How I Use Internet Marketing To Build Network Marketing

hey hey what's going on Daniel I seehere from Tanya Eliza calm welcome totoday's episode and today's episode isgoing to be really wacky because I'vegot my whiteboard out and we're going tobe doing some whiteboard training we'regoing to be talking about how I've usedinternet marketing to build my networkmarketing business this is a massivetopic that I get so many people ask meabout so I thought I would show youexactly how I use internet marketing tobuild my network marketing business soif you'd like to learn that stay tunedokay so a huge topic in my world isTanya how have you used internetmarketing to build your networkmarketing business I see the results youhave I see the success you have how doyou do it and is it even really viableto build a network marketing team andhave duplication using internetmarketing and that's a really goodquestion that I get asked all the timeand I want to actually break it down intoday's training episode on exactly howI've done it I want to show you thepieces of the puzzle that you need verysimply not complicated at all to reallybuild a big team in network marketingand recruit and team build and haveduplication and basically make it alittle bit easier for you to talk topeople that are interested about yourbusiness and ways that you can reallyreally rev up those results fast it'ssomething that we've been able to do inour business very successfully right nowwe're the number three recruiters in ournetwork marketing company out of threehundred and sixteen thousand active repsglobally so obviously we're doingsomething right right so I'm going toactually give you something that Inormally do in all of my episodes I liketo give a free be for you I like to giveyou a free resource that you can use andyou can put into action in your businessand in today's episode I have theinternet marketing nap for Networkmarketers so everything that I'm goingto show you most of what I'm going toshow you actually I'm going to putthe guide for you and you can actuallydownload it immediately you can print itout and then you can use that guide whenyou put the pieces of the puzzletogether for your network marketingbusiness and team that you're buildingso every episode I'd like to have afreebie that you can get massive valueout of it in today's episode I'm goingto give you my internet marketing mapfor Network marketers you can secure anabsolutely free copy obviously it's afreebie over all my blog at Tanya Elizacomm 3 download forward slash 3 downloadI'll leave a link probably right here topop up in the video and also if you'rein the United States and you want tomake it really easy pull out yoursmartphone and you can actually text theword 3 download the number 3 downloadall one word 2 4 4 2 2 2 and I'll sendyou the internet marketing map fornetwork marketers it's actually myinternet marketing map so you actuallyhave some insight into my personalbusiness and I share with you a lot ofsecrets and cool things that I do thatwork very effectively in my businessmodel so I'm going to break it downtoday let me grab my pen because Iactually don't have my pen okay so gotmy pen what I want to do is I want toshow you what I was doing before whichwasn't really working and then I want toshow you what I'm doing now so right nowmost of you are probably posting stuffstuff on social media and this isactually a training it's a more higherlevel training that I have it's more orless what I do with my coaching programsbut I thought it was really important toput together for you to understand howthis all works especially in today's intoday's age of the internet so you'reprobably already posting things onsocial media about your business you'resharing your business on social mediasocial media is becoming extremelypopular Avenue for people to promote andmarket their stuff on right but you wantto make sure that you're doing itproperly otherwise you could mess upyour brand people can look at you funnyyou could become you could come acrossas salesy or weird and you don't want todo that that's really important that youactually present yourself as aprofessional marketer or not a spamming/ promotional marketer right so whatyou're doing already a lot of us arealready doing is you're posting on youknow social media so we've got you knowFacebook Twitter Instagram whateverright and you guys probably can't readbut maybe you can maybe we'll zoom in alittle bit on that maybe we'll look atpretty in the editing but we've gotsocial media and you guys are alreadydoing posts on social media now I got alot of great training on my blog I'llleave a link below on what you should beposting on social media to get the mostinteraction and we're not going to talkabout it in this video I'm just going toshow you how it works okay you can go tothe other blog post I'll leave links andresources below on my blogTanny Eliza comm forward slash 3download so you're posting on socialmedia all these great posts that aregetting interaction now what most peopledo is from social media what they'll dois they'll put a link to their businessopportunity their products their servicepage their customer pages whatever rightso they're sharing their link fromsocial their social media posts andthey're taking people to a customerreplicated website you do not want to dothat and this is what I was doing beforeI was taking people to this genericwebsite that we get with our networkmarketing company that is supposed tosell stuff for us or help us generateyou know reps and teammates andcustomers well it's not working rightobviously is probably why you'rewatching this video and I was doing thatbefore – I was sending people to thecompany and replicated website and thatjust wasn't generating a whole lot ofbusiness for me okay just laying it outon the table being truthful with you sowhat I do now okay and this is this isthe formula that I have used for yearsto build my network marketing businessonline is instead of doing social mediaposts and pointing to a generic companyreplicated website what I actually donow is I do great value posts and then Iactually direct everybody over to myblog okay and the blog will control thetraffic okay so what I mean by controlthe traffic is I have way more controlover on my blog then anywhere else thatI send my people I have my about pagethat they're going to and they'relearning about me and they are going tomy products pages there they are seeingmy value and they're seeing me as aperson of authority and credibility thatthey want to learn more about and dobusiness wit now when I was sendingpeople to my company rephated website that just was nothappening people would go there and theyhave seen it before they'll go andGoogle the name of the company and thenwe all know what happens when thathappens right so they have no controlover the traffic this is this iscontrolling my traffic people are thenexposed to my opt-in forms becomingleads and I'm following up with thosepeoplenow there's many different avenues orfacets of why a blog is very importantand I talk about those a lot and a lotof the training that I do I talk aboutblogging a lot but you this builds youup as a credible figure and an authorityyour blog builds you up