How To Create an Online Store (ecommerce) – EASY!

hi my name is Tyler Moore and today I'mgonna show you how to make a onlinewebsite store from scratch step-by-stepthis store is gonna work on everydesktop computer and additionally it'sgonna work on your mobile devices soit's gonna work on your Android it'sgonna work on your iPod Touch it's gonnawork on your iPhone it's gonna work onyour iPad so it's a really good websiteif you're gonna get this develop from aweb developer it would probably cost youabout six thousand dollars and it's alsoa mobile site so it's a website animalwe'll say it's a mobile site becauseit's what's called a responsive theme sothe web site automatically resizes fordevices with small screens so if it hasa small screen it will resize andreconfigure so that it looks really goodon the small screen so before we getinto it and start let's take a websitetour so it's to make sure it's exactlywhat you want all right let's begin thisis the website that you will be buildingin the next hour or so it's a fullshopping cartyou have a little shopping basket uphere we don't have any products in thereyet and it's set up pretty amazinglywith this little display right here onthe front page and if we want to we canjust go and add in a product so let'sjust click on this product and let'schoose our size let's say I'm a mediumand say one in blue and then Add to Cartcomes up which is really nice of coursewe could change this to dollars orwhatever we want euros and we can clickwe can look at the reviews or additionalinformation related products it's a veryclean website and then we could clickAdd to Cartonce we do that it says I do want a viewcart or checkout very easy let's viewthe cart we can see that it's updatehere and it shows us our product and wecan add one or two or three maybe foryour marketing campaign you gave outcoupon codes so you can track yourmarketing campaigns you can apply thoseand get a discount and we can proceed tocheckout then it has a one-step billingand then we can go and pay by paypal soafter we put all this in and we clickplace order PayPal will pop up and it'llask you for a credit card and then theorder will be completed so there areadditional add-ons that you can purchasethat will I think it's $50 that you canpurchase that will allow you to put inyour credit card right on the site whichis usually a very expensive thing to dobut they'll integrate it pretty easilyfor you and this is the differentcategory so we can go to t-shirts let'ssay and we can see all the differentt-shirts or prints downloads whateveryour your different things will be heremaybe this is jewelry for you or I don'tknow whatever it is that you're sellingobviously you can have a blog on yourwebsite and you can have a contact formand obviously this has so many moreoptions that would be hard to explainall of them but you can search forproducts you can add as many pages aboutpages that you want you can track yourorder or change your password and doeverything a regular shopping cart hasso this would be a multi-thousand dollarwebsite that we're gonna build for under$100 so let's get started first I'mgonna go over what we're gonna learn inthe video and right now I'm Annaanswer probably the most importantquestion which is how much it's allgonna cost so first we're gonna buy thedomain name the domain name is like yourwebsite name ww your website calm or WWEyour friends website net or WWE nonprofit org whatever it is that costanywhere from twelve to fifteen dollarsper year and that's that's a yearly costso every year you will need to pay thetwelve to fifteen dollars not very muchfor your domain name so that's prettygood after we get our website name thenext thing we have to do is get hostinghosting is where you store all yourfiles and text so it's kind of like whenyou upload a picture to Facebook thatpicture needs to be uploaded to theircomputer so that anyone can access it soall your friends can see it Hosting isthe same way you upload your logo let'ssay and then everyone can access it soit's basically just a computer that's on24 hours a day seven days a week thatyou put all of your files on so thateveryone can access it and it'savailable to the whole internet hostingcost about ten dollars per month sothat's a monthly cost but luckily we canput as many website names on our $10 amonth hosting as we want so you can haveyour friends website your family'swebsite a whole bunch of websites onyour $10 a month hosting so this ismonthly monthly and this is yearly toget hosting we're gonna use a companycalled Hostgator I've been withHostgator myself for six years and oneof the best things about Hostgator isthey have live chat so that if you everhave any difficulties or problems youcan chat with themlive and they will help you I signed upfor hostgator as an affiliate so if youdo sign up and you do review hostgatoron google you do all your you knowhomework and you do the reviews on itand see that there are really goodpeople and you decide that you do wantthemplease enter in my coupon code it willsave you 25% which is the highest