How Popular United States Industries Share Internet Traffic

Posted by Clement Steed

Different industries in the United States of America (#USA) receive different online traffic, depending on what interests the people. Below are the most popular industries in the United States based on the number of online visitors they receive monthly. This traffic data has been analyzed from 1000 top visited domains.

Internet and Telecom
Findings show that the information industry contributes to an #increase in the #economy by 1.4%. It holds 41% of the overall traffic. Search engines and social network sites having the largest percentage of the #traffic. This helps a lot in directing organic traffic visitors to marketing sites.

Art and Entertainment
This ranks the second as the most popular industry, with traffic slightly over 12%. #Media #streaming platforms largely dominate this industry. Television and videos are having the largest of the traffic.

News and Media
Statistics show that people read #newspapers online while also checking for weather updates. People also read sports news and also catch up on magazines; all this is mostly done online. This category, therefore, attracts traffic of 10% of the overall United States online traffic. This percentage is highest in the United States than any other part of the world.

Online shops are the fastest growing markets in the United States of America. Most purchases are made online while others prefer to buy the products offline after visiting the product website. Online influenced purchases have been known to increase sales more than non-web influenced purchases. Therefore, Physical stores should represent themselves more online to improve their customer base.

This industry holds a traffic of 9.46% with a huge percentage being occupied by general #merchandise 5.85% (these are general products sold online).

Computer and electronics
This industry covers 2.59% of the #online traffic. Software searches receiving the largest of this traffic, followed closely by consumer electronics, computer security, and #computer #networking.

Reference Category
Leading in traffic in this category is the online dictionary and the #encyclopedia, where people crowd to look for accurate information.

Over the years, people have evolved from using print directories to using online directories to search for companies, and therefore, online directories second with traffic in this category. Archives and online maps follow with traffic.

Business Industry
This industry receives 2.45% of the online traffic. The biggest portion of this traffic is taken by the real estate business. The other subcategories that also receive traffic are business services and business news, transportation, and logistics. Marketing, advertising, and e-commerce have however received the smallest share of the traffic, unlike the other subcategories.

Career and Education
Ed Tech company websites have attracted the largest number of visitors in this category, which mainly come from referrals. These companies make educational software that are high on demand.

With an overall traffic of 1.9%, this industry has subcategories like universities and college, jobs, and employment which have almost evenly distributed their traffic.

Being a very competitive business venture, this category has received a total of 0.91% of the overall United States online traffic. More of this traffic is seen on hotels and accommodation websites than in the air transport websites. This could only mean that a majority of Americans use cars to travel.

Judging by these statistics, it is now apparent where United States’ online traffic is and businesses can choose where to do their digital marketing.

