How To Start An eCommerce Business Online & Dominate – No Drop Shipping – 100% Free Course

hey everybody vics try to use here hopeyou're doing great if you have beenonline for more than about five minutesyou probably heard about the buzz on theinternet about this ecommerce rightfastest growing industry on the planetright now but here's a problem thoughmost of what you see out there has nofuture like most of the trainings ande-commerce has no future we justreleased a brand new trading one-commerce if you've ever wanted tolearn how to do ecommerce right that hasa future that can you know help youbuild a tremendously successful businessand leave a legacy let me show yousomething here this is my my work desksyeah I'm going to show you some videosover here let me show you this so thisis a a training series we just releasedthat you can see as well for yourselfI'm gonna just refresh this now check itout check out these comments here wejust released it just a few a coupledays ago actually this is executivedirector I'm trying to go off an tasticalong like the comments have been I meanthe response to this thing has beenabsolutely overwhelming this is atotally revolutionary completelydifferent way of doing e-commerce okayand so we're gonna be talking aboutwe're talking about the fastest growingbusiness in the world today and how youcan tap into this okay we're talkingabout traffic and marketing strategiesand secrets and prove millions in salesand a whole lot more here's the thing ifyou ever wanted to dig into somethingthat's solid something that's gonna behere for many many many many probablyfor a lifetime and you want to succeedat this definitely check out thetrainings that we just put it out itdoesn't cost you anything it's free thelink is gonna be belowyou know below at the top of this videocheck it out I think you'll reallyreally like it have a great day we'llsee you insideall right everybody fixed risers here Ihope you're doing awesome thanks forchecking out this page this may or maynot be for you but at least you willknow what's going on right so somehowmaybe I've invited you here maybesomebody else invited you here here'sthe planso this coming Thursday I'm holding alive training this will be an advancedtraining and the topic is going to beadvanced stuff so if you are anentrepreneur if you're online onlinemarketer if you're an affiliate ifyou're somebody who is perhaps trying tobuild your business but you're runninginto brick walls or if you want to knowhow do you create a campaign how do youcreate a promotion how do you sellwhatever it is that you might be sellingbut how to create it in a way that itdominates how do you create big resultsfrom products that may or may not beyours this might be a perfectopportunity for you to learn here's whatI'm doing I'm creating right now I'mactually coming to you from a hotel roombecause I am as I'm here here on one ofthe conference's I'm literallyengineering a launch it's going to be amega launch it'll be a big launch thatyou will probably hear about and atrillion dollars if you're not abusiness opportunity not anything likethat it's a product that fills uptremendous gap in an e-commerce spacenow here's what I will do I think Ithought the best way that I can teachpeople that come to me consistently andsay Vic how do we create big promotionshow do we sell products how do weengineer this stuff in and you know thatproduced big results that hopefully cangenerate tons of sales well here is howI can help you I think this Thursday I'mgonna do a live training webinar it'llhappen one time it will be it will notbe recorded we might sell it later as aproduct because the stuff I'm gonna showyou is going to really really deep stuffand I will basically take you behind thecurtain and show you exactly how Icreate massive massive promotions how doI take a product that might be myproduct or somebody else's product youcan apply this if you're an affiliate ifyou're building teams if you're sellingyour own stuff whatever it is thatyou're doing I think it'll be very verybeneficial for you to see how I take anidea and how do I create a campaign or apromotion for product that will go outthere and generate millions of dollarsin sales okay so I literally withoutgiving you too much details here I'vebeen a littleworking on this as you can see on my padon my iPad here and I want to walk youthrough the entire the all thesescribbles here everything right I'mgonna show you the exact you knowexactly how I go about engineering megamega promotions and and and what youwill do is you'll be able to learn ideasthis is not your basic okay how do I geta click to my site we're gonna coverthat but it's not here's the thing writethis downamateurs promote professionals launchokay and even if there is a product thatyou are already promoting out therethere is a way for youstrategy is very very important inbusiness okay people that are failingand making nothing versus those that goout there and crush it and pray hundredsof thousands of dollars in salesstrategy is the connector okay so thisThursday on the webinar live I will takeyou behind the curtain of how Iengineered this promotion I'm gonna takeyou and teach you a lot so there's gonnabe a lot of advanced stealthy kind of amaterial here definitely not foreverybody if you like you know if youdon't want to learn the advanced stuffthis is not for you don't don't comehere because I'll show you stuff that'sthat that will allow you