How does Internet Marketing work – Simple Break down

but they're damn a call here from DefraNew Jersey you know one of my talk toyou guys today is you know how doesinternet marketing work and I'm going toexplain how it works in a nice easysimple way and I there's there's a fewways that marketing works I'm just goingto talk about one particular way which ithink is the best way for like thebeginner you know to begin sorta withinternet marketing to be talking aboutinternet marketing like slash affiliatemarketing not like flipping domain namesor selling stuff on eBay because ofcourse that's that's internet marketingtoo but I'm not going to you know betalking about that I'm gonna be talkingabout like internet marketing slashaffiliate marketing so how does internetmarketing work first first off you needto have something to sell and it couldbe it could be anything just aboutanything but what I want to recommend isyou know as you buy something that has agood system so something has a goodsystem as good internet marketing toolsalready in place if you have otherthings you would like to sell online ifI were you I'd actually sell them morelike on the back end you know have thisas more of a front end product so youwant to have a good internet marketingsystem and the systems themselves areall are very a very popular thing itsells it sells sells very very well soanyway I want to break down how it worksreal quick first off here's a systemwhich is very asked for system sothat'll be the system ok and the systemis going to have a couple the system isgoing to have a couple things that we'regoing to go over and as we go but we'rejust going to start from scratch accountworks okay so for first thing we needyou know once you have a system the nextthing you need is to get traffic to yoursystem okay and then I'll show you howyou know the system works so you needtraffic first you know to get here toget to your site you know obviously needyour site first but as far as the wholeprocess after that you need traffic toget to your site right so you know soyou want to get traffic okay there's acouple different ways to get trafficI'll just get it namely for real quickone one is on SEO – is a paid trafficthree is like social media episode m4media and number four is our socialengagement like prospectus conversatingwhat people things like that these areall these are four four different waysyou get eyes you know when you're onyour site you know just this sounds likea simple simple way here so you got acouple ways here okay to get traffic solike I said I'm gonna try to have anendeavor to keep this short and sweet tothe point so you have a nice easyconcept okay and then once you get yourtraffic what you want to do is this iswhy I said is good to go with a systembecause systems carry all aspects of theprocess usually um they'll be a systembelow this video you can actually clickthat'll have all these pieces of thepuzzle in place for you you know so youcan get an endeavor some sales and makesome money on here at okay so anywayfirst you're going to take traffic andyou're gonna send that traffic over tolet's call it a squeeze page or a leadcapture page right so I'll just writeyou know your lead capture page okayI lead capture page so he can you seethat so that's where you'll set yourtraffic over to a lead capture page andlead capture page is something thatsomething looks kind of like it's like apage and there's like a spot to put anemail that makes sense I'm sure you'veseen slides like that you put your emailright here or whatever that's a leadcapture page right so that's whereyou're going to set them set them firstthen next what the lead capture page isgoing to do is going to take them overto a sales page to a sales page okayonce they opt-in and put their emailit's going to take them over to a salespage but that's also want to send theiremail over to what's called a surveysense now that I explained that partthat's how I send their email over towhat's called an autoresponder responderokay an autoresponder so what's going tohappen is they might they might purchasewhatever you send them over to and theymight not well if they don't no big dealbecause this autoresponder here now thecatch of your email that's going to sendthem an offer and keep resetting themback to a sales page okay so you knowmost people don't buy things the firsttime they look at me in the final youknow somewhere between three and seventimes so you see how this works righthere this is this is what you callautomation a lot of people you know getinto you know internet marketing becausethey want automation but nothing is 100%automated this small part right here isthe part that you need to focus on righthere okay I'm getting leads getting youknow traffic any eyes on your stuff youknow this is what you need to learn thisis what you want to learn when you'refirst you know if you're first get sortof internet marketing do you want tohave to learn how to build up how tocreate a lead captureyou want to have to learn to do your ownsales and to make our own sales page doyou want to build an autoresponder fromscratch now you just buy these thingsand you want to buy a system like I wastalking on the beginning that actuallyhas these things see you see that so youbuy a system that already has all thesethings like the one that we actuallybelow this video you can get to clickthat link and actually get that systemit's very um very good system okay sothis is pretty much all internetmarketing works you know how it does theinternet marketing work I mean this isthis is a really simple breakdown righthere okay so I just want to give it youknow give you guys a little lesson youknow on how internet marketing works ontoday I want to encourage you to makemoney online it's a great a great way tobe I really enjoy I like to be able tobe with my family when I want to be withmy family and doing what I want to dowith them you know what I want to do ityou know so what freedom you know I'msaying you can see the sermonso anyway Dan will call here I'll seeyou guys on the next video bye for now
