How to Choose a Name for Your Ecommerce Startup Business

You’re listening to the ECommerce Success
Show: Tips, Tricks and News to help you makemore sales online, and now, your host, Nikki
Purvy.Hey, it’s Nikki Purvy, your host of the
ECommerce Success Show, presented by LidyrCreative, where we talk Tips, Tricks, and
News to help you grow your business onlineand this is episode number 13.This episode is going to be a special episode
geared towards the brand new entrepreneur,the brand new ecommerce business owner.If you are just starting your ecommerce business,
or you’re about to start your ecommercebusiness, then this business is for you.Now, this doesn’t mean that this episode
is not for the seasoned vets, because, asyou know, we have our tips section – or tricks
section I should say, where we talk aboutjust random quick tricks and we have our news
section which is quintessential for everyecommerce business owner, so be sure to stick
around, you seasoned vets, and you never know.There maybe something in the – our tricks,
our tips section that will help you onto yournext venture, because we know that you ecommerce
business owners, you’re serial entrepreneursand no one can stop you from starting businesses,
so let’s hop right into it.In our tips section, of the show, we are going
to talk about how to choose your ecommercebusiness name.How to choose your ecommerce business name.Let me talk a little bit about why this is
going to be a topic for us.I know it sounds really, really, juvenile
but you couldn’t believe how many businessowners, people who have been in business,
been in business for years, they start a businessand they choose a business name that can doom
them.I’ll give you a perfect example, and that
is me.My – One of my first businesses had a really,
really, crappy name: Estava Morioka.Don’t worry about what it means, it’s
completely irrelevant, it doesn’t matter,it’s a name.You probably forgot what it was just that
fast and that’s why it was a crappy name.The name was too long, it was too difficult
to remember, and it hurt us.It hurt us really badly and I don’t want
you to make the same mistakes that we made.You want to make sure you that you choose
names that people are gonna remember.Names that will stick out in their mind but
also names that would differentiate itselffrom the next business.So, let’s talk about the tips to choosing
your business name.The first tip is going to be keep it to 15
characters or less.15 characters or less.Why 15 characters or less?15 characters or less because, if you choose
a name, you want to also, in this digitalage, you want to also have that name be represented.You want to represent yourself, with that
name, on all social media platforms.A lot of times there are character limits
to how many characters you can have in yourname and your @ name, on a social media platform.So, for instance, on Twitter, which is a very
important social media platform, it is 15characters or less.So, if you have a name that’s super long.One, people won’t remember it, you don’t
want to give people a full tongue twister,when they are trying to say your name, or
you want them to remember your name, and Two,you want to be able to secure that same name
on all social media platforms.So, for instance, we are Lidyr Creative on
every single social media platform.On Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube,
everywhere.So, be sure to keep it to 15 characters or
less.It’s a nice area where someone can spit
your name off, remember it, it leaves an impression,and you keep moving on.This next tip is to choose a business name
structure – if you have no idea what yourname is going to be and you’re completely
lost, this section is good for you, becauseit’ll help you to decide what structure
you’re gonna use in choosing your name andthen you kind of dive down one of these 3
structures that I’m gonna tell you aboutright now.The first structure is choose a – you can
choose a person’s name or people’s names,for your business.Great examples of this are Charles Schwab,
AG Edwards, Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, and Nordstrom.This is a great – Or you can name it after
yourself – this is a great way to start yourbusiness, but I want you to be careful, to
be sure, that your business name evokes thesame emotion that you want people to have
when talking about your business.So, Charles Schwab for example, sounds like
a very straight and narrow, honest, conservativename.You want that, when you have people handling
your money, correct?The same thing with Nordstrom.It sounds very classy, and very above the
clouds, and that is exactly what you get whenyou walk inside of Nordstrom.It just so happens to be the owner’s, the
founder’s name, the family who founded Nordstrom,their name.Their last name is Nordstrom, but it sounds
exactly like what it is when you walk intoNordstrom.It’s very clean, you get a lot of customer
service.It’s a very classy place, they have pianists
playing, while you’re shopping.That’s class.Let’s use this – Also this example of Dolce
