How To Create High Converting One Page Ecom Sales Page To Sell Your Products – PART 1

hey my friend thank you so much fortuning into this videotoday's video is going to be very veryvery valuable valuable and you're goingto gain a lot in this video now I wantyou to pay attention and follow me inthis video because what you're going tobe learning today is something that manypeople would charge for right how tocreate an high converting one-page EECOMwebsite or funnel to sell your productnow I'm going to be showing youeverything in detail step-by-step allright I promise this in our last videothat I'm going to be showing you thisbecause I added this on my paid coursebut I'm going to be showing you guys howto do it for free on this last video Idon't know if you've watched this videoif you have not watched this video howI'm able to make over 500k on Jimmy Isaid it just lead to products on one ofmy store make sure you come back hereand watch this video last part of thevideo I showed I explained this new thisnew video I'm doing right now so I justwant to tell you that a very problem isthat I'm going to make this video so I'mmaking it alright how you can createhigh converting sales funnel to sell offyourEECOM I term so for us to create a cystor never good ability a couple of thingswhile we're going to be needing a domainname which is around ten dollars bottomthere should be a coupon so can buy itaround eight or nine dollars to you'regoing to be needed in a hosting plan I'mgoing to show you how to get thathosting plan for very very cheap threeyou're gonna need which will be needingWordPress website we'll be installing afree wordpress website and four we aregoing to be needing a software a pluginthat we're going to be using to designour sales funnel so without wasting timelet's get started alright so first ofall let's get our domain name now youcan see this link right here this linkwill take you to a website where you canget your domain name you can see it'sHTTP HTTP for two to four slash bi t dotNY slash namecheap or one this is 0-1 not all zeroone all right once you copy this linklet's paste it so via whatsapp a justthink like this you click enter allright so it's gonna take you to thiswebsite named cheap website now if youuse darlingtrust me I'm going to be getting alittle commission from Namecheap for forrecommending this to you alright so it'sjust a little fee I'm going to begetting for every purchase that you makeon this side so I just wanna tell youthat this name chip is what I have beenusing all my all my life in the withwebsite design did this time at the samething and I trust them so much and Ilove them because of the because ofbecause of they are the support systemit is extremely fastif either will chat with you 101 and getyour problem solved that is a great dealfor me so once you get to this side andthe first thing I said is you get ourdomain name you head over to thissection or simply just type the domainname you want to register so let me justthink about it domain name let's say youwant to create domain name I your storename is a do a store and just save thiswith my hair right now at calm so justwrite it your new your domain name.comthat's net so something that you clicksearch wait for it to load so it's goingto tell you if your domain name isavailable or not if it's not availableyou're going to look for another namebut if it's available we'll just goahead to register it now this domainname it's available but it's onlypremium side you bite around $4,000we're not going for that so they justget something that is let's say I'm justusing something from my head you haveyour own business name or somethingalright so because his name is availablewhat is this dad to store something soyou have your own business name or youhave your needy name of the store youwant to accrete if you don't know how tocome up with a business they just simplysuch business name maybe generator orsomethingI use this a lot when I when I'mconfused of getting a business name formy for my new business you can usesomething like I said this businessengineer talking like that so they justopen those two there when you come overto this side you just type the keywordlet's say locates this part of the nameor your business so just click generatesit's going to give you suggestions existthree to six little latest word is abranded name a popular Nina just choosesomething just go through this so onceyou click generate this goes there issome names for you some names ideaslet's just look it again don't know whatI'm doing this ball just want to showyou guys somethingalright so let's go right here you cansee cuz some of these names are paid apremium but I'm just showing you thisjust to get an idea of names that youcan use it I'll just go to the site andtry to walk or something if you areshort of ideas so why here you can'tlocate name and isolated and okay storeonce you click on it to tell you if it'savailable or not alrightjust an idea Cassie locate access commis available career sites but if youwant to recite Dominion don't read sitehere and just copy its out here copiedI'll come over to Namecheap and place ithere to see if it's available you cansee the name is available so I'm notsaying she user name you get here likethat well didn't fit whatever you aredoing why not so so we can see that thisname is available right now sowe'll go ahead and buy the retail priceis ten