How to Scale an Ecommerce Business to $60K/Month in 3 Months

[Music]thanks for having me halfway across theworld so he said it was the log flighttoday yeah I left Atlanta Monday eveninggot here Wednesday ordered so I think Iwas technically traveling travelingabout 26 hoursyeah well that's incredible well thankyou so much for taking the time to behereso just for some background for anyonewho's watching this video pretty muchfour stars go course you know we ranthis competition when we first launchedit and you know come on vest in thecourse and absolutely killed it in thecompetition grew his business and arapid pace and part of that so we weinvited him then they do like a littlelittle mastermind list with the topthree winners and yeah it's just beenabsolutely incredible it's a reallyreally impressive growth hacker businessperson found up and yeah I'm reallyexcited to connect like a 5-man onlineof a fresh heritage I love what you'vegot going on I just want to saycongratulations on will you success thusfar appreciate that man appreciate thatwell can you give everyone like a littlebit of a background around freshheritage how you got started becausewhen you when you when you start at thestands ago course you had alreadylaunched but you just kind of just kindof getting excited to get things goingmm-hmm yeah so my background for the forthe past four or five years I've been adigital marketer more so solopreneur onaffiliate marketing launching a bunch ofpaid social media type of businesses andI always had a beard a lower beard andhad problems with it and so I realizedthat a few years ago ethnic ethnicpeople in general have unique hair careneeds our hair as the type of hair wehave it dries out a lot yes and so a lotof the products on the market have a lotof alcohol and things like that on theharmful force it helps our here breakand we get a lot of dandruff and sothere's not a lot of options for us andso how was a result of that I had ahorrible looking beard I now it's notthat poor a little but at the time waspretty bad and we took a trip to SouthNorth Africa my brother and I did and wejust learned about some of our groomingtraditions and some of the oils thatthey use all over back in the day and soI started using that stuff and realizedthat my whole bathroom pantry was filledwith female products and so like 10years agoethnic women had an epiphany where theystarted making natural and organicproducts specifically for female hairand I realized that I was using a lot oftheir products to grow myself and a lotof my friends were also and so the ideato make something with those samebenefits but marketed specifically formen kind of grew during that trip toAfrica and just like that awakening thatI had a lot of products in my ownbathroom that weren't for men so yeahman that's an amazing story dude onething that comes to mind is you do youhave the bevel product yeah man thattrician walker guy I even I think thoserazors like they look amazing dude andsame kind of concept right yeah so he'slike a pioneer in this he's raised a tonof money on in Silicon Valley and hefocuses on just once again we haveunique hair caring grooming issues hefocuses on men who shave and my focushas been on men who have a beard whohave hair on their head and have thoseproblems so yeah it's been well receivedboth products he's a phenomenal productand when I launched I did a an up viralcampaign and we actually gave away abevel care package yes I like them a lottheir packages on point their message inzone point Arabiayeah yeah they've got some good sitedesign similar position and yeahpremiere product together yeah awesomeso I wanted to touch on you know you inthat three month period you grew yourbusiness you blew it up from you know tocare month to 60 cameras so rapid growththat's really impressive man so what I'mcurious around is you know we spoke afew months back and I'm gonna say acouple months back what's happening nowwhen's the business act you know whatwhat's biggest challenges I have what alot of people have said good challengesa good problems to have so we'vecontinued growing over the holidays thatkind of November to December rush weblew up even more we did around like 90K yeah those and that kind of 30 to 40days over the holidays but then thatcreated a whole bunch and she swore mebecause like returns were sending outthe wrong stuff and just customersupport and I was kind of a bottleneckup a lot of that so yes just followingup with email campaigns and making surethings are in process so we've actuallyhad to tone down a bit with our ads justto give us time to like really focus onsystems and operations and procedures sothat you know we're not having to stepon again I stepped on the brake step onthe gas step on the brakesyes so hopefully once we wrap this upwe'll be able to continue to growsmoothly and probably grow in a hundredtwo hundred percent a month sounds goodon paper but there's a whole lot of realissues with that in real life cash flowmanagement ordering inventory in timesjust a lot yeah andI using a fulfillment said – no yeah yepso we knock that out right in Novemberright around the time we started scalingup like literally the week ourfulfillment center started we just likeour daily revenue double and triple thenthey got up to like four or five timesthat we're seeing and that's becausepeople look at you're like this issomething I'm known as people look atthe site and they look at how fast theycan get it and if the faster they canget it the higher increasing conversionsthat's correctabsolutely absolutely and we were havingI come that was a lot of our