& Gabbana.To us Americans, Dolce & Gabbana sounds very
exotic, it sounds also classy, but that’sexactly what the brand is.Dolce & Gabbana, two people’s last name,
and their last names just so happen to besomething very exotic, and classy, and high
end.So be sure, rather than just naming it whatever
name, be sure that that name also matchesthe emotion that you want to evoke when people
say your business name.The next type of business name is one of my
favorites.It’s what you call a portmanteau.This is also one of my favorite words in the
English language.One of my tippy top favorite words in the
English language, portmanteau – P-O-R-T-M-A-N-T-E-A-U.A portmanteau is a word whose form and meaning
is derived from the blending of two or moredistinct forms.You probably do it all the time when you’re
joking around with your friends, or when twocelebrities get together.Kimye, Brangelina.That is a portmanteau.So, I’ll give you an example of some business
portmanteaus.AMTRACK – it’s a combination of AM- America
and TRACK.Microsoft: MICROcomputer and SOFTware.Groupon: GROUP and couPON.Pinterest: PIN and INTEREST.Comcast: COMmunication and broadCAST.These are some really great examples of portmanteaus,
whose these businesses have gone onto be literallysome of the top businesses in the world.So, who’s to say that you can’t make up
some really, really, cool word between twowords that mean something to you and your
industry; that means success to you and yourindustry and just blend them together and
create a brand new word.7:27The next structure is you can choose two or
three words.Just words out of the English language.You want to make sure that you use words that
evoke emotion that you want people to havewhen they think about your business.Be sure that you are selecting really good
names, really good words, words that are easyto pronounce, but also memorable.Some examples of that are American Express,
99Designs, House of Blues, Ticketmaster, andWomen’s Wear Daily.So these are really great brands and they
just took two or three words out of the dictionarythat meant what they want – what they wanted
their brand to represent and combined theyare now household names.The next example, I said 3, but I’m sorry,
there are 4.The next example is you can make up a brand
new word.This is the hardest.This is the absolute hardest to do, but you
can do it, if this is something that you really,really, want to do.What you want to do is make sure that you
keep it memorable and short.You don’t want to make up a new word that’s
something really, really, long because peoplewill never, ever, ever remember it.Keep it memorable, and short, and this is
a really great example because some of thelargest companies in the world are completely
made up words.So, let’s go through some examples.I know that you have already guessed the top,
the tippy top example, Google.That’s a whole new word made up, no one
ever heard of that word ever except when ababy just said Goo Goo Ga Ga and Twitter,
Yahoo, Skype, and Ikea are all words thatpeople have completely made up.Keep in mind that these companies made up
these names with some sort of story or inspirationaround it.Research them to find out what their inspirations
are and it may help to guide you in creatingyour brand new name.So, those are some types of names that you
can make up.So, once you’ve decided on one, make a list
of some names after you kind of go throughall of that, write them down, and then use
this tool called Knowem: allows you to put the name into
the search field and it’ll show you if it’savailable on all social media networks, as
well as if the domain is available so you’renot stumbling around all over the internet,
like “Okay, I love this name…, we know that that’s not – that’s
not available.I love this name and then, now,
I have to go to Twitter and check if Redshoes,@ name Redshoes is available.Or if Instagram is available, so on and so
forth.But just go to, and just search,
and it’ll give you an answer about everything.I like, when I choose any business name, for
any of our businesses, I like to make surethat it’s available everywhere.I don’t want to fight anyone over the name,
I don’t want to fight anybody over the name,I don’t want anybody getting – making any
money, making any businesses off of my efforts,I don’t want anyone getting any followers
off of our efforts, so I like to make sure:“Okay, no one cares about this name, this
is a desert, this is no man’s land, I’mgonna take over this name in the desert, and
grow some trees, and water it, and nurtureit, and make it become something.If you are still stuck, after doing all this,
I will give you my top tool that I use whencoming up with business names and helping
our clients, top tool, the number one toptool is something so simple.The Thesaurus.The Thesaurus is your best friend as a business
development person.The thesaurus is your best friend.Use it.If you have an idea, but don’t have a name,