point nine into Allah but theyare giving a discount inside Maroney fora long time so we are buying eight pointeight it's just like I said earlier soif you calculate that now if you areusing assess Bank Visa Cardthe very charging you three hundredaccess this is naira per dollar so youcalculate that by eight points it's it'syou are paying 3215 era all right sothat's what you're gonna pay here so howdo you buy this domain name you simplyadd theto cut sileo's our delta cards now ithas we added to your cuts that we addedto your cart so what we're going to donext is to buy a hosting plan so justclick on shared hosting click on sharedhosting now I want to choose a hostingplan we are going to be hosting ourdomain name all rightthe hosting plan we are going to behosting our domain name now if you'rejust starting out now this is yearly sodon't choose per month if you'rechoosing primal damage I gotta be payingthis money every month I wouldn't advisethat versus you just choose daily so youpay it once for a year once a year sonow that you are starting you're goingto be paying fifteen point four four butlater on in the year going to be payingaround thirty points it the last alrightso this one is if you want to host threewebsites once you buy this plan is tella plan you can host three websites thatis let's say this locate X as calm locusadded and just three different websitessure that's what I'm trying to explainto you what this one if you buy thisplan I'm gonna be hosting unlimitedwebsite discipline I'm using currentlybecause I have a lot of sites to designto to host and I have a lot of differentbusinesses okay so both get started nowjust click on get started on this planso this 15.4 for let's cut please havemore history now three thousand to fiftyso fifteen points point four four timesthree six sixthat's five currency so literally amojit mo charity in total so now that wewill click on select plan and theyactually knows which domain name we wantto use now the first one said I won'tuse domain in my cuts which is theoption we're going to choose becauseremember we added that domain to ourcuts and this one said I want to get afree dot website domain know the sourceI wanted purchase and you do me that isif you want to purchase a new domain wasjust leave everything like this rememberwe added a Dementor cut so just clickhere now as gooddomain domain our cut which is thelocate access cone which we choose choseearlier so just click on it and it'sgoing to go to be added zooms we addedadded to your cut so just click continuenow what I'm showing you right now ishow to buy a domain name and how to hostthe domain name all right so decided topackage our show and two things I'mshowing you right now so if you comeover here let me just explain thisbriefly the first one is a domainregistration which we chose one year nowif you want to go for two or three yearsyou can go depress you just increase ifyou can place this on auto renew which Ikind of advice if you are if you wantthis if you want this name for a verylong time there are you buy more thanone year or you placed on auto renew sothat when this name expires which is thetime you're buying next year by Italiabind is that the next time next year isjust to charge you this $10 without youwithout you having to come over to thiswebsite to buy or to pay all right sothe next one is ruse guard is free justleave it like thatthis one is premium DNS just don't leaveit on check don't pay the $4 under oneEstela updates$15 this is D this is the hostingremember we chose to Stella plan right15-point for $4 now nothing now I'd likeyou to buy his social security numberall rightthe ss+ SSL sorry not social securitynumbers very positive SSL is like asecurities to secure site for you tohave this secure body I would like it tobuy just to the point it's a dollar peryear so just add it to your cuts and theprice is going to increase the tightest28.3 eight dollars all right so let'scalculate how much this reward in IRAlike I said if you are using assess BankVisa Cardthey're gonna be paying 366 so if youare using DC back MasterCard thing isthree three six seven thousand fastbanker things around 365 all right solet's calculate that so in total you arepaying ten thousandother than 87 there are less than tenfive alright so that was gonna be painso if you are good with us just click onfam order now they ask you to eithersign up sign up as Restylane newaccounts or you login if you havefollowing me this is your first timethis is the ocean you're gonna treesyou're going to create an account so youchoose a username a password for youwrite your first name your real namefirst name your email address ourmission you log into your email addresssomewhere then you click create anaccount once you click create an accountit's going to take you to the next pageso let me just log in since I have anaccount here alreadyalright so um so let me just log in sothis is we're gonna take you once yousign up alright this is where you'regonna take it to once you sign up nowwhen it brings you yet the next thing isasking you is to make payments nowbecause to go over to your purchase themainly why yeh everything make sure it'sexactly the way you want it to be rightdeposited the positive SSL your hostingplan the total is twenty eight pointthree eight dollars alright so how doyou want to pay our advice you to payusing PayPal accounts alright so if youdon't have a