How to Make $300 Per Day Online With EASY eCommerce

hey Fred lamb here and welcome to attrexTV in this episode I'm going to sharewith you how you can make 300 dollarsper day with e-commerce listen I don'tcare how old you are I don't care whatknowledge you have or what priorexperience you have I have to say if youwant to earn 300 dollars a day withe-commerce is a lot simpler than youthink and there are three components tothe entire mix number one is half yourwebstore number two is generate trafficand number three obviously is to scaleup your store now inside my youtubechannel you will see a Shopifymasterclass on sharing everything thatyou need to know when it comes toe-commerce and drop shipping but in thisvideo I want to actually share more indepth and really drill in into thetraffic components because running ane-commerce business is simple creatingone it's just step by stepyou can tutorial it but the mostimportant part is traffic so instead ofme just blabbing right here I'm gonnaactually jump to my laptop right now andshow you what you need to do when itcomes to building an e-commerce businessand generating three hundred bucks a dayand most importantly how to mastertraffic and become a true media buyerwhen it comes to e-commerce so let'shead over there right nowall right so you're seeing my screenright now this is a virtual whiteboardand I want to share with you how youshould leverage traffic and become ahigh-performance media buyer toobviously build an e-commerce store orto actually scale it with traffic butbefore we actually get into that I wantto basically address the elephant in theroom first let's say that right nowwe're trying to achieve $300 a day rightnow so let's break this $300 a day firstby simply generating $300 a day you cansimply sell $10.00 products at 30 salesa day and that's going to equal to $300you can also sell $20 products andobviously that is 15 sales a day inorder for you to generate obviously $300a day now you can also sell $30 productand you only need 10 sales to reallygenerate $300 a day so the first thingthat you want to really figure out isthe goal how many sales do you needright how many sales you need so let'ssay in this example we want to generate30 sales a day this is our goal overhere$10 per day and 30 sales so what youthen first want to do and I shared thisa lot inside my Shopify masterclasswhere you can actually see it on myyoutube channel that if let's say thatyou are trying to drop ship onAliexpress or you're trying to drop shipfrom other vendors and suppliers whatyou want to do is to basically findproducts that you can sell for $10 andyour goal is to simply just get 30 salesa day and you'll be generating 300 bucksa day so again you want to first reallybreak it downnot by the dollar amount but how manysales or how many new customers you needper day in order for you to start making300 bucks a day so in this example let'ssay that we need to actually generate 30sales – at $10 a pop to actually do thisnow let's really apply this into yourentire business so as we all know whenit comes to e-commerce let's say thatyou have either a Shopify store or youhave a web store etc etc on this WebStore obviously you have the image ofthe product you have the title whateverthe name is going to be you have thebullet points benefit and you basicallyhave an Buy button which is let's say inthis case is 10 dollars right now whatthe person actually goes to this pagethe next page that they go to isobviously going to be the credit cardpage and I'm just going to draw thecredit card page over here this lookslike a credit card then afterwards theygo into what we call the PYP the ThankYou page so in the e-commerce world thisis really your receipt page so this isreally how a typical funnel looks likealright now as a store owner and inorder for you to basically start making300 bucks a day you need to basicallygenerate 30 sales so now the question iswell how can i generate this 30 saleswell this comes to the second componentbecause our e-commerce is the vehiclenow we got to basically turn on ourtraffic hacks and obviously turn on ourtraffic knowledge to do all this andreally utilize media buying so there aredifferent ways for you to do this and weall know right the best way is basicallyrunning Facebook Adsall right you can also run Instagram adsIG acts and what this does is that youare basically extracting from the socialmedia network on people or audience thatare most likely gonna buy your productso they actually go to your store fromyour app now this is what typicalShopify store owners and typicalecommerce people do that's all they dothey simply just when these kind of adsand really hoping that they can generate30 sales from there but in reality whenit comes to e-commerce we all knowtraffic is the lifeblood to the businessbut we cannot just solely focus onsimply acquiring you customer what weneed to do is to create something callthe infinite loop hole with the infiniteloop hole what you're going to do is youhave the ability to not just attract newcustomers but you are also going toactually have the ability to convertwhat we call warm audience who arepeople that actually left on thecheckout page and also your hot audienceon people who actually buy from you soagain the blue is basically the typicalwait now I'm gonna change the color up alittle bit to a let's see I'm gonna usea purple as an example so now this is atypical funnel what you want to do is asfollow you actually want to create whatwe call a search campaign so you want toutilize Google and Bing to run searchnow with search what happens is becausea lot of times when people are going toyour website not everyone's going to buyyou will be on average around 4 to 5percent conversion rate is on your pageso that means that over 90% of thepeople saw your product but they stillleft and there are many reasons why theywill leave right at this point what youwant to do is to create an infinite looppole using different strategies to getto actually buy there may be people thatactually left they go to search onGoogle or Bing to know more about youand drive them to come back okay toactually acquire the sale now let's saythat they are already on this page youalso obviously want what we callretargeting ads on Facebook andInstagram again doing the same thingover here and driving people theyactually come back now when you havesomeone that actually went to the creditcard page but did not purchase or didnot buy you then want to again have aretargeting strategy in place withFacebook and Instagram to actually havepeople that left to