couponthat you can get and it will also giveme a small commission so that I can keepon making these free tutorials I couldhave chose any hosting people to beaffiliated with but Hostgator is thebest in my opinion the next thing we'regonna go over is how to installWordPress WordPress is a contentmanagement system which means it becomeslike Microsoft Word so instead of havingto know all this coding and PHP and CSSand HTML and all this confusing allthese confusing things it's really justlike Microsoft Word you can type it inand bold things and make things biggergraphically just kind of like this uphere rather than knowing all this codeand really good people good businessesuse it like like I said before Forbesand CNN and jay-zKaty Perry and most web developers useWordPress as their platform of choice ithas 53.8%market share so that's probably moreinformation that you want to know butwe're gonna install WordPress andWordPress is free so that's good thenwe're gonna install the theme and a lotof people say I don't want my website tolook like everyone else's well thechances of one of your clients going toyour website and then someone else's andit having the same theme is pretty muchone in a billion it's not gonna happenand even if it did happenyou're gonna tweak your theme so muchthat it's not even going to look likethe otherperson that had it so it's gonna becustomized enough so that they reallywouldn't know the difference the themeis gonna cost about $70 now this is apretty good deal because this themewould take you hundreds of hours to makeand basically what a theme is it's thelook and feel of your website and thedifferent little options like theshopping cart and different things theregular WordPress installation lookspretty bland this when you install thistheme it gives it some personality andit gives it many more features so that'swhat the theme is it cost about $70 thenext thing we're going to do is we'regoing to set up your website I'm goingto show you how to add products I'mgoing to show you except how to acceptpayments I'm going to show you how toaccept payments through PayPal but youcan use whatever payment processor youwant I'm going to show you how to addpages and change the navigation on topso that you know you can have your aboutor services or different pages I'm gonnashow you how to add a blog if that'swhat you want to do and I'm gonna showyou how to set up a contact page so thatpeople can fill out a form and it'll goto your email then after that we'regonna celebrate because you just made atwo or three or four or five or sixthousand dollar website for under $100so if we total these up let's say that's15 that's 25 that is $95so it's 95 in total you don't need tospend any more and you will have a sixthousand dollar website so let's beginby buying your domain name and gettinghosting so to get a website name andhosting we can get them both fromHostgator com you can just go to wwsGator com once you do that just click onweb hosting and these are the differentplansthis hatchling plan it only allows for asingle domain so if you know that you'reonly gonna have one website and you'renot gonna have any friends or familiesweb sites on it then that's good I liketo go with a baby plan because I haveabout 50 websites on there and I onlypay about $10 a month so that's the oneI like to go with because it hasunlimited domain names unlimited website names basically you can put it onthere and I like to do month to month sothat I'm not stuck at one year or twoyear or three years if I decide that Idon't you know I want to change my nameor close down the website or somethingso just click on monthly and we see thatwe get 20% off but I have a coupon codefor 25% off and click order now and ifyou have a if you don't have a domainname yet you can put in my wordpresswebsite 2012 combut if you already have a website namelet's say you got it from GoDaddy orsomething then you can put it in here Ireally don't recommend using hostingfrom GoDaddy but getting a domain namefrom GoDaddy is fine for the coupon codeplease enter you Gator 28 this will giveme the affiliate a small affiliateCommission for showing you whatHostgator is these people are reallygreat and it really helps me out to keepon making these free tutorials so pleaseenter that in and you'll also get 25%off then click continue to step 2 onceyou do that you'll land on this pagemake sure you're getting the babypackage if you want unlimited domainnames on there and it's month-to-monthif that's what you want and also makesure that you're getting 25% off and notjust 20% off then enter in all yourcredit card informationputting pin number and you can createaccount if you're in a different countryyou can pay by paypal and not just yourcredit card number and then click createaccount once you've created your accountyou'll get this nice little thank-youpage and that's how you know it's timeto check your email but before we checkour email let's go over what we've doneso far so we've gotten the domain namewe've gotten hosting and now it's timeto install WordPress so let's go back toour