How To Start A Digital Marketing Agency With $0 Investment [Part 1]

I think one of the most frequently askedquestions that I get is how do you starta marketing agency so if you're lookingto start a marketing business in 2018 19and beyond feel free to stick and watchthis video hey everyone it's ruinin backagain with another youtube video andtoday I wanted to give you kind of astep-by-step blueprint and to starting amarketing agency because when I startedit was very difficult was very rough andluckily you have someone like me here toteach you some of the stuff so when yougo out and start your own agency it'snot gonna be a huge hassle so before westart I just want to give somedisclosures number one this is not astart a business in 30 days and make twohundred million dollars very fastwithout your grandmother it's not one ofthose videos I'm going to be very honestwith you what it is though is a verypractical video on the experiences thatI've had in the past that will help yougenerate business and start out yourmarketing career without having a bunchof hassles okay because unfortunatelywhat it is today is there's a lot ofpeople on the internet giving falsehopes and telling people all thesedifferent types of stories but thesedifferent products and services butreally comes down to a few differentthings that I'm gonna talk about thosefew different things today so gettingstarted I want to talk about what is itmarketing agency and what exactly doesit do so basically what a marketingagency is it's an agency that bringsleads to businesses that's it bringsleads to businesses if you are notbringing the business customers itdoesn't matter how pretty you're makingthem look online doesn't matter how manyviews you're getting them they're goingto fire you now this is not for everytype of client we have had clientsbefore that just wanted brand reachwhich is basically like okay we wantthis ad to be seen by a hundred thousandpeople okay that's very easy to do nowit's different though when you say okayI want this ad to target this manypeople and get this many leads this manysales so if you are gonna start amarketing agency you always remember thefirst thing is sales that's number oneis sales once you can bring a businesssales you are in business now there's afew different ways to go about thatright so how can you bring a businesssales well the first way is searchengine optimization if you're workingwith a local small business I highlyhighly highly recommend that you lookinto search engine optimization now whatsearch engine optimization basicallymeans is if you type in a keyword intoGoogle and you click on the first resultthat company is most likely to get aphone call that is the easiest way tobring a bidas customers I'm telling you this rightnow from a year of experience that thatis the easiest way and look I am no I amno noob at Facebook advertising I'm notI understand it very well I understand aCEO very well I understand emailmarketing very well and I can tell youthis that the money is in the SEO themoney is in the follow-up meeting theemail marketing and you can do Facebookads to accelerate some of this stuff butI found that the traffic from Facebookads is not as sticky and converting themthe traffic some search engineoptimization with that being said youneed to understand what types ofservices you're gonna offer as amarketing agency now when I started backin 2017 I was offering Facebookadvertising primarily and I think thatthat's a really good way to startbecause Facebook ads you don't reallyneed to know much all you need to do isunderstand the psychological behaviorbehind people on Facebook now if you cando that you can become very successfulFacebook advertising here's the otherthing I really like about Facebook Adsis that it doesn't really require anycostso you can literally pick up a backpackgo to every state in the world and startselling Facebook advertising servicesnow when you're going about this Ihighly recommend that you take some typeof training course or series now look Iknow everybody's weird about courses butit's the best way to learn acceleratedso find somebody in YouTube that youlike and literally just follow them stepby step and purchase their coursethere's a lot of people out there goingoh I don't want to buy a course peopleshouldn't be selling courses why notthese people sell their books right it'snot free it's not free information yougot to pay for it and if you pay for itguess what you buy your way to successmy buddy Eamonn Godsey says if you buyyour way to success they're gonna see itmuch faster just the reality of the wayit works so now that you understand picka service right you can specialize inFacebook you can specialize in video youcan specialize an email what I don'trecommend you to do when you're startingout your marketing agency isspecializing in everything because Iguarantee you that is a blueprint tofail in business if you specialize inthose focused things such as SEOFacebook ads email marketing videowhatever it may be you're going to see aton of success and here's the reason whyso if you're starting your own agencyguess what you're gonna have to doyou're gonna have to get customers andwhen getting customers it's a lot easierto say ok like we especially focus onFacebook Ads right instead of trying tosell somebody SEO but you suck at it andyou'reconfident in it specialized in Facebookads look what I did when I started andyou can take this tip away was Iliterally started off by just doingrestaurants and if you're just doingrestaurants guess what you can literallysay que mr. customer I only dorestaurants hey mr. customer check outthis ad idea for a restauranthey mr. customer check out this video Idid for a restaurant it's gonna keeppeople really trust it's gonna keeppeople trusted in your brand and it'svery key to specialize down when you'refirst starting out now the second thingis make videos okay a lot of people theywant to start their own agencies andthey can't even bring themselvesbusiness with their own marketingstrategies if you can't do that you'renot comfortable with your marketing andguess why you're marketing probablydoesn't work if you can't bring yourselfbusiness using marketing which you sayyou do it doesn't work okaycustomers feel really comfortable whenthey see it when they work with amarketing agency agent person youtuberor whatever whatever it may be they feelreally comfortable with the fact thatpeople make videos look I get clientstelling me all the time we want to feelreally comfortableyou already are making these videos Isee your landing pages I see your