PayPal account check thelink below I put in a link on how youcan create a PayPal account alright it'svery easy to create a background justcheck the link below on the descriptionsection or any disclosure to get a linkon how to create your own PayPal accountalright so once you do that this is youraddress on your name your email addressor your phone numbernow you agree to the terms and conditionand you click checkout with PayPal why Iadvise you to pay using PayPal becausewhen you're creating your PayPal accountyou're going to inside your or Europeyour card on your PayPal accounts whichyou know which you can I use to makepayments alright so the next step isvery easy once you sign log into PayPalI'm going to be blowing someyeah so you just log into PayPal andthey're gonna ask you if you really wantto make the payment now so just watchher and see how it's gonna beso right now PayPal is asking you do youwant to make payment now like I saidonce you are creating your PayPalaccounts it's going to ask you to addyour card now this is my duty backMasterCard if I pay with this card I'mgoing to be paying 3.3 367 area Padulabut I'm pay with my assets Bank Visacard I'm going to be paying 366 nanaPadula so in your case just choosewhatever card you want to choose you canmake this your preferred or you leave itunchecked then you click continue if Iclick this continue this thing is nameis going to be it was we purchased likeI wouldn't purchase this name now onceyou purchase the name it's gonna takeyou they're gonna send you an email likethis all right like I see then Ipurchased a lab plan which is 29.9 $4then now it has increased to 28 allright so I'm gonna take you to this isyour receipts it's gonna be like thisyear order received your domain name thename you bought everything this is notreally necessary that's why I also showyou what you bought now the next one isvery very important wait for this emailthis immediate verification it isrequired for you to verify your emailall right so just scroll down click on alink like thischeck your inbox I'm gonna see it soonce you click on a link like this justclick on it it's going to open anothertab and verify your emailthe third email is very very importantnow this one this is where the walkwe're going to walk from saying yoyou're welcome guide for your domainname is going to be a hook like that sonow these are the packages all rightit's going to show you your main domainyou need many just bought the dates yourbuying needs your server hostname allright what we need here is our cPanelwhich means control panel access this iswhere we're going to be walking from nowif you are buying this from like if thisis your first time obviously as you arewatching this video make sure you justclick on any of the link here sosecretly if you want to log into yourcPanel you click e you go to your domainname comm / cPanel but right now we canalso use just click on this to log in toyour cPanel now we have successfullymake purchase for a domain name and ourhosting now we're trying to log in toour hosting cPanel and install WordPressI'm very fast because I want you guys Idon't want this video to be too long andI want you guys to get something out ofthis video so as I click on this linkyou can see it's oximetry log into myown cPanel I already have my logindetails here because I have my websitealready so once you're not giddy that iscorrect which of course this is yourthis is your password this is yourdefault password so what you do you copyit this is your username so you copyyour username copy a password and youjust log in like so once your log in isgonna take you to a page just like thisnow this is your control panel dashboardso what we are going to do it the firstthing I advise you to do is to changethis password to something you're goingto remember the first in our advice sonow let's look for where we can seesettings and change our password rightso you can see on that preference rightpassword and securities click on it nowyou can see just pasting the oldpassword which is this password rightjust copy this password and paste theold password here now writing your newpassword all right make sure is verystrong hey I'm trying for you to be verystrong but let me read you can see me amissionary possibly very strong butthat's too longalright just make sure is very strongso you can write the same password therethen once you are happy with thispassword make sure it's correct and besure you don't forget this password thenyou click Change Password all right soonce you do without let's go back to ourdashboard now we've changed our passwordno more this but username stays the samebut the password have changed membersave it somewhere so we see it's rightyou can always go back to it and reverseit so now we have our hosting and adomain name alright so now we want toinstall WordPress now this is justsimple this is how to create a websitebasically what people think is very verydifficult but I'm just let's justcontinue on our own project how tocreate a one page account for it now youhead over to this session cause soft aclose up and Stella you're gonna seewhat WordPress in here like so click onit click on this WordPress and wait forit to loadyeah you're gonna bring it to adashboard like this you click on installnow now this is where you're going toinstall WordPress since you bought whereis this taking me back so let's click oninstall now now