email and see if the email is therethe email can take up to 10 minutes toarrive so let's just check if it's thereand it's there so what we want to do nowis click the email and open and we haveall our user names and passwords foreverything and what we want to do isfirst this email is very important ithas all your information on how to login and take control of your website sothe first thing I do though is go toyour control panelso let's just click on this then we'llsee this page and from this page we wantto copy our user name and password solet's go back to that email and we seethat our user name is that so they copyit and paste it and we see that this isour password and we copy it and we pasteit then we click login now you'll seeyour Hostgator control panel what youwant to do is scroll down until you seeunder software services this quickinstall icon if you didn't get yourhosting from Hostgator you can alsoclick Fantastico deluxe to installWordPress but it's easier if you clickon quick install now that you click onquick install you want to click on workpress and click continue now I have alot of domains here but I'm gonnainstall it on one called simple is keythen I put in my email address and myfirst name last name and the blog titleI'm just gonna put website store don'tgive too much thought to this you canchange it later so just now and clicknow click install nowand there it is if you click here to goto your website right now you'll noticethat it doesn't work yetthat's because websites take 2 to 24hours to start working yeah most of thetime it takes about 2 hours so checkback in 2 hours then if that doesn'twork then check back in 4 hours and onceyou do that then you'll see somethingand you'll know that your website'sworking it's pretty hot over here in LosAngeles so right now I'm gonna gooutside and take a break then eat somelunch and come back and see if thewebsite is ready I'll talk to you soonall right I'm back and what we want todo first is copy the username andpassword to a safe place I don't knowwrite it downcopy it into a Word document orsomething like that this will also emailit to you so if you feel comfortablehaving it in your email that's cool tooso what I'm gonna do now is just copythe password and click on the website soit's always the username is always adminwhen you're installing it for with quickinstall so I just copied the passwordand I will check the website the websiteis now working this is the defaultwebsite it's pretty mediocre but you cansee that it's a working website and it'syour website so that's pretty cooland you just saved yourself 500 dollarsso that's even cooler now let's go seehow to make your website even moreexpensive and more awesome but firstlet's check off what we've done so we'vegotten our domain name we've gottenhosting and now we've installedWordPress so now we need to get thetheme buy it and install it let's dothat next before I do that however Iwant to show you how to login to yourWordPress website so you just go to yourdomain name comm in forward slash WPdash adminand that's just something that you'regonna have to remember WP dash adminthen typing your username it's usuallyadmin and paste that password from thequick install and click login now you'velogged into the backend of your websitealright now let's learn how to changethe theme so that it doesn't look likethis bland website right here and oneafter we change a theme then we're gonnaconfigure the website and I'm gonna showyou how to configure everything so itworks really good but first let's go andget the theme and download it so whatwe're gonna do is we're gonna go towoothemes.comand once we do that we'll click onthemes the theme that I'm gonna get iscalled sentient sentient and just clickon image then click buy this wordpresstheme and do the standard edition youdon't need to do the developer editionso by standard and once we do that wecan log in our information and ourcredit card information and clickprocess order after we do that sinceI've already done it obviously then youwill loginand then go to your downloads and you'llsee your product and all the free themesthey also give you and just clickdownload once you've downloaded it youcan close the window and we can closethe quick install window we want andalso the email window it's a lot ofWindows then we can go back to WP yourwebsite comm slash WP dash admin andonce we're logged in we can go to underappearance go to themes and clickinstall themes they can click upload nowchoose the file I like to save it to mydesktop because then I can rememberwhere it is and click sentient zip andclick open and install now alright we'veinstalled it so just click activatenow that's activated we can press saveall changes sometimes they want you todo that when you're in this area so justclick save all changes and go to yourwebsite now we're probably gonna see anerror that the WooCommerce plug-in isn'tinstalled so let's just go back andwe'll go to plugins now what pluginsallow you to do is they allow you toextend the WordPress functionality solet's say that you didn't have