How to Do SEO: Ecommerce for Beginners

search engine optimization is somethingevery online entrepreneur should bedoing the better you are at it the morepotential customers you can attract toyour store sound goodgreat because today we're going tointroduce you to the art of searchengine optimization hi everyone its markfrom ovolo welcome to our beginnersguide to search engine optimization thisis a huge topic we could speak for daysabout itbut don't worry this video will sum upall of the basics in just a few minuteswe're going to cover the essentials soif you haven't done search engineoptimization before but you want to getstarted then this video is here to helpand so are all of the videos on theovolo youtube channel we produce all ofour videos to help ecommerce storeowners improve their businesses and toget sales so click Subscribe to hearfrom us more oftenwe're always posting new content to helpyou succeed by the end of this video youwill know what some of the technicalterminology means you are know exactlywhat search engine optimization is andwhy it's so important for e-commercebusiness owners then we'll see howsearch engine optimization works we alsohave a quick SEO checklist for you youcan use it right after this video tohelp you get started with search engineoptimization tactics and to finish wewill point you in the right direction ifyou want to take your understanding ofsearch engine optimization to the nextlevel so that's it just a couple ofpoints to cover so let's get startedwith the most pressing question whatexactly is search engine optimizationhere is a short definition search engineoptimization is the process ofmaximizing the number of organicvisitors to a website this is done byensuring a website appears high on thelist of results generated by a searchengine if any of that definition soundsalien to you and take a look at thishere we are using a search engine tocheck for information about dropshippingGoogle is a search engine so as being soeasy ahoo there are loads more when youuse a search engine to look forsomething you end up seeing a searchresults page we all know what they looklike and here's the results page for oursearchOh below wants to be the first thingthat people see when they search onlinefor information on dropshipping to dothat Pablo has to use search engineoptimization techniques and with- which is why we are almost at the topof this search results page here but whydoes being at the top matter let's thinkabout it and look at these stats thesenumbers show the click-through rate foreach position on Google's page oneranking we can expect user behavior tobe similar across search engines the topposition has a click-through rate ofjust one-fifth of the percentage of webbrowsers who click on a link in a searchresults page second and third place havea share of around 13% each positionsfour to ten are Albany 10% so why doesbeing top matter because generally thehigher up in the rankings you are themore traffic you can expect the samelogic applies to your online store thehigher you are on the search resultspages the more people you'll be able toattract to your store and the morepeople you get into your store thehigher your chances are of making salesbut here is something to rememberstudies suggest that up to 95 percent ofall traffic online comes from page oneof search engines that leads the rest ofthe internet from page two onwardsscrapping for five percent of trafficthat's a pretty tight squeeze so thetake-home here is to optimize to getyour website on page one of searchengine results pages are we clear on whysearch engines are so important foronline businesses good because now we'regoing to look at how search engineoptimization works search engines rankweb pages according to a complexalgorithm that takes into accounthundreds of factors search engines donot reveal what all of these factors arebut through research and observationsearch engine marketers have worked outthat it all boils down to how relevantand how engaging a web page is the morerelevant and engage in a website is thehigher it will appear in search enginerankings the factors you just saw onthat slide are vital for enhancingrelevance and engagement when youoptimize these factors your websiteclimbs up the search rankings we areonly talking about one of these factorstoday you'll discover the rest of themas you move further along your journeyof understanding search engineoptimization we're going to touch onkeywords because keywords are one of themain elements of search engineoptimization keywords are the words andphrases in your website's content thatmake it possible for people to find youvia search engines they enhance yourrelevance so to get youkeyword strategy right you need to knowhow people are looking for the productthat your website offers that way youmake it easy for them to find you onlineby running a successful keyword strategyyou will rank higher in the searchresults than your competitors findingthe right keywords is a delicate processinvolving both trial and error but thebasics are easy to grasp use the GoogleAds keyword planner with this free toolyou can find keywords for your onlinebusiness simply enter a term which isrelevant to your online store let's sayyou sell oil diffusers simply type oildiffusers into the ideas feature of thekeyword planner like we have here in aflash the planner will give you a bunchof relevant keywords that people arelooking for online pick the ones thatare relevant to your business and theproducts and services you sell and thenbegin writing optimized content forthose keywords search engines willrecognize that your website has contentthat people are searching for in termthe search engine will see that yoursite is relevant to web users andremember relevance is one of the mostimportant factors for search enginerankings the ideas keyword planner isgreat for helping you appear to a wideraudience for example you may be sellingoil diffusers but tons of people aresearching for essential oil diffuseralthough it's essentially a synonym foroil diffuser it's one that gets loadsmore searches than oil diffuser all youneed to do then