How To Start A New eCommerce Brand (2019-2020 Strategy)

what is in this big box that is actuallypackaged pretty intensely it took melike five minutes to open the other onestake a quick look and this picture thatI will put up right here I've got sixmore just like this sitting upstairsright now inside of here is 180 units ofa product that I started running a fewmonths ago and in this video I want toexplain the exact brand buildingstrategy that I implement into everysingle Shopify store I run every singlebrand I build whether it's on Shopify ornot everything I do relating to physicalproduct marketing online that is whatwe're going to talk about today[Music]hey what's going on everyone Haydenyou're coming back at you with a brandnew video and in this one I'm excitedfor this because this is a very veryfrequently asked question on how I buildbrands and what steps you can take to dothe same thing but I want to explainfirst of all why I have this becausenormally I don't and I want to explain alittle bit more about what I do thethree main things plus a bonus pointthat I'm gonna give you on things thatyou can do to start building out alonger-term brand okay so for those ofyou who are not familiar with what I doit's really simple okay at least what Ishow here on YouTube the simple side ofit is my e-commerce businesses now itgets technical with the advertise in themarketing you know there's skills thatgo into it however I sell productsphysical products online and most of thetime I don't touch themthat doesn't mean they just come fromChina I work with private suppliers aswell but I do not house the productsagain I'll talk about why I have I thinkit's 1,500 or 2,000 units of thisproduct I will explain that a momenthowever what if the things that I do Istart out drop shipping so for everyoneout there who might be looking at thetypical drop shipping business model Itypically if I'm not able to getfulfillment one by one with my productsfor a new product I'm starting for mysupplier I'm gonna go to Aliexpress I'mgonna start drop shipping the productregularly and once I have a proven modelthat is when I start moving into themore branded side of things okay so Ihope that makes sense if you guys arebuilding anything ecommerce related youhave any questions throughout the videofeel free to leave it in the commentsection down below and I'd reallyappreciate it if you smash that likebutton let's try and break a thousandlikes if we do that what are we gonna doif we do that I will possibly build abrand and show you the link show you thestore show you everything I don'tusually have a problem with like showingmy stuff publicly it's just more sopeople would go spam stuff and do weirdinternet thing so I don't know maybeI'll post a brand publicly and show youone of the things I'm working on anywaysthis right here there's a hundred andeighty units I think this is the girlspart of the those like girls and guysstuff it's the same product it's onething however the reason I have again Ithink 1500 or 2000 of these which costedmethat much it was like 3200 it's a verycheap product to sell for 20 bucks getit for like a dollar 40 so the reason Ihave these right here is because we'redoing a huge bulk order starting ourprivate supply so again I've been dropshipping this products like the lastthree months successfully I got my datamark so what what that means for me is Iwant to get my first three to 500 saleson my pixel on Facebook and at thatpoint I know that it's working if I'm atbreakeven or better once I'm at thatmany sales I know the product can workwell so we ordered the product that'sgonna drop our product cost by about 25%which is huge I am not actually I amright now I'm not gonna be the one doingit but normally I don't ship outproducts myself for the next 1500 ordersI'm going to pay a friend to ship themout because we are starting in awarehouse okay it's not our warehouseit's not here it's gonna be a separatethird party fulfillment center this isjust the test order to make sure thateverything is working well okay so Iwant to explain once I like like thebeginning stage once I break out of thatI want to talk about what I do withBrandon but first of all let's talkabout that beginning stage so if you'reregularly drop shipping a product theway that I think about this entiresystem it's like a three month flow okayso take the three months you're buildingthis store as long as for me I can provetwo things then I will start branding itthe first thing is it's a winningproduct how do you know that you'regetting sales whether you're makingmoney or not if you are this is how Ithink about it roughly you can be losingmoney but roughly breaking even it is awinning product because there's alwaysthings you can do you can make yourstore better you can optimize thingsbetter better retargeting better ads butour creatives like everything you couldhave a lower product cost that'll helpyour margin so you can even raise howmuch you're selling the product forusually you can do that without anychange in the conversion rate so for meI want to make sure that a I'm provingthat it's a winning product that for meis huge and B I want to prove that thesystem in which I'm marketing that isworking that means how I am running myads which it's usually all-or-none withthis because if you're not running yourads properly you're not going to get theproper sales which tells you that yourproduct is not a winnerand I see so many people who definitelydon't know how to run ads say that theirproduct is a losing product and I kindof chuckle because there's been timeswhere they're saying it's a losingproduct and I'm making $10,000 a day onthe same product so really make surethat you've nailed down the marketingfirst and you don't just cut a producttoo early thinking it's the productsfault because that's not always the caseso let's jump into more the interestingthing of the brand building the threethings I do and again I'll give you abonus point at the end however thereason the way that I jump into this isonce those two things are proven I'mgonna start doing three things okay thefirst one is I'm gonna order the productthe exact product that I'm selling notthousands of them I'm usually gonnaorder like three to five okay and Iactually don't even have to order it