since you bought that'sa positive SSLmake sure you choose I like choosingHTTPS for a data column four slash fourslash W dot your domain name now you cansee all my domain names right but yoursjust don't be one name just one nameokay but I have several domain names soas far as many like this so just leavethis blank leave this as it is that isthe latest version of WordPress which iswhich is gonna be installed for you nowput this HTTP the reader without yourdomain name your site name you can add Ichange it to the name of a businessanymore website or you can leave itbecause you can still change it laterdescription also you can leave itbecause you can see change it later oryou change it now now user name how youcan log into your website this is whereyou choose which is a username and apassword alright so basically manybelieve it doesn't mean I also leave itas admin password I can use the samepassword or get another strong password- idea just leave this as it is for nowbecause you have secrets and email likeI mean at your website calm so let'scontinue leave this like so everythingleave it like sodon't touch anything then you click oninstall once you click on install listento me carefully please was it click oninstall and also install anything herebecause of course I already have awordpress website only on this websiteand I have WordPress website on everywebsite here so once you click oninstall sometimes sometimes wheninstalling you see something coming uplike this when installing it will notit's not finished – just stop somewhereat the middle just redose reinstall itagain just click on install the games assimple as that there's no side effectsnobody so if it's installing and in workout click on install again now once youare done with that congratulations younow have your WordPress websites ok solet me show you how you can log in toyour web server sighs so you just clickyour name WP dash admin that is how tolog in to your website now you wait forit to load like this once it loadsyou're going to write remember we chosewe left it as admin as our username andyour password so this is how you aregoing to login to your website so in mycase I would just type in my usernamewhich is add me and my password isalready set and I will just click onlogin so once you click on this it'sgoing to take you straight to yourwebsite all right going to get to thedashboard of your websitei just opened some of the product outsold some of the moms to selling themlike this one up to selling it so i justwant to show you how I create a pagelike this a very simple page like thislet me just cruel true it's a very verysimple page how I get image is how I'mable to create something like this I'mgonna show you how you can create yourslike this how to design a simple bannerlike this when you click on this link isgonna take them to the order form butlet's go back up there so you see howcan I was a sir if you're buying to Park17,000 if you are buying one pack or oneone of these its 11,500 I'm gonna do avideo and show you how you can importthese things from China for very cheapand sell them off here in Nigeria but Ijust continue with this video how tocreate something like this this is wherethis is the order form where they canfill in the form to please the audiencea mail phone number how many Parker / 1or 2 parks I divided pain how do youwant to pay choose how you want to makepayment easy cash or mobile transferthis is not really necessary butsometimes I like to add it now will yoube a believer picker because we aredoing pay on delivery so I need to askthis question and muzzling will say yesI'm gonna be available so what they aredone they click on order like I justwanna show them some other images nowthis is the concept I use for this oneit's a very similar concept to this onewhen I'm selling the I'm Cicilline flextip right so just 6 5 how to buy pay ondeliveryputting your focus I think I've removedmy form here just putting my phonenumber now very similar also to this oneI'm sure you home-brewed I'm sellingright this is this is selling right nowyou sell me right now so so I'll showyou how to get reviews like this alsogets all these reviews people have usedit product before you can see thereviews right hereokay so I'm gonna show you how to designa site like this okay so let's go to thenext one this one if you want to sellsupplements alright this is how you candesign a sales funnel or a sales pagefor supplements okay I don't know I'llshow you guys these things but this ishow I design my sales page all rightlots of design how to put a guarantee of90 days because if they take this photofor 90 days they should see results okayso this is how I design it I might notbe able to show you how to designsomething like this because it takes alot of time well you can just head overto youtube and download how to designbanners once you learn Photoshop in amonth you'll be able to design somethinglike this it's kind of layout to addimage to this image you're right I alsodesigned something like this yes veryeasy how to add this couple of this justwhat videos on YouTube are designed bynow how to add images and products onPhotoshop I use Photoshop to design ormake comment designs so I'm able to showyou that in this video so just this ishow I designed this is a concept of thisvery one now this one being grootsyou can get this product in China spreadout ourself or beard so get oil so thisis