How To Market Your Business Online For Free – 12 Top Strategies

hey guys Justin Bryan here fromself-made and in this videoI'm going to show you how to market yourbusiness online for free none of thesestrategies will cost you anything theyall have free options and it's going tohelp you get as much traffic as you'rewilling to work for to whatever businessyou have it doesn't matter if it's asmall business a local business andonline business it doesn't matter I'mgoing to show you how to get a ton oftraffic using 12 different strategiesthat are all completely free so thefirst thing is video marketing and thereason I start with video marketing isbecause that is the trend right nowvideo marketing is trending up it'sincreasing a hundred percent per year onmobile devices video views soMillennials are also big into videos aswell Millennials are going to be thefuture of your business okay as they getolder as they're becoming young adultsthey're going to be the primarygeneration of buyers so you need toplease Millennials and think about thatso one site here called new has a cool article here and itwas 35 different places you can submitvideos okay it was done a few years backbut most of these are still good placesto submit videos so you can upload themto YouTube of course that's your numberone optionVimeo you have vine if it's shortFacebook photo bucket dailymotion allthese different sites go through andtest them outand make sure they're all working butmost of them are and these are all sitesyou can upload videos to so you don'thave to worry about not getting the mostout of each piece of content so you wantto take one video and upload it to asmany places as possible where you canget traffic this will help you expandyour brand and reach as many potentialcustomers as possiblenumber two business listing sites so ifyou have a local business especiallythis is going to apply to you if youhave a restaurant if you have a gym ifyou have a car dealership whatever it isHubSpot has a great list here of 50online local business directories sopeople are looking online for prettymuch everything even local businessesthey research the businesses before theyactually go to them in person so youneed to be listing your business on asmany local business directories aspossible and this is the list of 50different ones you can use it's onHubSpot com so after this video Irecommend checking this out if you havea local business so that you can be inas many places as possible for yourcustomers to find you so we have Googlepages being pages Yahoo Yelp FacebookBetter Business Bureau Angie's ListLinkedIn I mean there's a ton of them sothat is a great way to get your businesssome more traffic without having tospend any money just stay away from anyof the ones that try to make you payjust to create a page because most ofthose don't require any money at allnumber three blogging so if you'recreating new content all the time you'regoing to give yourself a chance to rankin search engines you're going to giveyourself a right a chance to buildcredibility and get more traffic justfrom mass-producing articles you'llnotice some of the biggest websites onthe internet actually create like dozensof articles per day you'll see likeentrepreneur com does about between 40and 50 articles a day on average so thebiggest websites know that you need topublish a lot of content and a lot ofquality content so if you're going toblog if you feel like that would reallyhelp your business if you feel like thatis something that you're going to pursueto get more traffic I have an article onmy website it's called how to start aWordPress blog in three steps onBluehost hosting on I'll teach you how to set upall the stuff in just a couple of stepsthree steps to be exact and it'll bereally cheap okay you can also start afree blog if you want to do that you canstart a free blog if you don't alreadyhave one with Wix with Weebly with blogblogger and you can even write articlesand other places like winked in andmedium so there are a lot of differentoptions for starting a blog obviouslyWordPress is probably the best way to gobut there are other free options butWordPress costs you it could cost youmaybe three or four dollars a month soyou know you probably have a blogalready if you have a website but if youdon't then check out this article orlook up one of the free blogs butwriting articles all the time is reallya great way to build credibility and gettraffic number four product listingsites and marketplaces so what I mean bythis is places that you can sell aproduct without a website so whether youhave a website or not you can use theseplaces to sell whatever it is you'resellingand there's a great article about thiscalled 32 places to sell onlinee-commerce marketplaces and platformsokayit's the pix team that does this pickscomyou can check them out and it withmarketplaces like ebay amazon Etsyshopify bigcommerce WooCommerce VolusionI mean there's all kinds of differentmarketplaces where you can sell productsall ababbas big one now jets a new onethere's all kinds of great places ofcourse Amazon eBay those are some of thebiggest ones even Craigslist is supplieswhere you can sell products locally sothere's a lot of different places thatyou can sell products without evenhaving a website or anything and most ofthe time the listing is free or theymight take like a small percentage ofthe sale price once you get it soldinstead of charging you a flat fee forlisting it so go through figure outwhich ones are free and you'll find thatthere's a lot of places you can listyour products whatever it is you'reselling number five social media ofcourse so you have to do social media ifyou want to get traffic because there'sso many people using social media nowit's basically taking over the worldand there's over a billion people on sayFacebook alone so some of the bestsocial media channels there's an articleabout this on The Huffington Post combut Facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagramand Pinterest YouTube of course is avideo