How To Sell Thousands Of Physical Products Monthly With ClickFunnels… + Free Ecom Funnel

okay so today I'm just going to talk alittle bit about physical productstrategy with clickfunnels how you canuse quick funnels to sell physical itemsversus like digital or coaching oranything like that so like productsyou're actually going to be shipping topeople we're going to look at like whatthe actual strategy is why you mightwant to use quick funnels versus someother platforms and how to actually getthe best average order values and thereturn on investment if you're buyingadvertising and things like that thingslike that which you probably will be soI'm also going to share with you and thespecific funnel that we use as astarting point for all of our physicalproduct campaigns that we use for ourown e-commerce businesses and forclients as well if we're doing physicalproduct funnels for clients we'll giveyou the template we use as a startingpoint you can just customize that toyour brand so let's just talk aboutselling physical products with quickfunnels and I'm just going to likediagram out a few things about about thestrategy here so we're going to assumethat you have you know some kind oftraffic source over here on the right sousually Facebook ads or emails or SEOusually going to be the big ones but itcan be really anything and you knowAdWords influencers whatever yourwhatever traffic sources you're you'regood at most people start with Facebookif you need a starting pointFacebook's easy to get started with youknow you don't even need to go off andoff of Facebook so Facebook can do superhigh volume you know if you have a broadoffer that you're able to get to convertproperty with Facebook Ads so let'sassume that your traffic source on theleft is um his Facebook Ads but this canreally work with them with any anytraffic source so some sirens burn padsin the background for about thatum so let's talk about how to sell aphysical product properly with withquick funds so what we like to do um youdon't have to do it this way I'll showyou what the actual funnel looks like ina minute but a lot of those you throughthe strategy person what the steps looklike you know everything fits togetherso when people and then sorry I'm notgoing to focus and so this is going tobe our initial landing page from ourtraffic sources you're assuming isFacebook Ads and what we're going tohave here is basically an opt-in pageand again I'll show you the example in aminute but the opt-in page is reallyjust collecting an email address andbasically the eat the offer on theopt-in page the hook is going to be youknow for access to whatever specialoffer or promotion we're running forthis physical product so it could be youknow a discounted price it could be justa new product launched it's notavailable elsewhere it could be likesome kind of two for one or a bundle orsomething where people was like okay Ineed this you know this is where I getthis offer this is something unique it'snot available elsewhere I'm going to putin my email so that I can go through andget this offer so that's that's step oneso basically you're saying to peoplethis is the offer put in your emailaddress if you want to if you want to doit and this can also work for free plusshipping as well if you want to do freeplus shipping you can definitely put anemail opt-in at the front and werecommend that you do that I can showyou an example of that in in a secondand then from the from the opt-in pageand when people enter their email we aregoing to send them straight to an orderform okay so they have the option pageis basically a sales page for the offerwhere it's really saying what they'regoing to get what the value is andthings like that when they put in theemail address they are assuming thatthey're going to buy this product andthen put in their email address to gothrough and complete the order and entertheir payment info and all that kind ofthingand on the order form one thing that wereally really encourage which I'll showyou an example of in a second as well ishave multiple quantities available theproduct so basically this means that wecan get people preferential pricing andbigger discounts whatever if they buymore than one so you know you might haveyou know whatever widget that you'reselling maybe you're selling it for likenineteen ninety five or thirty nineninety five or whatever so you might saysomething like buy one for you knowtwenty dollars by two I'm there you knoweighteen dollars each by three andthey're $15 each by five and they're $14each or whatever so you're getting thatyou're still making a you know moreprofit per cell assuming your you knowcosts to fulfill the product is likefive bucks or whatever you're stillgetting you know larger large ordersgoing through people buying three orfive you make slightly less profit perunit but overall your profit per cell isis a lot higher and so we definitelyrecommend putting quantity options onthe on the order forms or physicalproducts and all like I said I'll showyou that in in a secondafter the after to order form what weare going to do is visit this wherepeople make their payment they entertheir credit card and addressinformationwhen they click Submit to to pay weinstantly take them to a one-time offerpage okay so I'm sure you guys arefamiliar with these this is basicallyokay thank you for just buying whateverwould you like to get you know x at onetime discount or whatever and and thisis really going to be a related productor in a lot of places the same productlike you know would you get would youlike one more of an extra thirty percentoff or would you like you know thisproduct which is you know highlyrelevant to the thing that you justbought and compliments it and thingslike that okay so they can either clickyes or no and to buy the the one-timeoffer upsell and then whatever theyclick for that pagethey are usually going to go to anotherone-time offer page and this is going tooffer a different product to what was onthe last page again it should be itshould be relevant in terms ofit can somehow complement the thingthey've just bought or it's somethingthat that market is is definitelyinterested in the high appeal in