a photogallery photo galleries don't comestandard in WordPress so you canactually download a plug-in that is aphoto gallery a really good photogallery that's just an example butthere's hundreds and hundreds of pluginsthat people make that just you know makeWordPress better so let's click add newand let's search for woo commerce sowo-oh commerce and click search pluginsnow we see that the WooCommerce we seethe plug-in and just click install nowand click OK and now we can justactivate pluginand then click install WooCommerce pagesall right now if we go back to ourwebsite we can see that it is muchbetter but it's not you know exactly howwe want it but it's much better now ifwe look at our website we'll see that itdoesn't really have any content in itexcept for the sample page so what Iwant to do so that the website looksfull and so that all we have to do isreplace the data instead of knowingwhere to put everything is I want toinstall the website demo data and youcan get that by searching in Google andwe'll type in wombs demo content contentand we can click on it then we can godown to our website there it is anddownload it all right now we downloadthat to the desktop so let's go back toour WordPress website and let's click ontools and then import this is so that wecan import the demo content so that thewebsite looks the same as theirdemonstration website so we're justgoing to click on WordPress and click oninstall now and activate and runimporter before we can upload this filewe need to unzip it though so let's goto our file that we just downloadedand that's this one right here don't getit confused with the theme file this isthe one we just downloaded and let'sdouble click to unzip it this works thesame as a Windows as a Mac and now thatwe've unzipped it now we have a folderwhere we can upload this file right hereat the XML file so let's go back to ourwebsite and choose the file we went totools import and now we're going tochoose the file and let's choose thissentient XML and upload an import filenow just select all these as admin andclick download in import fileattachments that's very important thenclick Submit now what it's doing rightnow is it's importing all of thedemonstration data and all the imagesinto WordPress so that it looks the sameas the demo web website theme that wesaw so we just gotta wait a little whileand it's all done so now if we go backto our website and click refresh thehome page still doesn't look differentbut now we have all of these extra pagesso right now I'm going to show you howto make this navigation bar much betterbecause we don't want it to look likethis so in order to change yournavigation bar you go to appearance thengo to menus and use the primary menuright here for customer navigation I'msorry the primary menu for the mainnavigation and the top menu for thecustomer navigation then click Save andwe can see here we refresh that thenavigation has changed what you're alsogonna want to do is click on the mainnavigation tab and change this homeright here because it's not your websiteit's their website so click on this tochange it and go toand this is how you change yournavigation menu so this menu home shopt-shirts is the same as home shop andthen under t-shirts so it's home shop isan about blog contact that's the samehome shop about blog contact and you seethat that this is indented we can notindent it if we want to but you see thatthis is indented that that means it's asubcategory of shop so we can see thatwhat happens when things become indentedand we could do the same thing for wecan add an extra page let's say we wanta cart page and we can indent it on theabout under the about so if we refreshnow the about has a cart but if it's notindented and we save then it'll just beto the right of it but we don't wantthat there so we're just gonna click itand remove itand you can add more pages to thisnavigation by checking off these andclicking Add to menuyou can add your custom links you knowthis can go to Google or wherever youwant and that's how we made our homelink or you can add different categoriesif you have a t-shirt category orjewelry category or whatever you wantall right so that's the navigation andyou also have two navigations so that'sa main navigation and then you have thecustomer navigation customer navigationis up here my account tracker order thisis my account tracker order and theseare the sub menus under my accountalright and we'll save that now thatwe've got our navigation menu figure itout let's add some images and productsto the front page let's see how to dothat so what we want to do is clicksentient then click homepage then clickfeatured products and click displayfeature products and click Save Changesand do the same with recent productsdisplay recent products Save Changes anddo best sellers display best sellers andclick Save Changes so you can categorizeyour products as bestsellers recent orfeatured and when you do that they canshow up on the home page so let's justrefresh this and we can see all of ourt-shirts on the page and we see that wehave a pretty good