How to Make Millions in Online Marketing – Ask the Pro

youwelcome to ask a pro I have somebodythat you should be so excited to meettodayGianni Barraza Raza huh but I'm notItalian now the name is Italian uhthat's me yes yes not yeah this guy lookI'm here to ask the pro I hope you'rehere to ask questions this guy left Peruin 1997 in poverty poet yes okay I wasworking two hours to get food Wowyeah and came to the great USA Americacame here got a job here fired fromcorporate America in 2013 found himselfon the US government payroll subsidy notthe kind of payroll you want and turnedit around made a million dollars in 2015owns a company worth 10 million dollarstoday he uses and and that's why I'm soexcited about having him here because heknows how to do some stuff I don't knowhow to do click arbitrage affiliatemarketing lead generation some peoplesay that I know what I'm doing on allthis internet stuff but folks I don't Imake so many mistakes is incredible soI'm really really happy to have Gianninice to Gianni great to have it was mydream yeah by the way well dude yourdreams come true then man it's my dreamto meet great people like you so manlook look tell tell me you yourcompany's going to bring in five milliondollars in revenue this year correct andyou don't have a product no I don't justsales without owning any product yeahyes so I mean this is a whole new worldcorrect and I can give a quick examplefor young people that understand yeahyeahfor example grant what's your bestproduct right now but in terms ofvolumes or in terms of the March themost margin well I mean our corporateonline platform it's an 80 it sells for80 thousand bucks all the way up to amillion dollars okay so let's and thenthere's there's there's variations ofthat there's there's individual hybridmodels of that but let's this and thenthere's books and intros audio programsand webcastas a simpler example okay go universityokay good good what is the price forpeddle it's a forty nine hundred dollarprogramokay five thousand how much are youwilling to pay me if I sell ten of thosea day I'd be willing to pay a lot likewhat five thousand dollars yeah okaylet's say yeah so yeah yeah yeah so Iwill be making five thousand dollars ifI sell you tenokay yeah we make a deal you give me mymy own custom link yeah yeah so my goalis is to to create some ads on FacebookGoogle you do the ads and I doeverything that not like some of theseaffiliates out there that like theydon't know how to do an ad I doeverything I have I have teams and yeahyou know yeah I have employees that Itrain but I started myself in a in thelittle apartment that I used to live Iwas doing this so I know how to turn atinto profit so if you're gonna pay mefive thousand you gotta pay me find outso my goal is to to sell it for lessthan four thousand those same productsto make a profit okay obviously if Isell it for less than dense than fivethousand because you'll pay me fivethousand yeah yeah yeah so I put my adsso if I spend more than five thousanddollars I'm not making money rightif you sell less than no because you'llpay me $5,000 right okay so you sell50,000 and ice and you you you get paidfive thousand doesn't let me know isthat a fair is ten percent of fair andknow what would I normally do I thinkwhat should it I think will be probablythirty percent okay so let's say I payyou 15,000 hundred fifty okay so I'mwilling you're gonna pay me fifteenthousand I'm willing to spend ten myfriend ten thousand dollars on ads yeahgreat market yeah yeah yeah so I makeand you'd be willing to spend the ten umbefore you made any money correct allright but but I think a lot of the guysout there they don't have the money tospend like how do you get to that placecorrectso so that's what that's what we teachin digital cash flow experts every daywe put together a content but you startwith smaller products so I will startbecause a two thousand dollars is goingto take harder sell so Iyeah something maybe that you sell forfor a hundred are you gonna pay me 50because you just want to get thecustomer on the door right yeah yourcustomers on the door they're gonna buymore for you yeah yeah so then I'm whichif you're not be so let's take myplaybook to millions this is with beerso I just learned a bunch right hereokay because you're not going to be ableto spend that kind of money andaffiliate not you you could do it I cando it but if I wanted a thousand of hasto be at least thirty seven dollarproduct okay okay good so let's take mopand it needs to look like a deal to theto the public right right so let's takemy fifty four hundred dollar programplaybook to millions okay okay becausewe want to use that to get people in inthe door introduced to me correct okaybecause it can't just be a book forfifteen bucksno they doesn't pay anybody enough my agood good deal that he yeah but he showslike it's worth Wow wow