How To Start Social Media Marketing As A Beginner In 2019 – STEP BY STEP

what is up guys welcome to the strongestfamily on YouTube if you're new here myname is Kevin David in today's videowe're gonna be going over what a socialmedia marketing agency is and why it'sthe number one way to make money onlineright now if you have a zero money tostart so if you want to learn why mostof my students from all around the worldare having absolutely crazy resultsusing my strategies with social mediamarketing and stay tuned because this isgoing to be a good one[Music]the beautiful thing about social mediamarketing is all you need is for totalclients to make more than the averageAmerican makes per year all you need isfor people to say yes to you and all ofa sudden you're making more than theaverage American and obviously the USAis one of the most affluent richestcountries in the world with four yesesyou're all of a sudden making more thanthe average American makes in an entireyear that is the power of social mediamarketing and really quickly before weget into what social media marketingactually is I want to go over a questionthat I get all the time do I needexperience and do I need money to getstarted creating a social mediamarketing agency I don't know anythingabout marketing Kevin how can I makemoney creating an SM MA or a socialmedia marketing agency or a Facebook Adsagency or a digital marketing agencyit's all the same thing and the answerto that question is you don't need anyexperience whatsoever and you needliterally zero dollars in your bank toget started creating a social mediamarketing agency so before we actuallyget into how to find high ticket clientsto actually pay you every single monthto run their ads for them we want totalk about what an actual SM ma orsocial media marketing agency actuallyis and at the essence guys what an SM MAis is basically you run Facebook ads orInstagram ads or ads in general rightwe're gonna focus on Facebook ads useFacebook ads are by far the mostprofitable type of advertisement onplanet Earth right 2 billion monthlyactive users on Facebook Instagram adsare absolutely crazily profitable rightInstagram was just recently evaluated atover 100 billion dollars right just asmall portion of Facebook small portionof Facebook is worth more than mostcompanies on earth and Instagram ads areabsolutely explosive right now so we'regoing to be focusing on Facebook for themost part in this video but social mediamarketing companies can also be GoogleAdsright they can also be SEO it can be alot of different things but we're gonnafocus on Facebook so what an SM ma trulyis is you find businesses right you findlocal businessthat don't actually specialize inmarketing and you take care of themarketing for that because what is onething that all businesses need newcustomers right all businesses want moreprofitable new customers to actuallycontinue to pay them money so that theycan you know make a profit right that'swhat all businesses need and so whereyou come into the equation is youactually do the marketing for thesecompanies so that they can focus ontheir core products right most localbusinesses like restaurants dentistslawyers insurance companies right allthese different types of localbusinesses that every major city hasthey focus on what they do best rightdentists are good at making your teethclean doctors are good at making you notsick right but they are not specialistswhen it comes to actual digitalmarketing and as the world starts tochange and become more and moredigitally oriented it becomes much moreimportant to actually have an onlinepresence to have a Facebook account foryour business right to appear in Googlesearch to have an online presence sothat people can find you on Yelp rightevery single day that passes it becomesmore and more critical for businesses tohave an online presence and thatdefinitely includes and probably mostimportantly of which is paid advertisingto put your brand name and your businessin front of potential customers soanother common question that I get allthe time is okay how much are thesebusinesses going to actually pay me tohandle their social media they're paidtraffic and things like that and theanswer is most businesses right at thevery bottom this is kind of like thelowest most conservative rate that youcan you expect they're gonna pay you athousand dollars per month right so ifyou get four yeses like I said at thebeginning of the video you're making$4,000 a month or $48,000 a year but thebest part about an S Mme is that there'sno traditional business expenses rightyou don't have it you don't have to havean office building there's no cost ofgoods sold there's no inventory there'sno overhead right you just don't havetraditional expenses that mostbrick-and-mortar or you know mostbusinesses in the world actually haveeverything that you actually need inFord to create a social media marketingagency you can have up here in yourbrain right and once you have the theknowledge and once you're able toactually create ads and create trafficfor these businesses and bring themtargeted leads then you become in hairmore valuable to the marketplace andwhen that happens right all of a suddeneverything starts to change one finalquestion that I'm going to addressreally quick before