website now you canchoose the options and we can add it tocart that one doesn't have a price yetbut we can see that our website is nowlooking pretty good if for any reasonyou need to get back into your dashboardinto your back-end and just go to yourwebsite comm or don't work or whateverslash wp-admin and you'll be in theresometimes they'll ask you to log inagain but you can get that login fromyour email or from that quick installpage alright one of the things that Ilike to do one of the first things thatI like to do after I install theWordPress website and import the themeis to change my password because I can'tremember that long password that I gotfrom the quick install page so just goto all users and hover over yourusername and click Edit scroll down andit says new passwordso I just put a new password in andhelps to spell it right and then justclick update profile that way I can nowremember that the username is admin andmy password is actually my password nowthe next thing I like to do and this isjust a preference I don't like it thatit doesn't have W W in front of the nameI just like to say w w I don't know whyit doesn't affect it really but that'sjust something that I like so what youcan do is you go to settings in generaland put a WWE in front of the name nowtry not to get this wrong because if youget the name wrong if you put an extraletter in here somewherethen it's gonna be really hard to log into your site so yeah so just get thatright and you can change your tagline soit just doesn't say just anotherWordPress website this is like a sloganso the most amazing website alright andonce you do that just click Save Changesbut once you save changes it's gonna askyou to login again because it thinksit's a different website because it haswww so we just Save Changes and thenjust use your username and then your newpassword now and you're back in and wecan see up here that it is changed toWWE website com now let's go to ourwebsite and let's click that's a shop ort-shirts if we look at when we clickshop for t-shirts if we look at the URLit looks verynot user friendly and it's also notsearch engine friendly so the searchengines don't really know what that'sabout that much and if we go to aboutpage we can see that it's even worse ithas this question of mark and page andunderscore and ID equals that's not verygood for humans to remember and that'snot good for search engines to see whatthis page is about it's not very searchengine optimized so let's see how tochange that what we want to do is wantto go to our dashboard and then undersettings we'll go to permalinks and oncewe do that we can just click on postname then click Save Changes now if wego to our about page we can see that itsays slash about so that's much betterand much more search engine optimizedonce we're done with that let's try toadd a product to our shopping cart andif we do we can see that this isn't inUnited States dollars or maybe you wantit as euros or whatever but let's seehow to change that so if we add this tothe shopping cart we'll see that we have496 in here and let's see how to changethat to dollars or whatever yourcountries currency is so what we want todo is go to WooCommerce and you thenjust click here for US dollars or Eurosor whatever you want and click SaveChanges now if we refresh we can seethat it's in dollars and all of theseare in dollars now let's learn how toadd a product so we can go back into ourdashboardand we can click on products and click aproduct and give it a title and a littledescription once we do that we're goingto want to put it in a category so let'sput it in our t-shirt category thenwe're going to want to set the image soclick set featured image and clickselect files then choose an image andclick open once you do that scroll downand use as featured image then you canget it give it a product number and youcan give it a price say it's $50 and asale price so you don't need to do asale price in a price you can just do aprice then we can enable this option tofeature this product then I will go onthe front page and we can click publishonce we do that we can go back to oursite and refresh it and we can see thatthere's a party dude right there and ifwe go to our shop and click on t-shirtswe should see our t-shirt there this andit's on sale because we reduced it from50 to 35 and we could do anything likeadd it to cart or any of the otheroptions that we want now if we want toadd small medium and large as options tothis page and charge a different amountfor each of them we can do that so whatwe want to do is go back to the productand if you are missing the productsomehow you could just go to productsand you can see all the products in hereit's good to take a look at these sampleproducts to see how they are set up thenwe can just click on the name to edit itso to give it a small medium largeoptions what we want to do is we want toclick on product type make it a variableproduct and add an attribute so anattributes like size or color orwhatever it is and then we can add addadd to attribute let's say we want sighsize and