there's so mucheasy to sell okay so let's let's makethat thing four hundred ninety fivedollars okay and I'll pay you the samethirty percent thirty percent so you'regonna pay me 150 bucks on a fifty bucksto make a fiver you like that deal ofcourse I like that all day longokay they're gonna pay my hundred fiftybucks I'm gonna create my ad I'm gonnaoptimize them on Facebook Google it'sopen we're hoping like we're doingmillions of dollars in Google andFacebook with products that we don'teven oh okay so once you know thatnumber okay and the product convertsyour products convert like crazy wantspeople know about you yeah yeah theyjust buy and the good thing is let's saythat they don't buy the first day butthey're crooked and they see your videoyour color you explain what cookie thiscookie is is like Wendy I hit I hitVictoria's Secret or Bloomingdale's sitecorrect so and that's when later I pushthem to Victoria Secret yeah your nightwith my affiliate link yeah yeah whenthey click and they go any purchaseafter three five twenty days is minehaha some people don't make the decisionright away that's yeah most people don'tmake right okay and especially with youwith the type of marketing that you dosomeone's gonna buy yeah so like whathe's you know just so everybodyunderstands and I'm sure most of you outthere understand way more than I doabout this but for those of you don'tI'm out looking atpair of blue jeans together that's rightokay slim fit um a geez I wasn't eventrying to buy them man I already had mygirl at Bloomingdale's telling me hey wegot some in there 30% off I go on theinternet and I googled the colors Iwasn't trying to buy anything I alreadyhad the girl Marla taking care of meyes so I go in there and google it andnow I can't get away from that AG geneeverywhere I go that's the cookie crikeyyeah retargeting retard okay so sosomeone and he doesn't have to beblooming though someone is making moneyif you ever buy something from thatstore uh and that's what I feel itmarketing is you don't have to own aproduct but you can leverage fromsomeone that has amazing pros like youyeah and that's what I do for a livingthat's how what was your first productlike when you came here and you're onthe government Dole and the government'staking care you came for the AmericanDreams already and and then it didn'twork out you busted out you lost yourjob how did you get startedwhat's your first thing my first thingwas there was a guy from Peru I went toan event Scott and this guy was making amillion dollars a month selling beautyproducts okay anything that is pain likeyou wanna do young uh hello Chelsea youwanna make money or you wanna a dateyeah yeah it million dollars soconsumption products that you run outlike you use it and then you gotta orderanother so I realize that women 35 andolder wanted to look young and pretty sothey were selling this this beautyproduct so I wanna fill in network thatanyone can go is free you can go findthese products called affiliate networksyeah yeah ah and a million dollars amonth and I need yes and and then youknow I start promoting them on Googleand I start making my first threehundred dollars a day yeah I was like Iwas making a hundred twenty a day incorporate America now 300 a day from myhome yeah I have thousand dollars and Idid all the way you know gonna believeit one hundred and five thousand dollarsin one day Wow yeah with products thatdon't even I don't even know most peopledon't know aboutbut this is real is real people make alot of moneyin their basement and nobody even knowsyeah yeah so so I mean the IRS knowsright well that is of course they knowin your mama knows but there is becauseyou call mama say mama made a hundreddollars right of course you know so so Iwent from making you know close to fiftythousand dollars a year all the way tothree five million dollars and I wentcrazy okay so so but let's back it upokay so like when you're doing the firstone you're doing the makeup day I meanyou don't you don't even feel good aboutthe product though right now I didn'tknow anything I just need to make moneydo you like it so the viagra all thatstuff if I Agra had their times twopeople make millions of dollars wouldhaha it all now now do affiliatemarketers that my brother told me thiscuz he's in the internet space and he'slike look most these guys will sellanything right they just want to sellwhatever converts the easiest thecheapest Kareena fast correct and andthat's how I started and then I realizedhey I want to make a difference yeah ajob yeah you know promoting really goodproducts and I created a lot of digitalproducts and trainings where we actuallychange life like take people from notknowing anything all the way to make ittheir first hundred thousand dollars amonth you know so I realized that thatuh money is good but I wanted yeahthat's the one thing I have had I've hadproblems