How to Start an eCommerce Business

hey everyone I'm Jamie Davidson with amzinsiders a little bit about ourselvesmyself and my two fellow co-foundersJason and Brad we combine to sell overseventy five million dollars on Amazonjust last year and this year we're onpace to sell over 100 million dollarsall via selling on Amazon and a questionwe get very frequently is how do youeven get started in e-commerce all rightwe have so many friends family peopleall over the globe asking us how do youeven get underway what are the firststeps oh you know frankly the mostsimple step would be would be to getmentorship for someone who can actuallyshow you everything right you thinkabout anything how do how if you want tolearn how to do something find someonewho can just teach you at all from A toZ and you can certainly do that and Ireally encourage you at the end of thisvideo we have a free workshop that's ata link below here that you can check itout and I go through everything from Ato Z how we we help people and that inthat area but before we even get to thatis you know in terms of how to getstarted with with e-commerce the firstthing really is you're educatingyourself because you know most the firstthing I do is kind of understand whatthis is is it right for you is justsomething you can do is it something youwant to do is it something that you knowyou think you could have some fun withbecause you know when you get into a anykind of business it's got to besomething that's sustainable you don'twant to get into it for you know a monthand then say yeah I don't even like thisand drop out but you know now we're alittle biased because we absolutely lovee-commerce we think it's awesome it'sbeen life-changing for us and we thinkyou know again there continues to bemassive massive opportunity in in thespace you know in particular when wetalk about e-commercewe always think you know Amazon we wereAmazon Amazon Amazon even though weactually have like a 10 million we havea 10 million dollar plus business onthese other platforms but Amazon is somuch bigger because by far it's the mostpowerful platform there there arecertainly other platforms out there youcan look at and there may be some reasonif you only wanted to sell you know on awebsite for example it's just so muchmore difficult because you have to drivetraffic Amazon has all the traffic rightwhen you want to go buy something you goto Amazon right so if you're gonna sella product where you want to sell it youwant toon Amazon all right so it's just so mucheasier so much more lucrative in termsof the potential for sales andeverything else but you know you'vereally got to do some homework you knowinitially to get a sense of where youhave it you know one thing I would sayif you're gonna sell on Amazon is ifyou're gonna launch any business youknow this day and age the beauty of itit does not require nearly as muchcapital as it used to so you know 20years ago if you want to start abusiness and there's so many you lookedat all the opportunities to say you wantto start you know start a car wash youwant to start an oil change you want tostart you know a franchise and all thoseopportunities exist today as well – anyof those opportunity may be a net youknow maybe a tutoring business whateverit is most those business probably gonnarequire 50 100 200 thousand dollars toinvest to get started right and so ifyou're thinking about getting into ane-commerce business it does not requirethat much money but if you can't investany money into your own learning or intoyour business self then it's probablynot you know you should probably shouldnot be looking at trying to start abusiness really any business rightbecause it's it's not a lot of money toget going but you have to do typicallyhave probably you know three thousand tofive thousand dollars to torealistically get under way with abusiness you know which really isn't alot of money but and part of that moneyyou know I would encourage you to investin and someone you trust and can rely onto actually show you the ropes so youdon't make $10,000 mistakes or you cando things that you know make you tenthousand fifty thousand a hundredthousand dollars right so you know bothyou need money to launch your businessto promote your business and you alsoneed you know some portion of money toinvest in yourself to train yourself andteach yourself how to actually best goabout it so that's why I say upfront interms of you know how to get started alot of it is educating yourself rightunderstanding it and again there's tonsof free resources here your our YouTubechannel here we've got tons ofinformation on it so we teach you kindof A to Z so many different thingsthere's a we have a Facebook group youknow our amz insiders we've got largecommunities so there's lots of placesyou can learn from for free to getstarted with and just kind of understandis this something you want to do youknow in general I would say if if someis you know motivated to do well topotentially create financialindependence to have control of buildingsomething of your own have the controlof actually picking something maybe thatyou have a passion about or you haveinterested in or you have some insightin a certain category that you know thatthe general population does not it givesyou a little bit of an edge all thosethings and you're again willing to putsome time in you can absolutely you knowbe successful in e-commerce but you havethose things if you don't if you don'thave any interest to like put any timeinto it you have absolutely no moneywhatsoever then I would say ecommerce isyou know ecommerce are really any kindof entrepreneurial endeavors probablynot the thing for you you shouldprobably you know go back and just kindof keep working the job try to save upand then get to that point where you cando it but but truly you know ecommerceto get started is really hard I mean wehave a separate YouTube video literallyon how to set up an Amazon account I gostep by step on how to actually set itup so if you want to get going yourAmazon account is only $40 a month youcan literally set up a seller's accountfor a professional sellers account for$40 a month and actually begin sellingon Amazon and begin learning right awaybut again to me the most important stepthe first thing to do is to reallyeducate yourself and learn the you knowthe basics learn about the opportunity Ican tell you definitely the opportunityis absolutely there it's still a longways to go as I've said before that youknow we're very much still in the veryearly stages of e-commerce there's goingto be huge growth and if you can educateyourself and take the right steps andyou know you're motivated to buildsomething of your of your own you canabsolutely absolutely be successful withit and you know in that case then Iwould definitely encourage you reallyjust to make sure you take action andtake kind of those first steps oflearning and taking and you know thoseinitial steps of getting underway tosell on e-commerce and again we stronglyrecommend that first platform beingbeing Amazon for for numerous reasons soif you're interested in selling onAmazon or an e-commerce in generalreally encourage you click the linkbelow check out our free workshop allabout selling on Amazon where we showexactly our exactprocess how we built a 75 million dollarbusiness on Amazon and more importantlythe exact techniques and steps that youcan use to get under way with your veryown e-commerce business and Amazonbusiness and if you've already have someexperience or how you can take yourbusiness to the next level and reallyreally grow and have a successfule-commerce business of your ownso if you like this video be sure togive us a thumbs up and I reallyencourage you to subscribe to ourchannel here because every week we comeout with brand new content all aboutinsights and tips and how you can besuccessful with Amazon showing you theexact techniques and topics that we useto grow our business to 75 million nowpaste over a hundred million and we'dlove to hear from you be sure to commentbelow with any questions you have aboutthe e-commerce space any insights thatyou have as well – again we love we lovethe feedback and we'd love to hear anyquestions you have[Music]you