we can add more attributes byclicking on attributes but we're justgoing to add size and click Add and wecan add small medium large and we wantthis to be visible on the product pageand use for variations then we can clickupdate now we're not done yet because westill have to set up the variationso click on variations and let's clickadd variation so right here we can seethe size let's say if it's a small wewant it to be only $15 and click Addvariation if it's a medium maybe it willbe $30 click Add variation and if it's alarge maybe it will be $35 once you dothat click on update and if we refreshwe can see that it says from $15 now andwe can click on small and it's 15 mediumit changes to 30 large it changes to 35now you can have multiple variations inhere so you can not only choose a largeone but it could also be white and so onthen we could click Add to Cart and itupdates the cart first so let's see howto add a different product in here adifferent category in here with your ownproduct so we saw how to add a productbut we didn't really see how to add acategory so let's meet let's watch howto add a category so what you want to dois you want to click on products thenclick on product categories and let'ssay you are a jewelry shop that hadrings and for the slug that's just dorings and then click add new productcategory ok now let's add a product it'sadd new a new product and what is callthis ringdiamond ring ring now we're not gonnaadd a picture but to do that you wouldset featured image but we're not gonnado that because we've done that beforeand we're just gonna add a price to it450 a product number and we're gonnaclick on the product category rings andwe're gonna click publish now oncethat's done we'll see that there is noway for us to get there so it's notupdated in the menu yet to change thatwe're gonna click on under appearance goto menus and we don't see any way to addthe product category left because it'shiding in the screen options if youclick screen options and check offproduct categories you'll see that wehave one more option here so we couldjust click on rings and click Add tomenu and let's drag that under thewhoops let's drag that under this shopand click Save menu now if we refresh usor go home and go to shop we can seerings and it didn't have a picture butthere it is diamond ring and we can addit to our cart and now that's a veryexpensive shopping tab we have therenext we're gonna want some way ofaccepting all of this money so we'regonna need to connect it to some sort ofpayment processor you can get an accountat PayPal com it's free all you have todo is sign upso you just click sign up and then youlink your you could say personal orbusiness then you link your bank to itand and you'll be able to transfer themoney to your bank it's pretty easy it'sfree because it they take a littletransaction fee so if it's $100transaction they'll take a small percentof that so it'll take maybe four dollarsof it or I don't know what it is exactlyso in order to do PayPal first you haveto sign up then what you do is you go toWooCommerce and go to settings whichyou're already there and go to paymentgateways so right now all of these areactive but maybe I only want PayPal tobe active so we go here and we uncheckit then we go to a check because wedon't want to accept checks and weuncheck it and we go to cash on deliveryand it's already unchecked and we clickSave Changes so now only PayPal is theonly option now we could click PayPaland we're gonna uncheck enable PayPalsandbox that's the test PayPal we'regonna make this a payment live souncheck that and then put in your paypalemail address mine's just my emailaddress and click Save Changes now youcan accept payments directly on yourwebsite but it costs $50 more and youhave to have a SSL certificate that's alittle advanced for this video but it'sdefinitely possible all right now let'sgo check out our store so let's view ourcartmake sure it's everything we wanted andproceed to checkoutnow when we enter in our information andwe can place orderwe'll see that PayPal will actually popout and ask us to pay then someone cansay I don't have a PayPal account andthey'll be asked for their credit cardinformation and if they press review andcontinue then they press pay then themoney will get transferred to yourPayPal account and from there you couldtransfer it directly to your bankaccount so that is basically how toenable payments they have a lot morepayments you can integrate withauthorized net or whoever else you areusing next let's talk about sidebars andhow to get rid of them or enable them ifwe want to so if we go to shop andt-shirts we can see that this right hereis it's called the sidebar and it'senabled and personally I don't want thishere because it would be distractingthem from what they're supposed to dowhich is buy my shirt so I don't like ithere I love it on the blog page becausemaybe I do want to distract them and Ido want them to buy my shirt but I don'twant on the shirt page because I don'twant them to do anything else except forbuy the shirt so let's see how to