with the space like our YouTubechannels not monetized we don't monetizeit my guys like and we've had I don'tknow how many views we had there onYouTube millions of you have a lot ofand I won't monetize it because I don'twant all those dumb ads dropping in onme antidepressants walk on fireeverybody will start jumping on thebandwagon alright and I didn't want thatand I think some of the affiliates andyou said it after a while you stir likeman I'm just all I'm doing sellingcreams correct that I don't feel goodabout so you got into the you got intothe training end of the business oreducate people how to actually do thisto change your life correct and it's upto them what they sell correct it's upto them why they sell you know butthere's there's amazing product like anyyet and that was sure in oppositionamazing amazing sauce so what kind ofproducts work I would expect newanything you can consume nutritionalproducts its traditional bra anythingthat is pain is money like for examplethat pain is mine like what you you sellpeople how to get out of the pain rightyeah yeah yeah yeah it sounds like crazyif but but even it would even be betterif it was easier like I pop a pillcorrect I put it on my face like atrained catification yes yescertification people take action so giveme some give me some of your bestsellers best sellers uh you mean on endof the four categories like like like ifyou look back what are the things whatare some of your best seller diet andbeauty diable people want to lose weightthey wanna you know take the shakes andall this yeah yeah and they get incontinuity you know they they buy onceand they want more recurring revenue insecond with youunfortunately in in the whole world weall want instant gratification we when Iget rich and one day and doesn't work wewant to lose weight without going to thegym yeah I want my ABS back yeah yeahyou know we want to do tonight yeah yeahyeah yeah and and there's people thatwanna that wanna buy that yeah so that'swhat you know I feel in marketing it youyou give it to the people who raisetheir hand I want that yeah so that'sthat's pretty much it and how can peoplelike if people want more informationabout what you do because I imaginepeople watching you say dude this guy'sa a happy guy you seem like a real happyperson I don't know if everybody fromperu's happy yeah yeah are they alrightwe're happy hey do you think Americansare happy people I think I don't think alot of people are in depression medicinetheir their stress that they don't havemoney you know that's what it is andthat's what I try to show up every dayin my shows Roberts sees me every day Italk about being happy making money butbeing happy finding your views on aboutbeing happy but yeah yeah you knowyou're it you're happy too I enjoybecause I come like I said I used towalk two hours to get food now I makemillions of dollars I'm still the samehappy guy yeah yeah you know and yeahyeah yeah I don't take for grantedthat but you like making money betterthan being both course I love makingmoney because now I can help a lot ofpeople yeah yeah Thank You Sadie in themiddle of our booklet now all my friendswant me to when I pay the tab nobodysays anything right yeah yeah yeah themoney doesn't make you happy ebony surethey pay the bill hahaha Ella I I'vebeen following you for a year you knowsomeone told me and I said you know if Iwanna keep growing I need to meet thisguy yeah that I need everything possibleto be here yeah you know and that's whatsuccess is yeah persistent uh you needto be persistent and and and you youhave to hate being average yeah so doesthat work on the internet though cuz Ihear a lot of people say man sales haschanged selling things running abusiness has changed because they don'tknow I'm like wait a minutepersistence is something we've beentalking about for 2,000 years a cookieremark retarget marketing is basically apersistence right on automation throughit so has it changed has the sales hashow you sell something to somebody wellI I think there's more competition soyou have to become a better marketeruh-huh okay give more value like whenthey see Grant Cardone showing everysingle day everybody shows up once aweek to show up everybody right with metwice a day I have chose twice mycompetition does it once I do it twiceyeah yeah you know or 10x like I said Ialways you know give more value thanwhat I expect them to give me yeahyou're not the heir you get more salesit's the same thing you want to promoteuh for example a beauty productwell create videos about putting theirbeauty and what he actually did for youyeah yeah yeah and then you that notjust a flat out that's a net I put himinto a little funny dude look what'syour side much is that why we targetthem do some videos about you know mymom I'm junkie so yeah you're a littlebooklet how to apply ityes go the extra mile yeah you're