complaintsbefore that his hand ordered the stuffand it's been a week what's up and itwas just a lot for us to do when we'redoing fulfillment internally so we justhad to you know cough it up and pay upfront for the long-term perceivedbenefit so are you sending up do youhave a fulfillment center in East Coastand West Coast or was it playin and I'mcurious yeah so the first priority wasjust to pick a stop these fulfillmentcenter that could get to the majority ofthe country and judaize and then we wantto tap something on the west coast andpossibly look at a base in Canada or theUK as well gotcha yes because we've hada couple of orders starting to come ineven though we're not advertisingthey're just like word of mouth hasspread it we've gotten a lot of ordersfrom both those countries andfulfillment they're such like anightmare clearing customs and all thatstuff yeah so you're saying that there'sa market in Europe and Canadaabsolutely and surprisingly we've gottena ton of military orders so that'sinteresting too but they normallyshipped to an address in Europe toodon't youso when it comes to manufacturing theproduct when you produce it that's themain of the US yes yeah for a lot ofreasons I think like the components ofour product like maybe the box on theirpackage and I could go from like a Chinaor something yes but we're really big onmy customer experience and like providedhigher-qualitylike experience with using our productsand so for that reasonour manufacturing costs are a littlehigher yes but we think that's muchbetter for life just customer experienceand long-term value so it's stillmanufactured or assembled in the US gotyou and when it comes to SKUs how manydo you have right now and what's theplans there because I started with mygirlfriend like a little fun business onthe side and that's time to take off nowand dice we're talking about the SKUsand you know you talk about cash flowit's very expensive to start playingaround with all the SKU samples breakingbowls doing this doing that and thenhaving develop making sure you validatecorrectly for sure using like a starscale framework or social pressure sotell us about the skewed spacesurprisingly man we've done all thiswith like 95% just one SKU one productour classic beard oil donor and we getquestions like daily from people who arelike hey you know I need that what abouta watch right about a bomb what aboutthis and so we're getting to that it'sbeen like just juggling what's the snakethat's gonna kill us first right yesdealing with that and making sure weknow that in the head first thing whilethat's important they're just like likeactual management of like justoperationally customer support withfellow it's better we didn't win justthrowing other products on the market ifwe didn't have each person buying ourproduct having a good experience from itbut we're starting to develop additionalproducts yes and what's cool is we had afeedback loop with our customers justabout hey how are you using our productand they're using it in like reallyunique ways we didn't even think aboutit so it gives gives us some good ideason how we should start positioning ourproducts or what other types of productswe should start considered don't you andI think when you do have more SKUs thatshould increase your average order thatsort for sure which would in turn helpyou grow the business for sure for sureyeah because we're looking at the dataat the end of the air we've had you knowa couplecustomers purchased our products likeseven times and you know we startedtechnically in April but like June wehave like 2k in sales I had generallycount so just in the last six months ofthe year you know we've moved thousandsof thousands of units and some peoplehave even brought our one product likeseven times so yeah yeah further we'vegot a real cool customer base they'rebuying into the community we're tryingto be as thoughtful about beingauthentic as possible and just makingsure that once again we're not selling aproduct what we're focusing on theperson behind the product and makingsure they're happy and I think it'sstarting to show ya know 100% I thinkyou've got a really good friend I likewhat you do with your branding I alsolike what you're doing the videos tooand I mention the station and the spokeon the on the podcast so you know wetalked about on the podcast as wellwhether you're you're not oneacquisition channel is PPC that's donethe case yeah yes and because I thinkyou know even for found and we don'twant a lot of paper say yeah we have theother channels organic they're gettingto beat for us for sure what your plansthere do you have other plans well asliterally just talking to David aboutthatI'm gonna be bothering you about all ofthat over the next few days yeah I justsome on some idea it's like literally aswe were talking with David that's mynumber one priority just other customeracquisition models outside of paidacquisition yes what general are youthinking so we've been looking atpartnering with a lot of ambassadors todo like part of our community like a biggap and where we get a lot of questionson it men just aren't new to groomingespecially like ethnic men it's like nota lot of content and information outthere so just literally videos about youknow how to line up your beard or whatto do if you get razor books or what youdo with your patches or if your hair isbreaking off or a dandruff or whateveryeah there's so much topics on justgeneral health and wellness and hownutrition plays a part in the like hairloss or receiving the hairline so reallyfocus on likepartner with thought leaders who couldprovide