How to use Shopify + Pinterest Integration? Selling on Pinterest | Pinterest for Ecommerce (2020)

How does Pinterest marketing work for
eCommerce sites? Can you connect yourShopify store and Pinterest and how you
can start profitably selling onPinterest? I will answer all these
questions and more in today's video.Hi! I'm Anastasia I'm
a Pinterest marketing expert and if yousign up for my channel you will get
fresh and valuable Pinterest tips everyThursday. So click on Subscribe and on that
Bell button to get notifications and nowlet's move on to your questions. So, why
am I so confident that Pinterest is agreat place to promote products for
eCommerce sites? Well, just look at thesequick stats to show you how strong is
the buyer intent on Pinterest. 90% ofweekly users are looking on Pinterest to
make purchasing decisionsthis may include immediate purchases and
planning for later purchases.55% of users said that they login to Pinterest
specifically to find products, that'smore than half of all the user base and
50% of Pinterest users say that they buysomething after seeing a Promoted pin (meaning a Pinterest ad). And based onthese factors, Pinterest is about 4
times more effective at generating salesthan other social media platforms. If you
have been eCommerce or dropshippingbusiness for a while now, you probably
know that most of the marketers wouldrecommend you Facebook Ads. But the hard
part about Facebook Ads nowadays is thatit's too much competition there. So
Facebook has become too expensive,especially for beginners in the industry.
And if we compare Pinterest andInstagram, just the fact that every pin
image on Pinterest is clickable and canbe linked to your store or directly to
the product page, just this fact itselfmakes Pinterest so much more powerful as
a traffic source compared to Instagramwhere you can have max
one link to the store in your bio andthat's it. Another reason you should be
on Pinterest is because of the half-lifeof a pin. It's so much longer than an
average post duration on other socialmedia platforms like Instagram or
Twitter for example. If you get trafficfrom your post on these platforms it
will last for a few hours perhaps -maximum one day. Your pins on Pinterest
can bring you traffic for many monthsand for some pins even for years. This
especially applies to seasonal productsbecause Pinterest tends to revive old
viral pins every year when the seasoncomes. I've seen this a lot with my
Halloween and Thanksgiving pins. You cansee on this screenshot that I'm getting
traffic from the same post the same pinsbasically are getting viral year
after year at the same time. And I hopeto get traffic again, the same viral
spike of traffic this year in aroundOctober and November. So what are the
best e-commerce platforms you can usewith Pinterest? I will start with Etsy because it's one of the firstplatforms Pinterest created integration
with and moreover Etsy is the onlyplatform of its kind for which Pinterest
created a simple verification process inyour account. To connect your Pinterest
account with Etsy and start seeingProduct pins, you don't even need to
install any code on your store. You cansimply verify your Etsy shop by just
going to your settings and then clickingto Claim and here you will see
verification for Etsy when you clickhere the browser will simply ask you to
log in to your Etsy account and when youdo it – boom! – your verification is complete
and you're gonna start seeing yourRich pins for these Etsy product pins.
If you're not sure what a Product pin is,let me just show you a few examples. So,
if we click and on this pin, it's anirregular pin that
goes to a post on their site and thisis called article type of pin it's also
a Rich pin but it's an Article pinbecause it goes to an article. And if you
go back you will see here some Productpins, they will have this icon on the
left and when you click on a Product pinit always has a price tag. It also brings
from the site, from the product page itbrings the title of the product and the
description. But the main differencebetween the product pin and article pin
is that product pins they bring theinformation about the price of this
product. Here is a perfect example of anEtsy product pin you can see that the
link goes to an Etsy store, and youhave here all the information that
is displayed on the Etsy product page.One side note here. To see the settings
that I'm showing you about claiming yourEtsy store, you must have a business
account on Pinterest. If you don't knowwhat I'm talking about and how to set up
a business account, I already published avideo with all the details about it on
my channel. I will give you a link tothat video in the info icon. It will be
in the top right corner and also I willduplicate that link in the description
below this video.So basically Pinterest just connects
Etsy account as easy as your YouTube orInstagram account and if you have an
Etsy store and also a self-hostedwebsite, you can actually verify both of
them on the same Pinterest businessaccount. So if I had an Etsy store I
could claim it here and I alreadyclaimed my blog on this
Pinterest profile. Another platform I geta lot of questions about is Shopify. Yes,
you can and you should verify yourShopify store on Pinterest and it's
really easy because Shopify andPinterest apparently work together to
make this integration seamless on theuser side. To verify your domain on
Pinterest, you will just need to followthis simple instruction provided by Shopify official site which helps you verifyyour store on any third-party services
including Pinterest and Google Webmaster Tools.Let me just show you on my test
Pinterest account. So, you will just goback to your settings over here and then
you will get to this Claim tab and fromhere you can just I'm just putting some, and I will click Claim.So what happens is you need to select
Add HTML tag and here. It will show you ameta tag which you need to paste into
your HEAD section of the site. Now let'sgo back to the instruction on Shopify
Help Center and you can probably pausethis video here if you want to check the
steps or maybe if you watch this videolater again when you actually are going
through this process, you can pause thevideo so you can see the exact steps and
follow them. So, the first step is you goto Shopify admin and from there you go
to online store and then choose themes.The option Themes and there you will
find the theme you want to edit, andthen click Actions and choose Edit code.