sharing site whether or not youconsider that social media or not is upto youYelp is really more of a businessdirectory but Pinterest InstagramLinkedIn Twitter and Facebook are greatfor business I would also recommendGoogle Plus they're great businessplatform social media Baysites like that can really boost yourtraffic all you do is you build up somefollowers by posting quality contentdon't sell a lot on those sites do itmaybe an 80/20 split eighty percent oftime you just post cool stuff twentypercent of the time you can post bigsales and promotions and stuff like thatbut Facebook Twitter the sites on thiswist and Google+ is another one I wouldrecommend for building up a base offollowers and getting more trafficanother thing I would recommend you dois SEO now you might wonder if you havea little experience blogging what thedifference is between blogging and SEOand why have these as separate pointsSEO of course is search engineoptimization search engine optimizationdoesn't always just apply to blogs itapplies to any website and not everywebsite has a blog so you can have abase small business website that justhas a contact page maybe an about page ahome page and you know some contactinformation and stuff like that so it'sbasically used as a reference or as alanding page to get contact informationfrom clients or for clients to getcontact information from your businessso you don't have to have a blog to doSEO this is just how you rank in searchengines and come up in search resultswhen they search for relevant termsrelated to what your business is aboutso quick sprout com has an entireadvanced guide to SEOit's basically an online book that isfree to read and it takes you throughnine different chapters of how SEO worksfor beginners for in-depthstrategies and tips that you can use nomatter where you are on the scale ofexperience and SEO you will find thisbook very useful so look this up it'sthe quick sprout Advance guide to SEOthis is the front page and I recommendyou read that if you want to give SEO ashot and help your website get moretraffic whether you have a blog or notnumber 7 document sharing this appliesto PowerPoint presentations PDFs andthings like thatso this is just another form of contentmarketing of course content can be blogposts it can be any kind of articles itcan be videos it can be audios it can bedocuments content is just informationbasically that you share with the worldbut these are two hundred-plus of themost popular document sharing sites andif you notice there's a ton of them andthey allow you to submit like I saidthings like slideshows and PDF versionsof your content so in many cases you canjust repurpose the content you'vealready created let's say you have ablog and you've been blogging a longtime you can repurpose a blog post thesame exact information into a videoversion into a slideshow version a PDFversion a audio version a bunch ofsocial media posts things like that soif you go to sites like mediafire andGoogle Drive Dropbox is su SlideSharebox I mean there's a lot of differentsites on here that you can check outSlideShare is probably the biggest onethey're owned by LinkedInI would definitely recommend startingwith them but of course there's alsoScribd and some other ones but gothrough this list and you'll find agreat database of places where you cansubmit PDF and slideshow versions ofyour content to get more traffic numbereight online sharing communities andwhat I mean by this is places where youcan get social media shares and gettraffic without having a following yetso if your website isn't popular yet andyou don't have a lot of social mediafollowers yet if you share your stuffyou're not going to get much traffic butif you share it in a place where peopleexchange shares and promote each other'sstuff for free using a fake creditsystem which you get credits for sharingpeople stuff and then you use thosecredits that you earn to get people toshare your stuff so all you're doing isyou're trading Twitter and Pinterest andFacebook shares with other people whoneed it so when you find other blogs andother brands that have similar contentin this similar industry you can shareeach other stuff and you both benefitfrom it so viral content buzz is one ofthe best sites for this you can sign upfor free and it allows you to earncredits by sharing people stuff onStumbleUpon Twitter Pinterest andFacebook you earn a certain amount ofpoints for each share and of course youhave to share it to a real account theymake sure that it's a quality account soyou can't screw the system or anythingso it's definitely a good site and thenyou earn them enough points to where youcan run your own projectand the project allows other people toearn credits that you pay them forsharing your content so there's viralcontent buzz there's also just retweetcalm and it was also Empire cred there'sanother one called tribe er where youbasically automatically share eachother's blog content so there's three orfour really good sites to promote eachother's stuff and get tons of trafficwithout even having to have a followingyet so I would recommend you try thoseout if you're kind of beginning oryou're just trying to get a big boost intraffic remember nine podcasting so thisis just another form of contentmarketing you can turn videos into anaudio file and upload it to a podcast ifyou want or you can do unique contentfor your podcast you might check out theTim Ferriss show or entrepreneur on firefor examples of very popular podcaststhat do very well Joe Rogan you may haveknown him from UFC he has anotherpopular podcast so it's basically likeyour own personal radio show that youget to start on iTunes now there'smultiple places you can upload thesepodcasts now it's not just on iTunes butit's also on stitcher google play a Miroovercast pocket cast there's alldifferent places that you can publishthese now and they're just in episodeswhere you basically publish your ownlittle episode of your personal radioshow through the internet there's alsoSoundCloud I don't think that's