How to Customize Packaging for Ecommerce

I'm Jessie janae this is shipping thingsand today I'm going to share with youall the steps to picking beautifulpackaging for your product somethinglike this I've never done this thisearly an episode not ever but this isimportant I'm gonna do an early and whybecause you need to know that before youtry to start selecting custom packagingnot all 3pls and shipping partners evenwork with custom packaging or allow itso before you get all hopped up on yournew custom box make sure your shippingpartner supports it and if you'realready working with one that doesn't wehave some links to some lit two belownow the rule of thumb for your packagingbudget is to spend between one and threepercent of your total campaign funds ortotal revenue on packaging within thatone to three percent there's a lot ofdesign options I think the simplestthing to do is break it down into twoparts as the inside and the outside ofyour packaging the outside of your boxor mailer it's like a storefront it's anopportunity to make a unique impressionwith your brand so you want to make it Icatching and if you're going to spendmore like that one percent of budget onpackaging there's a few options youcould use rubber stamps to customize ablank box or you could use stickers orlabels to add a nice pop ofcustomization that's easy to apply andlastly but not leastly you can usecustom tape which is an awesome blend ofform and function on the higher end ofthe packaging budget spectrum more likethree percent you can start consideringgetting a custom printed box and you canplay with different finishes and designoptions to make your brand really standout now let's go on inside the box ifthe outside of the box is like yourstorefront then the inside of the boxlike the inside of your very own storefor your brand now your customers havealready bought this from you so youdon't need to keep selling them theinside of the box is a great way to addambience to the whole experience andmake your customers feel special ifyou're shipping in a box you could staythe inside of the lid with a custommessage while still staying in theone-percent rangeother options you have is going withcoloured void fill at colored tissuepaper or colored crinkle to add a nicepop but not break the budget and I'm not3% end of the packaging budget you cando some nifty stuff like play withcustom printed tissue paper or butcherpaper for wrapping your product or gowith some custom printed collateral ornotes inside your boxor play with some fun box options likehere you can print the inside of yourbox the fun custom message or putanother box in a box for gifting or playwith little hang tags there's all sortsof options go wild we're almost done butif I may I'd like to end on a bigpicture whether it's supporting a newidea or product via Kickstarter pledgesor whether it's just regular olde-commerce shopping something undeniableis happening in our world people moreand more products than ever is shippingdirectly from creators out onto customerdoorsteps this is a bunch of packagesthundering at my doorstep just yesterdayand if you notice something a lot ofthem is just in regular old plain craftsthat means it's an unprecedentopportunity to actually stand out withcustom packaging think of it as likepart of your marketing budget so insteadof just investing in fleeting likeonline ads you invest in a tangiblething their customer is actually goingto take a full moment to unwrap andenjoy and treasure that is an incredibleopportunity[Music]