high-quality subject matterexpertise and content yes and pushingthat out properly through YouTube orsome sort of like some regular type oftype of distribution that's why apartnering with high-end Barbara's towho they're they're marketing theirbrand partners and aligns with ours aswholesale partners yesI'm and educate our consumer alright sothose are some of the the two main waysand just like really just happening towe pretended nothing with like SEO inGoogle or even Amazon yes which from ourfeedback we people go to Amazon to lookfor our products and are surprised it'snot there and come back to where Istarted by so mmm yeah people like tobuy from Amazon we've found that even wedon't even try and we got this book andpeople like to buy from Amazon versusyour site because Amazon has so muchtrust I know that's a big thing becausewe do need new brands do why but thereis so much skepticism oh yeah so if youown Amazon they trust that it's just nogoodthey give their money back yeah andAmazon have this incredible reputationwith customer support and I believe frommy experience that builds very kind ofbratty kind of customer base from whatwe've experienced yeah that one at fastare there yeah it's crazy yeah yeah it'sit's really crazy but at the same timewe recognize that that's where a lot ofour customers are and so yeah that's agood opportunity for us so there's youknow it's kind of a few channels reallypowerful yeah for sure for sure yes I'msorry to cut you off what we going tosay so go after worked was wrapping upour curious around your experiences withthe start of scale course you know a lotof people I think when they get startedthey are worried about creating theperfect business and they're worriedabout you know if they're going to failyou've had incredible success you youship fast and what would you say toanyone that's on the fence watch thisvideo or doing the course and you knowjust kind of you know your takeawaysfrom doing the core sales it reallyhelps you so two main takeawaysone is do not underestimate theimportance of validating your productand then making that productdifferentiated to what's in themarketplace and I'll go deeper on thatand the second thing is starting scaleis a really cool mentor that can helpyou bypass potential problems deal withissues once they arrive and that's justlike worth its weight in gold so thefirst one is product validation so a lotof people are gonna come at you withideas and like feedback on your productbut it's very important for you not toget distracted and to do you know theunique value prop and then go throughwhat your customers problems are ithelps like in my case that I was like umI'm one of the customers and I know forsure that outside looking into may notseem like a big deal but something Istruggled with so if you'recontemplating an idea it would be veryhelpful if it's something that you'repersonally interested in something thatyou're personally struggling with orjust something you spent money on soyou're not asking someone to tell youabout a customer you're maybe like livein it um so that's one and they'remaking sure once you have a problemidentified you position it differentlyto make sure you stand out from the restbecause that's definitely gonna help youdon't really need to sell people on ifyou understand their problems so startstill under gonna did a really good jobof like explaining that and I thinkpeople cross over there that's extremelyimportant and the second piece is man alot of the problems you touched intouched on in starting scale like yourfirst tirescustomer support for filming it'salready there and so I think it's coolbut then when you actually go out andbuild a brand and you actually need thatadvice it's right there and so if youdon't if you're not experiencing youdon't have a lot of access to mentorsit's just like a really good place whereyou could skip through the differentmodules and just play a video help youget your answer is faster and so forthose two things I think it's just likeworth its weight in gold and what wouldyou say to anyone that's on the fencecuz usually pretty fast men like likewhy why do I sit fast yeah what youdon't seem like you afraid to fail so alot of problems with my personalexperience in entrepreneurship for myhair a lot of people it's like a lot toomuch theory like everyone has a planuntil you get knocked out or you getpunched in the face and so that's usfrom failing you're gonna learn a lotmore most things you can recover fromyou know don't go taking out your 401kand like risking it in some uneducatedmove but like if you have thismentorship relationship where you have awindow which you can operate in just goout on trial it's gonna be the bestfailure it's gonna be the bestexperience and I also think people whodon't have much to lose you don't reallylike it doesn't challenge you enough forlike really get creative my best ideashave come where like I had no optionsleft and I was just forced to work withthe pennies I had to come up with anidea and I think if things were like toonice or there was no fair feeling itwouldn't challenge me to like thinkcreatively and outside the box and sothat's when a lot of innovation happensand so I don't think people who have anexperience failure or a hardship reallyget that value a net benefit of justhaving to force yourself to be creativethe founder mission is to help youcreate an ass-kickin business and helpyou learn straight from the mouths ofworld-class founders get your freeprinted edition of founder magazinefeaturing Sir Richard Branson just covershipping and handling at founder comforward slash Branson
