How To Take + Edit EASY AMAZING Lifestyle Product Photos For Ecom Stores

we've got a lot to do we are actuallygonna make a video on how we get contentfor our e-commerce store so I gotactually the print movement they hit meup wanting me to do some content forthem they got this sent me like a nicenice little watch right here but immashow you guys todayhow are you about doing that because allyou guys like how do I get content Idon't know photographers how much youguys how to do that with good camerasback cameras iPhones yeah let's get it[Music]honestly we could probably just get anice product over here to just as sopeople that it's not like a crazy likelike it's nothing crazy you know so thenext bit of creative art on the groundyou guys right now it is about what timeit's like see it's for 19 okaysunset here is like around sunset sevenguys which is usually like an hour hourhalf before sunset or after sunrise isusually like the best time to takephotos if you guys are really wonderingabout thatjust like when to go after photos butmost of time any sort of lighting worksit's just like harsh lighting andsomething you want to try to avoid butwith the presets I use it's usually notthat big of a not that big of an issueso we got caught right here Ohfor someone just starting out like justgetting your own contents and moreimportant than like having it be likeamazing which is good I'll take one likethis focus the watch and we're gonnaturn this into something really good forto next the parking garage just becausethat's an easy spot it's something thatpeople should be able find reallyanywhere where they live I think it'spretty if you need to take photos aroundthere so that's where we're off to it'scrowded but I did see a bridge sort ofbridge down here which we can doingdonuts up here at nightit's not something I'd recommend but Ijust there's a lot of photos like thison Instagram something in trying toemulate one you do not try at home we donot condone or endorse this this is acar literally right there we got theshot we got the shot all right guys sowe are now in the office basically I'mgonna hop into a screen share real quickhere for you guys to kind of break downbasically how our editing the video sofirst thing guys we are using theprogram Adobe Lightroom and so with thatthe desktop version is you do have topay for that they do offer a free travelbut guys if you want the free version ofthis it's free literally on mobile so onyour high point you can actuallydownload the free app and see how we dothat so skip ahead if you just want todo the free iPhone app and use thetemplates that way but basically guysfor this for this section right for thisperson I'm sure guys how to edit on mydesktop because for the more you knowcontent centric people this will bedefinitely more vibe with you so mucheach here real quick and now let's getinto itokay so first thing you'll notice guysagain I was kind of messing around butwhat we want to do is actually importall the presets so for example the teamhas presets I'm using which is ones thatI usually use I'm going to go to overagain I have like them open okay guysand I'm gonna go to user presets rightclick and click import so I can actuallyimport my presets in and then from thereI would go click type Atlas and thenit's open up so you guys win for examplefor these Atlas presets they are the youdo get access to the mobile ones likeit's the the the software is free nowwe're going to import all of these oneshere ok guys so we have 40 presets andI'm just showing you guys how to importthis into your section now theyshouldn't be in hereI'm sorry guys as you'll see there's 8different themes for every single one sofor example if I reset this photo soagain this is a photo I took at the gasstation right there you just found thecar at the gas station so if I apply youknow white theme one rightjust smack that on and foremost is formost photos guys depending on you knowthe actual substance of your photos likethe lighting the exposure that there'sthere's only like three or four mainthings you guys will need to focus on interms of using the desktop applicationonce you're using it so again you pick apreset right something that fits youlike obviously this is probably not eventhe best one to pickgiven the current lighting situation butyou guys you know how we can fix thatwith this so I'm gonna break down forthis oneprobably just up the exposure just a bitokay so yeah that kind of just makes ita little bit brighter now my armslooking really orange so I might dosomething a little more advanced andscroll down here to the HSL tab which ishue saturation and luminance and I wouldjust change the saturation of orangebecause you get my arm is really reallyorange so I would just tone that downjust a bitjust to make it seem less you know likestand standout ish okay things to knowguys the big things will be changing ourexposure temperature maybe clarity andthey kinda just messing up thesaturation limits taps guys but it'sreally just those those big ones are theones like the actual exposure willchange the brightness the temperaturewill