on thislist but that's another onebut the podcasters studio comm has aplace where you can find some of theseplaces where you can publish podcastsand other great tips but this whistright here will really get you startedand give you a chance to get the mostexposure out of one podcast episode soeach time you do a new one publish it onall these big sites and you'll get themost traffic number ten is answeringquestions on Quoraso Cora is like Yahoo Answers and I'mpretty sure you this works for YahooAnswers as well but I prefer Quora justbecause it's a newer cleaner platform Ijust like the way it works better but ifyou look at Quora there's all thesepeople asking questions in all differentindustries about all different topics soyou can answer a question and if you'requalified to give a good answer youshould answer these questions givesomething that really helps whoeverasked it and you can link to a blog postor a video that expands upon the topicfurther so you don't want to just send alink in an answer but you want to give areally good answer in text form and thenif they want to read more they can go toa blog post or they can go watch a videoso this gives you a chance to be helpfuland get traffic to wherever you sendthem to your content and Cora allows youto do this just through answeringquestions so this is another great placeto get traffic and most questions gethundreds if not thousands of viewseleven guest posting so guest postingallows you to take a blog post maybemake a alternative version of it ormaybe make a completely unique post andyou can submit it to different websitesinstead of just your own has a whist of 50 plusquality blogs that accept guest posts soyou can submit them to a lot of theseposts while these blogs a lot of thesewebsites that have a lot of authorityand accept posts from others that don'twork for them also there are others thisis not just the end-all be-all of blogsthat accept guest posts this is not theonly list this is not the onlyfifty-plus that you can choose fromthere are hundreds of them because thereare hundreds of blogs in each industryso let's say you want to submit it andyour article is about small business youcan submit it to entrepreneur com youcan submit it to Forbes you can submitto Business Insider you could submit itto social media examiner there's a lotof different places you can submitarticles and there's all different onesfor all different industries so this isjust a list of different ones that youcan get started with and if yourindustry is not listed on here then youcan find other lists just by looking itup on Google butthere's all kinds of big authority sitesif you just look them up you can findwhich sides get the most traffic in yourindustry and you can submit posts tothem and if they accept you you can gettons of traffic by leveraging theiraudience and not having to worry abouthow big yours is last but not least isforums so forums are another place whereyou can get traffic and you don't wantto just post there in these forums tojust clearly try and sell whatever it isyou're selling you want to make it likea place where you actually have aconversation because that is what formsare for so for instance if your businessis a blog about food instead of justgoing to a forum and putting a post upthere and saying hey check out this blogblah blah blah buy my stuff whateverinstead ask people questions in theseforums about food or about your bloginstead of just selling it people don'twant to be sold people want to haveconversations people want to be helpfuland answer questions in forums they wantto have in-depth discussions so createthat and tie it in to your website don'tjust spam your website so there's awebsite here called a funder accom andthey have a list here of 18 smallbusiness forums that could help okay soI talked a lot about entrepreneurshipmarketing personal development thingsthat help you build better businessesbecause I am a big believer inentrepreneurship I'm a big believer thatentrepreneurship builds our worldhelps in advance and it makes thebiggest impact on people so I ampassionate about entrepreneurship sothis would apply to me I would look atthese different forums and I couldsubmit to startup nation small businessbrief quickbooks online communitywarrior forum business advice forum andall these different ones on this listnow you might have a cooking brand youmight have a car lot you might have abodybuilding blog or something like thatso you would go look up a list ofdifferent forums based off your keywordsthat you identify with but the point isthere are dozens of forums in every mainindustry so you can submit topics havediscussions ask questions and then tiein your website and your brand to eithergauge what people think about it or tojust mention it because you havesomething you think would help adiscussion within your brand so useforums and you can get a lot of extratraffic if you just do it the right wayand use it in a discussion formatinstead of a sales format so if you gotsomething from this video if you feellike you've learned something aboutmarketing a business online for freewithout having been any money onadvertising or anything else why cansubscribe so I can create more videoslike this for you and help you find thebest resources and the best strategiesto help you if you feel like there'sanother strategy that I left out thatyou thought should have been in thevideo or you just want to let me knowwhat you thought about the video let meknow in the comments I'd love to hearfrom youand if you want to get more in-depthblog posts on this type of stuff where Igo over more options and more in depthinto each topic if you want to getcourses that take you step-by-step howto do these things how to start yourbusiness how to improve it how to marketit each step of the way with the bestresources if you want to find tools thatcan help you automate things marketbetter and just work more efficiently goto self-made for all thatother than that I hope you enjoyed thevideo and I hope you have a great dayyou