offAliexpress if you find the exact sameit's very key that it's the exact sameproduct find the exact same product withno differences on Amazon then order iton Amazon get it sent to you and you canget custom content of this product okayso that's what I like to do in stepnumber one use your the first thing I'lldo is once the product is working I willplace an order I will bring the productto me and I will get three things I willget custom video ads that are watermarked and everything I'll have my adguys do that the second thing I do is Iget photos really unique product photosthat are just not on a white backgroundso for an example let's say I'm sellingon a toothbrush it's gonna be in a cupin the bathroom if I'm selling alawnmower I don't know it's it's gonnabe on my yard outside you know it's noton a white background it's in itsnatural element for whatever the productis so I'm gonna get product photos thatI can use for the website some of thoseyou could actually use for retargetingas well and I'm also going to get somemore content that I can use on thesesocial media because once you get astore that's working you want to startbuilding out as a brand and a piece ofthat is engaging with your customers onsocial media so primarily for meFacebook and Instagram Instagram usuallytakes dominance unless it's like anolder audience like 55 plus so that'sthe first thing that I do there that'salways what I try to nail down becauseyou can significantly increase yourconversion rate by having custom contentnow one thing to think about a lot ofpeople always throw around the wordsaturation okay everything saturated isthis you know someone else is selling itcan I sell it okay this product I'm notgoing to tell you what it is but thisone in here is related to the fitnessindustrysimple as that so this industry probablyhas 500 million to 1 billion people Idon't care if anyone else which they areis selling similar productsit doesn't matter there is so manycustomers out there for basically everysingle niche you don't really have toworry about that so it really all comesdown to the marketing strategy so that'swhy we like to have the custom contentbecause if you're using like you know avideo you took off youtube and youchopped it up you're probably going tohave the same type of ad as multipleother people who are selling it so assoon as it starts working you're gonnawant to set yourself apart buildyourself up for the long term ok sodefinitely the custom content is a hugepiece of an order you can take a videoyourself pay someone to edit it or dowhatever I mean the photos aren't thathard you know if you have an iPhone justuse portrait mode or something get somehigher quality content that definitelysets you apart because for me that islike one of its kind of my favoritething to do because you get to see yourbrand shift let's say you go from likerun in one week where it's working wellwith the old content and then you plugin new content you will see an increasein your revenue without necessarilyhaving to spend more on ads and you'lltypically see your conversion rate go upa little bit your profit margin go up alittle bit so that for me is somethingthat I really like to see just becausewell hey it's all about acquiring morecustomers and making more money andbuilding out a brand and to do that yougotta have sales coming in now numbertwo inside of here is one that has to dowith why I have all this crap and numbertwo if I'm drop shipping still at thispoint once it's working I will get intouch with one of my private suppliersso I have multiple I have three mainpeople one in California one in RhodeIsland which is near New York and thenone in Miami and they sorts allthroughout the US all throughout theworld they're different warehouses sothey can help me out significantly thoseare just industry connections I've builtyou know even when I flew to China I meta bunch of people over there I don'treally fulfill through them much butthey introduced me to more people aswell so for me the second point hereonce the product is working is I alwayslike to get in touch with my supplier ifI'm not allfulfilling through that okay sodepending on which one I use he or sheis gonna be able to ideally drop myproduct cost by like ten to thirtypercent which is very typical andideally I have consistent daily sales sothe thing is if your drop shipping youcan go unit by unit but when I'm workingwith my private suppliers they're notgoing to do that it doesn't make sensethe logistics the cost is just not thereso I have to be ordering in bulk but ifI'm getting twenty orders a day righttwenty orders for one type of unit of aproduct well you know they can just waituntil a hundred orders stack up and thenplace their order and we're just kind ofkeeping in advance and we'll orderenough inventory based on how manyorders we're getting and we can kind ofgrow with that so that's something forme like for an example we have threehundred unfulfilled orders for thisstore right now and I have fifteenhundred products I will get the rest ofthe twelve hundred sales by the end ofSeptember this month so we're planningfor that because it took three weeks forthese products to get here so now wehave more products this next week beingsent and I'm filming this on the 1st ofSeptember because I'm traveling all ofSeptember we have products right nowthis week that are going to be sent outto the wholesale manufacturer likeideally the warehouse where we're gonnabe shipping out these products okay sothey're sending it from the manufacturerin China they're sending it over to thewarehouse where they're gonna do all thelogistics and all of the shipping sothat's kind of how we structure but tryto get in touch with the supplier and Iwant to put this out there because it'svery practical for those of you whodon't have an industry connection withthis what I would do is try to messageAliexpress suppliers typically you cantake your business off of Aliexpressit's just like if you pay for a logo onFiverr and it's five bucksyou're gonna pay five fifty or sixdollars there's always up charges andthere's always margin and negotiationroom built in so usually if you can kindof pull someone off of Aliexpress buildthat private relationship they caneither introduce you to someone or helpyou fulfill