And then in the layout section, you willclick theme.liquid to open the file
in the online code editor and then youjust need to copy the meta tag that I
was just showing you on your Pinterestaccount and paste it on a blank line
directly below the opening HEAD tag andthen you just need to click Save. Make
sure you don't delete anything becauseif you save these changes with the things
that you erased accidentally it will bereally hard to fix it. And this is it –
your store should be verified within 24hours by Pinterest, probably even faster
and so you will be able to use Rich pins.In our case, we are talking about
e-commerce site, so its Product pins Ialready showed you how Product spin
looks a pins look and you will see theseProduct pins automatically because like
I mentioned Shopify and Pinterest madethis integration
really easy and smooth on theuser side. Shopify is not the only
platform to make product pins availableyou can also use BigCommerce or Magento
and some other platforms but I cannot gointo all the details instructions like I
showed you for Shopify in this video andI will not show you the website
verification for each of these platformsbut you will have to use their help
centers or their support pages if youcannot figure out for your platform how
to do it so easily as I showed you onShopify. For example, this is the BigCommerce help center and they have adetailed page about using Pinterest and verifying your site onPinterest. Now how do you know if your
product will be easy to sell on Pinterest?It is known that about 80% of
all Pinterest users are female audienceso keep that in mind. But at the same
time, the recent stats showed that in thelast four or five years more men
joining Pinterest so the demographic onthis platform is changing slowly but
steadily. Some of the niches which havethe largest audience on Pinterest based
on the numbers of the followers for eachtopic are home decor, fashion, health,
weight loss also anything holidayrelated like Christmas gift ideas,
Mother's Day gift ideas etc. All thisworks great on Pinterest because people
like to use this platform for planningtheir holiday spending in advance. If
you're not sure if Pinterest would workfor your niche, ask me in the comments
below and I will let you know what Ithink about your niche and whether it
might work with Pinterest. If you decideto try Pinterest traffic for your store,
I don't recommend starting it if youdon't have the time to invest into
learning about Pinterest platform.Pins on Pinterest can bring you traffic for
months or even years like I mentionedearlier in this video, but in order for
them to work this way, you need to have aproven strategy and you have to use
Pinterest SEO (search engine optimization)to rank your pins high in search results
so that your pins will be shown totargeted audience of people who actually
searched for the products you are selling.You can dive deep into all of this in myPinterest SEO Traffic Course. I will give
you a link in the description below thisvideo. Now let me give you some tips for
eCommerce sites that will help you seegreat success with Pinterest traffic. So
the first tip is make sure the imagesyou save from your shop are vertical and
worthy. If you simply save any small orhorizontal product images from your shop
and hope the traffic will come fromPinterest, unfortunately, it will not work
for you. Every platform has its rules andits own recommended formats for content. On Pinterest yourimages have to be between 2:3
and 1:2 image ratio, so these aretall pins. And the minimum size should be
600 by 900 pixels. So yes, you might haveto create images specifically for
Pinterest or at least you might need tooptimize your original product images to
fit the ideal size for this platform.But the work you're going to invest into
this, it really will be worth it. Anothertip would be to create multiple pins for
each landing page on your site or eachproduct page. So creating between 5 or
even 10 pins that lead back to the sameproduct page, you're creating more fresh
content for Pinterest, more originalcontent and that's what Pinterest wants.
Every image you create is a new piece ofcontent for Pinterest, even if it leads
to the same product page. So it's alwaysworth creating new pins for your pages.
Another unexpected tip for eCommerceshops would be attach a simple blog to
your store and drive additional trafficfrom Pinterest. So you're going to drive
traffic to your blog and then from yourblog users will go to your product pages
and when this process happens, when theycome to a product page, this is
already a warm audience. If you are onShopify, you can actually create a blog
right on the same domain as your storebecause Shopify has the
blogging functionality as well. When yousend users directly to a product pages
you're working with cold audienceremember that. I'm not saying you
shouldn't ever work with cold audiencesbut you know that it's harder to convert
those users into customers. If youpresent your products in a blog post
that shows how the customer will benefitfrom your products and in the form of a
story or maybe a round-up with a list ofyour products you're helping to build
this trust and engagement with youraudience before you start selling them
something. My next tip would be testPromoted pins (also called Pinterest ads)
to promote your products and one of thereasons why you can get a lot of traffic
from promoted pins is because whensomeone clicks on those pins they
immediately land on your product pagesLet me show you the difference
between a promoted pin and a regular pin.So, this is a Promoted pin because that's
what Pinterest says promoted by the Tailwind Team.And this is a regular pin. When I
click on a regular pin what happens isthat the pin opens and then to go to the
site, I will need to click the second time.What happens with a promoted pin when I
click on the pin it doesn't open the pinin a bigger size. It just shows me, it
just sends me to the landing page andPinterest ads are still very affordable
compared to ads on Facebook or Instagram.You can get clicks for as low as 10
cents or even less if you have highclick-through rates. I published a more
detailed video about Pinterest ads on mychannel. As usual, I will give you a link
to that video at the top right corner ofthe screen in the info icon and also I
will duplicate this link in thethe description below this video. And of
course, Pinterest SEO. This stuffreally matters!
Don't even try saving pins mindlesslyand hope that Pinterest will just send
you traffic to the store you have to addkeywords to your pin descriptions
product titles and descriptions. You haveto work on up to
of your Pinterest boards etc. But Ialready told you about my Pinterest SEO
Traffic Secrets Course, you will get in thereeverything you need to know to
successfully drive traffic to your storewith organic pins. And if you have any
questions about Pinterest don't hesitateto ask me in the comments below this
video.Any comments help YouTube algorithm rank
the videos higher and show them to morepeople and when my videos are seen more
often,it gives me motivation to keep going and
creating more useful content aboutPinterest marketing and sharing them on
my channel for free. And see you in thenext videos!