is use this keyword inyour content alright that's enough onkeywords for now you will learn plentymore about them and how to write keywordoptimized text when you take your nextsteps in learning about search engineoptimization but if you just can't waitto get started with optimization you'lllove the checklist we have prepared foryou if you're completely new to searchengine optimization then don't worrythis checklist is simple enough forbeginners to follow there will be morework to do down the road but you can getstarted by covering these four basics ofsearch engine optimization fore-commerce business owners start bywriting title tags for your store it'seasy to see title tags when you hoveryour mouse over a tab you see words likeinbox over lo Facebook they are quicksigns that help you keep track of whereyou are online search engine resultsrecognize and also show these title tagsyou can see where they are with thisimage potential customers will use paytitles who decide how relevant yourstory is in a search results page so youshould ensure that all of your store'spages have relevant and concise titletags if you own a Shopify store then youcan quickly write title tags for each ofyour pages that includes product pagescollections pages blog posts FAQ andmore when it comes to writing title tagskeep them between 50 to 60 characters asthat's the optimal length and mostsearch engines won't show anythinglonger than that make sure to includeyour store name and incorporate thekeyword that you want to rank for toimprove meta descriptions title tags arenot the only things that search engineresults pages show they also containmeta descriptions that is a text youprobably notice a little lower downbeneath where the title takes are as wecan see here search engines do not usemeta descriptions when ranking yourstore but they still matter even ifGoogle doesn't care much about thembecause guess who does care yourcustomers people read meta descriptionsand they use them to help them decidewhich page to click on here are threekey parts to a good Meta Description 1make sure your meta descriptions areengaging relevant and enticing enough toget people to click through to yourstore use a clear call-to-action likeshop now to entice them to includekeywords Google doesn't rate your metadescriptions but users will look forthem to determine whether your page isrelevant to their search Google rewardsthis relevance by bolding words in yourmeta descriptions that match what theuser searched for that is a very strongvisual cue that can help lead to clicksand 3 keep meta descriptions under 160characters google cuts off descriptionsthat go over this amount it just lookssloppy if you go over and it's lesscompelling for potential customers youcan write and edit your metadescriptions for your store by going tothe settings section of your Shopifyadmin page portal let's get back to oure-commerce SEO checklist with pointnumber 3 optimize alt text and filenames so what is alt text alt text is ashort text description attached to animage that goes with a visual on awebsite these always matter for yoursearch engine optimization the coresearch engines cannot see images the wayhumans can so search engines rely on thealt text for an idea of whatpictures content is about your ecommercestore will likely have lots of imagesthat help sell your products rightdescriptive alt text that include keywords for all of your visuals and yourpages will gain a higher visibilitylet's say you run a store selling beachgames and are uploading a suitableproduct image something like a childplaying in the sand with one of yourproducts you can upload the imagewithout the text but you miss anopportunity to improve the optimizationof your page writing something is simpleas child is a little better but it's notgreat child on beach is much moredescriptive but it's not enough the bestwould be something like child onvacation playing beach frisbee gamehere's a pro tip whenever you decide onfor an images alt to text use that sametext to name the image file when youupload images to your storeavoid using typical file names I knowit's easy to write the file name withthings like a bunch of random lettersand numbers but you should know thatGoogle uses the images file names tolearn more about the image and todetermine whether it's worth showing insearch results so in this case use afile name like boy on vacation playingbeach frisbee game and help Google findyour store quicker for relevant keywordsand remember use hyphens in between eachword in your file name Google is notthat good of a reader without thehyphens it would just see one longincomprehensible word like this pointfour on our checklist will help you playby the rules because search engines areworse than your fifth grade math teacherwhen it comes to punishing cheating andwhat's the first rule in class it's nocopy if you copy large chunks ofkeyword-optimized text from someoneelse's page the search engine will findout about it and when it does it willpunish you by moving your store'swebsite lower down the rankings so whilewriting your own title tags metadescriptions and alt texts may be a lotof work it's worth it especially if youwant search engines to show your websiteto the maximum amount of potentialcustomers all right by now you shouldhave an understanding of the basics ofsearch engine optimization the basicsare great and we all have to startsomewhere but once you're comfortable atthis stage and have some keywords andyou've ticked off items from ourchecklist we recommend you do somefurther reading the first link in thedescription below is to a blog post itwill help you through some more advancedsteps in search engine optimization andwhenready get off YouTube and go anddownload our free ebook 50 ways to getsales with dropshipping chapter 27 isall about search engine optimization andit will raise your search engineoptimization game just follow the linkto the e-book chapter belowhave you already search engine optimizeyour store what's working what's bombinglet us know we answer every commentthank you for watching until next timelearn often market better and sell more