themselves so just becareful of getting scammed I've seensome people have some very very badexperiences so just be careful whensending a wire because you can't everget that back okayso that's huge now the third piece whenit comes into the game of branding againso that first one custom content thesecond one there is the suppliers whichare huge those alone can help yourmargin so so much I mean that's why I'mwilling to break even because as soon asI do those20 30 40 percent margin those are hugeabsolutely absolutely phenomenal so makesure that you get those nailed in placereally before you get anything elserolling okay so now when someone getsthis product what I like to focus ononce I'm building a brand is theirexperience so this is the third point isthe entire customer flow okay and thiswhere the bonus points going to come inin a moment but this third point there'stwo main things that I do once it'sworking I'm gonna have my websitedevelopment guide go through it customcode a bunch of stuff make it aphenomenal website number two I'm gonnaput a customer support person in placeon more so regular basis okay the waythat I start my stores I have one guywho does all of my customer support forall my storesI'll have them look at it like everycouple days like a real quick checkbasic replies send out tracking numberssuper simple but now I'll have themchecked like twice a day to make surewe're on top of it because think aboutit like this let's say you have an issuewith your order or you want a refund oryou want to ask a question and theydon't respond for three days that doesnot make the company that you orderedfrom look good so think about it from aconsumer perspective about your owncompany if you're able to reply withinlike a 12-hour window that is superprofessional you know that is like youcan't really beat Amazon and their livechat live support and stuff but you canget pretty close with VA s that reallyaren't all that expensive so I focus onthat customer experience I want to makesure that everybody's taken care ofwe're good to go because that will downthe road as you're building the brandeffect your Google ratings the commentson your ads you know the the rating ofyour Facebook ad account you know I meanthat can actually get your ad accountdisabled that people rate it negativelyso that is something that's huge now thebonus point that kind of I guess thefourth one that does go into thatcustomer experience a little bit as wellis the email sequence I call these emailflows so I don't set this up until Iknow the product is working but I'll goin an email software personally I useklaviyoyou can build up a sequence that peoplereceive as they're being funneled intoyour store so let's say someone goes tomy store they buy this product and thenI have a whole series of other productsI'm gonna sell them I'm gonna have acompletely automated you have to writeit out one time it takes a lot of timeto do which is why I don't do it tillit'sworking there gonna get an emailbuilding a relationship boom I'm a videothis that you know letting them know whowe are what we do what our mission isthen BAM three weeks later they'regetting a little off for a big discountyou know you want to get your customersto re-engage with youso that's what I'll set up you knowabandon cart flow is that our veryin-depth I'll set up post purchase flowsbecause not only do I want existingcustomers to buy again but there are somany people and people neglect thisamount of you know potential customersthat might have abandoned their cart orthey might you might have theirinformation but they haven't purchasedyet so that can be a huge amount ofpeople especially when you're scaling upyour store and you can make a lot ofmoney and you can typically get thosecustomers back and make them purchasefor not as expensive as cold traffic sofocus on that those are you know threethings plus that bonus point that Ifocus on when it comes to building abrand it is the exact thing that I'mdoing with this store right here withway too many products and you saw thatpicture it is annoying having to havethat here in the living room but it'sall good you know having fun buildingbrands you know so I highly recommend itpeople ask miss all the timedo you still dropship I do but that'snot the goal right you know I want tobuild out something that's longer-termcustomers are gonna have a betterexperience I'm gonna have a highermargin people are gonna enjoy theproduct more they're gonna feel likethey're a part of something when youhave a brand and it's something that youcan sell down the road okay this companyfor this product within a year I couldprobably sell it for a million bucksmaybe a million five depending on howfar we really go with it so building ona brand consistent sales growth and youhave all these pieces in place withdifferent streams of revenue there ispotential for an exit if you choose todo sodown the road okay so if you guys haveany questions about this please do leaveit in the comment section down below cuzI'm going to assume that some peoplewill you know if you're trying to buildout a brand feel free to ask me anyquestion or thing that you've beencurious about take this opportunity todo so and while you're down there Iwould greatly appreciate if you guysdropped a like on this video again let'sget it to a thousand likes and maybewe'll start working on like a communityproject where I build out a store I runit I work on and I show you guys the adsshow you the product the storeeverything and we just kind of build itout maybe on like a weekly live streamokay maybe we'll do that over on theEECOM season youtube channel which iskindsecondary channel check that out it'slinked down below that's just like verydirect marketing content it's not goingto be as high-quality like this withlights it's just alright I'm on a phonecall it's something important let merecord real quick or I'm in a meetinglet me pick up my camera so I reallylike the concept of that channel goahead and check it out we're juststarting to post this month in Septemberso starting to get that one rollingagain I appreciate you guys if there'sanything else I can do for you please dolet me know in the comment section downbelow I hope you enjoyed the video andwith that being said I'll see you in thenext one peace