we actually get intoa little bit more content of actuallyhow to find your plants and how todeliver results for them is Kevin youknow how am I going to be sure that I'mactually gonna be able to get newclients for these businesses how do Iknow that I'm actually gonna be able toproduce results and that's a greatquestion right but the thing is mostpeople don't know how to advertise onFacebook so if you know even the basicsright and the more you know the betterand the more you can charge and that youknow the more money you're gonna makebut even if you know the basics likecustom audiences look-alike audienceshow to install a pixel right how toretarget that pixel traffic which is allrelatively basic knowledge and if youdon't know what those things are thenmake sure you head over to my channelafter you watch this full video andcheck out my video on Facebook ad for2019 that video is over an hour long ithas over 1.1 million views and it'sgonna teach you everything that you needto know from an introductory perspectiveto actually start your own social mediamarketing agency so how do you actuallyfind your first client who is going topay you $1,000 a month well one of thebiggest problems is the chicken and theegg right to get new clients most peopleask you for a testimonial of your pastclients but how do you actually get achest ammonia Liff no one will allow youto be their first client so what I liketo teach my students is to actually workfor free and I know that might soundstrange to begin with but that is thesingle best way to get your foot in thedoor for people to start paying you it'sa very low risk to hire on someone evenif they're brand new if you say hey youknow my name is Kevin my name is KevinDavid I just started a digital marketingcompany or a social media marketingcompany or whatever you want to call itright it's all the same thing a facebookad agency all the same thingI just started you know a brand newdigital marketing company I'd like torun your ads for one week for free andI'm gonna get you some customers and allyou have to do is cover the actual costof the ads themself you don't have topay me a cent for running your ads nobusiness in their right mind is going toturn you down right especially if theydon't know anything about digitalmarketing so if you actually go intothat business and say hey I'm gonnahandle your digital marketing I'm gonnado it for free for a week all you'regonna have to do is pay for your adget you a bunch of new profitableclients right most businesses are gonnasay okay and the beautiful thing guys isif you know what you're doing and youactually start to deliver a few resultsthen that business is gonna want to hireyou on full time because it's theeasiest decision in the world to hiresomeone who actually makes you moremoney than it costs to have them workfor you right so if my fee is $1,000 amonth and I'm making your business$2,000 a month that's a very very simpledecision and so the best way to get yourfirst testimonial which is key becauseyou can actually use that testimonial toget new clients is to work for free foryour first few clients you can get someexperience right you don't have toactually cover any of their ad coststhemselves they cover that you just workfor free right so all you're doing isgiving them your time for free and onceyou do that you know one or two timesand you can use those people astestimonials for all your futurebusiness and the most beautiful partabout social media marketing is if youknow what you're doing which of courseyou will if you know you follow myinstructions as hundreds and hundreds ofmy students in my private group havedone and you're gonna be able to deliverresults and when you can deliver resultsto local businesses into smallbusinesses every dentist and everydoctor in the world knows like ten otherdoctors that they went to med schoolwith and all those doctors also needsocial media marketing they also needdigital marketing for their businessesto get them new and profitable payingcustomers and so a lot of the otherpeople who teach you know how to do SMMA always say you know go out there andstart cold calling all these businessesI have never cold called a business inmy entire life I paid phone teams toactually cold call but it's never beenas successful as just allowing myclients right in the doctors and thedentist and the lawyers and theinsurance companies that I'm runningtraffic for introduce me throughreferrals to their other friends and toother businesses so what I say is okaydoctor you're paying me $1,000 a monthfor every new paying customer that youbring me every other doctor dentistsevery other small business owner thatyou know I'm gonna give you five hundreddollars off your bill right and so I'mmaking $1,000 and I'm giving them a fivehundred dollar discount and I have a newclient who's gonna bring me new referralso I thank you guys if you're smart arestarting to realize just how incredibleof a business model this really is allyou have to do is know how to actuallyfind your first client and then know howto deliver results so let's jump into mycomputer right now and I'm going to showyou exactly how you can find your veryfirst profitable client that you can useto go out and do your marketing for youand introduce you to all their smallbusiness