companies who will manage a paidsearch program or even do search engineoptimization we have to be different wewant to go beyond thinking just buildinga website we want to talk with customersabout how their digital strategy alignswith their business strategy analyticsis at the heart of what we do loopanalytics is a form analytics platformthat shows real-time what users aretyping into your forms and generatingleads for your business it allows you tosee the quality of the lead that'scoming through your website instead ofjust a number it allows us to retargetyour dollars and focus on those areasthat are going to drive the mostconversions or form submissions for yourbusiness so why choose tops one I'm thefirst to say that we're not necessarilythe right fit for everyone out there butfor the companies that we we do identifyand we seem to be aligned with the typesof questions that they're asking and thethings that we can offer them I thinkwe're a great fit because of the reasonsof really going beyond[Music]you