also another concept we have thisbanner I have this banner here and Idesigned this on Photoshop harder designis for the very simple I have this guygeneral this image on Google I write mytext here and I just have this image ofthe product here that's very simple so Ihave this if you are buying one but torebindto bow to say buying three bottlesdifferent prices okay so something likethis right so very simple sales thingyou want pieces for this is our salewithout having an e-commerce store soonce I click here it's gonna take themto an order page where they can place anorder like really can't have a formbecause in this one I don't have a formlike like in this one where I have hadnot put the form on this page I put theform on another page so the same thingwith this one I just changed it but Ican see thisbhana okay slowly now ready so very samething with this one which one guy isfacing here I thought with this imageonline and I just blend it and add mytextalright so I'm gonna show you how todesign this alright so but I'm gonna usethis egg root page as an example verysimilar to these very similar to thisalso I'm going to be giving out thissome of my templates this is a templateI'll show you how to install thetemplates I'm going to be giving out thetemplate to some people just click thelink in the description and if you can'tsee the link a description pleasedownload if you cannot still I was gonnahave to be fast maybe hundred or twohundred but I'll watch this videomaybe later and I kind of move it orsomething I don't know yet but let'sjust continue now showed you the kind ofpage you want to design I'm going to beusing this as an example I'm going toshow you how to install the template I'mgoing to show you how to add thesethings see how I'm able to add them oneafter the other so let's continue now todo this go to be using a plug-in calledinstant Buddha insta Buda instant Buddhawhere is it this is it so it's a veryold plugin I think it was me 2013 or2012 but still usable you can see thepigeon I'm able to design with it manypeople cannot use it like this becauseit's kind of outdated there's so manynew things I would like to have that Icannot do it I'm also using elements orbut not I cannot show you element orright now because I'm not as good onelemental as I am with instant Buddha sothis is instant Buddha I think it's soldfor around where the price can come overto the website to read more these around90 something tool out there about yeahso we bought the own limited yourlimited key don't let me take you so Ican give you out and give out thisplugin for free so yeah watching thisvideo I'm going to be giving out thisplugin for 100% free just click the linkin the description again to downloadinstant build a plug-in let me show youhow to install instant Buddha becausethis does the next step here after afterwe have an autobody domain installWordPress and bought the main boughthosting install WordPress next thing todo is to install in stamp do the plug-inlet me show you how to do that quicklynow to historian stamp with that we'llgo over to file manager so head over tothis file section click on file manageris going to open another tab like justwait for it to load okay so when itloads like so I can Snowden right nowdon't know widen my network is kind ofslow now come on come on come on come oncome on okay so in your case you willhave all the sides here because I havemy own side so your case you just seeyour own sides here I would like you tolocate the public HTML consider publicjust click on it once public HTML aswhat you will look at in your ownsection now once you click on publicHTML click on WordPress content WPcontent double click on it double clicknow click on plugins plugins rightdouble-click this plugins section thisis where our advise you to install theinstability I already have it table letme show you how to install it so toinstall instabuildermake sure you go over to the commondescription of this video and downloadit first after downloading just hideaway click on upload now once you clickon upload the click select File then youselect the file where you kept its letme see if I can see catch me I saved inStampeder quickly so it's good to belike this on a zip folder just click onthe zip folder and install it you'regoing to wait for it for kind of longtime depending on your internet becausethat 7 megabytes is gonna take a whilefor it to install so just wait for it toinstall and one is what once it's doneyou can now click ongo back alright so once it's doneinstalling just click on go back so onceyou go back like so once you go backyou're gonna say instant Buddha thatmeans thought it said I can't understandwhat I'm trying to say Oh God so I'lljust pause this video and come back whenit does upload so now I will show youhow to extract the zip file so that youunderstand so it's time Buddha wastaking too much time so I had to stop itand install another plug-in zip filejust watch it also I'll show you how youcan extract it alright so this side isgoing to load my internet is not veryfast this night so let me just install avery light plugin I'll show you how toextract a zip file let's go let's gookay so it's hundred percent right solet's assume this is instant Buddha solet's go back to my system it also wouldclick on go back so after installing itthe zip folder is going to appear overhere Internet is messing up now okay soif it's finished loading