go here can actuallycome back and finish the transaction nowhere's gonna be the caveat everyone weall know about retargeting but a lot ofpeople just stopped at running Facebookand Instagramin reality you actually want to stackthis retargeting list and not justutilize simply Facebook Instagram youcan basically run banner ads you can runwhat we call GSP and you can also runYouTube ads so your purpose is tobasically continue to get people toactually come back because remember whena person actually comes to your websitethey're considered warm audience okay soyou also want to do this here banner adsGSP and retargeting and now by doing soyou are now creating an ecosystem soanyone that really engage your brand atthe end of the day now you are basicallygoing to have your media buyingcapability to simply get them tocontinue the customer journey on wherethey have left off as a matter of factand other very important thing is youcan alsobasically have people to create a bigretargeting list over here tocross-promote other things so forexample there are banner there are GSPthere are YouTube there's Facebook andthere's Instagram the purpose of this isto basically go ahead and simply crosspromotes in your store and otherproducts or basically talk about havinga sale going on within your business sonow you're not going to be say haveanyone leave your brand anymore whereverthey are you are continuing to have themto come back into your ecosystemultimately when you first start you haveto remember this face over here thisface over here when you're runningGoogle I'm sorry when you want toInstagram and in-store Instagram andFacebook ads all this over here isconsidered awareness yes you can make 3dsales easily by simply just harnessingjust from Facebook ad and Instagram adsbut if you want to build a sustainablebusiness you have to become a real mediabuyer and knowing exactly how youactually scale because here in purplethis is basically where you create theinfinite loophole wherever they arethey're sending them back ok again ifpeople actually interact with you andyour brand forth they will continue tointeract it's kind of like you meeting anew girl or a new guy right when youactually went on faith medium got theirphone number and then you guys go go ona day and then you guys continue to taxcontinue to make phone calls continue toactually send each other Instagrammessages or Facebook messages that'swhere the infinite loop hole comes inbecause you will continue having thatrelationship with done now when youscale I'm gonna use a different colorwhat do you screen when you scale nowit's going to be very interestingbecause what you can do is obviouslynumber one you can scale up withFacebook guys and Instagram ads onbasically getting the most targetedpeople to your funnel what you then cando when you scale is you can now startto basically create a YouTube ad you canstart creating Gmail sponsored ads youcan start using banner ads you can startgoing after cult traffic search ads atthe same time all these are basicallyways for you when you're scaling to addpeople right into your store so in anutshell the best way obviously is tostart with Facebook and Instagrambecause they have an amazing targetingcapability and they're really built fore-commerce but you don't want to put allyour eggs in one basket you need tofirst create this infinite loophole ofpeople of basically different peopletaking or going into different customerjourney of your path and mostimportantly banking this over here sothat you can continue to cross promoteand generate salesnow if these all does well then what youneed to do in order for you to Kanedascale to like let's say $3,000 any or$30,000 a day you need to expand andscale your traffic using other mediumbuy capabilities because again this ishow you run a real ecommerce businessokay again if I did go a little bitevents but at the end of the day whatyou need to really be aware of is if youhave a goal in mind right we talkedabout three dollars a day if you areselling ten dollar products you're justfocusing on just 30 sales a day you'llbe basically make 300 bucks a day rightthat's what you want to do now here'sthe interesting thingright now we used ecommerce as thevehicle the block it's just in yourvehicle how you have the ability toreally drivesailes how you can really make 300 bucksa day or 5000 bucks a day or howevermany money you want you need to actuallycraft the infinite loophole and havesimply media buying skill set okay withthis skill set this is going to help youto simply use this exact same skill setto build any other business you wantmaybe a local business maybe a digitalpublishing business an affiliatemarketing business at the end of the daythis part over here is just the vehicleecommerce is just the vehicle what toreally generate sales you need toobviously understand media buying andreally implement this infinitely pullstrategy for your business in order foryou to actually make that three hundredbucks a day now again at the end of theday if you want to make let's say ifyour goal is to make $10,000 a monthokay let's say that that's your goal Iwant to make $10,000 a month how can Ido so and I don't want to use e-commerceor I want to use a different way well ifyou allow me to share with you astrategy that you use my influencemastering the number one skill set thatevery business or entrepreneur needs wasjust media buying and ultimately alrightjust for sales for sales can potentiallymake you a hundred and twenty thousanddollar a year if you want to learn howto do that okay there's a link rightbelow this video or simply go to attrexcomm and I'm going to help you masterthe number one skill sets which is mediabuying and how you can use this skillset to potentially generate a $120,000 ayear even if you have no experience noprior knowledge and really masteringthis skill set for you to build grow andscale any business that you want alrightso right in the video description rightbelow or there may be a there may besomething overat the top right where you can click onit and sign up again I'm hosting thislive workshop for you guys to reallymaster all dese very interested makesure you click there right now and Ilook forward on seeing you guys in ournext episode now if you like my videomake sure you subscribe to my youtubechannelclick that notification bell so thateach time I release a brand new videoyou are going to get a notification fromYouTube right awayalright other than that make sure youalso take a prank if you think that thisvideo is valuable to them I'll see youguys very very soon bye now
