How To Get Started In E-commerce and Dropshipping

hey guys what's going on in this videoI'm going to show you how you can getstarted in e-commerce and essentiallyhow you can get started in sellingproducts online now I'm just hanging outtoday I'm just right here by myfireplace and you know I thought I'dgive you guys this quick video onessentially how you can find productshow you can find your niches and howessentially you can get started withe-commerce okay so the first thing thatyou want to do is you want toessentially find your niche okay so it'snot basically a niche is a subject atopic that you want to sell to a certainaudience a certain group of people sofor example if you want to sell you knowto firefighters that's a niche if youwant to sell to people who like you knowbaseball that's also a niche okay sofinding a niche that you're passionateabout is the first step to gettingstarted in e-commerce because that'svery important for you to essentiallyfind products within that area and sellto that audience okay because once youknow your audience once you know youryour your type of products that you'regoing to sell it's going to be a loteasier for you to get into the marketget going and start selling very quicklyso number one find a niche that you'repassionate about okay number two find aniche that you have a connection withand pick a niche and just get it goingokay that that's very important just goout there and you know don't even thinkabout it too too much don't spend hoursand hours trying to find a niche justpick a niche and get going ken as timegoes on you can always diversify intodifferent niches you can always go outthere and find these different types ofniches that you want to get into andsometimes you'll find the niche thatyou've never even touched and it'smaking lots of money for you and you'dbe surprised okay the next step here isafter you find your niche this is whereyou start searching for products withinthat niche okay fineproducts that people actually lovechoose products that closely fits yourniche and find the hottest products thatare proven okay I'm going to show youexactly how to find the hottest productsthat are provenall ready okay next thing is findproducts that you would even by yourselffind products that you would go outthere and you would purchase and beproud of these products and actuallywant to purchase them okay so let's takea look at Aliexpress here okay soAliexpress allows you to find productswithin different types of niches okay sofor example if you're if you're tryingto find jewelry you would just type injewelry okay and you'd find all thesedifferent types of jewelry on Aliexpressthat you can sell to your market alrightso let's take a look at one right herebracelets and bangles okay so this is mylittle trick my little secret to findingthe hottest selling products onAliexpress is by clicking on the ordersbutton here so once you've clicked theorders button it's going to show you allof the hottest products on Aliexpressright now that's selling really reallywell okay for example this one righthere 14000 buyers okay here's anotherone 10000 buyers okay ten thousandorders ten thousand ordersten thousand orders okay eight thousandnine thousand orders eight thousand sixhundred orders eight thousand twohundred eight thousand one hundredorders so by doing this you essentiallyknow the top selling bangles out thereand you can put these onto your Shopifystores as well because you know thatthese are the hottest sellers okay nowlet's say you want to get into a productthat no one has it's that's completelybrand new it's new in the market andyou've never you never even sold it andyou know it's a fresh new market andfresh new product you want to get intothat because a lot you know a lot oftimes you'll find a lot of competitionwith these products and that they'vebeen you know they've been sold over andover and over again especially if you ifyou hit the same market okay when youclick on newest what this will show youon Aliexpress are the newest productsthat just released that basically thesenew vendors have released these newproducts which you can go into themarket and dominate and sell thousandsand thousands even like what we've shotwhat we see them before you know tenthousand products nine thousands ordersyou can go into the market fresh andsell these hot selling products forexample herewe have here a cellar with five diamondsthat means that this is a really trustedseller and he's selling this one producthere this one jewelry product for fivebucks and only one person has ordered sofar okay so you know that you can gointo the market and you can essentiallydominate this market by putting thesenewest latest products onto your storesokay and that's essentially one of mytricks to finding the hottest productson the market right now the hottest thehottest products that people actuallywant to purchase and get things goingand start making some sales okay becausewhen you're when you're fresh whenyou're brand new and e-commerce is verydifficult to find out what's working outthere to find out what types of productsare selling and who's buying them bydoing this you're essentially you knowthis is like a shortcut it gives you theshortcut to go into the market and sellthe hottest selling products for yourfor your customers and Aliexpress madeit super easy by using these sort thesort tool okay now I also want to letyou know about this service this newstore that we launched a few days agocalled pre-built shops calm that's notover there right nowokay pre-built shops is essentially aShopify store is kind of funny it's aShopify store selling Shopify storesokay so if you go over to pre-builtshops there's one of my agents rightthere if you head over to pre bull shopsyou'll find all of these differentShopify stores which you can purchaseand they're all pre-built for youthey're all done for youShopify businesses okay so for examplewe have here the jewelry pre-built storeokay when you head over here we'reselling them for three hundred ninetyseven dollars and you get an entireShopify business all done for you wechoose the hottest selling products fromAliexpress we put them on to your storeand all you have to do is essentiallyall you have to do is just plug in yourdomain okay we create a brandable logofor your domain as well and plug in yourpayment settings such as PayPal stripeand you know if you have a merchantaccount you can plug that in and you canget started selling right away these are100% pre-built Shopify storesthat you can use and get started rightaway especially if you're a beginner youknow you don't have the time to createall these stories yourselves you don'thave the time to go out there researchproducts you know it takes us 20 to even40 hours just to research these hotproducts to add on to your stores youget all of that completely done for youthese are pre-built stores meaning thatyou don't have to wait weeks you don'thave to wait like two three weeks to getyour stores built okay all it does allit is is basically you