like so and youare not seeing in Stampede I just clickon reloadso was it click reload are going to seeso we are assuming that this one we justinstall right now because it's Z for theresume it is insta as you don't haveinstability this is Stabila so how toinstruct this five yet so just rightclick you right click click on s tracksdon't touch anything just click extractand leave it at scissors click closealright so this is how to extract yourinstant Buddha in this session so let merepeat what I said and then you click onpublic HTML right you go to WordPressWordPress contentgo to plug in double click then you comeover you upload instant Buddha if youdidn't show up you click reload for youto show once once once it shows likethis you right click extract nuestroextract all right and you close ok sothis is how to extract instant Buddhaso don't something else so let's go backnow we've installed instant Buddha onour website alrightoh if yeah movie story started ourwebsite how do we activate it right sonow let's go over to our website so letme just choose the website to go over tonow so this is the website I'm I'mworking on so once you restored in StampBuddha where you can find instantlythere is a plug-in section so let'sclick on plug-in your site will not haveall these things so just ignore all thisthing so you click on plug-in and you'regood to see you can see we install ahijacker in the place of instant breederalright so in your case is going to beinstall so just click on activate onceyou click activate you're going toactivate your instant builder that's allthat's that that's what you need to haveinstant Buddha on your website so onceyou have it on your website what youclick activate is going to appear somered yet down here alright look at thehijacker let me also uninstall itbecause I don't need hijacker right nowon my site so I'm going to have instantbill arrived so click on instant Bidayuhin your case is going to be very emptyin order to be seen 18 pages totalvisits because I'm running at oneadvance to this page that's why you areseeing all this enough credit it's indifferent pages and over 10,000 visitsall right the past few days that's whyyou're always going to be blank now howto create a new page right there are twoways of cutting a new page is that yougo to this page menu and click on addnew page but what I prefer you do isjust click on addPJ was a click on add new page you cansee different templates so you canchoose whatever you want to do you caneither preview them so I'd like to rightclick to preview to see how it templatelooks like it's just a drag-and-dropbutton now this is how it looks likeyour logo you want to replace this withyour logo then you're go to replace yourown headline then replace these withyour own text and click and replacesyour own button alright so what this isnot the kind of page once design sodifferent pages for different reasons ifyou want to do an opt-in page if youknow what opt-in page means justsomething like this so different pagemost of them are very beautiful to useso you cannot choose any of them todesign your own websites alright so letme just open this also so you understandwhat kind of sales in you can see ifwhat does any page like this where youhave a grabbing title and you have yourvideo or image yet then you have anotherdescription so I use this kind oftemplate it's kind of templates in lotsto design my one page or website alrightI used a lot but in this case we'regoing to design something like thisremember so we're not working with thisone so what I'm gonna do for you I'mgoing to give you this template I'mgoing to give you this template it's foryou to just use something like this butyou're going to change this of courseand also changes to your own productyou're going to change it to your owntext if you want to be bought in a go tochange it because if you don't change itI have my links on them you're going tobe sending me series of orders alrightso please change it let me show you howyou're gonna do that so if I send youall you download the templates justclick on imports or you going to producethe file where you saved it so I think Ihave different files that can give usso I've lots of pages yeah for hairgrowth Ike many pages are a variety ofdesigning lots of pages so let me justchoose one of them let me just say thisa hair growth SS all right so this ishow you're going to do it remember justchoose the templates after you'vedownloaded it then you click open thisis a template see I'm giving it to youso I click import or see importanttemplate it's going to open exactly whatI have here right so you can see exactlywhat I haveso you're gonna have exactly what I havebut now in this case your own product isdifferentalright it's very different this is abanner you're going to remove it andinstall your old partner so I advice youto learn how to design your own bannerand remove this so I will show you howto do this in a bit I think this videois getting too long so what I would doI'm gonna stop here in this video andthe next video I'm going to show you howto edit out to remove out to add becauseI was gonna take another time andcontinue on this video so just check thenext video or if you're not subscribedbe sure you subscribe so that you getthis way when I upload new video becauseI will be uploading different valuablecontent so I'm going to edit this pageI'll show you what to do in the nextvideo