removethis on these pages what we want to dois go to senti sentient then click ontheme options which it's already clickedand go to WooCommerce options andthere's one option so just check it andsave all changesthen when we refresh its displayed muchbetter in my opinion next I'm going toshow you how to add an additional pageright here like this about page so whatyou want to do is go to your dashboardas usual and click on pages and clickadd new and just by the way if you wantto go to all of your pages just clickpages and you can see all the pages hereand click add new so go to pages andclick add new and this can be theservices page this is the services pageand you can say this is service oneservice two and service three and let'scopy and paste it so it looks likefuller and service for then we can editit just like Microsoft Word we canhighlight this and make it a bulletpoint or there we go and we can insertan image if we wantand we want to make sure it's smallbecause this is very big so we want tomake sure it's small and let's do it tothe left so that the picture aligns leftand then the Texas to the right of itand we'll use this image so we ploppedin an image let's put in some more textand you can spellcheck it or putdifferent things in it like a button orinfo box different things then justclick publish and once we do that wewon't see it here because we have to addit to the menu again so we'll go toappearance and then menus and we'll seeour page here in the recent pages andclick Add to menu then we can drag itwhere we want to where we wanted to beand click Save menu and refresh and wesee our services page so it's not thebest looking page obviously because Ididn't spend any time on it but it's apage and we can click this edit buttonto jump right to it and we can make thetemplate we can make it full width andclick update and we can view the pageagain so not very impressive but if youplayed around with it a lot you canactually make these pages look reallygood so that's how to add a page if youhave a blog and you want to put in a newblog post then you can go to post andclick add newnew blog post this is a new blog postokay copy thata couple times and we'll publish itnow this blog is sorted by date so if werefresh the newest blog post is gonnacome right here and then it's gonna cutit off at a certain number of words justto see if you're interested in then it'sgonna say continue reading so there itisnow you can control what's right here onthe sidebar and to do that you go toappearance and widgets so we see recentposts recent comments archives recentposts recent comments archives so Idon't actually like any of these so I'mgonna delete them because what I wantthem to do is go to my store and stopreading my blog so I'm actually gonnaput some different widgets in thereso maybe ones that are on sale we put inthere.put on sale and let's see whatelserecent products so we'll put those twoon their recent products and click Savenow when we go back to our blog andclick refresh there's some things thatare on sale here and recent products nowthis is much better because now whenthey're reading my blog maybe somethingwill catch their eye and they will clickon something that will actually make memore money than themreading the blog all right the next andlast thing we're gonna do is set up thiscontact page so in order to do that itsays the email hasn't been properly setup there totally right click senton andgo to the general settings right here sosentient theme options general settingsscroll down and you'll see the contactform email and you can just put it inyour email not in there though and saveall changes now we can click refresh andwe can see that it doesn't have thatmessage anymore but it has this and wedon't want that there we just want tosay contact us so let's go to pages andfind the contact pagethere it is and click Edit now let'sjust put contact us and click update andclick refresh so now it just sayscontact us maybe you want your phonenumber there and we could put our nameand our email address and we can sendthis message to that email that wefilled out so let's see if we got it andwe can see that there's a contact formsubmission and there's my commentalright so that concludes this videothere are probably a few more questionsyou have on tweaking some things butwhat you can do is you can go to thesentient and you can go view theme Docsand this will take you to the themedocumentation where you can learn a lotof different things if you also go tothe wufu comm website there's support soyou go to support and you can go to thesupport form and this will allow you toask any questions that you have andsince you bought it you get a freesupport through wufu you can alsodownload my free pdf no email requiredif you go to canoeing comm slash bookthere is a free pdf on how to create awebsite it's a wordpress website so ittells you more of the WordPress basicsand you can download it no emailrequired or anything like that if youlike this video please like it and[Music]please subscribeand comment and I will talk to you soonthanks so much
