How to Find THOUSANDS of Top Shopify Dropshipping Products FOR FREE in less than 5 minutes!

what is up YouTube should boy J reachback ed with another video I want thejob so more heat for you guys today sowe all know that finding the top notchof the products is one of if not themost important thing a drop shipping youhave to find the right prices so there'sthousands of new products emerging andyou definitely don't want to miss out onthe next big drops of new products sobecause of this there are a lot of paidcompanies a lot of people out thereselling you guys on you know finding thedrop shipping products for you you pay50 bucks – 100 bucks mileage but you getaccess to thousands of jashin productsdirectly to your inbox but I want to endall that I'm about to give you guys aquick major major tip to findingthousands of joshua products takeseconds to do and it's gonna be so easyit's gonna blow your mind so withoutfurther ado let's get to itso first things first what we're gonnado is head over to Aliexpress calm forthose of you that do not know whatAliexpress is this is where you get yourjaw shipping products from I know forthose of you that do not have an accountwe're just gonna go ahead and create onetogether so just hit this drawing buttonright here and then I'm just gonna put afake email it's your boy Jay rich and I'll password it and thenonce you create your account what you'regonna do is you're gonna open a new taband then you're gonna search up dropshipping Center Aliexpress and thenyou're gonna click the first link thatpops up if it doesn't pop up on yourbrowser then just go ahead and copy thislink right here onto your browser andyou should head over to this page andthen once you reach this page we're justgoing to agree to Aliexpress his termsand then hit submit and boom the magichappens so this is Aliexpress iscuration of the top drop shippingproducts on their platform so as you cansee per category they have 250 pages ofthese so there's thousands of dropshipping products on here that you guyscould sell so um you know it has the theprice the link and the amount of orderson here and then if you see right herethis is the category so by default it'sgoing to have this just for youis probably the same for everybodyactually but if I wanted to look atlet's see like electronics show me allthe electronics for that category as youcan see this air pod copy is selling fora dollar and seventy cents so if youguys sell that for twenty bucks a popthat's a lot of profit to work with andas you can see it's 250 pages of theseas well so tons of tons of job shootingproduct ideas that you guys could youknow get from this and if we head overto the next tab this is going to give usthe rank of the top suppliers onAliexpress so on if you wanted to youknow work with for sure like a reputablesupplier you could go ahead and clickthe link and this will take you directlyto their store and then you could choosetheir products on here if you wanted toadd it to your store so these are on thetop drop shipping suppliers onAliexpress and if you head over to thistab this is gonna give you the productdata so let me show you guys exactlywhat I'm talking about let's head overto this tab and let's take a look atthis product so I just click the linkand copy the URL and go back to that tabpaste it onto here oops let's go back tothis tab paste it onto here at thesearch and boom it's gonna tell you theproduct data how many of these areselling a day and as you can see that'sselling well over 1,500 of these per dayso this is excuse me this is a reallyprobably the product really trendingproduct that you guys could sell to yourstore and um other than that you guysyou guys could literally spend a lot oftime on on here finding you knowdifferent products it's so and add toyour store if you guys have a generalstore or if you guys win create aspecial store directly to a niche youguys could do that as well and I justsaved you guys a ton of money a ton oftime and a ton of effort and there's twomajor things actually you could do withthis so number one obviously you guyscould use this to find the top judgementparts to add to your store and youprobably won't ever run out of productsto find out here and number two is youguys could use this to create a businessso you guys can make a website andbasically charge people per month to getaccess to the top jaw shipping productsthere are companies that are alreadydoing this and you guys can also youknow send products directly to yourcustomers email every month or everyweek of course because you havethousands of different parts to choosefrom and you guys could get thoseparties directly from here so other thanthat you guys I hope you guys I'm prettysure you guys got a lot of value fromthis and before I go you know I gottaleave you guys with a quote and thatquote is excuses will always be thereopportunity will not so take advantageof the opportunities and so then myfriends be great[Music]
