How to spy on your competitors ecommerce websites. Market research for e-commerce business

hello there YouTube Samuel Larson hereand this video will be about how do youresearch and kind of like ethically spyon your competition and especially theirShopify stores now I actually wanted tostart this video with a very quick storyabout the crazy man in Brazil who he wasfound like measuring T Sun always in adepartment store and they thought he wascrazyso they just put him to jail and likefigured out what do we do to this crazyAmerican here and eventually some peoplecame and like convinced the Polish tolet him go and the story has a happyending but who was this crazy man andwhy was measuring this random Brazilianalways in some weird department store inBrazilwell that gentleman if you haven't heardthe story is Sam Walton once the richestman in the world and the founder ofWalmart so he said he just wanted tofind out with these Brazilians knewsomething that he didn't know isn't thatinteresting because like this guy is ontop of his game he's probably the mostknowledgeable when it comes to retail inthe world at that time yet he was humbleenough to research resilient departmentstores they're probably like way behindhim but like he was always humble enoughto I get on his knees and do the hardwork himself because he knew like he wasthinking on such a high level that hecouldn't just delegate that job so thisis what this video is about but ratherthan having to do that legwork in the80s we can actually do it online nowand have a research session that isreally fast and also very effective soI'm going to share with you many toolsthat you can do and use to get a lotbetter of an idea of what yourcompetitors are doing and how you mightimprove on that and perhaps you willfind a couple of things that they aredoing that you are not doing that youcan say known learn from so let's getstarted all rightso for this I'm going to use GoogleChrome just that's what most people usethese days you can do the same thing inMozilla it's almost the same or Safarialmost the same as well pattern first ofall we will find stores that are in ourniche so you can use Google for that youcan google your products if you'redropshipping for example or yourcompetitors products and see whichstores are selling those and then youwould just open a bunch of them up andfind out first of all find out whichplatforms they are selling on so I'mgoing to show you how to find out thethree most common platforms they areShopify Magento and WooCommerce okay sofirst of all we have a Shopify storehere and the way you will find this outthere's a couple of different ways letme teach you both of them so first ofall you can go to your browser and seejust Google built with you will get tothis site and then you will obviouslycopy your competitors URL here and justpress look up it's on the front page andwhat we are interested in stateecommerce section here so you have thescroll out a little bit now thisparticular one is using Shopify as wecan see and it also gives you a littlebit of different things here you can forexample see that they're usingGoogle Analytics Flavio they haveFacebook traffic set on they're usinghot char so this is a good way to evenget a little bit deeper here and you cansave out this site yourself and whatthey offer now the second way to findout what your site is built with is toactually code the source code and thisway you don't have to actually decide soit was called to view page source and ifyou're suspecting that it is buildableShopify you will just try it out okayShopify research it 86 things came up soit's definitely has something to do withShopify and seems like it's built withthat and you can do this with everysingle different platform so all thepopular ones so this one for examplelet's do a page source so if yoususpecting this Java file side googlingShopify here our searching no matchesokay maybe it's in Magento site okayMagento forty five matches and yeah wehave an idea of what platform they're onsee it's full on Magento be around thesource code all rightthere's also a third one here so this ismy site so let's view page source andthis works for WordPress as well so ifwe do WordPress we're finding I'm usingWordPress for four or five four rightnow and there's three matches here nowif you want to find out my WordPresstheme you will just go to what VP themeis that so it is what VP team is calmthen you will just copy this and thisway you can find out what we are pressteam I'm using and also my pluginsso I'm using optimize VP and using a fewdifferent plugins right now but themthis mailing should be high video solet's get back to the Shopify andanything with Shopify is that oftentimes you can see the theme in thesource fileso you just go and click on couple timeshere you get a Shopify dog theme and wecan see that the team name is boldretina and they probably update it onthis day okay so this is the same namethat we are seeing here now if youwanted to copy the same theme we willjust google it and be good by the themefrom here so here is a retina theme youcan click