How to Write Product Descriptions that Sell in 2020 | Oberlo Dropshipping

In this video, I’m going to show you how
to increase sales with product descriptions.When you’re setting up your Shopify store,
product descriptions usually end up beingone of the last things on your to-do list.After spending so much time on your store,
it can be easy to skip this step.Today, I’ll explain why skipping writing
product descriptions is a huge mistake.I’ll start by explaining what an effective
product descriptions is.Then, I’ll explain where product descriptions
fit in your sales funnel.Finally, I’ll give you an easy template
to use to write your own product descriptions.By the end of this video, you’ll know:How product descriptions can help increase
conversionsHow to write effective products descriptions
for any niche3-step template you can start using todayAnd more.Ready to get started?Watch on.Hey everyone it’s Jessica from Oberlo.If you’re new here, Oberlo is an online
marketplace of products you can dropship.Dropshipping, by the way, is one of the easiest
ways to start an online business.Instead of buying tons of inventory for your
online store, you only order products whenyou get sales.Your supplier ships your orders for you, so
you can sell all over the world!But being a successful dropshipper requires
constant learning.Make sure you hit subscribe so you never miss
our tutorials, dropshipper interviews, andproduct recommendations every Tuesday and
Thursday!Successful dropshippers Andreas and Alexander
were one typo away from success.They had their entire store setup and were
running Facebook ads but not seeing conversions.After changing the spelling of one–yes, one–word
in their production description, the salesstarted ringing in!That just goes to show how much of an impact
well-written product descriptions can haveon sales.So, what is a product description anyways,
and what’s the point of it?A product description is not just the supplier’s
facts about the product.A product description is not just a list of
different colour variants and sizes.A product description describes a solution
to one of your customers problems, needs ordesires.A product description is the copy that explains
what a product is and why it’s worth purchasing.The purpose of it is to supply customers with
details around the features and benefits ofthe product so they are compelled to buyA marketing study showed that listings with
a product description had a 78% increase inconversions compared to listings that just
used the manufacturer’s specifications ortrust badges.As a business owner, it is important you understand
your customer’s journey through the salesfunnel.Once they click on your ad or visit your store,
every step they take can either make or breakthe sale.Remember, the product description is right
above the ‘add to cart’ button.It might be the last thing your customer reads
before purchasing the product or leaving yourstore.I’ve seen many dropshippers make this mistake
before.They spend hours setting up their store, spend
money on paid Facebook ads, and then leavethe manufacturing facts as the product description.Talk about a conversion killer!Think back to the last few products you bought
online.You most likely read the description before
purchasing them.You might have even been on the fence about
the purchase, and were convinced to purchaseby what you read.A product description addresses your ideal
buyer directly and personally.You ask and answer questions as if you’re
having a conversation with them.You answer problems they might not know they
have yet.So, now you know why you’re never going
to skip writing product descriptions again.But, how do you actually write them?Even though they need to be simple and short,
those few sentences can feel impossible towrite.English may not be your first language, or
you may not be familiar with your productsniche and have no idea where to begin.That’s okay, because dropshippers are problem
solvers, Now I have some strategies you canuse to make writing effective product descriptions
easy.It’s important to remember you are selling
to a target audience.You need to understand them and speak their
language.Product copy that converts best is able to
empathize with the target customer and addressall their purchase objections.You most likely wouldn’t sell a new phone
to your best friend and mom in the same way.First, you need to get to know your target
customer.Get to Know Your Target CustomerTo find out about your target audience, there
are some simple questions you can ask.First, who is the product for?Ask yourself if there is a specific gender,
age, or lifestyle that defines this groupof people.If you’re running Facebook ads, ask yourself
the same questions you used to build youraudiences.A simple exercise to use here is to imagine
you were getting coffee with your customerfor the first time.You might ask about their hobbies, tv shows
they watch, and what their friends are like.Once you have a general idea of who your customers
are, get to know them a little more!Use Instagram, Reddit, or any other online
communities to see what they’re like.Look for language they use, their humour,
and even what emojis are the most prevalent.This is all helpful information you can use
to write your product descriptions.Once you know how to talk to your target customer,
you need to ask yourself why they would wantthis product.Why Does Your Customer Want to Buy This?What are their needs, and what problems are
they looking to solve?If your product is not clearly solving a problem,
you’ll need to step back and get more creative.For example, jewelry does not solve any concrete
problems.But, it does solve a need for women and men
to express themselves, feel more sophisticated,or find a gift for someone special.To see another example of this, consider laptops.If someone is shopping for a laptop, they
are seeking a portable solution that a desktopcomputer can’t provide.Because of that, most laptops have their weight
near the top of the description.When it comes to writing the description itself,
keep it short and simple.Keep the Description Short and SimpleYou won’t convert a sale if you bore your
customer to sleep.You want to keep your product description
clear and scannable so they are easier toread for potential customers.Bullet points are a great way to highlight
features and make them easy to read for yourcustomers.If you’re having a difficult time writing
your own product descriptions, I’ve gota product descriptions hack for you!Even if you have a unique product, there is
sure to be similar ones in the same nichebeing sold by competitors.Large ecommerce stores have professional copywriters
writing their descriptions for them.Use Google to find them and read them for
inspiration.They will help you identify your audience’s
language and what features they are lookingfor.To become good at writing product descriptions,
you’ll need to read a lot of them.Practice makes perfect!Ok, now you know what makes an effective product
description and how it can increase your conversionrate.Now, I have a 3-step template for you from
Nicole, an experienced ecommerce entrepreneurat Oberlo, to make writing your product descriptions
quick and easy.Each point can be one sentence or multiple
sentences.It’s up to you to test the length to see
what will resonate with your customer better.The first step is to complement the customer
in relation to the product.Compliment the customer in relation to the
product.Find a feature of your product that your customer
is looking for.Relate it to them to show them how it’s
a perfect fit.For example, if you’re selling the microwave
cleaner, you can mention how heated you bothget when it’s dirty!Use the word “you” or “your” as if
you’re talking directly to your customerin the description.If your customer identifies with the emotions
in the product description, they will be morelikely to feel like that product was made
for them and they need it!The second step is to mention the product
benefit in relation to the product feature.2.Mention the product benefit in relation to
the product feature.Use your audience research to answer one of
your customer’s potential problems witha product feature.With wireless headphones, one product feature
would be the battery life.The benefit of a longer battery life is that
it allows your adventure-seeking customermore time to explore the world rather than
sit by the charging station.You don’t need to explicitly explain what
your product can do for your customer, butit helps.When you’re online shopping, you’re not
always shopping with your problems top ofmind.For example, I may not realize how my dirty
microwave could ruin my date night until Iread it in your product description!The third step is providing a simple recommendation.3.Provide a simple recommendation.Wrap up your product description by giving
a recommendation.Recommend that the customer use your product
a certain way, or suggest they buy anotherproduct to go with it.For a wireless headphones product description,
you might suggest your customer buy a wirelessphone charger in your store too.If you’re selling clothing, you can suggest
an accessory or another piece of clothingto help them complete their look.If you’re looking for examples of knockout
product descriptions, make sure to check outNicole’s blog post in the description below.Now I’d love to hear from you.Have great product descriptions helped you
convert?Was a product description ever so good it
convinced you to purchase the product?Leave a comment and let me know.I’ll chime in with my thoughts.Thanks for watching.Until next time, learn often, market better,
and sell more.