to positionyour campaigns to generate and sell alot of products of whatever you might beselling now as well as positioning youfor you know for the upcoming future thenext month two months and three monthsso whatever you do now is going to scaleand grow so you can open multiplechannels of income if that's what youwant there's a way to do it so that theword that you do now is going tomultiply later on so the strategies likethis you want to get money going nowwhatever you're promoting but at thesame time you want to position yourselffor the future so that you can you knowremove yourself and so I will be showingyou exactly how I go about doing it ifyou're interested you can register someyou know at the top there below you cancreate your spot you can save your spotfor the webinar register it'll be a liveevent I'm gonna be walking you throughthings like you know literally exactlywhat I do how I engineer a megapromotion you will see this happening inthe marketplace so if you want to knowthe thinking that kind of goes behindthat planning all that stuff I'm gonnawalk you through my notes my scribbleswhat I think about how I go about itcalculate leverage how I engineer thewhole thing how I embed multiple streamsof income in whateverthat I'm doing again this is advancedstuff that's not channel 101 stuff buthere's the cool part you will be able tomodel it if you're ready for it if youwant to separate yourself from themasses the masses are just thinkingabout their linear stuff if you want toseparate yourself and you want to go anddo like the you know like the bigplayers are doing stuff perhaps for thefirst time you will be able to see someof the stuff that's like stealthy I willwalk you through again as I said whatI'm doing I'm gonna walk you through andshow you how I engineer multiple streamsof income embedded okay into this wholething I'm gonna show you how you take ityou can take any product and you canengineer a wave of momentum rightyourself again again temperaturespromote professionals one's gonna happenyou show you how you can model theseideas for yourself and perhaps thebiggest one of all there's a lot ofpeople who were asking me like Vic canyou we'll work with you so here's whatI'm gonna do I will tell you how you canparticipate if you wanted to okay thisis not a business opportunity this isnot something that you would have tolike okay I gotta join the deal topromote the deal to promote the do youknow the drill right but if you want tobe if you want to participate in aproduct launch that will be huge it willbe multi seven-figure product launchprobably it will be guided lunchokay so guided launch to where we runtogether as a group and by you know Iliterally direct people and tell peopleexactly you know what they should bedoing you can be a part of itI will tell you how you can run with usthis very very limited time we're notgonna take everybody obviously but youmay have an opportunity to participatein it so you can learn you can apply itand I'll give you an ability and tellyou how you can participate in this linejust literally happening over the nexttwo weeks that's why this webinar is notgoing to be recorded because this stuffwill not be relevant later on and andwhat i will do probably is i'm gonnatake what I'm gonna teach on thisThursday because of the strategiesbecause of the information we'll beputting out there in the marketplace Iwill most likely package it up and sellit as a product later on so if you wantto get in on this go ahead and registerget your spot secured please pleaseplease only register if you're seriousabout attending if you're like somebodywho's likeI'm not gonna tell they're not pleasedon't bother if you are somebody whowants to be like everybody else pleasedon't bother I'm like if you are if youwould like to take your game to the nextlevel you're not I mean like if you wantto become somebody who can create bigresults in your business this probablyis going to help you more than anythingelse that that you have probably seenout there on the internet if you knowanything about me you know I've launchedproducts that they've generated forother companies not even my stuffthey've generated over you know almostfive million in sales 4.5 million insales in five days and I've createdeverything from conception of an idea tothe whole launch pre-launch post launchthe whole thing generated campaign orcreated campaigns that brought in500,000 people into you know registrantsin a matter of two or three monthscreate some pretty phenomenal things inin the month in the industry right nowcoaching over a million people on amonthly basis on some of the platformsinside the 4% we've got over threehundred thousand members that aregetting coached by us phenomenal thingsthat can help in your business I didn'ttell you this you got to understand thestrategy so if you're looking forstrategies that can help you take yourgame not incremental it better but ifyou want to just take leaps and boundsjust totally different way of thinkingabout your business this is going to bea class you do not want to miss fornothing register above or below secureyour spot mark your calendar okay getyour schedule show up it will happenonce we're gonna be live and I lookforward to seeing you there if you'regonna be there okay and then you'reright thanks for watching and I lookforward look forward to seeing youcrushing out there all right be awesomehopefully I'll see you on four onThursday the 31st Cheersyou