on by theme and if you reallylike it you can start with the sametheme now let's get into the store so ifthere's a newsletter option I wouldalways sign up for all of yourcompetitors newsletters this way you getan idea of their positioning they'reprobably having and using things thatwork for them or maybe they have testedsomething so you can get an insiderknowledge through that and in generalsee like if they have offers or they'rerunning campaigns or something that youare going to get their first firstknowledge on that as well so that'sreally good well then what I wanted toshow you is how to find your competitorsbestsellers and for this we need to goto the collections page so I'm justusing this natural heroes NL and slashcollections nowand they have made it easy for me theyhave best selling products here so theseare the products that people are buyingthat's the very useful information andthis is of course all well and good butthis is not actually automaticallyselected so these are still a collectionof best selling products that the storeowner has selected himself so there's anice little trick here that we can useso instead of going manually we can justclick and add this to the URL so forwardslash collections and exactly writtenlike this here we get their productssorted by actual bestsellers and by thiswe get to verse sellers as well becauseso we can go to the end of the page andsee which products are not actuallyselling so gift cards aren't doing toowell for this site for example now thisis a bit tricky because these productsmight just be new so don't trust itcompletely but if you get an idea ofthat like usually you can trust the bestsellers at least so this is the way youwrite it collections or question markshort underscore boy equals best sellingso that's a good little trick there alsoI notice here this art is offeringreviews so go ahead and use thesereviews on there also the year foreverybody to read so you get an idea ofexactly what their customers are sayingabout the product so yeah here we gookayso this is very valuable information youget an idea of exactly what they likeabout it and what they don't like aboutit nowif you do that with all of your productsyou can actually like change the text ofyour products the copy do so to say tomatch these things that they like aboutit and let's say you want to come backproductive returns you will notice thatsome of the bad sites as well so if theyare returning it for one reason youmight want to like start battlingattrition a little bit so make sure youlose that information as well it's soavailable all you need to do is grab itnow for our next a little spy let's goto page source again and what we can dois just search for Facebook okay so wesee like Facebook pixel here so thismeans they are almost certainly runningads because they aren't doingretargeting or at least like that's whatthe pixel is for most of the time allright so that's interesting now what Iwould love to do is just see their adsand like see how they're doing and forthat an easy thing is to go for theirFacebook page and they almost certainlywill have their Facebook ads here aswell so we go to home and oh here we seethe offer has ended but there is theirwebsite copy or the ad copy is here andit's in Dutch I think Pantera howeverdoesn't make much difference we canstill see what kind of a picture they'reusing and what kind of an engagementthey are getting so if you actually goand like look at all of these we seewhat kind of an ad is been working thebest soto see everything here and to see what'sgetting likes what's getting la vez thisseems to do pretty well so maybe that'sa tip-off but you get an idea of whatthe target market appreciates and likesnow that's mainly itI would also spy on Instagram a littlebit and get a similar idea from therebut one thing you can do on top of allthese tips that I'm not going to do onthis video is just check out theirshipping times from the checkout and getan idea of whether they are doing theirown shipping so if it's a short shiptimer then most likely they are not thedrop shipper you can also see if theyhave a retail location from their siteand that means they're more likely tohave their own products and be kindalike a serious contender also you wantto see whether they have a solidstrategy in place so if they for exampledon't have a Facebook pixel at all or ifyou can see serious mistakes on thispage maybe I will discount them as acompetitor quite a bit and also you wantto see what kind of an abandoned cardemails sequence they have so if that islacking that's also a weakness that youmight want to do better so this way youcan easily find holes in your computer'sgames and do things better which isabout what business is really all aboutso be better than the others and youwill win all right thank you very muchfor watching if you found this helpfulI really appreciate all the likes andcomments that you give me and subscribefor great informational videos such asthis one's more are comingI promiseand yeah thank you for watching and goahead and implement some of thesechanges goodbye