thatmarket okay so what you're doingbasically every time here is you'reincreasing your average order valuewhich allows you to spend more onadvertising and get better return onadspend and basically pay more percustomer and out-compete everybody allright so this is how that the basic flowworks and what we often do is put onemore at the end as wellso usually we'll have a total of threeupsells you know if you if you have thatmany related products so this isobviously the original product is in thepromotion this is usually the firstupsell for the same product again atdiscount this is related product numberone and this is really a product numbertwo okay and you can do different thingssending them to different upsellsdepending on whether they buy the lastone or not and use different pricepoints but essentially that's how peopleare going to go and they're just goingto go from step one two three four fiveand at the end of that they're justgoing to see an order confirmation allright and again I'll show you what allof these pages look like in a second inactual their natural funnel so one otherthing to mention before we look at theactual funnel just about the year orstrategy is that um we know here that weare asking for an opt-in on the on theinitial page so you know we're payingpeople to come to this page so hopefullyyour opt-in rate is good say you knowabove 30 percent 50 percent or whateverit is a really good offer and but thenwhen you get to your order page herewhere people actually have to pay andthen the conversion rates going to startlowering obviously you know maybe youonly like 10% of the people opt-in thatwill buy or 15 or 20 percent or whateverhowever good that conversion rate isyou're still going to see most peopledropping off okay so you'll have a bunchof emails and you know weigh less cellsyou might have say say a thousandvisitors here you might get on 400emails of people that opted in and outof those 400 emails you might get 40purchases okay so that means you'vestill got three hundred and sixty peopleon an email list thathave not purchased all right so you'vegot all these people that have gottendown this funnel and spent money and butyou've got another 360 emails thathappen so what you want to do is youwant to set up email campaigns in thebackground that go to this list thatdon't buy it okay so you've got emailhere email here email here so just likea drip sequence okay and they arebasically sending people back to theorder form all right so we're trying toovercome objection we're going to tryand get them to come back you know youshowed me interest in this product maybewe'll show some customer reviews we willpresent them the benefits in differentways a series of emails to try and sellthe same product to people that didn'tinitially purchase even though theyshowed a real interest by by opting inokay and you know the more that you canthe more sales that you can recover fromthis list of opt-ins that don't actuallygo and buy you know again you're justadding extra profit extra profit soyou're increasing your return on youradvertising spend and again you canspend more and more you can scale fasteryou can get more customers in andbasically every person that comes intoyour funnel every clip to your funnel isworth more and more the better you cankind of the better you can get this okayso that is the strategy Facebook ad asword add email add whatever to an opt-inform they opt-in and people buy here youtry and get them to buy more than one byoffering a preferential pricing they gofor when they purchase they go for theone-time offerthey are then presented with the sameproduct again a discount or somethingsimilar then another related productthen another rare product then orderconfirmation okay so this is whenthey've gone through the the entiresequence and one thing I haven'tmentioned as well as retargeting soobviously all of these stages yourFacebook pixel and it's going to betracking who gets to which stage andthings like that they owe us a littlebit advanced for this video but you justlike as a side note as something to lookinto or to ask us about you do want tobe retargeting people to different backto different pages their funneldepending on where they got to so if youwant hit the opt-in page it didn'tobject that didn't talk inpeople that did opt in hit the orderform and but didn't buy you want to doretargeting ad for them by a Facebookback to the order page as well as inemails okay and all of that together allcompound or compound it all adds acouple percent here and there onepercent here two percent there with thisretargeting out of this email and beforeyou know all of this is compounding andyou have a really high converting funnelso all of that works together that's thevery basic overall strategy okay so nowwe're just going to look at the actualwhat the funnel looks like this is anexample I've linked this below for youso you can actually see the funnel thatwe use as a starting point for ourcampaigns and for our client campaignsokay so this is a free plus shippingexample but if you don't do free priceshipping then just ignore that fact andthis can also be used for any offer fullprice software 50% off a bundle orwhatever okay so this is the sales pagethey come from Facebook mail a moremixed page and here's the productpicture countdown timers and headlinesand benefits about the offer and benefitto the product this is a button theyclick to opt-in they'll open an opt-inbox some customer reviews more photosand of the products some security stuffdown here and again another button forthem to click that will open the pop-upand for them to get in okay so if theydo opt-in you know they see this offeranything yes I want to get it whateverthe offer is whether it's free shippingor 50% off they want to go ahead theyclick the button enter their email okayand then they are automatically taken tothe order form alright so this isbasically where should we ship yourproductokay so reinforces what the offer isthere on all their information down herefor address and delivery and things likethat and then here is what I mean by thethe tiered pricing okay for differentquantities so this is a free plusshipping example but