jot down some words that mean what you wantyour business to mean.What you want your business to represent.Excellence, success, whatever, moist, dry,
I dunno, whatever your product is, just writeit down a whole bunch of names and then take
your time, this is not a quick hit it andquit it thing.This may take you a couple weeks, this may
take you a couple hours, this may take youa couple days, it might take you a couple
minutes.I don’t know, but don’t put a time limit
on it.Drop some of those words into the thesaurus
and then just really kind of go down a wormholeand see where it takes you.Use the Urban Dictionary as well, you can
use – I came up with a name for somethinga couple of days ago and I used the Urban
Dictionary.I mean you – it’s – you just never know.I just stumbled over my words but you just
never know.So take your time, use these online resources.We live in the world of information and you
just have everything at your fingertips.So, that concludes our Tips section for the
day.The other tip that I wanted to give you, that’s
a little off the cuff.Because this episode is geared towards you
brand new ecommerce business owners, I dohave another bit of information, and it is
the form of a free download.A free download.If you are also in this phase and you are
thinking of starting your own business, Iwant you to download our Ecommerce Starter
Kit.It is a free download and it gives you a lot
of information that will help you wrap yourmind around what are some of the costs going
to be associated with starting an ecommercebusiness.I know a lot of you think that, “Oh, I’m
gonna start an ecommerce business and it justmeans that I can do it for free,” no, that’s
not what it means.It just means your costs are a little bit
less, they’re different, they come in adifferent form than a regular brick and mortar,
but they’re also associated – there aresome associated.The other thing is there are some basic concepts
that you need to be able to wrap your mindaround, as you enter this foray of ecommerce
business.You need to understand these concepts and
you need to understand these costs that areassociated with them.You need to understand the options you have.So, with that being said, be sure to download
our Ecommerce Starter Kit.At SLASH-STARTERKIT.Download it right now.It’s free, it’s easy, and it’s gonna
help you out.So, let’s hop right into the next section
of our show which is our Tips section.The first tip, as you know the tips come from
our Instagram page, and we post – I’m sorry,these are tricks, not the tips.The tips we already just did them.These are the ecommerce tricks.I’m sorry.The tricks come from our Instagram page @lidyrcreative
and we post them on our page and I just liketo pick the ones that are the most popular
and just kind of round them up and sum themup for you guys, on the podcast webshow.And the first tip is humanize your blog and
in the caption we put “build a connectionwith your customers by sharing the core values
of your company and what can be expected.Potential customers are more likely to use
your services once they know you can be trusted.”Humanize your blog.People don’t like to talk to machines.They like to know if there’s a real person
that can actually care about whatever theirconcerns is, whatever there problem is that
they need to solve.The next tip is, the next trick is clean up
your landing pages.The caption read: “keys to a great landing
page is to have good copy editing, a clearheadline and proposition.”There’s a whole world – you can write a
whole book about landing page copy and landingpage, just proper landing page etiquette.So, be sure that you’re very mindful of
that on your big landing pages on your website.The next trick is secure your brands and product
names.Be sure to follow all legal steps to protect
your brand and product names.Keep in mind the more recognition that your
brand – your business – gains, it increasesthe risk of others capitalizing off your brand.Remember to trademark all logos and product
names.”And guess what?This also goes back to the tip that I gave
you about making sure that you can secureyour business name on all social media site.So, 15 characters or less and also make sure
you secure it.This ties exactly into what we just talked
about with your business name.So. the next section we’re gonna move right
into is Ecommerce News.My favorite section of the show.Not that the other sections aren’t great.This is just my favorite, I don’t know why.So, these are news articles that you guys
need to know about or news pieces that youguys need to know about as ecommerce businesses
because the ecommerce world is ever changing,ever a changing.It’s ever a changing and you guys need to
know, you need to be on top of it.You need to be on top of it, so the first
bit of news is Amazon pulls hoverboards oversafety fears.I’m sure you probably already heard about
this, I don’t know, but these hoverboards,or Kiarra, who’s our VP of business development,
she loves to correct people.Me, everybody.It’s not a hoverboard, it’s a rollerboard.So, it’s a rollerboard.So, Amazon pulls rollerboards for – over safety