owner friends so that peopleare going to be literally beating downyour door to pay you a thousand dollarsevery single month let's jump into mycomputer right now and I'll show youalright guys welcome into my screenwe're gonna go over the three easiestsimplest fastest ways to actually findyour very first client right because alot of us have family and friends andone of the best ways to actually do itis if you have a dentist if you have adoctor that you have a relationship withthat you've used for years right askthem if they wouldn't mind you doingtheir advertisements for free all youthey all they have to do is pay fortheir own ads you'll do all of the workfor free and ninety-nine percent of thetime if you have a dentist or a doctoror an insurance agent or you knowlawyers that you've worked with or anysmall businesses in your community thatyou have a relationship with they'remore than likely to say yes especiallyif you actually know what you're doingand you can deliver some results whichyou know again after you've watched thisfull video if you haven't we're gonnahave a completely free training on howto actually deliver results to thesebusinesses right here down in thedescription after the video so this isthe three easiest best strategies toactually do this so what we're gonna dois we're gonna choose a random Citydentist in Las Vegas so we're gonnaignore the ads right here and we areactually going to go and open up all ofthese dentists right here I usuallyignore like Yelp because it just makesit a little bit harder but you canactually use Yelp – so what we'relooking at right here is this is justlike a random Oh actually this is adirectory so let's not use that one sothis is like a random dentist office inLas Vegas and what this is right herethis is a little chrome extension calledFacebook pixel helper right so you canjust literally Google search Facebookpixel helper and you can see it righthere so you're gonna go in download thison Chrome once you've downloaded it itliterally will tell you if any page thatyou visit on the web has a pixel rightso we can see that this actual websitehas a pixel so this this company atleast has a basic idea what they'redoing from a facebook advertising forspective right because if they have thepixel that allows them to be able toretarget people on Facebook and so it'slike it's a very basic level ofunderstanding so we're gonna close thisone out because they have a Facebookpixel so they're not the lowest hangingfruit right they're not the bestpotential possible actual client for usso we're gonna close that one we seethat this that these people actuallyhave multiple pixels right so maybe theyhave an agency already working with themso we're gonna ignore them too but wesee right here right that this thiscompany excuse me this dentist does nothave a pixel if we if we use the pic ofFacebook pixel helper extension it saysno pixels found on LVS smiles right andso what we can do is we can take thisphone number and we can call them or wecan you know look for their contactinformation down below right here'stheir Facebook Instagram we can messagethem on Instagram we could give them acall right and we could say hey you knowmy name is Kevin David I run a digitalmarketing company I was browsing yourwebsite and I saw that you didn't have apixel installed you know I couldprobably you know create a lot moreprofitable customers for you guys andyou know I'm just starting out mydigital marketing company so I'd bewilling to do it completely for free Iwouldn't charge you a single cent for mytime and I would just bring you guys abunch of you know brand new profitablecustomers and most people in their rightminds are gonna say yes right so whenyou actually call this number thoughyou're probably gonna get a secretary sonormally what I like to do is I'll sayyou know is the is the actual residentdentist right like trying to talk tolike a decision-maker rather than anactual secretary can just save you timebut a lot of times the secretary willpass on whatever you say to the actualowner of the business and most of thetime they are going to be interested inwhat you have to say right so that is avery very simple way to actually findyour very first client another extremelysimple way is what's called BNI so whatBNI is is Business Network internationalright so I'm just going to use the sameexample BNI at Las Vegas what this is isit's a it's just a massive networkingorganization for business owners so ifyou have a social media marketing agencyor you you know you actually performservices for local businesses likerunning Facebook Ads like managingsocial media BNI is an amazing place toactually go and get new customers rightfind new customers you go to theseevents and you just introduce yourselfeveryone's very friendly everyone'sliterally therespecifically to network right and so allyou have to do is go and network and sayhey you know I've run Facebook Ads youdon't have to say that you're the bestFacebook advertiser in the world rightbut say that yeah you know I started adigital marketing company recently andI've been you know having a lot of goodresults for my clients if that's true orjust you know all you have to say is Ijust recently started my social mediamarketing company you know I'd be happyto set up an