again ignore thatif you don't do free plus shipping thisworks exactly the same for full price soyou know it might do one for $20 threefor $17 each five per $15 each thingslike that and they can just click theradio button for whichever one they wanttoI and then when they put their creditcard and they will get charged thisamount okay and this dis works reallywell you have to do this even if youthink people are they're never going tobuy more than one of these just do iteven if you can get a few people to buythree and then the occasional personbuys five you know usually our averagesthree and that just skyrockets youraverage order value and your profit fora sale okay this is a really highconverting order form this is soimportant we use for all of oure-commerce models and then after they gothrough they're assuming that they clickyes and buy this product we are going tothe first one time offer page okay andthis looks like this so again this isjust the original example product fromthe the original offer original landingpage would you like to add one more atyou know whatever discount you want todo so this is the thing they just boughtwe know they want it because they'vejust bought it them up with more thanone we're going to say this is yourone-time chance to get one more atwhatever discount okay you only see thisone so that needs to be true by the wayagain the benefits add one more that'sjust charges their card again for onemore unit and then some customer reviewsand the security stuff again okay nowthe next offer whatever they click onthat page was they click yes to chargetheir card again or no at one more theywill go to this page okay which isanother one-time offer which is for adifferent product owner we've got thesame image here but again this is aplaceholder funnel bit just to show youwhere stuff goes that you can replacewith your own content so would you likeyou know this other widget or whateverother related product you want to offerokay again another one-time offer andfor our new customers that have justbought with us or whatever for the firsttime some benefits about this productand yes add this to my order for Allywhatever you want the price to be andagain reviews for this product if you'vegot them and some security stuff so thatis how you know you get even morerevenue from from your funnel and thensaying I said in the in the kind ofoverview just now that you knowsometimes we actually add another stepto so if you depends how many productsyou have and how many logical things youcan offer people okay so you could justduplicate this andanother one okay and then the same againdifferent product another upsell andthen they get to the confirmation pageso everyone would hit this pageregardless of what they choose some willsay by the initial product and here yougo this is everything you've orderedthese are some things about shippingwhat to expect contact us if you wannaone ask any questions things like thatI'll see you fill in all thisinformation with your brand informationso that is how you go from instead ofjust people buying you know seeing aproduct on a Facebook ad or whatever andthinking oh yeah I like this product I'mgoing to buy it as a twenty dollarproduct and it costs you five and itcosts you know maybe ten dollars to getthe sell and advertising spend in theonio $5 profit but now when you're doingit this way you have people buying morethan one here a lot of the time you havean opportunity to sell them somethingelse here and here and hereand by the time they get here you havesomeone that could potentially boughtyou know five or six different productsin whatever quantities and you know youdon't need many people to go through andtake these upsells for actually to makea big difference in the overallprofitability of your funnel okay evenif this says you know only a few peoplein 100 takes a five option you know afew more take the three option and a lotof people take the one option those atthat is like extra pieces ofprofitability and the people that makethe bigger sales because they don't haveany additional ad spend attached to themyou know that actually increases youroverall profit a lot and the same hereand the same here and the same here thesame with these emails they're alladding a couple percent a couple morecents okayit all adds up and you know if you havea good products and and some goodrelated product and you put it in frontof a good market that wants them thatyou should end up with a funnel that isvery very profitable and way moreprofitable than just sending people to asales page where they can buy one itemcheckout and that's it okayso that's how we are we kind of approachlike physical product funnels on onquick funnels alright so like I saidwe'll give aways a template that we useyou can just take it you can click thelink and below this video it will copythis exact funnel into your into yourclick funnels account you'll be able togo in customize it and do whatever youwantmake sure you obviously fill outeverything with your brand I've seensome people do it and they don't evenchange some of the parts and it justsitting that your brand here calm andlike your widget and things like that gothrough and make sure you actually fillout all the stuff and change the imagesand testimonials and stuff otherwisepeople are just not going to buy fromyour funnel and so yeah that is that isthat so any questions let us know clickthe link below to get access to thisshare funnel immediately and if you havea quick funnels account it will getcopied straight into your account youcan use it and edit it as you please ifyou don't have an account it will createyou a free 14-day trial account againwith this funnel already in there fullyeditable and you can use that for 14days before you decide if you want toactually pay for quick photos or not soyou have more than enough time to testit out and see if you like it okay anyquestions then please comment here orclick the link below to go toperformance bundles comm and ask usthere and you know we're more than happyto answer any questions about you knowFacebook ads or e-commerce phones ingeneral the strategy and layout andthings like that so okay that's all fornow thanks