make yourpurchase for three hundred ninety sevendollars we ship out your store for youyou get the login information within oneor two days okay usually it's withintwenty twelve two point twenty and fourhours my team will send it to you andthese are all pre-built done for youbusinesses that you can start sellingproducts in different markets okaycurrently right now we have over seventyeight different pre-built stores if youhead over to our catalog look at this wehave a parallel room Oh therapy as seenon tv products all auto electronics babyclothing cape books camping candles catscat niche is actually a big bitch okaycoffeeokay coffees huge right cooking cookingniche cosmetics we have all these dogniches right drones first-aid fishinggaming health and fitness health andbeauty jewelry leather packagingpaintball Kate promotional productsright Sporting Goods tattoo niche toysweddings okay we have all kinds of yogaall kinds of niches here that you canpurchase right away and get yourbusiness going as fast as possible okayso the whole point of this is to ensurethat you're not wasting your time outthere trying to find products you're notwasting your timetrying to find the hottest templates andthemes and creating the graphics and thelogos and you know this can literallytake you hours it'll literally take youweeks okay the first Shopify store Ibuilt it was an outdoors hiking storeokay basically that took me over threeweeks to build and that was that wasjust building it I wasn't even sellingthat was just the building part it wasso frustrating I had to find the perfecttheme I had to find the perfect appsokayto find I had to input all the productsmyself I had to go out there find theproducts find the how to sellingproducts create the logos create theslider images and this right here is alldone for you okay you can spend you knowthere are other Shopify builders outthere that are selling these stores foryou know tens of thousands of dollarsfifteen thousand dollars twenty-fivethousand dollars just for these storesand you can get a complete Shopifybusiness all done for you for threehundred ninety seven dollars andespecially this especially if you're abeginner this is huge this is liketime-saving this is money-saving you canyou can spend that money you know thatmoney that you're going to spend onbuilding a store you can spend it onadvertising and start getting traffic toyour Start stores and start making moneywith it okay we actually we actually wehad a prebuilt store for this one whenone of our testimonial collect customersher name was Leanne okay she was making$1,000 per day with our stores and thenshe was making an additional three tofour thousand dollars per day byswitching to a new theme that we gaveher okayin this this theme you get this withyour store as well let's take a look atthis Shopify theme right here okay okaythis is just a sample store you're goingto get something similar to this and notall stores are the same okay they're allstores are different okay so for examplewe have all these different categorieshere anklets bracelets earrings necklacerings watches okay all these beautifulcategories and slider images and you geta custom logo with your domain as wellnow that all comes with it okay allcomes with its complete business that wegive for you okay let's take a look atone of the products here let's go clickon necklaces okay look at all thesedifferent necklaces we have here a pandanecklace really cute looking pan andnecklace for 12 bucks that you can sellto your customers okay theme also comeswith related items and upsells okay tohelp you make more money this theme isactually designed to help you convertmore sales all right and you get thistheme on top of everything you get theentire business um this is this is likethis is crazy guys you get an entirebusiness for only three hundred ninetyseven bucks andbasically comes with its everything iscustom design comes with 50 productsloaded comes with all the shippingsettings and all the spreadsheets withthe supplier information so you don'thave to worry about you know if I if Imake an order how do i how do i how do ifulfill that order how does my customerget the order okay you don't have toworry about that because all thesupplier information is given to you andthe best part about it is that all thesestores are dropship stores soessentially you can just you don't haveto purchase any inventory okay what thatmeans is that once your customer paysyou on your storeyou take that payment and you go to yoursupplier and you make the purchase onbehalf of your customerokay that's huge because you don't haveto you don't have to go out there youdon't have to purchase hundreds andhundreds of products just to get startedall you have to do is literally thissimple all you have to do is just plugin your domain okay put in your domainput in your plot your payment settingslike how your customers can pay you suchas PayPal stripe or even a merchantaccount and get started selling rightaway you can get started you can startselling the next day so we actually hada client bought one of our pre-builtstores and also did one of our Facebookad services they started getting saleswithin three days okay this is this ishuge because these are these this showsthat our stores actually work okay ourstores actually convert and it makesmoney you can get started in thisbusiness okay while others are chargingyou thousands and thousands of dollarswe've created this service calledpre-built shops com where you canbasically purchase an entire businessfor three hundred ninety seven dollarsokay for example here coffee store righthere right a coffee pribyl pre-builtshop let's take a look at it look atthat boom a beautiful coffee ecommercestore that you can sell all thesedifferent types of mugs all thesedifferent types of you know here's oneright here a camera lens mug okay boomright here beautiful website withdescriptions you get this entire storekits it's actually it's brilliant youcan sell this to photographers okay soit's a coffee mug with it's basically alens with for a coffee mug okay I don'tknow how it works butthere we go but essentially this is whatwe're giving for you okay you get anentire business for only three hundredninety seven bucks and you can't evenyou can't get better than thatright you get a a proven theme you getall these products and you're all goodto go all you need to do just startselling okay now I hope you guys I hopeyou guys are really excited because youknow what we've done here at pre blowshops and salt and social stinger iswe've cut the time for you to getstarted in e-commerce we've cut the timefor you to essentially go out there findproducts you know do this do a B C and Dand and basically search through nichesand find products and find yourcustomers and find out what's hot outthere create the logos create thegraphics find the themes we do all ofthat and you get them all at pre-builtshops calm alright I hope you guysenjoyed this video I hope you guys gotsome value out of this and I'll see yousoon
