How to Create a Marketing Strategy For a New eCommerce Website

– You have all these products
that you want to sellon your eCommerce site.They're so beautiful, your
website looks amazing,but hey, you launch a
site, couple days go by,no orders, no traffic.And if you're lucky and you get a order,chances are it's your momor one of your best friends.Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel,and today, I'm going to
break down how to createa marketing strategy for
a new eCommerce website.(energetic music)Before we get started,
make sure you subscribeto this channel, and if you're on YouTube,click the alert notification.That way, you'll get
notified when more videoscome out like this.So step one, I want
you to focus on a nicheor a segment.You don't want to create a eCommerce storethat sells everything like Amazon.You're going to get crushed.Be a expert.It's too hard to be a big eCommerce storethat does everything,reason being is the bigger companiesare going to outdo you on pricing,you won't be a expert on anythingso you don't really have
any advantage over them,plus they're going to offer
faster shipping than you.So when you pick a niche,
you can be a experton that niche and have the best productwithin that category.People will get to know you for that,even if your product's
a bit more expensivethan the competitors, you
can still do well and win.And when you're in a niche,
it's easier to do adsto your eCommerce site and generate salesversus having a big, broad eCommerce site.Step two, create a killer,
unique selling proposition.Why should people buy from you?For example, one of my
friends sells insoles,like those Dr. Scholl insoles,
but she sells custom onesjust for high heels, and her
brand isn't Dr. Scholl's,but she makes over six
figures a month in profitjust through Facebook ads
going to her eCommerce store.Why, because she created amazing videothat breaks down her life in high heels,how she loves these
high-end luxury high heels,and they're all uncomfortable,
and she broke downhow she created the best
insole to make it comfortablefor women of all shapes, all sizes,to be able to walk in these high heels,feel amazing, and be comfortable 24/7.So that was her pitch,while someone like a Dr.
Scholl's, they're always like,”Hey, we make it comfortable
to walk for anyone.”Well, what's anyone?It works well for maybe my Nike shoes,but it doesn't work
well for my dress shoes.So when you have a killer,
unique selling proposition,you're more likely to get sales.So specialize and have your
unique selling propositionto be all about that specialty.Step three, create a
fantastic user experience.I love Shopify.If you're going to be in the
eCommerce world, use Shopify.Their user checkout flow, their designs,their sites, their templates are amazing.Another good example of an
amazing eCommerce experienceis Dollar Shave Club.Just think about ordering
from the Dollar Shave Cluband unboxing your first order.Now, same with Shopify, even
though Shopify is amazing,when you ship a product to someone,you want to make sure it's an
amazing experience, as well,from the design of the product,the way you make people feel.All of this will help you
generate more sales, as well.Step four, pick one traffic source.Look, you want to do SEO,
great, it's a long-term gain,or if you want to do ads, you
can do Google Product Ads,Amazon Product Ads, Facebook
Lookalike Audiences,or you can even do the same
thing on Google AdWords.Either way, pick one ad
source and go all in.For example, if you're in eCommerce,I would recommend that you
start off with Facebook ads.That tends to convert really
well for Shopify storesselling one or two products only.Then from there, after you
do well, you can expandinto Google AdWords and other channels.But first I would recommend
that you start offwith Facebook ads.Step number five, maximize
your value per visitor.Do you have upsells,
do you have downsells?All that will help you generate more moneyso the ads are more profitable,or even your SEO's more profitable.You could also use Hello Bar
to collect email addresseswhen people are about to
leave your eCommerce store,so that way you can
market to them afterwardsand email them and convince them,hey, here's why you need to buy from us,or here's $15 off, or
here's why we're specialand you can tell your storyor your unique selling proposition.It'll all help, that's why
you should collect emails.You should also do the same
with push notifications.You can use tools like subscribers.comto maximize your eCommerce sales,because when someone goes
to your checkout pagebut they don't buy, you
can use push notificationsto get them back and
then get them to convert.These are all simple ways
to maximize your trafficand the value you're creatingfrom each and every single visitor.Step six, maximize your
average order value.So we talked about checkout bumps,but you also want to do
things like free shipping.We found that free shipping increasesaverage order value size.Heck, my buddy sells HDMI cables for TV.He saw a interesting experiment
where he changes shippingto free shipping, increased
the costs of his product,and even though it ended
up being the same, right,instead of charging for shippingand having a lower priced product,he had a more expensive
product and free shipping,so the total math of the final
purchase price was the same.He saw that he got more sales
just because it was free.Do that, leverage your checkout bumpswith a irresistible offer.ClickFunnels does an amazing
job at using checkout bumps.You can see their own
site, how they're using it,get some inspiration from them,and then figure out how you want to docheckout bumps, as well.You also want to do post-purchase bumps.Skin Care by Alana does
a great job of this.If you buy some wrinkle cream,they may sell you some vitamin C cream,and they continually do this after you buyand sell you more and more productsthroughout the next year,
two years, three years.They don't stop.That's how they get the most revenuefrom each and every
single visitor, as well.Step number seven, and
this is the last one,use technology to make
your eCommerce storeto work better.From cart abandonment sequences,to product recommendations,to win-back sequences, to contests,there's Shopify plugins
that do all of this.Heck, there's even Shopify pluginsthat do holiday sequences.Heck, there's even plugins
that do cross-sellsor one-time offers, or promotion offers.Whatever it may be,
there's tools out therefor any eCommerce platform
that you're using,whether Shopify or Magento,
or even WooCommerce.So use the technology that's out therethat makes your job easier,such as live chat on your eCommerce storewhere people can communicate
with you back and forth,so that way you can maximize your salesby answering any questions or issuespeople may be having.If you need help growing
your eCommerce store,check out my ad agency,
Neil Patel Digital.If you enjoyed this video, like it,share it, comment, thank you for watching.