actually change it you know eitherwarmer or harder you know give it all inthe actual photo and again that that'skind of up to you guys blowing in withthese presets that develop so that it'sjust you smack them on and they're goodto go so this is what I use basicallyfor our product photography and I justcan see this is there's a bunch ofdifferent ones to play with that you canreally just smack on and again withwhatever lighting situation is it's justa matter of increasing you know theexposure curve for ninety percent ofthis which is cool okay so that was theone that we just took out a gas stationnow let's go to another one I wasplaying around with here right so againa photo that we took at the gas stationliterally just me standing in front of acar with the watch on right the productokay this is the edited version of thatright again just slapping a preset oncome be on site now one thing I want youguys to notice with this one right isthis would be done a little bit more ofan advanced tactic and contacted by alittle bit of advanced feature to use ifyou're just brand new to all this rightbut basically what I did is I went tothis topclick the circle icon alright andbasically what I did was I created alittle oval just around the productitself okay and then I did that Iclicked invert and then I just bumped upthe clarity a bit and a little bit ofthe exposure okay so what that does isbasically everything in that oval rightis what you're gonna be changing whatyou're gonna be affecting in the actualimage okay and with a lot like with theproduct photography what you want to door focus on right is it's like it's likeeven like psychology is like you wantpeople to look at your product righteven if it's a really good photo youneed people to actually look at yourproduct or at least eventually drawtheir attention towards the product liketo actually make sure that's the actualfocus of the photo and to help you dothat is again by just making an ovalaround your actual product increasingthe clarity um you know bumming updateor just a little bit and so in somecases right and then proceeding to editlike that guys let's do one more go hereso this is when I was on the bridgeearlier today again we can play aroundwith a lot of these different themesI'm let's go with white number two I forthis one okay for this one we can evenjust turn down the exposure just alittle bit okay and then I might youknow want to make it just a little bitwarmer something that guys so again yousee how we're going from you know animage just like this right to somethinglike this alright again with just amatter of a few clicks which is which isreally nice and again my goal for thisis just streamline the process right soagain with content even with marketingwhatever you're doing right is to makeit as efficient and you know seamless aspossible so you guys are you knowediting these photos and whatnot again Iwant you guys it doesn't take you knowyou don't need to go to these iconicplaces you don't need to go to all thesebig fancy places you can go anywhere aslong as you have your product a cameraand you know at least know how on how toedit which is what I'm to do for youguys it's actually showing you know Ihey there's just a few things you guyscan use here to edit whatever presetsyou have right and then export those anduse those for you know your ads yoursocial media whatever whatever youdecide to use your content for righthere's another one I play around with aswell again we turned that one from thisright so again again wecan literally just play around with somedifferent so this one's white sake soI'm a big fan of white guys if you guysdon't know that this is my Instagramfeed I like to eat needs a very verywhite but for this instance right Imight bump up the shadow just a littlebit this one I gently exposure a bitjust to bring you up but probably don'twhatnot and I might actually change theoranges up just a little bit this is avery deed this is a very very desaturatelook guys but nonetheless it is betterthan the raw okay yes that's just anover over here it's just like okay guysyou can go basically anywhere to getphotos of your product alright the theactual key part is is you know actuallydetermining how to actually edit thephotos right because again it's notnecessarily like the camera that makesit really like it's not the camera thatmakes the photographer right it's theirvisions their their overall process ofdelivering that piece of content to theend consumer right and again editing isa big big portion of that not justsnapping the actual photo so yeah that'sjust it I wanted to show you guys thatwe're gonna hop into the mobile editingone right now so I can show you guys howto actually do that with an iPhonepicture with Lightroomwhich is the free version which isavailable on mobile and how to actuallyget the presets that I have availablefor you guys on the mobile app for freeand just start smacking those on alrightso let's do thatthis Apple can be using as a Lightroomcc okay guys which is basically theAdobe version of this except for mobilebut this is free okay guys so again ifyou're