How Ecom Express Delivers e-Commerce Shipments

[Music]we live in a continuously shrinkingworld where technology is bringingeverything you want right to your palmecommerce is rapidly changing the wayIndian consumers shop reliable logisticspartner with comprehensive reach acrossthe geography of the country is thebackbone of any e-commerce businessbest-in-class technology and automationmakes econ Express your best logisticspartner completely integrated ordermanagement system developed in-houseenables easy shipping and real-timetracking of your orders anywhere inIndia pickups are done using the latesttechnology enabling a smooth andflexible picker process the use oftechnology tracks each order that isselected and pickups are confirmed byclicking each signature[Music]real-time updates are sent to handhelddevices that are powered by ourtechnologydarling weighing and sorting ofshipments are all automated at theprocessing centers and each movement ofan order is tracked in GPS to ensurethey're right on track[Music]orders are further scanned and sorted ateach handle report including destinationhubs and again bases the addresses theyare dispatched to the respectivedelivery center[Music]here the again carefully sorted this isthe addresses and then they get assignedto our delivery sources through a mobileapplication we ensure that orders arelimited on time to the customersverification through TPS guarantee thatorders get delivered to the rightcustomer – is selected tallied againsteach order and remitted to our customersif undelivered Regents are made thisentire process is monitored by a controltower and any exceptions are fixedproactively with timely updates tocustomer support know with EECOM expressand empower your ecommerce businesstoday[Music]