fears.Amazon has begun to pull some hoverboards
from sales after fears about fires causedby the self balancing scooters.They warn people that, for the time being,
we are not recommending any hoverboards untilthey are proven to be safe.Last week a hoverboard exploded in a shopping
mall in Washington state, sending shoppersinto a panic.No one was hurt but everybody’s been talking
about this.Early in December, Britain’s Trading Standards
Authority warned buyers to beware and revealthat 88 percent of the hoverboards imported
from outside of the EU, that it had tested,had failed basic safety checks.So, what does this mean to you?This means to you, 1, Don’t buy your kids
rollerboards for Christmas.We’re just about a week away from Christmas,
right now, 2015, and I know you might havebought some – bought a hoverboard, but be
very, very careful.This also means that there’s probably going
to be a shift in what’s going on in thisbig hoverboard craze, so I’m – it affects
a lot of businesses out there: manufacturing.It may affect you directly, it may affect
you indirectly.There are a lot of ecommerce businesses I
know that hopped right into this because themark up on them were just crazy.They just, even if they’re selling, I don’t
know, blue couches, you know I’m gonna getsome hoverboards and set up a landing page
and sell some hoverboards!You might have done it.I’m not sure, but just be careful that,
y’know, there’s some major, major, safetymeasures and you do not want to place yourself
in a legal battle because someone hurt themselves.You just really, really, don’t.So, just be careful.The next bit of news is Facebook Local Services
Search takes on AngiesList.So, Facebook now houses a search engine for
ratings and reviews on local businesses, includingservices such as plumbing and pet grooming.It sounds a lot like AngiesList?Yep, and Amazon Local?Because it is.So, this is something brand new, and by the
way, that story came from is something brand new that Facebook
is doing, so business owners, be sure to havepeople rate and review and Facebook is gonna
have their own little private AngiesList andon the platform and it’s gonna affect you.So, be sure to have people rate and review
good ratings, so that you can get ahead ofthe curve, because there probably gonna move
full force with this.And the last bit of news is Twitter, they’re
going to start promoting tweets to loggedout users.So, Twitter, on Thursday, revealed it’s
testing the expansion of promoted tweets aimedat logged out users.So, what that means is before, if you were
to be logged into Twitter, you’d see promotedtweets, but now, if you’re not logged in,
if you just hop over to twitter and like,maybe click on someone’s page, like, “Okay,
I want to see what Rihanna’s tweeting about,”I don’t even know if she has a Twitter account
right now, but I want to see what Kanye Westis tweeting about, I’m not logged in, and
you go to Twitter, from Google, and you couldn’tsee its ads, now you’re going to see ads.So, yeah, that’s what they’re planning
on doing.The company has been searching for ways to
monetize the patronage of the roughly 500million logged out users per month, who hop
off Google for a moment to read over a tweetor two.Just like the example I just gave you.And the glue is more tweets, more content,
therefore there’s more space to advertise.So, this is really great news for advertisers.It’s a better way to reach your audience,
or there’s better ways to reach your audienceand – but the bad news is that it’ll probably.Well, I – it’ll probably be less targeted,
I should say for advertisers, because peoplearen’t logged in, so, if these people aren’t
logged in, these people may not be loggedin at all.They may not be logged in for a really long
time.So, Twitter doesn’t really know too much
information about them because they’re noteven really tweeting.So, it’s gonna be a lot of spammy ads, to
be honest with you.So, I just want you to be mindful of that.I wanted you to be aware of that.They’re gonna do it and the good thing – the
other good thing, this is gonna be a lot moremoney for Twitter because they’re just really
just taking advantage of all the real estateon their site.Logged out page, logged in page, everywhere.We want your money and that’s good for them,
as a business.That’s how you should run your business
– make sure you make your money, in an honestway, of course.So, that concludes episode number 13.If you want that download, that I strongly
urge you to get: new business owners, existingbusiness owners, whatever, maybe something
that you overlooked as an existing businessowner.Be sure to download it at, and if you have any
questions for me, email me us at [email protected] be sure to subscribe, rate, and review
us on iTunes and subscribe to our page onYoutube, and be sure to follow us on Instagram
and Twitter, @LidyrCreative and Happy Entrepeunering,and I really enjoyed being with you guys today,
and I’ll see you next week.