appointment to see if Icould help your business right and thisis one of the fastest easiest ways thatmy students have been able to get abunch of new clients literally sometimesin a day and if you get four peopleright if you network and go for an houryou could talk you could easily talk tofour people 15 minutes each and if allfour of them say yes boom instantlyyou're making more than the averageAmerican is making for people to say yesusing BNI and the third strategy thatwe're going to talk about it's justusing Facebook right literally going onFacebook into the normal search bar andtyping in dentist Las Vegas right and wewent over here to pages and I would openup every single one of these pages and Iwould message them right I would lookand see if there's anything that I thinkthat they could do so you know all ofthese people probably have websites youknow you can see dentist of north LasVegas we didn't see this one right so Iwould go into this website and I wouldsee if they have a pixel right they do Icould still call them if I wanted to butI'll go through every single one ofthese I would you know send them amessageI would I would go and check out theirwebsite and I would literally send thema message saying hey you know I run adigital marketing company I run a socialmedia marketing company you know I'd behappy to run your ads completely forfree just to show you that I can giveyou results so it's zero risk on yourpart and I can just literally delivercompletely free value and 99% ofbusinesses say yes right so those arethree extremely extremely profitableactual ways to get your very firstclient right and doing it for freeto get your first testimonial then allof a sudden you have testimonials andit's much easier to get new clientbecause you have testimonials and all ofa sudden your current clients areactually introducing you to all of theirother small business owner friends andall of a sudden you have a ton of newclients that are paying you $1,000 amonth or more it's one of the beautifulparts about a social media marketingcompany is you can charge a thousanddollars a month maybe for the first fourpeople that you work with then the fifthperson you charge two thousand dollars amonth right you literally chargewhatever you want to charge if you onlywant five clientsand maybe you charge $1,000 for thefirst person mm for the second threethousand for the third right I've hadclients that I was charging literally$20,000 a month to run their actual adsfor and obviously these are largerbusinesses and it was after someexperience but the point is guys it'ssupply and demand like any otherbusiness and it's a very beautiful thingthat as you start to get more clientsyou literally become more valuable andyour time becomes more valuable so youcan either hire people to help you runthose ads or you can charge more foryour time so as you guys can see it'sliterally such a good opportunity tocreate a social media marketing agencyliterally with those three introductorystrategies you can get started I want toshow just a couple of my students we'vehad such ridiculous immediate successthis right here is John and he'sliterally where's gonna let listen tohim for like the next ten seconds he'sone of my favorite students in the firstweek he ever started trying to create anFM ma write his social media marketingagency he had tremendous success let'slisten I am really quick what's upbitches just left a dentist office he'sgot only one location but to presentedthe Facebook Adsit's just like Kevin's got the course Ihad went out on her Facebook pageand their website I've got some picturessotarget they love the idea I gave thevalue of the clicks funnel of $2,000we're just really quickly you can talkabout Jennifer who made over eleventhousand dollars profit in three daysusing what we teach inside of my privategroup guys I want to show just one morethis is Andrew he literally veryrecently worked at a hotel and you cansee right here in the screenshot he'sgetting absolutely tremendous resultsfor his clients Shopify store you cansee him saying right here that he haseleven clients now and that is a minimumof a one thousand dollar payment everysingle month per client so he's makingat the minimum eleven thousand dollarsper month so if you want to learnexactly how Andrew started to makeeleven thousand dollars per month withzero experience and zero money to startwe are hosting a completely freetraining and if you want to join thattraining all you have to do is click tothe link in the description right hereand we're gonna teach you some much morein-depth strategies on how to getstarted running Facebook Adsfor local businesses and getting paidvery very well to actually do exactlythat so I hope you guys enjoyed thisvideo if you did do me a favor becauseI'm working extremely hard to put theseout for you guys and show you a bunch ofnew ways to actually start making itmoney online click the like button rightnow leave a comment down below tellingme your thoughts on creating an S Mme orrunning Facebook ads for localbusinesses and using that as a way tomake money and as always guys if youhave it make sure you click that littlesubscribe button right here turn on thenotification bells to join thenotification squad and until next timeand then just happy hustling[Music]