nevergonna be broke so see that applies tothe affiliate marketing person – so thisis an age old thing go the extra milethere's nobody on it correctyou know I see a lot of people out theredoing the affiliate marketing thing andthey're like I'm not making any moneyjust because you don't have any heart init there's no passion in it man like itthere's no grapes in the wine you knowlike like somebody's got a you know likemake it rightso so I saw this video yesterday withthis Japanese guy he had big bags underhis eyes I'm driving home I'm driving inthe whitey and and you know my phone'splaying this thing don't tell anybodythat I phone's going while I'm drivingand and I see this Japanese guy andthey're putting stuff under one eyebecause he's got these big bags kind oflike mine are in it and the other eyethey don't put the cream on but it makesme think about how I got into watch Iwant to watch that I I don't thinkanything changed but I kept watching itover and over again to see what changeso it had me hooked so what kind of whatkind of things do you do to hook peopleinto looking at the ad cuz you'retalking about better marketing I I tellstorieshmm storytelling hmm is what actuallysells more than people don't wanna justyou tell them what to do and how much itis what no and how they don't want tosee what it isn'thello a price yes all right the you knowI just you start telling stories aboutyou know let's make example I'm gonnasell Broncos on University right yeahyeah you know how I was broke and and mywife left meyeah and that I'd be honest andeverything yeah my wife actually left meokay yeah yeah yeah and yeah and he'snot saying make up stories and I be thekind of stories that Allah correct be begenuine with with that but if youactually tell the story still then hey50 bucksgo to come by now yeah yeah yeah do emtoday except I was broke and then Istart following Grant Cardoneand I watched this video and actually Iwent to action and I made my first salebut you see how the story goes yeah andeventually they relate with the storythey buy because I don't make a decisionthat you know people make decisions onemotion uh-huh that's what I okay youthink they make decisions on emotion yesmost people they make this issue thatemotion you know I want to meet you it'semotion yeah yeah yeah maybe whateveryou hearyeah yeah the same thing is is but wasit emotional day okay so let's look atthis okay you're like I really like tomeet that guy that's kind of emotionalbut then do you start supporting how youmake sense at the time and the moneythat it takes to come down here and thenjust hear me out here and then you startlogically thinking to support thisemotion man it'd be good for my businesshe could help me maybe I could spendsome time with him I can get somecoaching did you do that there you goyes so even though the emotional thingsays I want that then you logicallylegit yes you make sense out of why youwant right exactly but people make theimpulsive decision yeah yeah motion yeahand then support it exactly if youunderstand that psychology you can tellanything you want this is Johnny BarakaBourassa Barasa Bourassa Barossa dar Raza put your website on coach Gianni calmokay we'll post it let's put it in theshow yes calm this is ask the pro man Ididn't want to talk to somebody aboutyou you know frank kern correct so hedoes spot all love from him yeah what doyou do different than Frank or is itsomething in this is I actually relatewith the people I'm more like you like Irespond you know Facebook and I becomeyou know it's like make them part ofthis story like they knew I was cominghere for example my followers yeah and Iwas making them that they were part ofthis mission yeah yeah yeah we want tochange the internet we're gonna make ityeah it looked in fairness to FrankFrank's done a great jobFrank Frank did internet marketing andaffiliate marketing before there wassocial media correct so you're coming inat a time where socials on the singleand dominating so Gianni Naima pleasurehaving you today this ask a pro hey lookif you have something you do a specialtycookies making cookies since he's beentalking about cookies I'll make the bestchocolate chip cookie I'm telling youit's thin it's kind of crispy and chewything is sick I don't want you eatinganything and I look anyway um if youhave especially if yeah I want you toreach out to Robert says slow the videogenius out Roberts is slow my main manif you got some specialty something youdo better than heI want to sit you in that chair andinterview you so I can learn and soother people around the world can learnthanks for watchingand we have a free blueprint by the waywhat is it put it on let me tell themexactly from a to see how they can maketheir first sale online as an affiliatemarketer link okay uh thank you forjoining us at ask a pro take care that'sawesomewell you damn that's good