really really trying to bootstrapit you can you can grab the mobile appfor freeand you just have to be frozen beginwith with our Atlas presets that we madethey are for mobile as well okay soyou're getting 40 desktop ones and 41whether you can they just slap onprivation now I want you guys so againwe're just seeing on my phone screenright now this is just one of our whitepresets so again if you follow meInstagram there's eight white presetsthat you guys can basically choose frommake presets in life but in LightroomMobile it's it's a little bit it's veryhard because you can't just have a fileand you knowand put it into lightroom so basicallyit's a picture all right I'm just calledAtlas presets okay and each each picturehas the different reset applied to itbut when you first get these presetsright once you've imported them on yourphone or air drop them or sent them toyourself because they are just picturesbut they're saved in a special fileformat that you guys can actually taketo be take the editing from that pictureand apply it to any of use one we havethis photo now if I go back here this isan iPhone photo that I took right at thegas station that you guys that you guyssaw all right this is again just a rawiPhone photo nothing special about itand I'm just literally going to go tothe Atlas preset photo okay click thetop right I'm gonna click copy settingsalright and then again you don't want touncheck anything sorry any press okayright after you do that go back to theiPhone photo okay guys I'm here thisisn't crazy now this is all we're allgonna go click the top right button andthen when click paste settings boom thatlooks like a professional camera tookthat photo holy all right now againthere's small things that you guys canalways you know adjust and crop and workon with the colors and whatnot so likethe temperature I might make it a littlebit more yellow right so yeah this looksreally really good with just literallyalmost no no touches okay guys like thisis a professional but like this could beon a huge Instagram page with this withthis photo okay guys again this is likejust a very quick edit that you guys canslap on basically if you you know have apreset you can import it and then copythe settings onto an iPhone photo andmake it look really really really goodokay guys again that's really just how Iedit my photos you don't need anythingcrazy you guys it's just a little bit ofcreativity a little bit understandingespecially with products guys there's adifference between you're takingpictures of a person versus takingpictures of a product and it's it's it'sjust being creative guys you don't needto go to these crazy places all the timeor the special meeting just starting outyou can really really be created likeyou'll see what I mean kai did was wewent to a gas station took the photos wewent to a parking garage we went to abridge and just took some photos andthen again with these presets it'salmost like you don't you don't evento be really good fun it's just slappingstuff on and then editing it slightly toadjust it and then guys that that'sreally how you can create a reallyreally good on it's like honestly thisis just like something actually meposting for everyone because I meanagain like this is like I have stuff inthe course that's a lot more but this ispublic for you guys to be usingliterally right now so if you guys dowant the presets link is in thedescription guys there's 40 so get 40presets for your laptop and then 40presets for your phone you guys can usefor everything okay so there's whitepresets there's warm presets there'scool presets cool as in like thetemperature so like a little bit moreblues warmest would be a little morelike sunset yellow it's Hollywoodalright and white preset in a vintagepreset group okay guys so there's 40presets all bundled into that you guyscan check that out in the descriptionthere's also the course guys I haven'treally talked about it yet I don't wantto make a full dedicated videoexplaining it but basically the courseis out now there's three times morecontent in this new course platformright and it's not even officially outbecause I haven't made of like aofficial announcement yet I haven't evenyou know again if you're in the oldcourse you don't need to buy it againI'll be making an announcement theprivate group there to send everyone tothe new platform and yeah guys so I hopeyou guys enjoy the video because thehoping that gave you a bit of anunderstanding I'm just like how you guyscan go about getting content fore-commerce orders or just you knowgetting content in general and editingcontent guys again it just takes a lotof experimentation and playing aroundwith the programs understanding that butagain I hope you guys enjoy the videodon't mind my purple hair here I went toa salon and yes I'll talk about that butI hope you guys enjoy the video makesure to leave a likemake sure to converse about all yourcomments and don't forget to subscribeguys I will see you guys in the next onedon't forget to check the descriptionfor all the important stuff I'll see youin the next video take care[Music]