as an authorityincredible figure even if you don't havesuccess yet in your business if you havea blog and you send people there theyimmediately think of you as the expertthe authority it gives them a differentperceived value of you as the personthat is selling your product service oropportunity so I talked a lot aboutsending traffic to your blog and if youdon't have a blog or if your blog isn'tgenerating you business I'll leave alink on my blog in the resources sectionhere make sure you go to tanni Elizacomm 4/3 download I'll have that therefor you and I actually have a littlefree video series that you can gothrough that'll show you the right wayto set up your blog for business so makesure instead of sending your traffic toa company replicated website that'sgeneric and there's nothing specialabout it make sure you're sending yourtraffic to your blog make sure that youare building a blog on WordPress andI'll do another video here in the nextcouple of days on the right way to do ablog and the wrong way to do a blog I dohave a couple of links I'll leave in theresource section on if you want to buildyour own or have somebody build it youknow you'll you'll have the resourcesbut long story short make sure thatyou're sending them to a blog your blogalright and make sure it's your blogbuilt on WordPress not through a systemor anything like that you don't youdon't want that you don't want a blog orblog or anything like that right butwhat you want to do from the blog andhow it works in my world is people areexposed to my capture forms and mycapture forms have you know obviously aspot where people can opt-in to get apiece of value that they want and itcollects their name and email addressand sometimesphone number and then what happens isonce somebody fills out that opt-in formor capture form or lead magnet whateveryou want to call it then what they do isthey I get an email notification thatsays hey you've got a new leadright that's interested in your stuffright whatever it is that you're sellingor promoting and then I have the abilitynow to follow up with them and when Iget on the phone with people that havebeen generated through this type of afunnel through my blog and they've beenthere and they've understood my storyand they built a relationship with methey've already built trust andcredibility with me when I get on thephone with them here to talk to them andsee how I can help them and see ifthere's an opportunity for them to comeinto my business either environmentproducts my services or join my teamthe conversation goes very differentlyversus buying a cold lead list wherethey don't know you right whenever I geton the phone with somebody generatedthrough my blog or my social mediaavenues they think I'm a celebrity andthey're like oh my gosh Danny I'm soexcited you're calling me is that reallyyou oh my gosh and all I need to say ishey do keep your options open as far asother ways to you know earn an income ordo you keep your options open when itcomes to my products or services thatI'm offering and they go oh my gosh Ican't believe you're asking me of courseI doright and seven times out of ten theconversation will go exactly like thatnow there's a lot of different ways thatwe can monetize the people that also sayno to our primary business opportunityand there's some you know courses andthings like that that'll offer to maybehelp them if they don't see anopportunity over here with me I can sayokay great well how can I help you andthen I can direct them to a spot whereyou know they can actually get more helpand I really like I'll leave a systemthat I really like in the resourcessection of this blog I really like Vincereads my internet traffic system it's areally great system if you don't haveyour own products or anything createdyou can actually use his system and it'sgot really great training in there tocreate that multiple stream of incomefor the people that say no to yourbusiness opportunity but might just belooking for training that you can helpthem with so it's all about reallycapitalizing onthe ability to help people and the onlyway to do that is to put yourself infront of them like this follow up withthem and say how can I help you and thengive them the opportunities and servicesthat will help them with what they wantand that's exactly how it works you knowI'm posting and if you guys follow me onyou know social media you see that I doexactly this I've got people on myfacebook right I'm a big Facebook loveFacebook marketing I bring people overto my blog I even advertise on Facebookbut my advertisements go over to my blogmy blog will help build credibility andTrust and all that with my prospect whois cold now turning into a warm prospectthey're learning about me they'rebuilding trust and credibility with meand then they're going to trust meenough to fill out the opt-in form andonce they fill out the opt-in form I cancall them and I can say hey how can Ihelp youand we can take the next step togetherand I can actually help them but alsocreate a business from that and so ifyou don't have these pieces in placelike this yet then you definitely wantto check out some of the resources thatI have on my blog at Annie Eliza commforward slash 3 download because I'mgoing to actually give you someresources that can help you set this allup I've actually got a really cool videoseries that will help you set all ofthis up so you make sure that you haveit in place properly for your businessand it is converting very well for youand again you know we've done very wellonline since 2010 but it's all in howwe've set ourselves up with that map andmaking sure that the pieces are in placeat the right spot with the rightlanguage for our target audience so makesure that you get the freebie in today'sepisode because it's really going tohelp you put some of those pieces inplace and show you what those pieces areshould be for your business and you canactually go to tanni Eliza comm forwardslash 3 download to get it or you cantext 3 download all one word the number3 2 4 4 2 2 2 and I'll give you thisnetwork marketing map with the resourcesthat we talked about in today's trainingto sort of help you put you on that pathto building your business online ifthat's something that you want to do asa networkmarketer the worlds have changed for usknowing this and when we talk to peopleabout our businesses the conversationsgo a lot different we have more peoplein our world that are actuallyinterested in what we have our productsor services are opportunity and the moreI can show other people how to do thisand set it up and have them have resultsthat's the beauty of lifting ourindustry up in network marketing to ahigher standard and actually helpingmore people to do so so I hope you foundvalue in today's episode if you did Ialways love your comments and would liketo hear some feedback so drop me acomment below and make sure to get yourfree be offered in today's video as welland we'll see you on the next episode ohif you have anybody that you think wouldlike to build their business on theinternet and you want to make sure thatthey do it properly feel free to sharethis episode with them as well beblessed as always and we will see you onthe next episode of Tanya Liza TV