SEOlet's work together if you have anagency where you don't even have awebsite you don't have a business cardyou don't have a nice shirt you don'thave traffic you don't even have a salesfunnel they're not gonna trust you lookit's just that way and I'm tired of allthese scam artists telling youlook you don't need a website you don'tneed an email who the hell is gonna giveyou money without you having a businesscard you know a nice nice shirt websitesocial social traffic whatever whateverthe metrics you want to use the KPI isyou want to use nobody's gonna do thatokay you need to have tangible resultsthis is why I always recommend beforestarting out your marketing companyspend six months still in your full-timejob if you have one spend six monthsliterally building out traffic and anaudience or videos or build out yourbrand before you quit your job I quit myjob like a freakin idiot and I justliterally just one day stopped coming towork boom is income with a seventythousand to zerogreat now I'm stuck here with no trafficno brand awareness no videos actually atthe time I had about one YouTubeand that was my first video I ever madeon this channel which is kind of whatpropelled me to keep making videos so Iguess it wasn't blessing in itself butthe point is is I had no content and Ijust went out there deep dive into thewater and acted like people were justgonna start hiring me guess whathappened nobody hired me for the firsttwo months I had to put a bunch of moneyon credit cards this is why I'm tellingyou that before you quit brand outbranch out make sure you build somecontent initially study your freakingass off I mean I can't even tell you howmany hours I've spent watching coursesit was thousands of dollars watchingcourses so specialized in a product orservice build your brand out before youquit your job or get some case studiesslash testimonials and here's the thirdpart is start doing a lot of stuff forfree I know a lot of people are againstthat doing stuff for free part but lookguess what the richest people worked forfree in their life and that's just thecase scenario okay the reason being isbecause when you work for free youactually get to test your abilities andyou get to actually see what you can doto impact the business if you'rewatching this right now and you don'tfeel comfortable starting the marketingagency simply because of the fact youdon't know how to get results don'tstart an agency okay I'm just gonna bereal do not start an agency if you'venot gotten somebody results here's whyyou start an agency thinking that youcan bring somebody results in you don'thave actual facts bringing somebodyresults or you don't have actual data onthis you're gonna have a very hardproblem and this problem is gonna beyou're going to eat on somebody'saccount they're going to complain aboutyou and now you're going to have a badreputation in your local area that's notwhat you want okay start by testing outon your gear your mom or dad's businessyour friends business your auntsbusiness start out like that Neil Patelhow he started a new hotel him one ofthe most famous internet entrepreneurtoday he owns Neil Patel communes kissmetric healings crazy egg he started outby doing SEO for free for somebody forsix months the reason being is becauseNeil Patelyeah he's the greatest SEO guy now butwhen he started he had no idea what hewas doing and he even him did somethingfor free so I know a lot of the trainingcourses kind of go above and beyond thisthey say look you should never dosomething for free you should know yourown Worth look when you're a star you'vegot no work I don't care who you areyour ego is at the door you are nobodyokay your ego is at the door you need todo stuff for freeeverybody's done stuff for free why thehell do you think they have internshipsokay it's just a way of proving yourselfand getting yourself experience beforesomebody actually pays you so with thatbeing said start charging more so onceyou have gotten this specialized productonce you've gone out and tested thisproduct and you've brought somebodyleaves and services guess what you cando now you can start charging for thisstuff now the way I charge for myservices does that go by the hour youcan go a little differently that's justthe way I like to build the rates and ifyou you know if you want to check outhow I build the rates just go ahead andleave a comment down below and I'll getback to you anyway so start chargingoddly okay or so let's think about itright if you can bring a business onenew customer and that customer is worthtwo thousand for them how much can youchargerealistically your charge should be athousand because you want to doubletheir ROI so if you start bringing themto customers per month now you cancharge two thousand and three thousandand four thousand look it all depends onwhat the average return on investment isfor that business so one of my favoritequestions to ask and how I determinepricing is you know what is your averagecustomer spend what is your averagecustomer lifetime value right do yourcustomers refer people because a lot ofthe times if a customer works with likein here in Connecticut we had like thishuge like tornado hurricane thing thepast week and three companies arefreaking going crazy okay their treecompanies are slammed I have a treeclient he can't he doesn't know what todo it himselfokay so more of the being is the treeclient makes two thousand dollars everytree he pulls out so if we can do SEOand we get him eight sales a month wecan charge three thousand four thousanddollars per month just for the SEO thisis extremely powerful when you thinkabout it and it should completely throwout what you think about pricing becauseif you can bring a business testifyresults right and you can do it you cando it consistently that you should knowhow much you should charge now here'sthe here's the other side of this if youhave a customer that makes $5 for everycustomers they get you're gonna have ahard time charging $1,500 to $2,000 sowhat I recommend you do is find thehigher ticket higher return oninvestment customers charge them a lotmore it'll be a much better time foryour money I can almost promise you thatso guythank you so much for watching thisvideo remember this is part 1 of theseries I'm gonna go in-depth intostarting a marketing agency I'm going tointerview some clients you guys aregonna see a lot of this stuff on theonion the backend side of ruan's YouTubechannel anyways if you enjoyed the videoplease leave a like comment andsubscribe and I would love to know whatyou guys thought about the new videothank you talk later
